Birdwatching Is Challenging

Kev and Codey talk about Cinnabunny


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:03:07: I Know What You Released Last Month
00:06:45: What Have We Been Up To
00:23:19: Game News
00:52:48: New Games
01:02:27: Cinnabunny
01:34:10: Outro

Elusive Kickstarter
Disney Dreamlight Valley Tales of Agrabah
Travellers Rest 0.7 Update
Resarch Story 0.12 Update
Horticular Frozen Frontier DLC
Stardew Valley Merch

Ashwood Valley
Farming Simulator VR


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(0:00:30) Kev: Hello farmers and welcome to the harvest season on Kevin and with me today is
(0:00:37) Codey: Cody!
(0:00:39) Kev: Whoo, we’re here to talk about cod score games. Whoo. There’s somewhere in there put those things in the right order
(0:00:40) Codey: Woo!
(0:00:43) Codey: Woo! Ow, ow, ow!
(0:00:47) Kev: Hungry like that man hungry like the wolf already going off in the first change a deal. I’d like to rant around
(0:00:52) Kev: But what a good it’s been
(0:00:53) Codey: I love Duran Duran.
(0:00:56) Kev: So good
(0:00:57) Codey: I grew up on Duran Duran.
(0:00:59) Kev: I grew up
(0:01:00) Kev: on a lot of 80s because I know that’s what my parents listened to and that just transferred over
(0:01:05) Kev: to me right um so a lot of fondness for those groups um but yeah her name is rio and she’s
(0:01:10) Codey: Mm hmm. She dances on the sand, man.
(0:01:13) Kev: dancing on the sand don’t you know yeah oh man um it it kind of paints me how many of these bands
(0:01:22) Kev: that i’ve never actually going to see in concert that I enjoy right because we’re all you know
(0:01:26) Codey: Oh my god, I’ve never thought of that. Why did you just do that to me?
(0:01:31) Kev: the one I mean yeah I would kill for a hall of notes concert but I don’t know when that’ll happen
(0:01:41) Kev: I need hachi are they touring I don’t know you know because they make money so um maybe they’re
(0:01:49) Kev: still touring I don’t know oh apparently they’re touring hall of notes in canada and houston and
(0:01:56) Kev: And Santa Tony would say, “Well, keep tuned, listen to me.”
(0:02:00) Kev: And he was like, “Will Kevin get to see Hall & Oates in concert? Maybe.”
(0:02:06) Kev: Anyways, well, we’re actually here to talk about not just reverence for the ’80s,
(0:02:10) Kev: but we are here to talk about College Corps games, in particular Cinnabunny,
(0:02:18) Kev: the bunny-baking game, action RPG game, throwing all those genre modifiers in there.
(0:02:26) Codey: the bunny baking action RPG, the way that you said that makes me think that you bake something and then that’s like a weapon that you use to defeat evil. And I’m so looking forward to discussing how that’s incorporated into the game. Right?
(0:02:34) Kev: Oh my gosh, I’d be sick that would be so sick doing ear combos with a baguette
(0:02:51) Kev: It is RPG though, I mean you are doing actions, you can fly planes.
(0:03:04) Kev: Alright but before we get to that we got news, we got other stuff, and you know what, I missed
(0:03:10) Kev: the last episode or two, do we formalize this segment name, I know what you released last
(0:03:14) Kev: month, yeah I remember you did it, yes, yes, yeah, yeah I don’t think that, I haven’t seen
(0:03:14) Codey: Well, so we did it at the end of January and I think that’s what we joked that the thing
(0:03:23) Codey: would be called.
(0:03:24) Codey: And so now I think that’s what it is.
(0:03:26) Codey: So it’s “I know what you released last month.”
(0:03:31) Codey: Ooooooh!
(0:03:32) Kev: those numbers, but here we go. Let’s see what the scary thing is.
(0:03:34) Kev: What came out in February of 2025? Well, first of all, Cinnabonnie did
(0:03:46) Kev: indeed release in just the past few weeks. I will get to play that game, but it’s
(0:03:51) Kev: good. It’s on Steam right now only for Windows. Sadly, no Mac or whatever. It is
(0:03:58) Kev: only $24.99 USD. I think it’s a great buy at that price. Obviously, I will get into
(0:04:04) Kev: it more later, but the price. We got Pixel Cross Rune Factory on Switch and Steam,
(0:04:13) Kev: again, Windows only, for $12 USD. This is the Not Pick Cross, because it’s a brand,
(0:04:19) Kev: but same type of game. We covered it before. There’s some money for Pixel Cross on
(0:04:25) Kev: Harvest Moon, but now this is the Rune Factory iteration, which is interesting.
(0:04:30) Kev: Well, it’s so interesting, who knows, maybe somebody will talk about it on a shirt.
(0:04:36) Kev: We also have echoes of the Plum Grove. We’ve got the Switch version. It has already been out on Steam for Windows and Mac.
(0:04:46) Kev: It is $19.99 USD, 40% off until March 12th. So that’s like a week after you guys are listening to this, so get to it.
(0:04:58) Codey: Yeah, and part of that is the women’s day
(0:05:03) Codey: Sale so on yeah on Steam right now is the women’s day sale and that goes in through March 9th and that is honoring
(0:05:04) Kev: Oh, is that what it is? Okay, cool cool.
(0:05:12) Codey: Studios that are led either by women or by gender minor gender identifying minorities
(0:05:19) Codey: So yeah
(0:05:20) Codey: So I think that’s at least 20 percent because everything on the women’s day sale is 20 percent
(0:05:24) Codey: so at least 20% of the 40% off on the echoes of the bum grove is
(0:05:25) Kev: - Yeah.
(0:05:28) Codey: for the women’s day sale, but but yeah.
(0:05:30) Kev: Yeah, and this one is,
(0:05:35) Kev: well, it’s a lot more traditional-esque, cozy,
(0:05:39) Kev: stardew stuff.
(0:05:41) Kev: But it’s notable because it has a very cute,
(0:05:42) Kev: almost Paper Mario art style.
(0:05:46) Kev: So that is almost worth checking out for that alone,
(0:05:49) Kev: I think, I love that art style, right?
(0:05:52) Kev: But yeah, you’re farming.
(0:05:53) Kev: It looks kind of like in a–
(0:05:55) Kev: Victorian Englandy colonial America setting, but yeah, check that out.
(0:06:02) Kev: I might check that out. That’s interesting, actually, now that I look at it closely.
(0:06:07) Kev: Wow, all these things I’ll be checking out because the last one, for sure.
(0:06:12) Kev: We got Amber Isle on the switch for $24.99 USD.
(0:06:16) Kev: Finally on the switch. I’d been wanting that for a while. I’ll get to it soon, I hope.
(0:06:21) Kev: That’s the dinosaur crossing, basically.
(0:06:25) Kev: Then I like dinosaurs and then I get one crossing, so right up my alley.
(0:06:30) Kev: That’s been out on Steam for a while, but we got the Switch version, which, yeah, makes
(0:06:35) Kev: sense.
(0:06:36) Kev: Good fit.
(0:06:38) Kev: And yeah, that is what has come out in the last month.
(0:06:43) Kev: And before we get into other game news and updates and whatnot, Cody, what have you been
(0:06:48) Codey: I have been playing a lot of the games
(0:06:51) Codey: that I have continued to talk about on previous episodes.
(0:06:54) Codey: But I just realized, in danger of leading a tangent,
(0:07:02) Codey: that you like Marvel.
(0:07:04) Codey: And two or three days ago, my Adderall told me–
(0:07:10) Codey: which I’m now on Adderall.
(0:07:11) Codey: It’s lovely.
(0:07:12) Codey: My Adderall told me, hey, you haven’t watched the Marvel
(0:07:15) Codey: movies in a while.
(0:07:15) Codey: And so I watched all of phase one.
(0:07:16) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:07:18) Codey: In one day, yeah, so let me, let me look at, look at my list for that.
(0:07:19) Kev: Whoa, whoa, I mean Wow
(0:07:27) Codey: So folks might not know what I’m talking about.
(0:07:27) Kev: Okay, first of all
(0:07:30) Kev: First of all, that’s that’s a lot of movie right? Um
(0:07:33) Codey: It was there’s so good.
(0:07:35) Kev: But second of all, those are also almost all really good. Look, you know
(0:07:40) Codey: I think that I’m going to have to skip some later on, but I don’t know.
(0:07:43) Codey: We’ll see.
(0:07:43) Codey: So phase one, the infinity saga includes iron man, the 2008 iron man,
(0:07:48) Codey: incredible Hulk, uh, Iron Man two Thor captain America, the first Avenger
(0:07:52) Codey: and the Avengers, um, I am now in phase two.
(0:07:56) Kev: Wait, Thor? You said Thor right there, didn’t I hear you?
(0:07:57) Codey: I said, Thor.
(0:07:58) Codey: Yeah, I am now in phase two, which is Iron Man three Thor, the dark world,
(0:08:03) Codey: captain America, winter soldiers.
(0:08:05) Codey: I’ve already watched.
(0:08:05) Codey: I watched those three yesterday.
(0:08:08) Kev: Well, see, this is when things get interesting, because we get to the highest of high and lowest of lows in this spread.
(0:08:14) Codey: Yeah.
(0:08:14) Codey: So the next one is guardians of the galaxy.
(0:08:18) Codey: And then Ultron and then Ant-Man.
(0:08:20) Codey: So yeah, I think everything in the first saga phase one is was gold.
(0:08:26) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:08:26) Codey: I liked it.
(0:08:27) Codey: I mean, I don’t like captain America at all, but like that was an okay
(0:08:28) Kev: It’s the
(0:08:30) Codey: movie, whatever, um, Correct.
(0:08:31) Kev: It’s the reason it worked like I mean the whole reason the MCU exists if the phase one had failed at any point
(0:08:39) Kev: We would not it would not be here today
(0:08:42) Codey: Iron Man three chef’s kiss, no notes.
(0:08:44) Codey: I love that movie.
(0:08:44) Codey: And then the Thor, second Thor and second Captain America movies.
(0:08:48) Codey: I could probably, I couldn’t tell you much about what happened in those movies.
(0:08:52) Kev: That’s fine.
(0:08:52) Codey: So excited for guardians of the galaxy though.
(0:08:55) Codey: Later.
(0:08:56) Kev: Guardians is good.
(0:08:58) Kev: Guardians is good.
(0:08:58) Codey: So yeah, I’ve been doing that.
(0:09:00) Codey: That’s one thing I’ve been up to.
(0:09:00) Kev: Man.
(0:09:02) Kev: Oh, man, what?
(0:09:03) Codey: What is your favorite MCU movie?
(0:09:04) Kev: Oh, that’s…
(0:09:06) Kev: You know, I’m going to go with original Avengers, 2012 Avengers.
(0:09:10) Codey: Yeah, it was, it was real good.
(0:09:12) Kev: Because one, it’s good.
(0:09:14) Kev: And two, it’s like…
(0:09:16) Kev: It’s a handful of things because I was in a Marvel fan before the MCU, right?
(0:09:20) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:09:22) Kev: Deep, deep, and I knew dumb characters and stuff like that, right?
(0:09:26) Kev: So this was a moment of, like, I can’t believe this is actually happening.
(0:09:30) Kev: I can’t believe I live in a world where Avengers have taken center stage in a hit blockbuster Hollywood movie.
(0:09:40) Kev: And also, I mean, just everything works, right?
(0:09:42) Kev: They built up to it correctly, and it’s a big cast, and they still manage to play around, and everyone gets their moments.
(0:09:48) Kev: moment. It’s, it’s, it’s a chef’s kiss.
(0:09:52) Codey: I did also, I think it was either in this movie or in Ironman 3, I can’t remember, but like someone comes forward and is like talking about how they’re watching. I think someone from S.H.I.E.L.D., maybe, I don’t know, they’re like, we’ve been watching all the big characters like Oni Stark, duh duh duh duh, and then he says Steven Strange and okay, cool and Dr. Strange isn’t even in this phase, so it’s like a drop, like it’s a name drop that people who would know.
(0:10:02) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:10:06) Kev: Yeah
(0:10:09) Kev: That is that is from Captain America the second one. Mm-hmm
(0:10:16) Kev: Yeah
(0:10:19) Kev: It it is
(0:10:22) Codey: I was like, did we miss, did I skip that movie because, but no, it’s way later, so.
(0:10:22) Kev: Yeah
(0:10:24) Kev: No
(0:10:27) Kev: Yeah, and it’s it’s really funny because it makes no sense because up to at that point because you know
(0:10:32) Kev: Taking more or less place in real time
(0:10:34) Codey: - Yeah.
(0:10:35) Kev: He’s literally just a doctor. I don’t know why they
(0:10:39) Codey: Yeah, like why do they, why are they, yeah.
(0:10:39) Kev: but
(0:10:41) Kev: He’s too good of a doctor I don’t know because he looks too much like Benedict Cumberbatch, I guess I don’t know
(0:10:42) Codey: Why do they care about him?
(0:10:43) Codey: He’s just doing his thing.
(0:10:45) Codey: - So.
(0:10:49) Codey: - I like bumper sticker, cabbage patch.
(0:10:51) Codey: That’s my favorite Benedict Cumberbatch name thing.
(0:10:54) Kev: Oh, that’s a good one. I’ve always been Benedict Cumberland myself.
(0:10:59) Codey: - Oh, Cumberbund, that’s another really good one.
(0:11:02) Codey: - Okay, so the games that I’ve been playing,
(0:11:05) Codey: I’m gonna just run through them really quick.
(0:11:06) Codey: I am still playing Animal Crossing, pocket camp complete,
(0:11:10) Codey: and I am now level 105.
(0:11:14) Codey: I think previously I was in the sixties.
(0:11:17) Codey: So I’ve been playing it.
(0:11:18) Kev: Oh dang. Oh dang.
(0:11:21) Codey: Still playing mini, mini farm.
(0:11:23) Codey: I am in the last area now
(0:11:24) Codey: and I just need to buy the last house.
(0:11:28) Codey: The story has progressed, but I still have questions.
