Tell Us About Your Puppy

Codey and Kev catch up on all the recent news


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:01:06: Feedback
00:08:21: What Have We Been Up To
00:43:30: Game Releases
00:57:44: Game Updates
01:06:41: New Games
01:28:43: Outro

Harvest Hills Release
Chill Town Development Update
Dragon Shelter Trailer
Steamworld Build Physical Release
Echoes of the Plum Grove Digital Art Book

Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home “Controller and Cloud Save” Update
Research Story “Shimmering” Update
Go-go Town Roadmap
Terra Nil “Heatwave” Update

Cattle Country
Litchi Town


Al on Mastodon:
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(0:00:30) Codey: Hello, farmers and welcome to another episode of the harvest season. My name is Cody.
(0:00:36) Kev: My name is Kevin, and we are back in the sad woodbeam.
(0:00:40) Codey: Welcome to a new year. This is actually, this is actually being recorded in the new year.
(0:00:41) Kev: Wow.
(0:00:44) Kev: Oh yeah.
(0:00:46) Kev: The first one.
(0:00:49) Kev: Yeah.
(0:00:50) Kev: Unlike the last one, which is recorded before a lot of the ones before that, which is wild.
(0:00:55) Codey: Yeah, I just, I just finished.
(0:00:57) Kev: Oh, wildflowers got a sequel, prequel, and I wouldn’t say it.
(0:01:04) Codey: Yeah. So I guess so. Okay. So this episode is about a news catch up,
(0:01:09) Codey: but we do want to hear Kev.
(0:01:10) Kev: Yup.
(0:01:14) Codey: I want to hear. So there’s a couple of things that we have to,
(0:01:17) Codey: we have to talk about first, uh, all, but yeah,
(0:01:19) Kev: I saw the note
(0:01:22) Codey: I’ll put any feedback on game of the year.
(0:01:24) Codey: So do you have any feedback on Rusty’s retirement winning game of the year?
(0:01:28) Kev: Oh, so like, I’ll tell you what, my feedback is that this is just the, the, the
(0:01:36) Kev: revenge of the, the coral island debacle of the previous year.
(0:01:40) Kev: That’s what this is.
(0:01:41) Codey: No, who would you have well you probably would have had wildflowers win, right?
(0:01:41) Kev: Um, me, no, I mean, well, okay.
(0:01:49) Kev: Some deep inside baseball, right?
(0:01:51) Kev: Like this is, we’ve been talking a little bit on how to structure this
(0:01:54) Kev: game the year, because it’s challenging, right?
(0:01:57) Kev: with so many games that come out, right?
(0:01:58) Kev: And we cover, you know, at most 52 games in a year, and obviously we’re not going to bring 52 games in a year.
(0:02:06) Codey: Right
(0:02:06) Kev: And furthermore, they’re probably not all going to be games that came out that year.
(0:02:12) Kev: So that is a lot of games that we don’t play and consider and, you know, we might be missing things, right?
(0:02:22) Kev: So like Wildflowers, we missed it the year it came out.
(0:02:26) Kev: came out, so I didn’t put it in.
(0:02:28) Kev: It wasn’t in the running for Game of the Year, so I think that we should maybe try
(0:02:34) Kev: to aim for next year is like, we already started doing the categories or whatever kind of,
(0:02:41) Kev: so I think there should be one for actually 2020, whatever, four, five, whatever, and then
(0:02:47) Kev: one that we covered on the show that year, you know what I mean?
(0:02:50) Kev: That’s probably how we should structure that, but either way, I mean, yeah, either way,
(0:02:55) Kev: But a lot of thought was just not going to be my vote because we didn’t cover it last time.
(0:02:58) Kev: I would have gone with Mika of course, but I get it.
(0:03:00) Codey: Okay.
(0:03:02) Codey: That was me, I was gonna say maybe Mika.
(0:03:06) Kev: I will say I haven’t played Rusty’s retirement in myself.
(0:03:10) Kev: Like I said, I don’t like the concept of something playing on your screen as you’re doing other stuff.
(0:03:20) Kev: I’m the total opposite end of the spectrum from that. It doesn’t tell me at all.
(0:03:26) Kev: Um, but I’m sure it’s fine.
(0:03:27) Kev: Like what, what I, you know,
(0:03:28) Kev: what I want to talk about, it’s great and, and what, right.
(0:03:31) Kev: Um, and furthermore, like, uh, I think it was my, I don’t know, brought it up like
(0:03:36) Kev: that, you know, it’s breaking more new ground than say Mika’s because Mika, you
(0:03:42) Kev: know, there’s no doubt that Mika is definitely standing on the shoulders of
(0:03:46) Kev: giants leaning on a Wind Waker aesthetic and the studio Ghibli and all that.
(0:03:52) Kev: Um, so, you know, I can appreciate that.
(0:03:54) Kev: Um, so, you know, Mika would have been my vote.
(0:03:57) Kev: But I don’t know.
(0:03:58) Kev: I’m fine with my sister’s time. I’m not complaining. I do like the rule but um but uh but yeah um yeah that’s that’s my only real thought um like yeah it’s fine not my vote but again for two-fold reasons and and I get why you guys picked it so I’m not complaining too much.
(0:04:00) Codey: Mm hmm. Okay, yeah.
(0:04:13) Codey: Hmm. Yeah, those of us with ADHD, it just tickles that itch for sure.
(0:04:24) Codey: Okay, so the second question would be wild society. How are you? How do you? What are your thoughts?
(0:04:30) Kev: So, obviously I’m hyped, right, because Studio Drydock has done fantastic work, kind of across the board, right, not just, except maybe the art style, which, you know, I’m not going to defend it per se, but the story they wrote, the mechanics, how they came about it, even their promotion, how they interact with the community.
(0:05:00) Kev: Um, just call it stuff across the board, right?
(0:05:04) Kev: Um, obviously I’m biased, you know, I’m going to go dove into wildflowers because of Ray and yada, yada, but, um, and bother is a lot of fun and whatnot, but, um, like the fact that we’re getting a sequel, one, that’s great, right, or people, I guess.
(0:05:20) Kev: Um, and what’s exciting is that it’s not going to probably be a, you know, one-to-one sequel. We’re not on a farm now. We’re running a hotel bed and breakfast thing.
(0:05:30) Kev: I don’t know if you remember, so, you know, I’m interested to see what we’re going to do. I’ll probably put, we had a lot of emphasis on the social interactions and whatnot, but, um, you know, that was, I think, one of the strong suits from wildflowers, like the community of that little island and people interacting and whatnot.
(0:05:48) Kev: So, you know, focusing more on that, I think it’s going to be fun.
(0:05:52) Kev: Um, I do wonder how the magic will fit into everything because, you know, you use the magic.
(0:06:00) Kev: For farming, but here we’re just hosting key parties, question mark. So what are we, you know, what spiking drinks with potions was a feature in wildflowers.
(0:06:08) Codey: - Yeah.
(0:06:14) Kev: So, um, oh yeah, you’re right. There was like a seance thing. Yeah, right. There you go. That’ll be interesting. Um, but yeah, um, I mean, yeah, of course.
(0:06:14) Codey: - Didn’t they have in wilds?
(0:06:16) Codey: Didn’t you have a seance in the trailer for wild society?
(0:06:28) Kev: Yeah, of course, I’m super excited for it.
(0:06:32) Kev: I believe they already confirmed there will be returning characters, which is interesting because they think it’s going to be a fairly large time gap.
(0:06:38) Kev: But there are characters who could show up. I can already name two or three of them.
(0:06:44) Kev: So it’ll be fun to see them show up.
(0:06:50) Kev: This is generally somewhat bad form, but I’m pretty sure the voice in the trailer was Valerie Rose Lohman.
(0:06:56) Kev: So I’m sure she’s going to get a character in there. I feel like she has to, right? She has to.
(0:06:59) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:07:02) Kev: So, you know, but we’ll see. I don’t know.
(0:07:06) Kev: All in all, obviously, I’m very excited. It’s fun.
(0:07:10) Kev: Yeah, well, John, my eyes are peeled and I’ll be day one buyer, of course.
(0:07:14) Kev: I’m so open.
(0:07:15) Codey: Well, and I will say that after everything that you’ve talked about the game and looking
(0:07:22) Codey: at wild society, well, maybe we’ll be doing a second harvest of wildflowers this year
(0:07:31) Codey: because I want to play it.
(0:07:31) Kev: Oh, oh, oh, like, you know, obviously my hyperbolic cartoonish adoration of the game is great now, but like it is still a very solid game.
(0:07:44) Kev: Like I cannot recommend enough.
(0:07:45) Kev: Like it is up there with the, you know, the top Stardew clones or farming is whatever.
(0:07:52) Kev: Um, it’s solid.
(0:07:54) Codey: Yeah, yeah, no, it looks great.
(0:07:54) Kev: Um, you know, cause you could just pass the, the style, I don’t play many once.
(0:08:01) Kev: But hey, that’s good. That’s good.
(0:08:02) Codey: So, okay, so, yeah, the, as I’ve already mentioned, today, the topic is news catch up, so we have
(0:08:11) Codey: a lot of news to get through, but next section is the what have we been up to section.
(0:08:19) Codey: And here’s the final question for Kev.
(0:08:22) Codey: - Kev, you have to–
(0:08:24) Codey: - I just remember you saying, “oh yeah, I got a puppy,”
(0:08:26) Codey: and I’m like, “ah, I need details!”
(0:08:28) Codey: And this is the first time we’ve been on a pod together, so…
(0:08:30) Kev: Mm-hmm. Okay
(0:08:30) Codey: I just remember you saying, “oh yeah, I got a puppy,”
(0:08:32) Codey: and I’m like, “ah, I need details!”
(0:08:36) Codey: And this is the first time we’ve been on a pod together, so…
(0:08:38) Codey: together, so.
(0:08:39) Kev: So yeah, um
(0:08:42) Kev: Some recording I don’t I don’t remember where or what was the like where the harvest season
(0:08:51) Kev: Time-wise where I was when I recorded near puppy
(0:08:54) Kev: But okay, so I I feel like I did so, you know
(0:09:00) Kev: Here’s show time if you go listen to if you listen to the the Rainbow Road radio the neutral show
(0:09:02) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:09:06) Kev: I do with our friend now, it’s so are you things?
(0:09:07) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:09:09) Kev: You you could he hear the puppy saga in real life in real time because I’ve given up updates
(0:09:14) Kev: But anyways, so, okay, I’m gonna give context for people who might not know I imagine most folks might know
(0:09:21) Kev: Things I brought it up here and there but okay. So first of all
(0:09:26) Kev: two years ago
(0:09:29) Kev: October
(0:09:30) Kev: 29th, I know that I know the date it’s weird, but I I have a reference point but we lost our first dog passed away two
(0:09:38) Kev: Years ago on October 29th heard
(0:09:42) Kev: Whatever do you know it’s new year, whatever
(0:09:45) Kev: His name was though though he we had him for 18 years same age as my brother
(0:09:50) Kev: toy poodle
(0:09:52) Kev: obviously left the big
(0:09:54) Kev: hole in the family and all that
(0:09:57) Kev: and so
(0:09:58) Kev: Uh, but for the first while we were.