(0:11:31) Codey: So it’s–
(0:11:31) Kev: I’m, I’m, I’m, you close my mind, there’s a story to it.
(0:11:35) Codey: It’s intriguing enough, yeah, for sure.
(0:11:38) Codey: Still playing Honey Grove as well.
(0:11:41) Codey: I mean, the game loop of that game is you’re planting stuff,
(0:11:46) Codey: you’re getting resources, you’re clearing the area
(0:11:50) Codey: around your hive so you can decorate it.
(0:11:52) Codey: And then there’s a map that you’re
(0:11:54) Codey: clearing by the adventures of your bees.
(0:11:58) Codey: So I am just pretty much just going through the map.
(0:12:04) Codey: Clearing stuff at this point, but it all takes time.
(0:12:07) Codey: It’s always usually at least three hours for your bees
(0:12:08) Kev: Okay. Okay.
(0:12:11) Codey: to be sent out on a mission.
(0:12:13) Codey: But it’s just a fun little–
(0:12:16) Codey: I jump on it.
(0:12:16) Codey: I spend maybe five minutes getting everything done.
(0:12:19) Codey: And then I play it later that evening, so it’s fine.
(0:12:24) Codey: The final thing is Bug and Seek, which I don’t know
(0:12:27) Codey: if I’ve mentioned on–
(0:12:28) Codey: well, I think we’ve mentioned it on the pod last time I was on
(0:12:32) Codey: as this is now out.
(0:12:34) Codey: So it’s basically you come to a town
(0:12:35) Kev: Okay, due to I’ve seen I heard that I don’t remember do tell me what it is
(0:12:47) Codey: to revive the insectarium of the town, which is basically
(0:12:53) Codey: the insect zoo of the town.
(0:12:55) Codey: And your whole job is to walk around this town
(0:12:59) Codey: and collect insects and give people–
(0:13:02) Codey: some people are like, oh, man, I really
(0:13:03) Codey: want this for my collection.
(0:13:04) Codey: And some people are like, these cucumber beetles are eating my plants, bring me three
(0:13:09) Codey: dead ones to show that you’ve like murdered them or something.
(0:13:13) Kev: bring bring me the trophies of your your kill of the hunt so we can parade it
(0:13:13) Codey: Because they’re like upset.
(0:13:16) Codey: Exactly.
(0:13:18) Codey: And like, so there’s multiple so we can put them on posts to warn any other cucumber beetles.
(0:13:20) Kev: around the village square
(0:13:24) Kev: yes
(0:13:26) Codey: Um, yeah, no, so it’s basically just an entire town that is all very conscious of insects.
(0:13:33) Codey: and I am here for it.
(0:13:35) Codey: There are like, you can buy tanks at a couple different stores.
(0:13:39) Codey: You, that you catch insects in a bunch of different terrains.
(0:13:43) Codey: Like you either get them out of trees.
(0:13:44) Codey: They’re either flying around, they might be under a rock in grass, like whatever.
(0:13:50) Codey: Um, and you are trying to revive the insectarium and fill it back in the
(0:13:55) Codey: zoo, because apparently someone in the great bug heist of the previous year,
(0:14:02) Codey: someone just like stole everything.
(0:14:04) Codey: And you’re trying to figure out who, who done it.
(0:14:08) Codey: It’s like a who done it as well.
(0:14:10) Kev: - Okay.
(0:14:11) Codey: Because you’re, you go through and you’re like, someone’s like, Oh, this guy looked
(0:14:14) Codey: really shady.
(0:14:16) Codey: And so you go and you’re like, what the heck?
(0:14:17) Codey: And he’s like, Oh, but I was, I have an alibi for that night.
(0:14:20) Codey: But this girl, like she, she was saying some bad things.
(0:14:24) Codey: And so it’s all about.
(0:14:25) Kev: gosh, so I’m, I’m, I’m looking at the trailer and there’s like,
(0:14:27) Codey: Yeah.
(0:14:28) Codey: Yeah.
(0:14:28) Kev: literally like a notebook where you’re jotting down your clue
(0:14:29) Codey: Yeah.
(0:14:30) Codey: Yeah.
(0:14:32) Kev: notes to figure out who did it. That’s incredible.
(0:14:34) Codey: It’s so fun and you could totally just run around and catch all the bugs if you want.
(0:14:41) Codey: And there’s also an entomologic, wait, Institute, it’s called like EEII or something, but it’s
(0:14:49) Codey: like basically the museum and it’s something for insect in excellence or something.
(0:14:54) Codey: I don’t know.
(0:14:55) Codey: It was amazing.
(0:14:56) Kev: » This is incredible. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this.
(0:14:56) Codey: I think it’s entomological Institute for insect excellence and I, I love it.
(0:15:05) Codey: I love this game.
(0:15:06) Codey: So, uh, I’m going to, I’m a promissor y’all know me.
(0:15:08) Codey: I’m the promissor of the podcast and I promise we’re going to have an episode on this.
(0:15:12) Kev: I mean, you don’t even have to, like, that’s, I think, just a given by anyone who knows.
(0:15:16) Codey: It’s a given.
(0:15:18) Kev: Um, so I’m looking at it, it’s very simple sprite art style, it’s very cute, um, everyone
(0:15:23) Kev: just has like little rectangle eyes, no other facial features, um, this is good, I love
(0:15:28) Codey: But the bugs, the bugs are like legit and as you catch more of like the different categories and they have wasps and bees in like different categories, which is just chef’s kiss and like there’s just, I can’t, I can’t go on enough about this game.
(0:15:29) Kev: this.
(0:15:30) Kev: Yeah, they’re detailed.
(0:15:38) Kev: as it should be.
(0:15:46) Kev: Well, you’ll have to at some point.
(0:15:46) Codey: So, yeah, look forward to that, folks. Kev, what have you been up to?
(0:15:51) Kev: And I just want to say that’s only 15 USD, and it’s on switch.
(0:15:54) Codey: I know! And I have it on Switch!
(0:15:58) Codey: Yeah, okay.
(0:15:59) Kev: That’s impressive.
(0:16:00) Kev: Okay.
(0:16:01) Kev: Um, so what have I been up to?
(0:16:04) Kev: Okay.
(0:16:05) Kev: First of all, Pokemon Day happened.
(0:16:07) Kev: The Pokemon Presents.
(0:16:08) Kev: We did.
(0:16:09) Kev: We have a greenhouse on it.
(0:16:10) Kev: Um, you saw it, uh, Cody?
(0:16:12) Codey: I, I like skimmed something, I saw the highlights, um, I didn’t really like look that much into
(0:16:16) Kev: Okay.
(0:16:17) Kev: We saw the highlights.
(0:16:18) Kev: Um.
(0:16:19) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:16:20) Kev: Okay.
(0:16:21) Kev: Yeah.
(0:16:21) Codey: the ZA stuff, but I listened to your guys’s prediction app, but not the response app.
(0:16:22) Kev: We didn’t actually, we should have probably, like, whilst examined, you know, gone back
(0:16:34) Kev: and see if we got right or wrong.
(0:16:35) Kev: I don’t know why we didn’t think about it, but, um.
(0:16:37) Codey: I mean, that’s totally fine. I think the funniest thing was that I was literally I opened Pokemon Pocket while I was listening and to that episode and I opened it and I was like, Oh, there’s a new pack and then literally like immediately after I thought that Al was like, and I’m sure Pokemon Pockets going to have a new pack come out and I was like, Oh, my God, it’s so funny, it was so funny.
(0:16:44) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:16:56) Kev: Yep, there were a few we got right, there’s no doubt about that.
(0:17:02) Kev: I believe, gosh did I say it on that episode where if we were going to get a new side game
(0:17:07) Kev: it was going to be mobile and Switch maybe.
(0:17:11) Codey: Yeah, I think you did say something like that.
(0:17:14) Kev: And there we go, we got champions.
(0:17:15) Codey: So yeah, tell me about it.
(0:17:16) Kev: Anyways, so anyways, I’m bringing it up because, for anyone who didn’t see one of the, in ZA,
(0:17:26) Kev: starters, is Totodile.
(0:17:30) Kev: And I’ve seen a lot of fan art and because there’s a description of Totodile on the website
(0:17:35) Kev: and just talk about, like he’s always just that empty, he wants to bite everything, right?
(0:17:41) Kev: And I just want to say, I have one of those at home.
(0:17:44) Kev: I know what it’s like to live with that because I have a puppy and he’s growing up, but he
(0:17:47) Kev: is still just that empty biked every time.
(0:17:52) Codey: he just bites everything he’s just a mouth oh yeah they get good at it
(0:17:54) Kev: basically. I…
(0:17:56) Kev: and he just he does it so fast so nonchalant when I take him on a walk
(0:18:01) Kev: he’ll just you know just walk and just sideswipe grabs a pinecone out of no
(0:18:06) Kev: um yes but anyways yeah
(0:18:09) Codey: so listeners anytime we mentioned an animal in the pod there’s gonna be a
(0:18:14) Codey: picture of it on the slack so have will have will post a picture on the slack
(0:18:15) Kev: I’ll put it up yeah I’ll post lucky um he is he’s growing up he’s becoming a big
(0:18:23) Codey: No
(0:18:24) Kev: He lifted his leg when he-
(0:18:26) Codey: Oh Remus doesn’t even do that
(0:18:26) Kev: and he peed the other day for the first time.
(0:18:30) Kev: Umm, sorry.
(0:18:32) Kev: Yeah.
(0:18:33) Codey: Remus is 14
(0:18:34) Kev: Oh, my goodness.
(0:18:36) Codey: he’s still squatty bodies
(0:18:38) Kev: No.
(0:18:41) Kev: Oh, I don’t know.
(0:18:44) Kev: Well, I don’t know if it’ll stick. I only saw it once, but, uh, but yeah, that’s, uh, that’s lucky.
(0:18:48) Kev: Um, uh, other than that, um, I’ve been a little bit very busy work-wise, so, not too much game-wise.
(0:18:55) Kev: Obviously, I’ve been playing since–
(0:18:56) Kev: in a bunny as much as I could to talk about it.
(0:19:00) Kev: And we’ll get there.
(0:19:01) Kev: The other one that–
(0:19:03) Kev: I have my usual stuff.
(0:19:06) Kev: Zendless and Pokemon Unite and yada, yada, all regular.
(0:19:10) Kev: The only one of real interest is Marvel Snap.
(0:19:14) Kev: So they came out with a new mode called Sanctum Showdown.
(0:19:18) Kev: And I just want to talk about it because I think it’s very fun.
(0:19:22) Kev: So in Marvel Snap, for people who don’t know,
(0:19:25) Kev: you have three locations.
(0:19:26) Kev: And you win the game at the end of turn six or seven or whatever.
(0:19:31) Kev: Whoever– and you just–
(0:19:33) Kev: it’s points, right?
(0:19:34) Kev: Whoever has the most points win the location.
(0:19:35) Kev: So you’re trying to win the most locations,
(0:19:37) Kev: two out of three locations or whatever.
(0:19:40) Kev: In this mode, the Sanctum Showdown, they change it up.
(0:19:44) Kev: What it is is every turn, you get–
(0:19:50) Kev: basically, each location has a number of points assigned to it.
(0:19:54) Kev: There will be like two locations, one and a third.
(0:19:56) Kev: One with four points or something like that.
(0:20:00) Kev: So instead of trying to win them after a certain number of turns,
(0:20:02) Kev: you’re trying to win as many points as you can every single turn.
(0:20:07) Kev: So you want to build fast and early.
(0:20:10) Kev: It’s fun, you know, getting, you know, getting too deep into the weeds.
(0:20:13) Kev: It’s just I, you know, anytime you have a long, I’m running game or whatever
(0:20:20) Kev: and they introduce a new mode, it’s always a breath of fresh air, right?
(0:20:23) Kev: I’ve been enjoying it.
(0:20:25) Kev: The only…
(0:20:27) Kev: I’d complain about is, so there’s these rewards right, you get special
(0:20:32) Kev: sanctum fund bucks basically, a special currency just for this mode and you get special, there’s
(0:20:36) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:20:37) Kev: a shop for this mode. The rate they give it out is horrible. What they want you to do
(0:20:43) Kev: is to go on twitch and to put on marvel snap streamers and they’ll give you
(0:20:49) Kev: currency for doing that. Which is so… yeah.
(0:20:53) Codey: Yeah, that’s a yic, that’s an ick for sure.
(0:20:57) Kev: Um, because yeah, um, some of the other guys that I was talking to, they uh, they said, “Oh yeah,
(0:21:02) Kev: I’ve got a bunch of rewards after I did that.” I was like, “Well, I guess I might have to
(0:21:06) Kev: put it on somewhere in the background and not watch.” Um, but that’s… yeah. Um.
(0:21:10) Codey: Yeah, I mean I think that that’s cool for like as an option
(0:21:14) Codey: But I feel like they should have another option that does not require you to watch people on switch or twitch
(0:21:21) Kev: Mm-hmm. I am of the wild opinion that if you play the game you shoot the robots
(0:21:27) Codey: No, no, no, this is a Marvel game they have to put it in five different places so that you you have to be
(0:21:34) Codey: Some stuff you only get from you know because they they got TV shows they got
(0:21:37) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:21:39) Kev: Yeah, yeah
(0:21:40) Codey: This we’re not in phase one anymore. We’re in phase
(0:21:42) Kev: Yeah, it’s whatever
(0:21:44) Kev: We’re in we’re y’all say what phase we’re in phase
(0:21:48) Kev: Fantastic force coming, that’s what fish in it
(0:21:50) Codey: Oh God, is it?
(0:21:52) Kev: Oh, have you seen anything about it?
(0:21:55) Kev: So it’s coming this year. We got the fantastic four and I don’t know if you’ve seen the cast but Pedro Pascal is mr. Fantastic. I
(0:22:02) Codey: Oh, okay, I’m watching it
(0:22:04) Kev: Knew that’s why I brought it in because I knew you I’d sell you right away
(0:22:11) Kev: So and just a side note about that I
(0:22:15) Kev: Obviously, I love Pedro Pascal because who on earth doesn’t because he’s an incredible human and actor
(0:22:17) Codey: Yeah.
(0:22:20) Codey: Yeah
(0:22:21) Kev: I’m all down for that and you know getting more Latino
(0:22:25) Kev: Accu-whatever. That’s great. Right? The only the only small call my have is it’s mr. Fantastic
(0:22:30) Kev: why in my head should be the most wonderbred white boy pasty nerd ever but
(0:22:39) Kev: But what what can we do? It’s Pedro Pascal
(0:22:41) Codey: But that’s Captain America.
(0:22:43) Codey: Captain America is the one that’s
(0:22:44) Codey: supposed to be Wonder Bread.
(0:22:46) Kev: Yeah, that’s true. Oh, well, I mean who cares it’s
(0:22:49) Codey: But I guess this is DC, isn’t it?
(0:22:51) Codey: This is like a completely different–
(0:22:52) Kev: Yeah
(0:22:54) Kev: But it’s you know, it’s fine. Um, it’s Pedro Pascal. So I’m not gonna complain in the end, right? Like
(0:22:54) Codey: OK.
(0:23:00) Kev: So, yeah, keep an eye out for that that’s this summer I think look up the trail looks good looks funky
(0:23:06) Kev: Yeah, fantastic for is gonna be big there. They’re pushing it like in Marvel Rivals. We already got the
(0:23:11) Kev: This month and good stuff. Anyways, um, yeah, that’s that’s what we’ve been up to and that’s all I got to report
(0:23:19) Codey: Cool.
(0:23:20) Kev: And with that, let’s get started.
(0:23:22) Kev: Other people have to report to talk about some game news starting with a new game.
(0:23:29) Kev: Um, one called is elusive, not new game or have we?
(0:23:30) Codey: Wait, are we in the new game?
(0:23:32) Codey: Section are we in the.
(0:23:36) Codey: We’ve talked about it so new game, I think.
(0:23:38) Kev: Okay.
(0:23:38) Codey: Yeah, new game is when we haven’t talked about it before, but we have talked about elusive.
(0:23:42) Codey: So this is the.
(0:23:42) Kev: Okay.
(0:23:43) Kev: We have, oh yeah, you’re right.
(0:23:43) Codey: The game about me can which is that’s developed by the creator of me, which is mountain.
(0:23:50) Codey: And it’s like little fairy folk.
(0:23:51) Codey: I think the Al mentioned the borrowers.
(0:23:54) Codey: I don’t know if you ever saw the borrowers, but it’s like.
(0:23:56) Kev: I’m- I’m familiar. It’s like a faint memory of ’em.
(0:24:01) Codey: Yeah, it’s like little fairy folk that like live in people’s homes and they just take like one thing at a time.
(0:24:07) Codey: So you never really notice that something’s missing, but they’re avoiding dangers.
(0:24:12) Codey: I think there’s like a cat and like that kind of stuff, but.
(0:24:15) Kev: Yeah, yeah, tiny, honey, I shrunk the kid adventures. We know the drill.
(0:24:20) Codey: I don’t know.
(0:24:22) Kev: Um, it looks…
(0:24:22) Codey: People might not know.
(0:24:23) Codey: Honey, I shrunk the kids.
(0:24:26) Kev: No! No, don’t say that! No!
(0:24:29) Codey: Kids, if you don’t know what it is, Google it.
(0:24:32) Codey: But but what’s the what’s the news with elusive?
(0:24:34) Codey: What do we got?
(0:24:36) Kev: Cue the, uh, was it Principal Skinner? I don’t know, it’s the children who are wrong.
(0:24:43) Kev: Anyways, okay.
(0:24:45) Kev: The news is that we got a Kickstarter.
(0:24:47) Kev: It is launching soon. March 5th.
(0:24:52) Codey: Fifth.
(0:24:52) Kev: Well, actually, so I guess the day after this episode.
(0:24:55) Codey: The- the-
(0:24:56) Kev: No, the day drops.
(0:24:56) Codey: No, it should be the day of the episode.
(0:24:58) Kev: Yeah, you’re hearing this, it’ll be live.
(0:25:01) Kev: Check it out. It does look cool. At least all the art and stuff.
(0:25:04) Kev: We got it for Switch 1 and 2.
(0:25:08) Kev: Look at that. Right there, labeled Steam, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X.
(0:25:15) Kev: Yeah, it’s got a very lovely art style as expected from the Mika crew.
(0:25:22) Kev: Or is it just one? I don’t know, whatever. It’s a nice art style.
(0:25:25) Codey: Mm hmm. I don’t know if it’s she big or if it’s just specifically wait, she big isn’t Mika.
(0:25:26) Kev: Is this actually Chibig? Do we know? I don’t know if it is.
(0:25:36) Kev: She makes Mika. Yeah. Yeah. Because if it is Chibig, yeah, I’m not sure Abraham, Khozar, you know. Yeah. So this might not be Chibig, which is a shame because that’d be, that would be a great setup for, you know, Chibig loves their little crossover.
(0:25:37) Codey: Oh, it is. Maybe it’s she big. You’re right. You’re right.
(0:25:43) Codey: I think maybe it’s only one of the people who are in she big because if you go on
(0:25:47) Codey: the Kickstarter, it only has one person’s name. Yeah, Abraham Kosar.
(0:26:02) Codey: Yeah. I mean, so it says on the Kickstarter indie game developer currently working in elusive at
(0:26:08) Codey: Chibig. So I guess we can say Chibig. I don’t know.
(0:26:09) Kev: mmm okay question mark we’ll see I don’t know uh i’m just saying because there’s like a witch’s
(0:26:17) Kev: cat they specifically mentioned that um so who will that be meek of thing maybe question mark
(0:26:25) Kev: keep an eye out um obviously details will be up when you hear this we don’t know what it is but
(0:26:31) Kev: um you check it out um all right uh you can also be checking out uh agro buff because that’s coming
(0:26:38) Kev: the Disney Dream Lightroom.
(0:26:39) Kev: the Disney Dream Lightroom.
(0:26:47) Codey: I wonder if there’s like, I think, I wonder if a whole new world is like too broad now, so many.
(0:26:55) Kev: I guess they played themselves, they got–
(0:27:01) Kev: but yeah.
(0:27:02) Kev: Nails of Agrabah, free update.
(0:27:05) Kev: You get to ride the carpet.
(0:27:08) Kev: Is that all that matters?
(0:27:09) Kev: Mostly.
(0:27:10) Codey: » No, so there’s a lot of different things. I don’t know if you get to ride the carpet,
(0:27:15) Codey: but you can get carpet as a person, like as a familiar companion, companion sword that they use.
(0:27:17) Kev: Oh, yeah.
(0:27:25) Kev: They have a character riding the carpet in the railing,
(0:27:28) Kev: I don’t know.
(0:27:28) Codey: Oh, it’s probably in the Aladdin realm. But yeah, so it adds the Aladdin realm,
(0:27:38) Codey: It adds Aladdin and Jasmine.
(0:27:40) Codey: It also adds, they showed like new things, new premium items in the shop.
(0:27:46) Codey: And there was a bunch of Winnie the Pooh stuff.
(0:27:49) Codey: Um, which was kind of a, a now for something completely different moment, but okay.
(0:27:54) Kev: Yeah, okay
(0:27:57) Codey: Um, I mean, I think it’s adorable.
(0:27:59) Codey: Uh, it’s so funny.
(0:28:02) Codey: This is another tangent.
(0:28:03) Codey: Um, think of Winnie the Pooh and like who, what character did you identify as, as a child?
(0:28:08) Kev: Okay, I was about to ask you who’s your favorite from the hundred-acre wood crew. I was about to ask almost this exact question
(0:28:12) Codey: Well, okay.
(0:28:14) Codey: So as a child, I identified with Tigger.
(0:28:17) Kev: Yes
(0:28:19) Kev: Tigger
(0:28:19) Codey: And then as a teenager slash young adult, I identified with Eeyore and now I’m rabbit.
(0:28:25) Kev: Yeah, sure sure I think we’re all oh
(0:28:30) Kev: I see the trajectory. I just say are we all yours now? No, I see the rapids. You’re right, right. I see. Yeah, I see it
(0:28:34) Codey: No, I’m rabbit, but it’s yeah, but I guess it’s really funny because they, they all
(0:28:37) Kev: Um
(0:28:39) Kev: You
(0:28:39) Codey: all represent different.
(0:28:40) Codey: It’s like disorders, though.
(0:28:41) Kev: Yeah, archetypes personality types whatever you want to call
(0:28:42) Codey: So like Eeyore’s depression.
(0:28:44) Codey: Eeyore’s depression, Tigger’s ADD or ADHD.
(0:28:47) Kev: Tortoise specific
(0:28:48) Codey: And then Rabid, I think is either OCD or plus anxiety.
(0:28:54) Codey: Oh, right.
(0:28:56) Codey: Piglets anxiety.
(0:28:57) Kev: Sure. I mean, Piglet is anxiety. Rabbit is OCD. Okay. What is poo? What is poo?
(0:28:58) Codey: Yeah.
(0:29:00) Codey: Rabid’s OCD.
(0:29:02) Codey: How about you?
(0:29:04) Codey: Who is probably like the neurotypical?
(0:29:06) Codey: Who is probably like the neurotypical?
(0:29:10) Codey: I guess he’s forgetful. I don’t know.
(0:29:11) Kev: Oh, is that what it is?
(0:29:15) Kev: Oh, yeah. I guess. I don’t know.
(0:29:18) Codey: Listeners, write it. What do you think Pooh is?
(0:29:21) Kev: what Mitchell else ordered.
(0:29:22) Codey: And who did you identify as?
(0:29:24) Codey: Have you gone through a trajectory of different characters or have you stayed the same?
(0:29:27) Kev: I mean, like, no, like when I was younger, probably I didn’t fly with poo at best, but I would say so, like, right, because that’s different from my favorite or whatever, right, but when thinking about it, I probably would have said poo, but like now, the Eeyore, when that was, oh, Eeyore, the agony of the little stick house just being knocked over.
(0:29:42) Codey: Okay.
(0:29:49) Codey: Yep.
(0:29:56) Codey: Get knocked over. Oh, bother.
(0:29:57) Kev: Every episode. Oh, I get it. I get it. Oh, man. Oh, bother me. My life is this thing. Also, did you know he’s the voice of Optimus Prime? Yeah, just just one fact for people. You’re holding, I believe.
(0:30:05) Codey: It’s it’s so true. Our country’s the stick house. Anyway, there’s also
(0:30:12) Codey: no Kevin.
(0:30:18) Codey: That’s amazing.
(0:30:23) Codey: See, so you can either die that you’re the Eeyore or you can live long
(0:30:27) Codey: enough to see yourself become optimist.
(0:30:28) Kev: Yeah.
(0:30:32) Codey: Oh my gosh. Um, they also back to Disney dream. I value.
(0:30:35) Codey: They also added a slow cooker in Tiana’s shop.
(0:30:39) Codey: and so this allows you to kind of like
(0:30:42) Codey: set and forget meals
(0:30:44) Kev: Whoa, that’s such a good off day.
(0:30:46) Codey: yeah they also added a lot of really cool things in this update
(0:30:50) Codey: so they also added
(0:30:52) Codey: you can now search through the meals
(0:30:54) Codey: so if ever you’re supposed to do something
(0:30:56) Codey: or like you really want to make a certain meal
(0:30:58) Codey: or someone wants a specific meal
(0:31:00) Codey: but it’s not technically a quest
(0:31:02) Codey: so you can’t go to like the quest tab
(0:31:05) Codey: you can now just search for it
(0:31:07) Codey: which is amazing
(0:31:08) Kev: then that’s oh my gosh why yeah yeah needed
(0:31:12) Codey: also added
(0:31:16) Codey: any item that is a
(0:31:18) Codey: character’s favorite item for the day
(0:31:22) Codey: now has a label next to it
(0:31:24) Codey: so in your inventory
(0:31:26) Codey: I’m wondering if it also has it in the cooking menu
(0:31:29) Codey: which would be amazing because then you could be like
(0:31:31) Codey: oh let’s see who wants what today
(0:31:33) Codey: oh yep there’s, I really want to work on my aerial reputation
(0:31:38) Codey: so I’m going to make her the meal she wants today or whatever
(0:31:42) Codey: it’s so good because I would always have to like mentally like
(0:31:45) Codey: separate my inventory
(0:31:47) Codey: and be like okay this is the part that
(0:31:50) Codey: is the items that this person wants
(0:31:54) Codey: and like kind of try and keep track of it
(0:31:57) Codey: and y’all know I
(0:31:57) Kev: - Yeah, bring out the notebook, the handy dandy notebook.
(0:31:59) Codey: I literally had to write it down
(0:32:01) Codey: I had like 15 pages out of one notebook
(0:32:04) Codey: that were just dedicated to
(0:32:05) Codey: here’s this character’s favorite thing
(0:32:07) Codey: okay here’s a check mark because I’ve got it
(0:32:10) Codey: And then here’s the check mark because I gave it to them
(0:32:12) Kev: uh-huh so on the one hand I’ve always found something I don’t know cathartic
(0:32:13) Codey: It was so goofy
(0:32:20) Kev: or I enjoy getting out a notebook and writing things down I find it feel like
(0:32:24) Kev: that but on the other hand like I also wish the game would help you keep track
(0:32:29) Kev: of that so you didn’t have to physically bring out a notebook or whatever but so
(0:32:34) Kev: you know it’s appreciated and yes spoilers what I know of a game that
(0:32:39) Kev: actually does let you do that, bring a notebook in the game.
(0:32:42) Codey: Oh, oh, okay. Cool. Cool!
(0:32:42) Kev: But that’s good stuff. That sounds like good update, and one more thing. It’s, it’s, I think,
(0:33:01) Kev: a blessing and a curse. We don’t get to see Genie, right? Because, you know, Robin Williams set him
(0:33:04) Codey: Yeah. Yeah. Well, and so I actually recently watched the Aladdin movies again because I
(0:33:07) Kev: free with his last wish, but it was a tie. I really liked it.