(0:10:00) Kev: We’d been petless, right?
(0:10:01) Kev: Um, uh, Kiyo about a year later, a little, it was actually around the
(0:10:06) Kev: same time around November of 2023.
(0:10:09) Kev: Well, we got two kitties, um, Daisy and Teddy, and they were very small kittens.
(0:10:15) Kev: And they were just a couple, like three, maybe four weeks old when we got them.
(0:10:19) Kev: Um, and so that was my first time having cats and, and, and they were fun and, and,
(0:10:24) Kev: and all the weird and wonderful and really weird things that cats are.
(0:10:30) Kev: But, um, you know, but they’re relatively chill compared to dogs, right?
(0:10:33) Kev: They’re a little more low home maintenance.
(0:10:36) Kev: Um, uh, anyway, so Q this past year on by like, did you no one realized?
(0:10:43) Kev: Well, I was the first one to realize it on the same date, October 29th of 2024.
(0:10:48) Kev: Two years to the day after though, though.
(0:10:50) Kev: Um, I was given lucky as an early birthday gift.
(0:10:54) Kev: Um, so he was a toy poodle, much like the, um, the other was a
(0:10:59) Kev: blonde, light brown color.
(0:11:01) Kev: is like red cinnamon type of fur color.
(0:11:05) Kev: Um, he was two months old, I think when we got him, he was still a really little guy, all in all.
(0:11:13) Kev: Um, so yeah, um, we got him, uh, took probably a week or two to pick the name and settled on Lucky.
(0:11:20) Kev: That is his name.
(0:11:21) Kev: Um, and he has been a handful, like, so Dodo was the chillest guy.
(0:11:30) Kev: He was smart.
(0:11:31) Kev: He was chill.
(0:11:32) Kev: Like he, he, he putty trained himself.
(0:11:35) Kev: It was wild.
(0:11:37) Kev: Um, uh, and whatnot.
(0:11:39) Kev: Um, and, and he was just chill.
(0:11:41) Kev: He just loved hanging out in cuddling and whatever.
(0:11:43) Kev: Lucky is your stereotypical, you know, or would you think of the dog like puppy storm?
(0:11:50) Kev: Like he’s chewing everything, biting everything.
(0:11:53) Kev: He’s running.
(0:11:54) Kev: He’s very friendly.
(0:11:55) Kev: He’s very social.
(0:11:56) Kev: He loves meeting people.
(0:11:57) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:11:57) Kev: Sometimes to Marsha Grin because if he ever gets up
(0:12:00) Kev: the leash or will run up to other people and so you know but but yeah he
(0:12:08) Kev: that he’s been here we set up the Christmas decorations he’s been chewing
(0:12:12) Kev: on them so it’s been a handful I mean it’s obviously still very puppy and so
(0:12:17) Kev: learning but he is a joy a bundle of joy he’s probably double means maybe even
(0:12:24) Kev: triple not triple but at least double in size I’m sure since we got him but he is
(0:12:30) Kev: a toy poodle so he’s still gonna be a little guy on all but but yeah he’s part
(0:12:37) Kev: of the home now he’s obviously a lot of attention a lot of work now the cats are
(0:12:43) Kev: interesting he gets along with one her name is David Daisy she’s pretty chill
(0:12:48) Kev: with him usually but sometimes he’ll try to knit and you know nip play with her
(0:12:53) Kev: like a dog would replay fighting or whatever and so she did she doesn’t like
(0:12:56) Kev: that, obviously, because even though they’re a year old, they’re like,
(0:13:00) Kev: he’s already bigger than both of them.
(0:13:02) Kev: Um, and then Teddy, uh, I feel so bad cause poor Teddy, he is our sweetheart.
(0:13:08) Kev: He is only, he lives up to his name of Teddy.
(0:13:10) Kev: He’s a Teddy bear.
(0:13:11) Kev: He’s, he’s, he’s sweet and calm and chill, but he’s so skittish and nervous.
(0:13:18) Kev: Like he still freaks out over lucky.
(0:13:21) Kev: He’s not used to him on like, not even like I’d say 50% like he’ll, he’ll hiss
(0:13:28) Kev: and, you know, and do all this stuff.
(0:13:30) Kev: keep his distance and obviously Lucky’s just a puppy he just wants to like run up and play
(0:13:34) Kev: at him he’s not he’s never you know Lucky doesn’t have a mean boat in his body or anything um
(0:13:41) Kev: but he’s just uh had he just not dealing well with the new so yeah um no that’s unfortunate
(0:13:46) Codey: Yeah. I’m sure there’ll be best of friends because that’s how it always goes right like
(0:13:52) Kev: yeah yeah yeah I imagine it certainly takes time right like obviously like I said never
(0:13:57) Kev: had cats before, so I’ve always never had cats and dogs together before.
(0:14:00) Kev: And obviously I did some research on that, and yeah, it looks like it can vary, like I said,
(0:14:06) Kev: Daisy and Lucky can get along pretty well. But yeah, I’m sure Teddy will just kind of give it
(0:14:13) Kev: time. He’s a very giddish sort of fella that’s the only thing about him. But yeah, that is Lucky.
(0:14:23) Kev: Hold on. Let me send you a picture. I’m talking about it, but I didn’t even send you a picture.
(0:14:26) Codey: I was going to say, please post one in the Slack, so that yeah, if y’all want to see
(0:14:28) Kev: Sure, hold on, Lumi.
(0:14:30) Kev: Okay, yeah, there you go, there’s your Patreon Slack exclusive.
(0:14:36) Kev: Yeah, I’ll have to dig and find them.
(0:14:38) Codey: baby toy poodle pics, and I am all for it.