(0:33:19) Codey: hadn’t seen them in a long time and I love King of Thieves and so which is a third one.
(0:33:19) Kev: Yes.
(0:33:24) Codey: I didn’t know that they replaced genie’s voice genie in the second one and well, because Robin
(0:33:29) Kev: Yeah, yeah.
(0:33:30) Codey: Williams didn’t agree to it or something? Oh, because he-
(0:33:34) Codey: He wanted- In the first movie, he’s like, “I’ll do this, but I don’t want genie themed merch or anything.”
(0:33:40) Kev: Yep, yep. You didn’t want focus on genie. Yeah
(0:33:42) Codey: He specifically didn’t want it to be that, and then there was a bunch of it, and so he protested the second movie.
(0:33:49) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:33:50) Codey: But then it wasn’t the same, and so he came back for the third one. And it was honestly- He just is genie. He just brings-
(0:33:53) Kev: Yeah
(0:33:56) Kev: I mean like
(0:33:56) Codey: He did it! Yeah, he did it! Please!
(0:33:58) Kev: Supposedly he didn’t have a script for the first one. So yes quite literally it quite literally is all his creation
(0:34:04) Codey: They were- They were just like, “Say whatever, we will animate it.” It’s amazing. He’s just such a loss, but also, yeah. Anyway, such a- He was an amazing-
(0:34:09) Kev: Yeah
(0:34:10) Kev: So yes, that is
(0:34:18) Kev: Yeah, he is a treasure
(0:34:21) Kev: But yeah, so and yeah, and then for people who don’t know
(0:34:25) Kev: later, I don’t know if is when he passed away or
(0:34:29) Kev: at some point before shortly before he basically
(0:34:33) Kev: Like legally said okay, you can’t use my likeness for genie anymore
(0:34:37) Codey: Mm-hmm. Hmm. Well, I wonder if they were to bring Jeannie into Disney Dreamway Valley,
(0:34:38) Kev: Which is why anytime you will see a Latin
(0:34:40) Kev: You will never see genie stuff because you they can’t use his voice likeness or whatever
(0:34:54) Codey: if they would do like a Will Smith version then. Because he was the Jeannie in the live
(0:34:58) Kev: Yeah, yeah, I guess that’s the only way you could do it.
(0:35:00) Codey: action. So.
(0:35:04) Kev: Well, that’s that’s a thought.
(0:35:07) Codey: Yeah.
(0:35:10) Kev: Oh, I like the one. Did you? So one thing, it was caught, there was a fan theory about something that was quite an eventually confirmed later.
(0:35:20) Kev: So people may remember the entire thing is actually framed by a the original led movie.
(0:35:28) Kev: There’s a merchant, you know, the merchant at the beginning who’s telling you the story. Yeah, it was cut from the movie and fans theorized it forever because there’s little hints.
(0:35:30) Codey: Yeah, uh-huh.
(0:35:36) Kev: That merchant is supposed to be the genie as well. I don’t know if you caught that and knew about that.
(0:35:42) Codey: I mean I the voice is this he’s he is the voice. Yeah, yeah
(0:35:42) Kev: Yep, it’s Robin Williams, but also he’s the only he’s the only character who has four fingers other than the genie.
(0:35:49) Codey: Oh
(0:35:50) Kev: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(0:35:51) Codey: Okay, I thought that they just voiced he just voiced that character as well, but that’s hilarious
(0:35:58) Kev: Good stuff. I like that.
(0:36:00) Codey: Cuz my mom and I would like we would quote that all the time like will not break will not break it’s broke
(0:36:08) Codey: It’s one of the in the first movie
(0:36:10) Kev: yeah yeah yeah all right what’s next who’s gonna try to follow up bro it’s
(0:36:18) Kev: ingenious novel is rest is um so this is an interesting one because they have the
(0:36:18) Codey: Well, it’s a real simple one. It’s travelers rest
(0:36:27) Kev: online multiplayer update which is that’s a big deal for any game really
(0:36:32) Kev: right and you know at first I was like okay sure you know you got the starting
(0:36:38) Kev: you’re growing things and fishing.
(0:36:40) Kev: But the one that interests me, the bit, the highlight in my opinion, so when you’re actually running the in/tab and in Traveler’s Rest, you now have four people running that together, so almost an overtook-like field.
(0:36:56) Kev: Obviously, well, not that level of chaos, but that is kind of fun. So yeah, there you go. Some play trailers.
(0:36:58) Codey: Yeah. Yeah. I’m a very like, I don’t want people messing with my, my setup though. So
(0:37:09) Codey: like, I’d be like, get out of my. Oh no. Oh yeah. That was one of my friends just moved
(0:37:10) Kev: What was that, Rabbit?
(0:37:20) Codey: into my spare room and he reorganized it. But I told him, I was like, go ahead and reorganize
(0:37:24) Codey: cupboards. I don’t really care. And then I opened the cupboards today and I was like,
(0:37:26) Kev: Mmm.
(0:37:28) Codey: I care. He already reorganized this. So I have to like, I just have to find a way to
(0:37:29) Kev: Ouch.
(0:37:34) Codey: make it okay. So wild. Yeah, exactly. I’m learning. I’m learning, I think. Well, yeah.
(0:37:35) Kev: Oh my gosh.
(0:37:38) Kev: Wow, my God, oh man.
(0:37:40) Kev: That sounds like another rabbit movie.
(0:37:42) Kev: A rabbit spare room.
(0:37:46) Codey: Okay. Anyway, I’m learning. I might need to add OCD to my, my, my, uh, list of qualifications.
(0:37:52) Kev: The labels, the identifiers.
(0:37:54) Codey: do you want to call it?
(0:37:59) Codey: My identifiers. It’s so stupid. I was also talking to I’m for
(0:38:04) Codey: my the conference that there’s a conference I’m going to in
(0:38:07) Codey: November. And I’m running a workshop on neurodivergence in
(0:38:12) Codey: entomology, which is my field. Super excited about it. And I
(0:38:14) Kev: Okay, should you just is the summary we’re studying bugs is it we’re all
(0:38:17) Codey: got I got it’s just me. That’s the that’s the thing. Like we
(0:38:25) Codey: all are pretty much neurodivergent in some way.
(0:38:28) Codey: I don’t think neurodivergent is a bad thing because we’re getting a lot of late in life
(0:38:36) Kev: Yeah
(0:38:40) Codey: diagnoses but once we know we don’t want to disclose it because it’s a shameful thing
(0:38:41) Kev: Yeah, sure
(0:38:48) Codey: “the world has made it seem as though it’s a bad thing to not be neurotypical” but it’s actually kind of a superpower too.
(0:38:58) Codey: No, okay, that’s not the right wording but to know about yourself that you are not neurotypical so you can release yourself from those expectations
(0:39:04) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:39:09) Kev: Sure, sure.
(0:39:10) Codey: because then you’re not as like “why am I lazy? Why am I stupid? Oh no, I just have a different brain. I just think different.”
(0:39:18) Kev: Yeah, I mean, yeah. That applies to Woofield Run, absolutely.
(0:39:19) Codey: Yeah, all of this to say, I was talking to the person who’s going to do the OCD seminar.
(0:39:28) Codey: or OCD talk or whatever on it and I was like “oh no” I was like “what makes an OCD person?” and she was telling me I was like “oh no, the worst.”
(0:39:41) Codey: But yeah, Traveler’s Rest, if you do not have OCD or if you’re fine with sharing control you can now do that in the online multiplayer.
(0:39:51) Codey: It’s out now in the 0.7 update. That’s that.
(0:39:52) Kev: Yeah
(0:39:55) Kev: That’s that hey Cody you’re talking about research symposiums and researchers you want to tell us about research
(0:40:02) Codey: Yeah, you sure can. So research story has the 0.12 update. And this update adds powered chests.
(0:40:12) Codey: Woo. So that is basically like, sorry, go for it. So basically, like, think of Minecraft and like
(0:40:14) Kev: All right, wait, what what does that mean?
(0:40:21) Codey: hoppers. So that, so that if so if you have something going, well, it’s maybe it’s not
(0:40:23) Kev: Oh, OK. They organize. Mm hmm.
(0:40:28) Codey: Poppers isn’t the right word. I don’t remember what exactly it is, but like you have
(0:40:32) Kev: Are they sorting automatically?
(0:40:33) Codey: I don’t know if it’s sorts automatically, but it automatically like runs something.
(0:40:38) Codey: So say you have a coal furnace, you’re pumping coal into it. You’re trying to make something,
(0:40:45) Codey: whatever. Um, you don’t have to keep going back and like emptying it and then refilling
(0:40:53) Codey: it with the new stuff. The power chest will just automatically like put things in and take things
(0:41:00) Codey: out so that you can just like.
(0:41:02) Codey: Dump the input resources in and then take the output resources
(0:41:09) Codey: that you want and then just leave it.
(0:41:11) Codey: You don’t have to like go to all of these things.
(0:41:14) Codey: It just makes it a bit easier for the automation side.
(0:41:20) Codey: And less what do we call that management?
(0:41:25) Codey: UI manager.
(0:41:26) Codey: I don’t remember exactly what what I’ll calls it, but yeah,
(0:41:28) Kev: Yeah. One of the coolest things I think Minecraft has ever done is basically introduce circuitry
(0:41:30) Codey: less of the managing and more of the planning.
(0:41:33) Codey: And getting the resources you need.
(0:41:44) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:41:45) Kev: logic in the game, right? So anything that kind of goes in that direction. This might
(0:41:50) Kev: not be that advanced, but the idea of these automated things that kind of sort things
(0:41:54) Kev: and set up. You put the inputs and it does the thing for you.
(0:41:56) Codey: Mm hmm. Yeah, and I feel like you could probably set up a chain. So like, if you need to create one
(0:41:58) Kev: Thank you. I think that’s pretty cool.
(0:42:06) Codey: thing with one crafting thing, and then that becomes an input for the next one, I think you
(0:42:13) Codey: probably just put them next to each other and put a powered chest between them or something. I’m not
(0:42:17) Codey: entirely sure. But that it opens the possibility for that kind of automation and that kind of like
(0:42:24) Codey: set up, which is also very factorial.
(0:42:26) Codey: Um, but I am here for it.
(0:42:30) Codey: I like it.
(0:42:32) Codey: Um, they’ve also added a couple of other things.
(0:42:34) Codey: There’s a new year UI, uh, rework that they did.
(0:42:37) Codey: I think it looks really crisp.
(0:42:39) Codey: Um, they basically incorporated a lot of feedback that, um, test players or
(0:42:44) Codey: users or whatever, even people who have been playing the demo or the early
(0:42:49) Codey: access, they’ve been saying like, Hey, this is a little clunky.
(0:42:52) Codey: And so they’ve incorporated that.
(0:42:54) Codey: We love getting responses to our.
(0:42:57) Codey: That is amazing.
(0:42:58) Codey: Thank you.
(0:43:00) Codey: Um, they also added seven new hair options and the red orange spectrum.
(0:43:05) Codey: Um, again, people were like, my hair color is represented.
(0:43:09) Codey: And so they made sure to incorporate, um, more colors, uh, that
(0:43:14) Codey: represent those, that spectrum.
(0:43:17) Codey: Um, and finally, this is also currently 20% off until March 9th
(0:43:21) Codey: for the women’s day sale.
(0:43:23) Codey: So currently only it’s only.
(0:43:24) Kev: That’s all good stuff.
(0:43:26) Codey: 1399 game to begin with, but now it’s 1119 and it isn’t early access, but it’s I, it’s pre cute little game and getting it supports the developers to making the studio to, you know, continue to make and continue to be able to incorporate community feedback, which is amazing.
(0:43:35) Kev: - Yeah.
(0:43:46) Kev: Yeah, that’s that’s all good stuff. There you go. And again, you got till March 9 to get down to good stuff, but for you to reach your story all that sounds excellent.
(0:43:56) Codey: » I just want them to make a Mac one.
(0:44:00) Codey: It’ll probably come later,
(0:44:02) Codey: like either a Mac port or Twitch.
(0:44:04) Kev: Well, there’s still an early access. I imagine at the 1.0, they’ll dip into new console.
(0:44:12) Codey: that’s all I want in the world really I would die happy if that’s all if that’s if I got that you
(0:44:17) Codey: know okay cool
(0:44:17) Kev: well I i I consider it likely
(0:44:22) Kev: at least which
(0:44:28) Kev: all right next up we got more dlc’s and updates we got horticular with the
(0:44:34) Kev: frozen frontier dlc okay it’s not well this is one of the things where we got
(0:44:38) Kev: like two aspects to it there is a 1.4 update for the base game but
(0:44:42) Kev: there’s also this frozen frontier which is an expansion a separate dlc they have
(0:44:48) Kev: they got a bundle for whatever but horticular is on sale right now on steam at least
(0:44:54) Kev: from 35% off pretty nice discount from 20 usd to 13 years
(0:45:04) Kev: But yeah, Frozen Frontier, as the name would imply, we get snow stuff, right?
(0:45:12) Kev: We get snow mechanics, a whole bunch of new animals.
(0:45:15) Kev: There’s like a turkey, a new kind of squirrel chip, I don’t know.
(0:45:20) Kev: We get a frost sentinel, some weird snowman robot thing.
(0:45:24) Kev: I don’t know what’s going on a little bit, yeah, it kind of has a terrifying expression.
(0:45:26) Codey: out of a horror story of a snowman.
(0:45:32) Codey: I think Sentinel is just such a scary word for like a snowman because it implies
(0:45:39) Codey: like that there’s danger that you are being protected from or something.
(0:45:43) Codey: I don’t know.
(0:45:44) Kev: it’s it is very possible I don’t know you you there’s there’s this like no I
(0:45:51) Kev: don’t know what is some kind of you’re talking to a frosting or something and
(0:45:55) Kev: it has it has old words and sentinel routines first and final warning so you
(0:46:00) Codey: Yeah.
(0:46:02) Kev: might be right I don’t know but but yeah it’s a lot the expansion adds a lot of
(0:46:03) Codey: Yup.