(0:14:46) Kev: I’ll try to find some earlier ones when he was real little cuz he was real like,
(0:14:50) Kev: he could barely poke out of the grass standing a little.
(0:14:54) Codey: Um…
(0:14:54) Kev: But he’s a good bit bigger, but he still acts very much like a mate.
(0:15:01) Codey: Yeah. That doesn’t go away for a while. Stella’s finally, can you stop? She’s also all up in my
(0:15:03) Kev: Yeah.
(0:15:08) Codey: business right now. Um, she, uh, only just started getting out of some of her puppyish like
(0:15:09) Kev: Speaking of which, yeah.
(0:15:18) Codey: behaviors, like, um, Aussies, both healers and shepherds will like bite at ankles, um,
(0:15:27) Codey: to like try and herd you. She’s finally-
(0:15:32) Codey: to me, she only ever did it to me, which is stupid. My partner would like be like, “get mommy, get mommy” and like she would come up and get my ankles and I would be like, “are you serious?”
(0:15:36) Kev: Hmm
(0:15:49) Kev: Yeah, oh my gosh, that’s the thing with
(0:15:53) Codey: Look at the little lint. Oh, he’s-
(0:15:56) Kev: Yeah, though the one on the left aside posted the picture on slack
(0:15:59) Kev: He slackers can look at it now or you probably already have but um on the left side
(0:16:04) Kev: Yeah, that’s close to when we got him.
(0:16:06) Codey: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
(0:16:06) Kev: He’s tiny. You can see him next to the leaves like for comparison and then to the right. That’s a more recent picture
(0:16:11) Kev: That’s him with Daisy. Um, like I said, he’s bigger now
(0:16:15) Kev: but
(0:16:16) Kev: But yeah, the biting the biting’s insane cuz honestly though they never did the biting
(0:16:21) Kev: But we hear he’s just nipping at everything
(0:16:25) Kev: I you know, I have some facial hair. So he it’s not heavy facial hair, but he likes to nibble on it
(0:16:31) Codey: It doesn’t, yeah, yep.
(0:16:34) Kev: I just, you know, just nip, nip, nip.
(0:16:36) Kev: at it. Um, but that’s, yeah, that’s the lucky saga. Um, good,
(0:16:41) Kev: you know, good, uh, obviously good times. A lot of work every
(0:16:44) Kev: day. Everyone is yelling, because he’s running around
(0:16:49) Kev: causing chaos, but we still love him. And, and he, he’s a pretty
(0:16:53) Kev: good boy. Like I said, he’s not aggressive or anything like that.
(0:16:57) Kev: You know, he’s, he likes to bite because he’s playful or whatever,
(0:17:00) Kev: but, um, yeah, he’s a puppy. Yeah. Um, yeah.
(0:17:00) Codey: he’s a puppy that’s just puppy behavior classic puppy behavior
(0:17:06) Kev: So that is the lucky saga. Um, well, you know, I’ll do it, you
(0:17:10) Kev: know, as I look forward to Mark Phillips or whatever, I’ll, I’ll
(0:17:14) Kev: bring up news if things happen. Um, but, uh, but yeah. Um, so
(0:17:21) Kev: there you go. There, there you go overseas and folks, there,
(0:17:23) Kev: there’s your catch up. Um, okay. So aside from that more recent
(0:17:24) Codey: What else have you been up to?
(0:17:30) Kev: times, um, I talked about it like when we record cause they’d
(0:17:36) Kev: just come out. Like I think when, uh, when Al, I think I did
(0:17:40) Kev: the episode of Al Marvel Rivals has been on the big ones, the
(0:17:42) Codey: Yeah
(0:17:43) Kev: Overwatch clone with Marvel stuff. Um, like. Yeah. Yeah.
(0:17:46) Codey: That was really fun to listen to because
(0:17:50) Codey: You like basically mentioned it and I was like, oh thank goodness that I don’t like games like this
(0:17:57) Codey: Because then I don’t have to play it and then you were like, oh no, no
(0:17:57) Kev: Yeah. Yeah, the funny thing, the funny thing is we were just talking and just shooting
(0:18:00) Codey: Like it’s not what you think he was like, oh no, no, I have to play it
(0:18:10) Kev: the breeze before we started recording that episode and I was talking about rivals and
(0:18:14) Kev: he mentioned because like the camera thing was like the big thing and he mentioned that
(0:18:16) Codey: Yeah!
(0:18:18) Kev: and that’s when I was like, I’m going to button this right now so I can save this for the
(0:18:22) Kev: show to drop the reveal on.
(0:18:25) Codey: Oh, that’s so funny.
(0:18:27) Kev: Oh, yeah, I am as best as I can. So there is a weird thing about like being multi-platform
(0:18:27) Codey: So yeah, you’re still enjoying it.
(0:18:37) Kev: or whatever. So Calvin likes it too, right? So he plays on our PlayStation. I play on
(0:18:38) Codey: - Mm-hmm, okay.
(0:18:43) Kev: a laptop that I have just so we can both play it or whatever at the same time. And the kicker
(0:18:52) Kev: on being PC is I’m not a PC gamer, generally speaking. I can’t do the–
(0:18:57) Kev: a mouse and keyboard and all that stuff, right? So I hook up a controller and I play that
(0:19:03) Kev: way but I get bodied because there are those insane mouse and keyboard super aiming people.
(0:19:11) Kev: And it’s also like you can tell the population skews younger because of course it’s free to
(0:19:18) Kev: play so all the teenagers and kids and it’s Marvel, right? They’re hopping on. So they
(0:19:23) Kev: They get a lot more practice time than say I do.