(0:46:10) Kev: other stuff, some new mechanics to deal with temperature and stuff like that.
(0:46:14) Kev: Which is kind of cool, new enemies and new stuff like that.
(0:46:20) Codey: Yeah, new, new animals. I really liked in the trailer, like the turkey, so there’s like snow
(0:46:25) Codey: on the ground and the turkeys like walking through the snow. And as you walk like through
(0:46:28) Kev: » Yeah, yeah, let’s –
(0:46:30) Codey: the snow, it like clears it for you. It also said that somewhere in the, in the release or something,
(0:46:38) Codey: I saw it said something like, um, snow will form when the temperature is low enough or something.
(0:46:45) Codey: So I’m wondering if there’s like a temperature scale and
(0:46:46) Kev: Mm hmm. That’s what it looks like, because I said that there’s there’s like, because you’re, this is you’re playing as a wizard, right? So there’s spells to help manage the temperatures to that. Yeah, that’s fun to be able to control that mechanic is normally, you know, it’s it’s just in most of these games, just wait for winter and oh, there’s your snow, but to be able to actually manipulate that to change the terrain and so that that is pretty fun.
(0:46:50) Codey: Yeah, which is super cool.
(0:47:16) Kev: And because the way horticular is the the, you know, the kind of isometric grid thing, like you have tiles of snow next to not know areas and then all sorts of stuff.
(0:47:26) Kev: It looks like a pretty beefy expansion overall.
(0:47:30) Kev: I obviously played horticular, so I’m not appreciating all of it, but I can see that it’s it looks like there’s a lot here.
(0:47:39) Kev: And there is also just like I mentioned to 1.4 update to the base game.
(0:47:46) Kev: They looks like they actually the temperature mechanics are in the base game as well. There’s one new animal couple new plants.
(0:47:56) Kev: Let’s see what else there is. There’s a handful of other improvements. You can go on the same page and see the whole list of the link and whatnot. But um,
(0:48:06) Kev: yeah, overall looks like a pretty big update slash expansion looks pretty fun. Yeah, good for you. It’s like another solid up.
(0:48:16) Kev: State thing. Um, OK, let’s see here. And then next up, this is an update to everyone’s wallets and and you’re getting less in your wallet. That’s the update.
(0:48:26) Codey: Is it, is, is it called an, is it an update if it’s that you lose money or is that a downgrade?
(0:48:35) Kev: It’s a nerve. I mean, you can have negative updates. Yeah, you’re once getting everyone’s while it’s getting there.
(0:48:36) Codey: It’s a nerf.
(0:48:42) Kev: Because good old fan gamer.
(0:48:44) Codey: Concerned eight.
(0:48:46) Kev: Yeah, teaming up with concern. They’ve been started to bring us more Stardew Valley merch. We have are going down the list.
(0:48:55) Kev: We have the Stardew Valley Deluxe Edition for Nintendo Switch full 60 bucks. It includes
(0:49:04) Kev: a mini farm deed.
(0:49:08) Kev: A June junimo pin.
(0:49:12) Kev: A special 16 page mini comic.
(0:49:16) Kev: Some art cards and a fold out poster, along with an instruction instruction booklets.
(0:49:24) Kev: That’s a lot of stuff.
(0:49:26) Codey: I miss, I miss when you could go to like GameStop and just buy like the strategy guides.
(0:49:32) Kev: Yeah, they do have strategy guys. Well, maybe not game stuff because game stuff’s just Funko’s maybe you dated
(0:49:37) Codey: Yeah, it’s basically just online now. It’s always just online versus like a physical.
(0:49:41) Kev: Well, there are
(0:49:43) Kev: They have the thing is it’s no longer prima but games doing it, right? It’s usually like a big fancy collector’s
(0:49:51) Kev: like hard to cover strategy guide
(0:49:54) Kev: I think they still exist, but I don’t also I don’t think they’re not for every game now. That is
(0:50:02) Kev: But it’s definitely more of a collector’s thing
(0:50:04) Kev: But hey at least you get an instruction guide
(0:50:07) Kev: So that’s really cute and all the artwork is just gorgeous and all the stuff here in the deluxe edition
(0:50:14) Kev: And there’s all sorts of different names of people I don’t know but clearly talented and have worked on other
(0:50:21) Kev: Worked on it. There is a graphic novel called before the farmer. What is it?
(0:50:28) Kev: I’m just reading that some of the people did the art they worked on a
(0:50:32) Kev: Well before the farmer graphic novel, which apparently started really I had no idea about that. Okay
(0:50:36) Codey: Wow.
(0:50:38) Kev: And again, this is all just the deluxe edition. That’s just item one on this fan game
(0:50:44) Kev: We have a jigsaw puzzle, which is
(0:50:47) Kev: Very what a great idea. The art is very cute. It has I don’t think all the villagers
(0:50:54) Kev: But has all the romance-ables it looks like and just animals and also very cute cozy art
(0:51:00) Kev: We have a patch
(0:51:02) Kev: We have a bento box for 20
(0:51:06) Codey: And the, just to say the, the puzzle is $26 USD and the blanket is 45.
(0:51:32) Kev: I don’t know it’s all void colored and stuff on 15 but USD for that
(0:51:37) Kev: The Stardew Valley guidebook for thirty two dollars USD
(0:51:43) Kev: this appears to be the
(0:51:46) Kev: Strategy guide. Oh, you’re just asking about here it is
(0:51:47) Codey: Mm-hmm. Yeah, is that the is that new or is that I think the last new thing was the void farmer spinning keychain?
(0:51:52) Kev: That is new
(0:51:55) Kev: Then yeah, wait, let me see. Oh wait. No, you might be right now. This one right now. Oh
(0:51:59) Codey: That’s the last thing it says new
(0:52:02) Kev: Okay. Yeah, I’m just going to listen out. Okay. Well those that’s all the new stuff. Um
(0:52:05) Codey: There is still really cute stuff though on this like yeah
(0:52:07) Kev: There is there’s there’s your crow bus plush that’s a good one
(0:52:11) Codey: Vinyl set
(0:52:13) Kev: You know frost ditch guy that makes a lot of sense like
(0:52:17) Codey: I really like the Pierre store Pierre general store tote bag. That’s just like anyway. There’s all kinds of stuff here y’all
(0:52:23) Kev: Jojo cola glass, it’s pretty good
(0:52:28) Codey: That puzzle is so I love puzzles it’s tempting but I won’t
(0:52:34) Kev: Attempting indeed.
(0:52:38) Kev: So yeah, again, all that’s on Fangamer.
(0:52:41) Kev: We already had a lot of stardusta.
(0:52:43) Kev: There’s a whole lot of new stuff.
(0:52:46) Kev: Yeah, go check it out.
(0:52:47) Kev: It’s pretty good.
(0:52:48) Kev: All right, now let’s finally get on to new games.
(0:52:54) Kev: We only have three.
(0:52:56) Codey: free. Yeah, we’ll say we’ll say two and a half. I like that.
(0:52:56) Kev: OK, we have two and a half.
(0:52:59) Kev: OK, two and a half.
(0:53:02) Kev: Yeah, OK.
(0:53:04) Kev: Another one is called Opidum.
(0:53:06) Kev: Opidum has two p’s.
(0:53:10) Codey: I don’t know. I literally have been reading this as Opidium, but there’s definitely not
(0:53:15) Codey: another eye there, so it’s definitely like Opidum. Opidum? Whatever.
(0:53:18) Kev: yeah one of those two so we have here honestly feels foul world s I would say
(0:53:28) Kev: is it’s open world 3d like the sandbox e clearly you’re running around you’re
(0:53:36) Kev: fighting a lot of monsters but you’re also growing crops
(0:53:38) Codey: Yeah, I said I thought it was giving Zelda like I was getting very Breath of the Wild vibes, personally.
(0:53:44) Kev: Sure, sure. Yeah.
(0:53:48) Kev: I can see that I it’s somewhere between a little more because Zelda you obviously you still have a plot and then quests and whatever right so it’s like this feels a little more sandboxy than that.
(0:53:56) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:54:00) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:54:02) Kev: I was just saying it’s like visual like visually reminds me a lot but I see Zelda inspirations a lot because yes you’re fighting your swinging swords you’re, you’re fishing.
(0:54:06) Codey: Yeah.
(0:54:10) Codey: Well, and then you look at the character, like, look at the…
(0:54:14) Kev: Yeah.
(0:54:18) Codey: There’s a shield, but also, like, just, like, in the picture on the right on Steam, like, there’s someone with a pickaxe,
(0:54:24) Codey: but they’re wearing like a green belted tunic.
(0:54:26) Codey: I was like, anyway.
(0:54:26) Kev: yeah you’re right you’re right there that is that is a green tunic and that that has largely
(0:54:33) Kev: been claimed slightly sorry world but yeah um
(0:54:38) Codey: Yeah, I don’t know, it looks cute.
(0:54:40) Codey: The blurb on Steam is, “Face the challenges of Opitum,
(0:54:46) Codey: a survival adventure for 1-4 players with a unique story waiting to be unraveled.
(0:54:51) Codey: Build a camp, collect everything a fantastic land can offer,
(0:54:55) Codey: and use it to push forward.
(0:54:56) Codey: I was thinking about it before, but now you’ve asked and I’m not going to do it. No. Um, I don’t know. We’ll see. It looks really cute. Um, it’s slated for, they say just Q1 2025.
(0:55:05) Kev: I probably won’t either.
(0:55:07) Kev: They are good.
(0:55:11) Kev: Uh…
(0:55:11) Codey: I don’t know. We’ll see. It looks really cute. Um, it’s slated for, they say just Q1 2025.
(0:55:20) Kev: Um, yeah.
(0:55:26) Codey: So, um, we shall see question mark, um, within the next, like, 3 months. 2 months? 3 months.
(0:55:31) Kev: Uh, yeah, I was about to say, do they understand that means like now, yeah, I don’t know.
(0:55:41) Codey: Yeah.
(0:55:42) Kev: But yeah, that’s very soon.
(0:55:45) Kev: Okay.
(0:55:46) Kev: Um, so I can be okay.
(0:55:49) Kev: Um, but, uh, but yeah, check that out if you want that again, open them, um, let’s see.
(0:55:56) Kev: Next up.
(0:55:57) Kev: Uh, here, here we go again.
(0:56:00) Kev: there’s
(0:56:00) Codey: Oh, okay. Okay.
(0:56:01) Kev: a lot of mistakes being made here but anyways it’s called ashwood valley it’s an announcement
(0:56:09) Kev: trailer it’s for switch first of all okay it’s just an animated trailer we don’t actually
(0:56:17) Kev: even see gameplay I would say likely a good sense of what the gameplay will be like though
(0:56:24) Kev: because uh no here let me read the bloke first of all uh a whoops hold on
(0:56:31) Kev: I won’t like to close it on myself good job me um uh no where’d it go okay it is a new
(0:56:38) Kev: farming game with a magical twist is on the horizon this pixel themed story from the team
(0:56:44) Kev: of tell me your story and cook for love will appear on the nintendo switch xbox and playstation
(0:56:49) Kev: uh here you will take okay yeah yeah here you will take on the role of a magical kid
(0:56:50) Codey: And it says we’ll appear this year.
(0:56:53) Codey: They are– yeah, we’ll see.
(0:57:00) Kev: trying to save their siblings.
(0:57:01) Kev: This is a very starting game that I tried not to get to.
(0:57:06) Codey: That, not realistic.
(0:57:31) Kev: Your second word is valley, and that art aesthetic, that is a Stardew Valley game, I’m sorry.
(0:57:40) Codey: Noun Noun Valley. Should we just start calling them Noun Noun Valley?
(0:57:42) Kev: Yeah, Noun Valley. It is Noun Noun Valley, absolutely. Oh, that’s good, I love that.
(0:57:52) Kev: We have another entry into the Noun Noun Valley. A farming game with a magical twist,
(0:57:58) Kev: because we, you know, hasn’t been done.
(0:58:01) Kev: lately, so…
(0:58:04) Codey: I just, I just laugh that like, they say that you’re trying to save your sibling from permanently
(0:58:08) Codey: being transformed into a fluffy feline.
(0:58:10) Codey: Anyone that has siblings is like, especially because these are kids, like, it’s not like
(0:58:15) Kev: Yeah
(0:58:16) Codey: they’re adults trying to save their adult sibling, these are children, they’re like,
(0:58:20) Codey: I’m gonna make you a cat and then I’m gonna make you play with me as a cat, like, they’re
(0:58:26) Codey: not going to be thinking, they’re going to be like, like, yeah, like, if you if you were
(0:58:26) Kev: I mean, my first response is to laugh, absolutely.
(0:58:34) Codey: a young child, and you heard that you could turn Calvin into a cat, like, you’re not going
(0:58:39) Codey: to stop that.
(0:58:41) Codey: It’s funny.
(0:58:44) Codey: And then also, like, so basically, it just seems like you go through a mirror into the
(0:58:48) Codey: valley, this valley, you rebuild a house there, you befriend local animals, they mentioned
(0:58:53) Codey: mushroom chickens and strawberry cows.
(0:58:57) Codey: I don’t know, it doesn’t, there’s not a ton of information here.
(0:59:00) Kev: Yeah, yeah, I feel so bad because like clearly there’s a lot of work being put this I’m not
(0:59:01) Codey: It looks okay.
(0:59:02) Codey: I would like to hear more.
(0:59:08) Kev: saying it’s a bad jam or pitch or whatever it’s just it’s a very uphill valley you are
(0:59:17) Kev: you this is a very crowded space right so
(0:59:20) Codey: It’s a lovely addition into the Now Noun Valley ecosystem.
(0:59:26) Kev: Exactly, that is correct. But if you are saturated with Noun Noun Valley, why don’t you head
(0:59:27) Codey: If you are not saturated with Now Noun Valley games.
(0:59:38) Kev: over to the opposite end of the spectrum, over on Farming Simulator World, now more
(0:59:45) Kev: simulator than ever because we announced Farming Simulator VR, which makes a lot of sense.