(0:19:27) Kev: I get bodied. I’m trying my best. I try to focus or whatever, but it can be rough.
(0:19:34) Kev: It can be a bit bumpy at times. I won’t lie, but yeah, it’s good stuff.
(0:19:40) Kev: And we actually on the end of the first, they call it season zero, whatever the first battle pass, yada, yada.
(0:19:48) Kev: So then there’s new content probably in the next week or two coming out, including the Fantastic Four.
(0:19:56) Kev: And so, yeah.
(0:19:57) Kev: Good, more exciting stuff to look forward to.
(0:20:01) Kev: I’m always down for that.
(0:20:03) Kev: But yeah, Marvel Rival continues to be a joy in the curse at times.
(0:20:07) Kev: But but that that is it is what it is.
(0:20:12) Codey: - Are you still playing Spider-Man?
(0:20:13) Kev: Let’s see.
(0:20:14) Kev: Um, so I play not Spider-Man is hard.
(0:20:18) Kev: I’m not going to lie.
(0:20:19) Kev: Spider-Man is really hard to play
(0:20:19) Codey: Okay.
(0:20:21) Kev: because he plays just like the PlayStation Spider-Man games.
(0:20:24) Codey: Yeah.
(0:20:25) Kev: but in this context, it’s real.
(0:20:28) Kev: I struggle with him, and in fact, when I see Spider-Man players, I’m scared, because I know I’m a good player.
(0:20:35) Kev: But, let’s see, my go-tos, I think after all this time, like, did you watch Spider-Verse, the first one into the Spider-Verse?
(0:20:45) Codey: - Yes.
(0:20:46) Kev: Okay, so Penny Parker, the anime one with the robot, the anime Spider-Verse, she’s in this game.
(0:20:50) Codey: - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
(0:20:52) Kev: Um, yeah, she’s a little older, she’s more like, I think college age, I think.
(0:20:57) Kev: It’s just, but she still has a robot.
(0:20:59) Kev: I play her, she’s fun.
(0:21:01) Kev: Um, she’s, she sets up like a little tower that shoots out spider robots and
(0:21:05) Kev: mines and stuff, and so you kind of, you’re, you kind of set up an area where
(0:21:09) Kev: you defend, um, that’s what she’s good at.
(0:21:11) Kev: Um, so she’s my go-to tank, um, for healer, Jeff the Landshark, I don’t know.
(0:21:17) Kev: Have you ever seen Jeff Landshark?
(0:21:18) Codey: No.
(0:21:19) Kev: Um, he, he, oh my gosh.
(0:21:22) Kev: Okay.
(0:21:22) Kev: So just hold on, let me send you a picture.
(0:21:22) Codey: Okay, you’re fine. You could just say like, I’m sure that everyone, every listener probably knows what you’re talking about. So.
(0:21:27) Kev: No, you see, here’s the thing.
(0:21:31) Kev: No, here’s the thing, Jeff the Landshark in one of the freaks,
(0:21:35) Kev: the deep butt pics that no one on Earth knows.
(0:21:36) Codey: Oh, okay.
(0:21:38) Kev: [LAUGH] Yeah, but Jeff the Landshark, okay, he’s basically a puppy,
(0:21:44) Kev: but he’s a shark with legs, he doesn’t talk or anything.
(0:21:49) Kev: And he just swims around and or like he can do the shark thing with the fin sick and
(0:21:55) Kev: with the fin sick and now I can move around he heals people
(0:21:57) Kev: and he shoots ice balls and all sorts of stuff
(0:22:00) Kev: he’s fairly straight forward but he’s pretty satisfying
(0:22:04) Kev: so he’s my go to healer
(0:22:06) Codey: a puppy. But he’s a shark. Okay.
(0:22:07) Kev: he acts like a puppy he does all the
(0:22:10) Kev: yes he’s a shark yeah
(0:22:14) Kev: yeah so he’s my go to healer he’s
(0:22:17) Kev: yeah and like I said one of the cool things about rival is they weren’t
(0:22:21) Kev: afraid to get some really deep cuts weirdo pics
(0:22:24) Kev: Um, like Jeff, uh,
(0:22:28) Kev: what is this that I do?
(0:22:29) Kev: Alright, there we go.
(0:22:31) Kev: Okay. Uh, sorry.
(0:22:32) Kev: Um, so that’s my go-to healer just because he is pretty easy to use and he’s adorable.
(0:22:38) Codey: Okay, he definitely looks like a puppy.
(0:22:39) Kev: Um, he is just a puppy, but he’s all shark with legs.
(0:22:46) Kev: Um, like, it’s a weird description, but that is exactly what it is.
(0:22:50) Kev: Um, and then for my damage person, I picked Squirrel Girl.
(0:22:54) Kev: She has squirrels, she shoots acorns with a sl-
(0:22:57) Kev: she’s oh you don’t know squirrel girl ah okay again okay no you know what no
(0:22:58) Codey: Squirrel girl dude I don’t know much of Marvel I yeah okay
(0:23:07) Kev: again squirrel girl is a pretty deep but so her pull power is she can communicate
(0:23:13) Kev: with squirrels like she you know she’s athletic or whatever but her superpower
(0:23:20) Kev: is she can communicate with squirrels and so she will you know send armies of
(0:23:24) Kev: squirrels on people and so on and so forth.
(0:23:27) Kev: Um, she is an incredible character, something of a joke character, but also
(0:23:33) Kev: played for like straight, incredible, like, like in her first issue, she goes
(0:23:39) Kev: up against Dr.
(0:23:40) Kev: Doom and takes him down with an army of squirrels.
(0:23:42) Kev: Um, and, and just, she’s the best, like funny character, um, and she
(0:23:49) Kev: dresses up kind of like a squirrel.
(0:23:50) Kev: Um, and she has one on her shoulder at all times.
(0:23:54) Kev: Um, but yeah, she, her name, in fact.
(0:23:54) Codey: Okay, okay.
(0:23:57) Kev: The moniker she’s often used is The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
(0:24:00) Kev: Again, just because she’s so, like, hyperbolic, um, goofy, um…
(0:24:06) Codey: I mean, if a squirrel is trying to come at you, they’re going to get you from working
(0:24:10) Codey: at the Wildlife Center, like I used to have this one squirrel that would sit on my shoulder.
(0:24:11) Kev: Yeah?
(0:24:11) Kev: Yeah.
(0:24:16) Kev: Yeah.
(0:24:17) Codey: But if he decided that he wanted to run all over and like suddenly be on my back and then
(0:24:23) Codey: and suddenly be on my leg.
(0:24:24) Codey: like he they they can do some crazy things oh you sent me a picture of her okay
(0:24:28) Kev: Oh, yeah.
(0:24:30) Kev: Yep.
(0:24:32) Kev: Um, yeah, so she’s great.
(0:24:34) Kev: People who know her love her.
(0:24:35) Kev: She is, she is a, he is adored.
(0:24:38) Kev: Like I said, she’s obviously low-tiered.
(0:24:40) Kev: She doesn’t get pushed, like, some, but, um, but she, she’s great.
(0:24:44) Kev: Um, so yeah, that’s, that’s Squirrel Girl.
(0:24:46) Kev: That’s Marvel Rivals, and those are my three.
(0:24:48) Kev: That’s my wacky crew.
(0:24:49) Kev: Um, let’s see, aside from Rivals, uh, so I picked up a game, uh, just a couple days ago.
(0:24:57) Kev: It’s called Armored Core.
(0:24:58) Kev: Are you familiar with this?
(0:25:00) Codey: No.
(0:25:00) Kev: Okay.
(0:25:00) Kev: Uh, are you familiar with, from software?
(0:25:02) Codey: No.
(0:25:03) Kev: Okay.
(0:25:04) Kev: The Elden Ring, people.
(0:25:06) Codey: Okay, okay.
(0:25:06) Kev: Okay.
(0:25:07) Kev: So.
(0:25:08) Codey: So you don’t, you like pain.
(0:25:10) Codey: You like…
(0:25:11) Kev: Yes.
(0:25:12) Kev: Yes, I do.
(0:25:12) Codey: Okay, okay.
(0:25:13) Kev: Okay.
(0:25:14) Kev: So you’re familiar with Elden Ring?
(0:25:15) Kev: Of course everyone is, right?
(0:25:16) Codey: Yeah.
(0:25:16) Kev: ‘Cause it’s the biggest game that year, whatever.
(0:25:18) Kev: Okay, what if I told you the Elden Ring people said, “What if we, okay, now we wanna do a game, but it’s all robots and mecha?”
(0:25:25) Kev: that in that case
(0:25:27) Kev: gives you armored core
(0:25:30) Kev: so it is a
(0:25:32) Kev: it is the same level of polish
(0:25:34) Kev: a very like grounded
(0:25:36) Kev: you know realistic-ish visual style and whatnot
(0:25:40) Kev: the challenge
(0:25:42) Kev: I don’t think it’s as hard as Elden Ring
(0:25:44) Kev: because Elden Ring is hard
(0:25:46) Kev: it’s really hard
(0:25:48) Kev: but armored core it’s a different flavor
(0:25:50) Kev: because you
(0:25:52) Kev: you know you’re controlling a robe alright
(0:25:54) Kev: so you switch out parts you can
(0:25:57) Kev: think you’re whatnot
(0:25:59) Kev: and that’s a big part of the puzzle
(0:26:01) Kev: like when you’re given
(0:26:03) Kev: a new boss or whatever
(0:26:05) Kev: they’ll heavily like hint hint
(0:26:07) Kev: use this kind of robot
(0:26:09) Kev: because if you’re not
(0:26:11) Kev: you’re gonna be in trouble right like
(0:26:13) Kev: Pokemon type advantages basically
(0:26:15) Kev: so
(0:26:17) Kev: there’s a lot of love and attention to detail
(0:26:19) Kev: being a robot game you can
(0:26:21) Kev: paint your robot however you want
(0:26:23) Kev: and I’ll spend a lot of time doing that
(0:26:25) Kev: Um, and, and, and.
(0:26:28) Kev: It’s very fun.
(0:26:29) Kev: Um, like I said, I don’t think anywhere near as hard as Elden Ring, but, uh, still satisfyingly challenging.
(0:26:35) Kev: Um, it controls like how I’d want to, the robots will fly, they’ll dash, they’ll, you, you held two weapons.
(0:26:41) Kev: You can have double guns or a melee weapon and a gun and missiles, all the, all the good stuff.
(0:26:47) Kev: It is, it is very straightforward Mecha.
(0:26:50) Kev: Um, so if you’re a fan of that, uh, you know, that’s definitely a thumbs up.
(0:26:55) Kev: Okay.
(0:26:56) Kev: Uh, that’s a lot from me.
(0:26:57) Kev: But now, Cody, tell me, what have you been?
(0:26:58) Codey: I have been, um, so I’ve still been playing like, uh, pocket and go, um, go, I am burned
(0:27:14) Codey: by because, uh, the shiny work party hat weren’t bull was in, um, in the like new year’s challenge
(0:27:26) Codey: or whatever.
(0:27:28) Codey: And I still have it, like I’ve been playing every time that there’s an event where you can get this worm bowl and I still have it, like I’ve been playing every time that there’s an event where you can get this worm bowl and I still have it.