(0:59:56) Kev: Those games are first person anyways, right? And here you are doing all your farm work,
(1:00:04) Kev: maintenance, you’re picking up drills and working with tractors and stuff like that.
(1:00:10) Codey: I mean, if- if this is appealing to you, just become a farmer.
(1:00:16) Codey: Just do it, like, we need more food.
(1:00:17) Kev: it’s it it is it is you know what on the one hand you’re absolutely right because you’re
(1:00:24) Kev: very clearly doing all the farm things wow those are very detailed instrument panels on the tractor
(1:00:30) Codey: It’s very different.
(1:00:33) Kev: like this this is this yeah we are getting as close as we can with the simulator reality
(1:00:40) Kev: barriers growing very thin here um I will say it is probably cheaper um than becoming a farm
(1:00:46) Codey: fair, fair. If you are saving, if you’re saving up your money to
(1:00:47) Kev: but uh but if you know you want maybe a road test there you go um learn how to drive a tractor
(1:00:57) Codey: become a farmer to be able to buy a farm and buy the equipment
(1:01:00) Codey: that you need. This is a great game to teach you how to do it.
(1:01:05) Codey: Because it’s you’re pretty much doing exactly everything. You are
(1:01:06) Kev: Hey, you are fueling that prank too.
(1:01:12) Kev: I do.
(1:01:13) Codey: putting fuel into it, you are gassing up.
(1:01:16) Codey: If you live in either New Jersey or Oregon and you have never put gas in anything yourself because someone else pumps your gas for you, you can have that experience in this game.
(1:01:30) Kev: there you go um okay uh so let’s see yeah that is I don’t know what vr system it actually is
(1:01:38) Codey: It’s for meta
(1:01:38) Kev: for i’m trying to go meta meta oh yes you know okay meta only 25 bucks not bad for honestly
(1:01:42) Codey: Yeah
(1:01:43) Kev: that looks like a pretty decent amount of content in game for 25 bucks um if you have the meta
(1:01:48) Codey: You just have to have the meta
(1:01:50) Kev: yeah he’s a big asterisk there Chris oh but there you go that is
(1:01:55) Codey: Yeah, it’s out it’s already out so fear if this is this is interesting to you go for it
(1:01:58) Kev: - Oh my gosh, there you go.
(1:02:00) Kev: I think this is actually cool, like, it’s the logical, I think next step in that series, and I think it works.
(1:02:12) Kev: So yeah, I’m sure there are Army Simulator people very excited for that, so good for you guys.
(1:02:21) Kev: All right, there we go. I think that’s it. We’ve covered the news, the new games.
(1:02:26) Kev: So, let’s get into it.
(1:02:30) Kev: So, for people, I have played it over a week, however long it’s been.
(1:02:34) Codey: To recap, I did not play this.
(1:02:42) Kev: It’s only on Steam currently, so I’m playing it there. It has controller support, so that’s already great.
(1:02:54) Kev: This is by, again, Reki Studios, I believe.
(1:03:00) Kev: Who is, from what I recall, a one-man show, or at least the Cinnabunny is.
(1:03:06) Kev: So, I feel like that’s a very important element to keep in mind.
(1:03:12) Kev: Not because, like, any weaknesses or whatever. On the contrary, like, this is insane that one guy did all this.
(1:03:22) Kev: But, okay, Cinnabunny, the premise is simple. You live on a farm with your…
(1:03:30) Kev: …Bunny family, and there is a drought, so you’re sent out to, what is the place called, Sugar Burrow, something?
(1:03:40) Kev: I can’t remember, because I think you’re sent to a new village. Almost, now Valley.
(1:03:40) Codey: Now Noun Valley
(1:03:44) Kev: It’s Burrow, because they’re Bunnies. I remember that. But, is it Sugar Dew Burrow? Maybe.
(1:03:54) Kev: But, you’re sent to New Valley to help find a new home for your family.
(1:04:00) Kev: And so, you meet a new village full of Bunnies, and you’re starting a bakery, because that’s what your family also does, baking.
(1:04:08) Kev: And so, you now have to save up enough money to move your family out to your new home.
(1:04:14) Kev: All the while, running your little bakery, and meeting the villagers, and so on and so forth.
(1:04:20) Kev: Okay, so just at a glance, visually, I think the game’s beautiful. It’s a realistic game.
(1:04:30) Kev: It’s not particularly cartoony or anything. The Bunnies are realistic-looking. They’re hopping around on all fours and whatnot.
(1:04:42) Kev: It’s straightforward, I would say, almost. Because it’s not a particularly strong art-styler direction, but that’s okay.
(1:04:52) Kev: I think it works for what they’re going for here.
(1:04:56) Kev: Um, because you still have all the bunnies talking and you still have a few other things.
(1:05:00) Kev: Like you have a few robots running around and fun little elements like that.
(1:05:04) Kev: Um, like I know the word cozy is poisoned now, but, um, I do actually think that it’s this game.
(1:05:13) Kev: Um, the music is very chill and relaxing.
(1:05:16) Kev: Um, it’s, it’s just a very scenic, uh, serene sort of little valley with a little cute little bunny.
(1:05:24) Kev: So, um, this is a game that actually relaxes me, believe it or not.
(1:05:28) Codey: Okay, lovely.
(1:05:30) Kev: Um, yeah, um, so, you know, already like thumbs up for that because I feel like a lot of games that claim to be cozy struggle to actually be cozy, right?
(1:05:40) Kev: Like, um, but this one is really well done.
(1:05:44) Kev: Um, and again, one man show, I think everything looks super impressive.
(1:05:48) Kev: Um, so now let’s, uh, let’s get into it.
(1:05:54) Kev: The, the, the game is, it feels both not terribly big, but also.
(1:06:00) Kev: A lot to it.
(1:06:00) Kev: Like it’s a weird way to describe it, but like, so for instance, the game is just set in the village largely, right?
(1:06:08) Kev: There’s like two other areas you can go to.
(1:06:10) Kev: Um, there’s a little forest and a mine you can explore, but the, the, the, the like square footage that you’re exploring is not terribly big compared to other games.
(1:06:20) Kev: Um, so, you know, anyway in that small space, but you start to click discover, there’s a lot you can do, right?
(1:06:28) Kev: You got farming, you got your baking stuff, you got-
(1:06:30) Kev: gaining, gathering stuff, bird-watching, catching robots.
(1:06:35) Kev: I’ll get into details on all this, but it’s still all kind of centered around this little
(1:06:42) Kev: village.
(1:06:43) Kev: And I think that’s very much the core of the gameplay loop, the village and the villagers,
(1:06:50) Kev: because there is, you know, being the baker, you give stuff to the villagers that you make
(1:06:56) Kev: and whatnot.
(1:06:57) Kev: And that’s how you unlock other recipes.
(1:07:00) Kev: And then, you know, you want to keep doing that so you can make money to, or carrots, the money’s carrots on, to be able to bring your family over, etc.
(1:07:10) Codey: Mm hmm.
(1:07:14) Kev: And so the village itself, I think, is decently sized. I’d probably say maybe a bit smaller than Stardew sized.
(1:07:26) Kev: There’s a good number I’d say 20 bunnies or so.
(1:07:30) Kev: They all have their own personal tastes and you have to figure that out.
(1:07:36) Kev: Possibly one of my favorite elements in this game is there is an in-game notebook.
(1:07:43) Kev: If I give a bunny a piece of flatbread, let’s just say, they will make a comment.
(1:07:48) Kev: “Oh, this is nice, but I prefer this flavor. I prefer a fruity flavor or I prefer muffins or whatever.”
(1:07:55) Kev: And so then you can pause, you can go to your notebook,
(1:08:00) Kev: you can jot down that Anita the bunny likes muffins or whatever, or they dislike this thing.
(1:08:07) Kev: So you can just keep it in track, you can track all of that in-game, which is just so nice, so nice.
(1:08:14) Codey: So what does that, what does that look like?
(1:08:16) Codey: Like, do you have to type that out?
(1:08:18) Kev: It’s no, it’s like, so you go to a menu, there’s in one of the menus, there’s just a list of all
(1:08:25) Kev: your villagers, right? You go to the villager and then you put a new entry in the notebook,
(1:08:30) Kev: and it says, okay, they either like or you can click like and switch to dislike. And then the
(1:08:35) Kev: third option is, okay, do you want to talk about like their flavor or type of bread or whatever?
(1:08:40) Kev: So you’re just going through different options, kind of like Mad Libs, if you will.
(1:08:44) Kev: We’re just filling in and making a string of words. Does that make sense? Yeah. So yeah.
(1:08:51) Codey: Yeah, I mean, that’s cool that it basically like has everything like
(1:08:56) Codey: pre-put in, you just have to do dropdown menus and like pick what you want.
(1:08:56) Kev: Yes. Yeah. That’s right. Yeah.
(1:09:00) Kev: Yeah. Yeah, it’s great. So, yeah, you don’t have to type it out or whatever, right? Because if this
(1:09:07) Kev: were to come out on, say, Switch or whatever, you know, you probably don’t have a keyboard.
(1:09:13) Kev: So, I think that’s fantastic. And then, you know, like I said, you keep track of that.
(1:09:20) Kev: Probably the biggest choke point, for lack of a better word, is you can only gift a bunny
(1:09:28) Kev: one thing a day.
(1:09:30) Kev: So you have to wait till the next in-game day to try again to kind of, you know, trying to refine or figure out exactly what they like or don’t like.
(1:09:38) Kev: And also, the baking kind of limits you because I don’t know, you know, it’s like Stardew Valley Clock where a day takes X number of minutes, real time minutes or whatever.
(1:09:52) Kev: I don’t know the–it’s actually probably close to Stardew’s Clock on the rate.
(1:09:58) Kev: But the bake–
(1:10:00) Kev: Baking takes– you can probably only bake when you start off maybe two or three things a day.
(1:10:08) Kev: Just because it takes X number of in-game hours to actually bake whatever you’re making.
(1:10:12) Kev: So you prepare the dough and then you put it in the oven and you have to come back six hours later or whatever.
(1:10:22) Kev: So at the very beginning, you’re making very little in terms of volume.
(1:10:26) Kev: you and you know you’re making two or three pieces.
(1:10:30) Kev: And of course there’s the different recipes because you can make a lot of different breads, you can make like baguettes, milk bread, pies, muffins, pastries, savories.
(1:10:57) Kev: I don’t think I’ve even done like…
(1:11:00) Kev: A lot of the recipes, because there’s a lot, it looks like.
(1:11:03) Kev: And so there’s a lot to explore.
(1:11:08) Kev: And of course that all goes hand in hand with the oraging.
(1:11:13) Kev: Because you can add stuff, you of course have your basic stuff, like you get wheat, and wheat and water.
(1:11:20) Kev: You get wheat, you grind it up in a little grinder to make flour, and then you add water, and that’s how you make your very basic bread, right?
(1:11:27) Kev: It all kind of extrapolates from there.
(1:11:30) Kev: you get different pieces of equipment.
(1:11:32) Kev: You get a yeast maker, you get a sourdough starter,
(1:11:35) Kev: you get dishware to make pie tins and stuff like that.
(1:11:40) Kev: So you get all these pieces of equipment
(1:11:41) Kev: to make your different styles of bread,
(1:11:42) Kev: but also the ingredients, right?
(1:11:44) Kev: You can start adding in ingredients like berries
(1:11:48) Kev: or chocolate or cinnamon or spices or whatever
(1:11:50) Kev: to change the flavors to again,
(1:11:53) Kev: to kind of fit whatever you think will the neighbors tastes.
(1:11:59) Kev: and so to get that stuff.
(1:12:00) Kev: Uh, you have to either go foraging around or go to there’s a little market in town run by some
(1:12:05) Kev: of the other bunnies. And so you can just check out what’s there every day and buy up what you need.
(1:12:12) Kev: Um, but, uh, so that’s, uh, that’s kind of the loop for the baking. You set your stuff to bake,
(1:12:19) Kev: you go out and look for ingredients or whatnot. And then, um, and then you come back and you get
(1:12:27) Kev: get the next thing going.
(1:12:29) Codey: Okay, so that’s one of the four there’s like four skills that you can have right like what and you
(1:12:30) Kev: Right, right. Yeah, there’s a handful of skills and you level them up. As you break more bread,
(1:12:38) Codey: Yeah
(1:12:39) Kev: you level up the quality of the stuff you make. Yes, for baking, yes. But yes, there’s
(1:12:42) Codey: Okay quality is what you get from increasing cool
(1:12:48) Kev: forging and farming. That’s one of the other skills, right? As you forge, the level increases
(1:12:52) Codey: Mm hmm.
(1:12:54) Kev: and you can find better, again, you find better quality stuff. I don’t think some of the stuff
(1:12:58) Kev: will even spawn until you hit certain levels.
(1:13:00) Kev: So if you’re foraging and whatnot
(1:13:03) Kev: Farming so
(1:13:05) Kev: The farming like I’m still I think I’m still in the early stages of that. It’s very
(1:13:10) Kev: Very straightforward farming. You’re just planting the seeds. You don’t even have to water. You just have to plant the seeds
(1:13:16) Kev: And then later you harvest them with sickle and you get seeds and the crops from that, right?
(1:13:22) Kev: You you know, we denotes and a handful of different things
(1:13:26) Kev: I think the farming stuff would increase is the number of seeds you can get back
(1:13:30) Kev: because initially that’s pretty low. But eventually I think you can start making more from that.
(1:13:32) Codey: Mm-hmm
(1:13:37) Codey: How fast do things grow
(1:13:39) Kev: You can harvest once or twice a day, I’d say. It’s enough. Yeah, yeah, that’s correct. Yeah,
(1:13:43) Codey: Okay, so like you plant wheat and then like the next day you can get wheat okay
(1:13:51) Kev: it’s enough to fuel your baking needs. And you can also, yeah. And in the market,
(1:14:00) Kev: a vendor who will sell you also wheat and seeds and stuff like that, right? So even if you don’t
(1:14:05) Kev: have any on hand, you might see it in the market and you’ll be okay. I didn’t really feel like a
(1:14:10) Kev: lack of resources for baking stuff, right? Other than maybe the recipes, that’s probably the
(1:14:15) Kev: hardest one because you have to give basically a neighbor something they really like to unlock a
(1:14:23) Kev: recipe. So, you know, that can take a few in-game days as you try to figure out exactly what the
(1:14:30) Kev: type of bake mode they liked or whatever. And then that’ll unlock new stuff for you.