(0:27:36) Kev: Oh no.
(0:27:40) Codey: And I still have it, like I’ve been playing every time that there’s an event where you can get this worm bowl and I still have it, like I’ve been playing every time that there’s an event where you can get this worm bowl.
(0:27:54) Codey: I’ve been playing every time that there’s an event where you can get this worm bowl.
(0:27:58) Codey: And last year I was so mad about it that I got it tattooed onto my body because I was
(0:28:05) Codey: like, if I cannot have a shiny party hat worm bowl in the game, I’m going to have one
(0:28:12) Codey: as a tattoo.
(0:28:14) Codey: And I’ve had plenty of friends be like, oh, I have one.
(0:28:17) Codey: I can trade it to you.
(0:28:18) Codey: And I’m like, no, no, no, no, no, I need I’m not going to have any traded until I’ve
(0:28:22) Kev: do they not know the story of captain cody in the white wormhole
(0:28:24) Codey: caught one on my own.
(0:28:28) Codey: and the in the worm bowl. Yeah. Moby worm bowl basically.
(0:28:32) Kev: actually I don’t think it’s white it’s like purple but anyways um
(0:28:38) Codey: Um yeah, so yeah, it is my white whale. Um still didn’t get
(0:28:43) Codey: it. I got to shiny Jigglypuff and I refused to click on the
(0:28:47) Kev: Mmm!
(0:28:49) Codey: hoot hoot. Um and yeah, but no worm bowl. So that game is now
(0:28:56) Codey: dead to me until the next time.
(0:28:58) Codey: that there is an event that I care about.
(0:28:58) Kev: that’s cruel but no it’ll be back like oh that it so I’m not a fan of go it’s
(0:29:04) Codey: I know
(0:29:08) Kev: when it came out especially I was not an area that was conducive to it and so in
(0:29:14) Kev: my whole lifestyle I’m still not the most conducive to it um excuse me um but
(0:29:20) Kev: I do think that the party hats are probably like one of the best things to
(0:29:24) Kev: come out of that game, especially if you put it on a ridiculous.
(0:29:28) Kev: Those Pokemon like weren’t pull that that’s solid.
(0:29:29) Codey: Yeah.
(0:29:31) Kev: Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
(0:29:31) Codey: Because the party hat’s almost too big for him.
(0:29:35) Codey: It’s clearly about to fall off.
(0:29:39) Codey: Yeah, so that has also started a thing.
(0:29:42) Codey: I’m going to be meeting with my artist, again, probably
(0:29:45) Codey: during spring break.
(0:29:47) Codey: They’re going to be back in town.
(0:29:48) Codey: And they’re going to add three more bug-type Pokemon
(0:29:53) Codey: with party hats on.
(0:29:54) Kev: I was about to say a warble tattoo every year until she catches it
(0:29:55) Codey: No, no, we have, um, I think we have a Snome, um, with, with the, a party hat on each of
(0:30:04) Kev: Oh, no, no, no, no, oh, that’s good.
(0:30:07) Codey: its little bumpies, um, and then I want a Shedinja, but I want, um, it, it to be like
(0:30:17) Codey: a ghost.
(0:30:18) Codey: Um, no, so it’s a ghost, so it’s a ghost Pokemon, but like, I want it to be like ethereal, look
(0:30:18) Kev: Okay, is it not already more ghosts than it?
(0:30:25) Codey: game.
(0:30:25) Kev: Materiel, alright.
(0:30:26) Codey: Like I don’t just want it to look like it looks in the game.
(0:30:28) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:30:30) Codey: And then I want the party hat to also be ethereal.
(0:30:32) Codey: And then the last is, uh, not Sizzlepede, Sizzlepede, um, because it’s so grumpy and
(0:30:42) Kev: mmm
(0:30:42) Codey: I want it to have a black party hat.
(0:30:46) Codey: I need my, my emo phase, yeah, my emo phase that was not a phase needs to be somewhere.
(0:30:48) Kev: Oscar the grouch at the party. Oh, that’s that’s it
(0:30:55) Codey: They’re presented.
(0:30:57) Kev: So
(0:30:58) Kev: Oh man, these man pokemon like so many solid bug pokemon. These are all solid picks of course. Um
(0:31:05) Kev: she didn’t
(0:31:06) Kev: it was like
(0:31:08) Kev: And how many years been what 20 years since ruby and sapphire it’s still
(0:31:12) Kev: my mind how they came up with that concept first you didn’t Joe and like
(0:31:14) Codey: I just love it. As an entomologist, like every time I see a cicada shed, I’m just
(0:31:16) Kev: you have to have the extra pokeball oh my it’s so good
(0:31:26) Kev: yeah oh my gosh and it’s so good right like and
(0:31:27) Codey: like, it’s its own thing. It’s a one hit point. Love it.
(0:31:42) Kev: like you know obviously coming from Japan right like the whole cicada thing
(0:31:46) Kev: schedules like that’s the bug collecting that’s a way bigger there um it’s genius
(0:31:51) Kev: so good man bug Pokemon are so cool yeah I like hair across I like a lice upon
(0:31:54) Codey: Correct. Send a scourge.
(0:31:59) Kev: I like um like the other one and not that sizzle feed the other no no um not
(0:32:13) Kev: no the big one Scolipede Scolipede that’s the one been five yeah that’s a good one
(0:32:14) Codey: Oh. I think people know by now that I’m going to talk about bugs at some point in every
(0:32:18) Kev: big old purple huge train bug oh I love it welcome to the bug appreciate Pokemon
(0:32:24) Kev: appreciation podcast
(0:32:31) Kev: that’s fine with that
(0:32:34) Codey: pod. Yeah, so I’ve been playing that or I guess I’m not going to be playing that for
(0:32:40) Codey: a while. Um, I’ve been playing Slay the Spire. So
(0:32:44) Kev: Okay, have you- have you in fact slayed the spire?