(1:14:38) Kev: It’s also very cute because when you give them something they really like,
(1:14:42) Kev: you get this little animation of their eyes wide open. You know, turning from the realistic bunny
(1:14:47) Kev: eyes to these cartoony, wise, wide open and the zooming of just the flavor explosion they’re
(1:14:52) Codey: That’s so cute.
(1:14:58) Kev: experiencing.
(1:15:01) Kev: It’s, it’s really good.
(1:15:02) Kev: Um, yeah.
(1:15:05) Codey: I mean, that’s how I feel whenever anyone gives me anything that has rosemary and olive
(1:15:13) Codey: oil bread.
(1:15:14) Kev: Right, yeah, that sounds exactly what it’s like. Oh
(1:15:14) Codey: I’m like, yeah, I also am like, oh my God.
(1:15:19) Kev: Man
(1:15:21) Kev: Man, I like my like so there’s this pain called carabas
(1:15:22) Codey: Okay.
(1:15:26) Kev: It’s an Italian chain down here, and I think it’s mostly in the south still
(1:15:30) Kev: They just give out this bread, but they have this blend
(1:15:32) Kev: Oh there they give it to you with olive oil and like this blend of spices and oh my gosh
(1:15:36) Codey: Mm hmm. Your little bunny eyes just open. The bread. Oh, the
(1:15:37) Kev: That’s just heaven every time I have it. Oh, it’s so good
(1:15:41) Kev: long
(1:15:42) Kev: Yes, the bunny
(1:15:44) Kev: Let’s see if we can find a picture to show you the the bunny eyes. Oh
(1:15:48) Codey: bunny eyes. Like show me, show me the bread. So you already
(1:15:48) Kev: Yeah, the bunny eyes. I’m gonna show you the crop as bread to you
(1:15:57) Codey: mentioned like the villagers and how you give them things. The
(1:16:01) Kev: - Mm-hmm, yeah.
(1:16:02) Codey: next thing that I so like I saw this and this was one of the
(1:16:05) Codey: reasons I really want to play this game.
(1:16:07) Codey: Um, but unfortunately, uh, when it came time to it, my finances
(1:16:12) Codey: were on unwilling, um, bird watching.
(1:16:16) Kev: yes okay yeah so let’s talk about that because these are the two you’ve got
(1:16:22) Kev: them early on the two kind of side activities I would say because like
(1:16:24) Codey: Mmhmm.
(1:16:27) Kev: mushroom forging is also a thing you have a little mushroom decks basically
(1:16:30) Kev: you you can complete that’s just foraging you know just pick up the
(1:16:30) Codey: Mmhmm.
(1:16:35) Kev: mushrooms you see on the ground bird watching and the recyclable so bird
(1:16:40) Kev: watching is I’m gonna say challenging to be quite honest so yeah
(1:16:44) Codey: Um, it is correct.
(1:16:47) Kev: okay here’s the thing with bird watching you are given a pair of
(1:16:51) Kev: binoculars bird binoculars I believe they call and what you do is as you’re
(1:16:59) Kev: walking about you will hear real-life bird calls and so then you have to okay
(1:17:05) Kev: go to your tool wheel equip the bird binoculars and you kind of have to start
(1:17:09) Kev: looking around the thing is a lot of times they’re like either hidden in the
(1:17:13) Kev: grass or up in trees. So you might walk into them and they’ll
(1:17:16) Kev: start flying away. You can still whip out your bird inoculers and zoom in and basically
(1:17:21) Kev: take a picture. But it’s real time. The birds are flying away, so you’ve got to move fast.
(1:17:22) Codey: Okay. Yeah.
(1:17:30) Kev: And it can be tough to see them because they’ll be in tall grass a lot of times or just in
(1:17:34) Kev: a tree you’re not looking at. It is challenging. The biggest thing is distance. You have to
(1:17:36) Codey: Does it like auto lock on them for you or do you have to find them?
(1:17:43) Kev: be close enough. It will auto-lock. It will show you…
(1:17:44) Codey: Okay, okay
(1:17:46) Kev: The birds spawn depending on the conditions, whether, mine, location, etc.
(1:18:08) Codey: that sounds amazing. I love that 10 out of 10. Yeah. I mean, honestly, sometimes the biggest,
(1:18:16) Kev: Umm…
(1:18:19) Codey: the most difficult thing of birdwatching itself is like finding the bird, like, cause you’ll hear it.
(1:18:24) Codey: You’ll put your, you’ll zoom in and your binoculars trying to find them and then you’ll not be able
(1:18:31) Codey: to find them because you didn’t put your binoculars in the right spot, like, and they’re up higher.
(1:18:34) Kev: that is exactly what it’s like in the game too.
(1:18:35) Codey: and so you have to like figure out how to cite them.
(1:18:38) Codey: Like, okay, where -
(1:18:40) Codey: Yeah.
(1:18:42) Codey: Well, but if it auto-locks on them, then it’s like, that kind of helps.
(1:18:42) Kev: Well, it doesn’t, it does, but if you don’t have them, like if they’re not on the screen,
(1:18:50) Codey: Yeah.
(1:18:51) Kev: where are they?
(1:18:52) Kev: I don’t know.
(1:18:53) Kev: You just have to rotate the camera and try to figure it out.
(1:18:54) Codey: Yup.
(1:18:56) Codey: And that’s the most difficult part for me.
(1:18:58) Codey: Like, usually the songs, as long as, like, I can learn them and then be able to see them and stuff.
(1:19:04) Kev: Yeah, I just shared Coney, the, the bun, the favorite eyes.
(1:19:04) Codey: Oh my god, the eyes being open, I just got it.
(1:19:08) Codey: Their eyes are open.
(1:19:12) Codey: But yeah, like, that is like the most difficult part of birdwatching, is the actually citing them into your binoculars.
(1:19:22) Codey: Sorry, I just call them bins.
(1:19:23) Kev: Yep. Bins. Okay. Hmm. Yeah. So, yeah. And, yeah. So, yeah, honestly, it sounds pretty
(1:19:24) Codey: Whenever I’m birdwatching, I just call them bins.
(1:19:26) Codey: Or people call them binos.
(1:19:28) Codey: But for this game, it’s their birdoculars, so birdos.
(1:19:39) Kev: dang accurate to real life birdwatching thing because that’s a challenge. Yeah. And the
(1:19:42) Codey: Love it, love it.
(1:19:47) Kev: fact that they use, like, the real birdfalls is great. What a fantastic little touch there.
(1:19:50) Codey: So when you increase your skill level with that, what do you get?
(1:19:53) Kev: I am guessing that is, like, you’ll be able to get rare bird spawns. I have not increased
(1:20:02) Kev: it too much. That one’s challenging to level up because, at least at the beginning, it’s
(1:20:08) Kev: almost like it just happens and you happen to be there. Going out to, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
(1:20:12) Codey: That’s how life works.
(1:20:17) Kev: Going out to try to find the birds is really hard. I have tried it a few times. They are
(1:20:21) Kev: are not easy.
(1:20:23) Kev: there is yes yeah it’s it’s really not real time they they tell you that they
(1:20:23) Codey: I wonder if like–
(1:20:24) Codey: because is there a day/night cycle in this game?
(1:20:27) Codey: OK, it’ll probably be easier really early in the morning.
(1:20:31) Codey: If they keep it real to life, then yeah.
(1:20:34) Kev: explicitly say get up in the morning you will probably find birds you know mm-hmm
(1:20:38) Codey: Yeah, because in real life, you have
(1:20:40) Codey: It’s usually right around sunrise.
(1:20:42) Codey: And then maybe a couple hours later, they’re, they’re quiet because they don’t want to draw attention to themselves because of the predators.
(1:20:44) Kev: that yeah that is
(1:20:54) Kev: yep that is exactly what they well not exactly what they tell you but they tell
(1:20:58) Kev: you you look in the morning you will find birds
(1:21:01) Codey: Well, that is, that’s amazing.
(1:21:02) Codey: I 10 out of 10 to recce games for that realism.
(1:21:03) Kev: it’s great yeah yeah I agree um I I it’s tough because when I wake up in the
(1:21:13) Kev: morning first thing I want to do is bake my bread darn it but but let’s see here
(1:21:20) Kev: Okay, so that’s birdwatching the other very active.
(1:21:23) Kev: I don’t remember his name but he has a lab and he created these robots called Recyclobots to help pick up trash.
(1:21:33) Kev: But they more or less have gone haywire and they now just run around town in trash.
(1:21:39) Kev: And so he tasks you with capturing his Recyclobots and he gives you a net gun to do that.
(1:21:47) Kev: So it is, load up your net gun, you run up to the–
(1:21:53) Kev: Recyclobots and try to capture it with your net gun. It’s pretty straightforward, but it is challenging because those suckers can move fast.
(1:21:58) Codey: It’s a– you basically are throwing a pokeball at them.
(1:22:04) Kev: Basically, yes. If you can hit–like, it does.
(1:22:06) Codey: Because it does roll into a ball.
(1:22:10) Kev: Rowan, is that the site’s name? I couldn’t remember, but yeah, the design’s funny.
(1:22:10) Codey: His name is Rowan, by the way.
(1:22:14) Codey: That’s a science bunny.
(1:22:18) Kev: walk you up to the lab it’s fun because he even has like lamps and that will
(1:22:21) Kev: follow you like they’ll start rotating.
(1:22:23) Kev: on their robot arms to follow you um anyways um and so it’s uh you know you get much like
(1:22:30) Kev: all the other things you get rewards if you catch recycle bots you get paid carrots or whatever
(1:22:35) Kev: but um like some of them I don’t know how to do it because some of them are literally too
(1:22:41) Kev: fast for me to keep up with I can’t cast them I don’t know if that’s something I just need to
(1:22:44) Kev: keep leveling up my catching skill I don’t know if there’s a way to ambush them to sneak up on
(1:22:49) Kev: on them. I haven’t been able to figure it out.
(1:22:53) Kev: Or if you get upgrades to the Netgun, I don’t know, but like Burt watching, that one’s pretty
(1:22:59) Kev: tricky. I’ve gotten better at it, I think. I’m able to catch some reliably. In the caves,
(1:23:10) Kev: there’s a different variety. They hold like, sparkly gems and stuff like that, but I can’t
(1:23:14) Kev: catch them at all. They run so fast, and I just can’t reach them. But it is fun because
(1:23:22) Kev: Because it’s a very…
(1:23:23) Kev: Yeah, it’s a very different pace, right?
(1:23:26) Kev: Where it’s, again, real time.
(1:23:28) Kev: You have to be very quick, very reflex-heavy.
(1:23:32) Kev: And if you miss enough times, they will just disappear.
(1:23:34) Kev: They’ll either drill into the ground or fly away.
(1:23:38) Codey: Classic Pokemon.
(1:23:39) Kev: So, yeah, it’s Pokemon, that’s correct.
(1:23:41) Kev: Just like the Safari Zone, that’s correct.
(1:23:45) Kev: So, yeah, those are the recycle bots.
(1:23:48) Codey: Can you then use them?
(1:23:49) Kev: So, yeah.
(1:23:51) Kev: No, not really.
(1:23:52) Codey: They’re just kind of– you catch them, and then he’s like, thanks.
(1:23:54) Kev: Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
(1:23:56) Kev: Like I said, he’ll give you some carrots,
(1:23:57) Kev: but it’s largely another Pokedex for you to fill.
(1:24:00) Kev: Right, you have a handful of those.
(1:24:02) Kev: You have the birds, you have the mushrooms,
(1:24:04) Kev: you have the recycle bots.
(1:24:06) Kev: Even like ingredients, there’s a handful
(1:24:08) Kev: of different catalogs for you to fill out.
(1:24:10) Kev: But, yeah, that’s mostly either from money
(1:24:13) Kev: or just filling out the decks.
(1:24:16) Kev: But, yeah, I think that more…
(1:24:19) Kev: Okay, you know, there’s one other important thing
(1:24:21) Kev: and that’s the community.
(1:24:23) Kev: um so in the post office there’s this community
(1:24:27) Kev: project box or whatever and basically you have to gather enough carrots to
(1:24:31) Kev: to pay and then something will happen like
(1:24:34) Kev: that’s how you unlock the mines or the force to go foraging in right
(1:24:38) Kev: um there’s stuff down the line I know is in the game because it’s on the trailer
(1:24:42) Kev: and then you can see what it is like there’s a deer you can ride around
(1:24:46) Kev: there’s you unlock windsurfing and a plane
(1:24:50) Kev: Um, I have not reached so that’s why I can
(1:24:53) Kev: comment on those. There is more stuff in the game for me to do for sure but I have to progress
(1:24:58) Kev: through the community projects which I haven’t reached quite yet. Um, uh, and so like…
(1:25:02) Codey: Okay, well that’s cool sometimes like later game stuff like it just makes it makes things easier
(1:25:10) Codey: and that’s kind of like like some it’s it’s cool that they have like legitimately cute slash cool
(1:25:17) Codey: like things to continue just dry for because sometimes it’s like oh and next you can get this
(1:25:23) Codey: you can make uh automation better and i’m like okay but like i’m already kind of i’m good like
(1:25:26) Kev: Yeah
(1:25:29) Codey: I don’t really need that.
(1:25:30) Codey: So.
(1:25:30) Kev: Yeah
(1:25:31) Kev: Yeah, I
(1:25:32) Codey: That’s cool.
(1:25:34) Kev: Agreefully right and among those community projects a lot of it is upgrading your own stuff
(1:25:38) Kev: You know getting bigger farmlands increasing the space of your place stuff like that that exists, too
(1:25:43) Kev: But yeah, no, I agree. There’s it’s exciting to know. There’s some stuff. I want to check out and they have to work towards
(1:25:50) Kev: But yeah, so I think that more or less covers the mechanics. Um, I
(1:25:56) Kev: I think um
(1:25:58) Kev: So like in case it wasn’t obvious like I I love the game. I think it’s great. It’s it’s fantastic work, especially by one guy
(1:26:06) Kev: Um, I have a handful of criticisms. Of course, um, I think
(1:26:12) Kev: Early on the the pacing is a pretty slow
(1:26:17) Kev: like
(1:26:18) Kev: Because you don’t have access to the mind you don’t have access to the forest, right? So when you put your bread to bake
(1:26:25) Kev: Well
(1:26:27) Kev: You don’t have a lot to do up front because you can’t even talk to your neighbors that much
(1:26:32) Kev: It’s one of those systems where they’ll get tired of talking to you after next number of times, right?
(1:26:36) Codey: Yeah, well, I get it. Yeah, I also don’t want to talk to people
(1:26:38) Kev: Yeah, no I get it too but
(1:26:43) Kev: It’s so
(1:26:45) Kev: So it takes a bit to get up to speed but
(1:26:50) Kev: Eventually like especially I think when Jim like the second space in your little oven for no more bread
(1:26:57) Kev: You start getting pretty busy pretty fast cuz now I’m juggling. Okay, I put the bread to bake. I’m gonna go harvest my crops
(1:27:03) Kev: I gotta go
(1:27:05) Kev: Yeah, there’s stuff to forage. I talked to people giving gifts yada-yada
(1:27:06) Codey: Yeah.
(1:27:10) Codey: Stop to occupy your time, yeah.
(1:27:10) Kev: there’s
(1:27:11) Kev: Yeah, it starts to fill up fast. So
(1:27:15) Kev: Just just if you get it and you feel like it’s a little pretty slow on the Vinnie just hanging in there
(1:27:20) Kev: You’ll get there. I
(1:27:22) Kev: I also think part of it is, how should I put this, I think this
(1:27:26) Kev: game is very much meant to be taken at a slow pace. Because
(1:27:33) Kev: I know, obviously, as gamers, we have a tendency to like, oh,
(1:27:35) Kev: there’s the goal, grind, grind, grind to get to the goal, right?
(1:27:37) Kev: A lot of people are like that, right? Like, yes, that’s your
(1:27:42) Kev: goal. But it’s like Animal Crossing, where you don’t have
(1:27:45) Kev: to rush to it, right? Like, once it clicked to me, like, you
(1:27:48) Kev: know what, I should just slow down and enjoy the game, just
(1:27:51) Kev: enjoy the serenity and the cute music and everything. Like, I
(1:27:54) Kev: I started to enjoy it a lot more.
(1:27:56) Kev: Um, right, right, right.
(1:27:57) Codey: Not for game guzzlers.
(1:28:01) Kev: I mean, you can’t cause there’s goals that you want to go.
(1:28:04) Kev: You want to min max your day.
(1:28:05) Kev: You can’t, you can time out.
(1:28:08) Codey: Yeah, that’s just like, yeah, that’s that’s cute.
(1:28:08) Kev: Backly when your bread will be finished so you can get back in time.
(1:28:12) Kev: Um, you have to pick it up before it burns, by the way.
(1:28:16) Kev: Um, yeah.
(1:28:18) Codey: I’ve burned no one wants burnt bread.
(1:28:19) Kev: Um, no, no, no, that’s it.
(1:28:22) Kev: Um, but yeah, I’m trying to think.
(1:28:24) Kev: Um, thank you.
(1:28:26) Kev: Oh, not criticism, but, uh, the, the, the developer has been really good about, uh, updates.
(1:28:34) Kev: There’s been like two or three updates since the game came out before this recording. Uh, lots of
(1:28:39) Kev: nice little features. He updated some stuff for tutorials and, and stuff like that. He’s been
(1:28:44) Kev: very good at listening to feedback. Um, another great innovation. Um, we are bunnies or you’re
(1:28:51) Kev: playing as a bunny and bunnies have a better sense of smell than people. Um,
(1:28:52) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(1:28:56) Kev: and so what you can do is if you were looking for someone,
(1:29:00) Kev: you can sniff and follow their scent trail.
(1:29:02) Codey: That is adorable.
(1:29:05) Kev: Isn’t that great? Right. Cause, uh, I think you do. Yeah. At least when you first click it,
(1:29:06) Codey: Can you see the little nose move?
(1:29:11) Kev: you do see the nose move and then, you know, you get like little magic
(1:29:14) Kev: hoofs that you’re following kind of like, um, it’s great. Um, because, right. Cause you know,
(1:29:15) Codey: That’s so cute.
(1:29:20) Kev: that solves the, um, the frustration of finding someone that, you know, early start to head,
(1:29:24) Codey: Yeah
(1:29:26) Kev: and it’s a little more clever than just putting a map with everyone’s face, like follow the trail.
(1:29:30) Codey: Yeah, well and I’m like we’re such visual creatures, but the majority of life is not well to include that
(1:29:31) Kev: Um, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Um, so that, uh, yeah, that’s, that’s great fun. Um,
(1:29:46) Kev: let’s see here. That’s, uh, sugar Creek burrows. That’s the names. I was close. She’s not sugar
(1:29:50) Codey: There you go.
(1:29:51) Kev: sugarcreek roast.
(1:29:52) Codey: Yeah, I mean, I think that pretty much covers the game.
(1:29:56) Codey: Who would you recommend this game to?
(1:30:00) Codey: Maybe not game guzzlers.
(1:30:02) Kev: Look, okay, I think it delivers on the premise. If you watch the trailer, you see it’s a game
(1:30:08) Kev: about bunnies being a bunny, running a bakery. If that sounds appealing to you, go for it.
(1:30:15) Kev: Because like, it’s clear this game isn’t meant to be, you know, it’s a joke, it’s not high octane
(1:30:23) Kev: action. It’s still laid back, start to ask. It might not have the…
(1:30:32) Kev: wide for like, huge range of stuff you can do and start to exactly, at least where I am right now.
(1:30:40) Kev: So, you know, maybe don’t go on expecting that, but if you’re a storyteller, this might be worth
(1:30:44) Kev: a shot because the rhythm is similar of having all your daily tasks to do and so on and so forth.
(1:30:52) Kev: But yeah, I honestly, if you look at the trailer and it feels like something you’d like,
(1:30:56) Kev: I think go for it. I think it’s very clear what it’s trying to do.
(1:31:02) Codey: Okay, I think it’s a super cute game and looking at the
(1:31:07) Codey: Steam page and looking at Rekki games. He also
(1:31:11) Codey: They also don’t know the pronouns. They also developed a button house, which is a very similar premise, but you’re running a greenhouse
(1:31:18) Codey: And I remember talking about that game not like I don’t think we had an episode on it
(1:31:22) Codey: But we had did mention it on the pod before and that also looked like an adorable game. So
(1:31:29) Codey: Yeah, I mean if you like bunnies
(1:31:32) Codey: Definitely ace ace would probably like this game
(1:31:36) Kev: you know it’s all right inside baseball here but she said something about the
(1:31:44) Kev: visuals didn’t appeal to her we thought is she yeah yeah we thought she’d be
(1:31:45) Codey: Oh, you’re right. Yes.
(1:31:49) Kev: down for it but but it’s like and then that’s fine
(1:31:54) Kev: Bunhouse this is this is literally just cinnabunny but gardening you know the
(1:31:54) Codey: It’s like the same aesthetic, which I mean, it’s not broke.
(1:32:02) Kev: same visuals and everything, same walk, cycle, and animation.
(1:32:06) Kev: Yeah, no. Yeah, you can put your hats on the bunnies, just like just like Cinnabunny.
(1:32:12) Kev: I have a top hat on mine. Yeah, when do we get the expanded? Oh, I didn’t talk about that.
(1:32:13) Codey: Oh, that’s so cute! Does your, do your ears stick out?
(1:32:20) Kev: There is heavy, heavy bunny customization. You can pick the style of ears. You want the pointy,
(1:32:29) Kev: you know, the standing up ones. Do you want the floppy ones on the side? You can pick your link.
(1:32:36) Kev: There’s at least 30 to 40 different colors you can pick. You can pick your eyes,
(1:32:43) Kev: expressions, or eye style. It’s a pretty Cinnabunny customization.
(1:32:46) Codey: Mm hmm. Could you make a could you make yourself a lion’s head bunny with like a lot of fluff?
(1:32:55) Kev: Yes, yes you can.
(1:32:56) Codey: Oh my gosh. I just watched one of my friends has a lion’s head bunny and I just watched him
(1:33:04) Codey: for a couple weeks and he’s he’s just it’s like hard to find his eyes and his face because he’s
(1:33:10) Kev: Yep, yep
(1:33:11) Codey: He’s just fluff.
(1:33:13) Kev: Yep, you can you can pick a fluffy bunny absolutely
(1:33:16) Codey: Okay, that’s so cute. Okay.
(1:33:17) Kev: Yeah, yeah, it’s great
(1:33:20) Kev: A+ on that front
(1:33:23) Kev: Yeah, so there you go
(1:33:25) Kev: That’s anybody folks
(1:33:27) Kev: Two thumbs up from me. I will try to keep playing this game. I enjoy it
(1:33:32) Kev: I say try to but there’s a gotta get to play it so
(1:33:36) Codey: I think I’ll wait a little bit longer.
(1:33:39) Codey: I am definitely going to get it at some point, but it is Windows only.
(1:33:43) Codey: And that makes me sad.
(1:33:45) Codey: So come out on something else, please.
(1:33:51) Codey: Mac or a switch or something.
(1:33:54) Kev: something. Hopefully, you know, I’ve got a push for this game. Hopefully, it’ll, it’ll
(1:33:57) Codey: Or I’ll just push to get a steam deck.
(1:34:02) Codey: That was another potential in my life that has
(1:34:04) Kev: All right, I think that about wraps it up, so let’s get on to the usuals, Cody, where
(1:34:06) Codey: not happened, but that’s totally fine.
(1:34:07) Codey: Um, but yeah, we’ll see.
(1:34:13) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(1:34:17) Kev: do people find you on the interwebs?
(1:34:18) Codey: They can find me on, um, Instagram at hiking beagle B E E goal.
(1:34:24) Codey: Um, also on blue sky.
(1:34:27) Codey: Um, just my name Cody Mathis, uh, with an E C O D E Y.
(1:34:32) Codey: Um, blue sky is going to be more, uh,
(1:34:36) Codey: neurodivergent entomology themed stuff.
(1:34:40) Codey: Uh, Instagram is hilarious things that I can relate to.
(1:34:43) Codey: Uh, dogs as well.
(1:34:46) Codey: Pictures of my dogs.
(1:34:46) Kev: The blue sky is for comparing which Winnie the Pooh character and which neurodivergency.
(1:34:48) Codey: Um,
(1:34:56) Codey: yeah.
(1:34:58) Codey: Um, yeah, that’s pretty much it and the, and the Slack, but we’ll
(1:35:03) Codey: mention that later.
(1:35:04) Kev: Yeah, you can find me at Koopa Prez on Blue Sky at the artist squared on Blue Sky.
(1:35:04) Codey: What about you?
(1:35:11) Kev: I do have an art account, I haven’t posted much, but I will be posting.
(1:35:16) Kev: So the artist squared was the original name, not the spider squared, which was previously.
(1:35:21) Kev: So that was finally open on Blue Sky, so I took it.
(1:35:24) Kev: And seeing as how I’ve been doing a lot more non-pixel art, I have the appropriate timing
(1:35:29) Kev: for that.
(1:35:30) Kev: Anyways, you can also find me over at Rainbow Road Radio.
(1:35:34) Kev: In case people haven’t heard, the schedule changed up a bit, Alex got busy, so we were doing weekly, we’re not doing weekly anymore as of right now.
(1:35:49) Kev: We record an episode that I have been trying to edit. I have not had time to edit it, because I wanted to see if I could step up and edit it so we could get more episodes going still.
(1:35:58) Kev: But that does not happen, but it will come out hopefully soon.
(1:36:05) Kev: There is plenty of other episodes for you to check out. Again, that is Rainbow Road Radio on wherever you listen to podcasts.
(1:36:13) Kev: But if you want to listen to another podcast like this podcast, more of this podcast, you can find us at THSPOD on Tumblr and Blue Sky.
(1:36:23) Kev: You can find Al, the creator of the show, @thescottbot, or @messed_on_scott, he’s on Blue Sky, all that stuff.
(1:36:34) Kev: You can go to for episodes and links to everything we talk about, or you can drop some feedback there.
(1:36:43) Kev: And then if you really want to get into the juicy stuff, head on over to, where you can join our exclusive crew for a very low price.
(1:36:57) Kev: And you can join in on the Slack, where we talk about different things, mostly about the episodes.
(1:37:04) Kev: But feel free to chime in, all the hosts hang out there, and also some other cool people.
(1:37:10) Kev: You can feel free to… Oh, and you also get access to greenhouse episodes on non-cottagecore stuff, like our Pokemon Day, both predictions and reactions that presents.
(1:37:24) Kev: You can hear me and Al through both of those in quick succession.
(1:37:30) Codey: to listen to that one.
(1:37:34) Kev: It’s a good time. We’re all huge pokédorks, so plenty to talk about.
(1:37:42) Kev: Alright, well, thank you, Clodie, for joining me. Thank you, Al, for having us on, and thank you, listeners, for joining us on this episode.
(1:37:50) Kev: We will see you next week. And until then, have a good harvest.
(1:37:54) Codey: Have a good harvest.
(1:37:54) Theme Tune: The harvest season is created by Al McKinlay, with support from our patrons, including our
(1:37:57) Kev: I wish I had a rabbit pun, but I don’t.
(1:37:57) Codey: Bown, bown, bown, bown, bown.
(1:38:05) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
(1:38:09) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
(1:38:14) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website,, for show notes and links to things we discussed
(1:38:19) Theme Tune: in this episode.