(0:32:45) Codey: Jeff, I have slayed the spire during the daily climbs. So have
(0:32:53) Codey: you ever played this game? Okay. Yeah, so it’s like a card and
(0:32:54) Kev: I have not but I am familiar with it’s the cards, right?
(0:33:00) Codey: you’re going up a tower and slaying things. And there’s four
(0:33:03) Codey: different types of characters that you can play, but one of
(0:33:05) Codey: them is unlocked at first. But they have this thing called the
(0:33:08) Codey: daily climb every day, which is like a random, like, version of
(0:33:12) Codey: the game, but with modifiers.
(0:33:14) Codey: So it’s like, Oh, you get this character, but every time you add a card to your deck,
(0:33:20) Codey: it adds two more copies of that card and you can’t, you can no longer upgrade your cards
(0:33:27) Codey: and you’re cursed, like, so it’s, they just like add all this stuff to it.
(0:33:31) Codey: And so it’s kind of like a more difficult version and you have to change your gameplay.
(0:33:36) Codey: So I have slayed the spire in the daily climbs, but that doesn’t count for achievements.
(0:33:40) Kev: Yeah.
(0:33:44) Codey: And I cannot for the life of me, beat this game without a daily climb.
(0:33:52) Kev: mmm wow oh well hey I know that I know that feeling and then discuss it because ever present
(0:33:54) Codey: So my partner has had to do it for me.
(0:34:02) Kev: but i’m i’m still belatruing I actually just unlocked the final difficulty just yesterday
(0:34:04) Codey: -Oh, yeah.
(0:34:08) Codey: Yeah.
(0:34:08) Kev: um so i’m i’m there but um I i get it i’m i’m trying to climb my own spire verbally
(0:34:16) Codey: Yeah, I’ve, I’ve not quite gotten to Bellatro yet, but that’s because I’ve, I recognize
(0:34:22) Codey: based on my love of Slay the Spire that Bellatro would take over my life. So.
(0:34:25) Kev: That is correct that I look I look at sleigh as fire and I can see it’s it’s one-to-one
(0:34:32) Codey: Yep.
(0:34:32) Kev: It’s just a different flavor, but it’s the same concept your cards, and you’re you’re doing your runs with cards
(0:34:36) Codey: Yeah.
(0:34:40) Kev: Yeah
(0:34:41) Kev: That’s good. Good stuff
(0:34:44) Codey: - Yep.
(0:34:46) Codey: And then I’m still playing Honeygrove,
(0:34:48) Codey: still really liked that game.
(0:34:51) Codey: Still play it every day, multiple times a day.
(0:34:54) Codey: And also I have now begun the final year of my PhD.
(0:35:01) Codey: I’m gonna be a bug doctor soon.
(0:35:04) Kev: Oh, well, congrats. Okay, congrats. So, uh, not for a second, cause I thought you were talking about Honeygrove, but, um, but, um, uh, okay, so, so I have a friend who’s also been PhDing for a long time now, he’s had unfortunate professors and issues, so it’s dragged on for a long time.
(0:35:14) Codey: Oh, yeah, sorry. Switch.
(0:35:32) Kev: Um, now you say this.
(0:35:34) Kev: Are you like, you know for a fact, that like, it is gonna be this year?
(0:35:39) Codey: Okay, well, yeah, so basically, like, I, I set it at this year for this to be like the
(0:35:40) Kev: I, I said, I don’t mean to sound threatening, but…
(0:35:44) Kev: Uh, don’t re–
(0:35:46) Kev: Look, oh–
(0:35:53) Codey: last, like, possible time for my timeline.
(0:35:59) Codey: Um, I mean, theoretically, like, stuff happens, but I do not have any more field work.
(0:36:06) Codey: All I have to do is finish writing one of my chapters.
(0:36:09) Codey: I’ve already published one of them in a journal and so that will just literally get like stapled into my dissertation as one of my chapters and I don’t have to look at that again.
(0:36:19) Codey: This other chapter that I’m about to publish will be the same thing. So it’ll just be two chapters that my committee can’t say anything about because they’re already published.
(0:36:26) Kev: Hmm, yeah, I look at that that’s the way to do it
(0:36:29) Codey: So they’ll basically just be like, they’ll just be like, oh, yep, you did that.
(0:36:35) Codey: like yep I did um so they’ll only have to
(0:36:39) Codey: they can talk about um and it’s just can I get the stuff done in the time that I have and the
(0:36:46) Codey: answer is yes um I will try and defend in the summer but um that’s I actually didn’t ever plan
(0:36:55) Codey: to defend in the summer but I might be able to um but we’ll see I mean I don’t have to um I have
(0:37:05) Codey: guaranteed funding for the rest of the year.
(0:37:08) Kev: Oh, that’s great.
(0:37:09) Kev: Well, oh, that that’s huge relief then.
(0:37:09) Codey: Yeah, PhDs man, they’re great. Well, I guess PhDs in the life sciences, that’s the standard is that you get paid and you get tuition remissions so you don’t have to pay your tuition.
(0:37:10) Kev: All right.
(0:37:11) Kev: Well, Hey, congrats on that.
(0:37:26) Kev: you know like yeah yeah for sure oh absolutely because I have a friend who I don’t think that
(0:37:26) Codey: I have health insurance, like all of that stuff. So it’s not true everywhere.
(0:37:36) Kev: is the case for him sadly um man like such nonsense like the way to get there the the road to it like
(0:37:36) Codey: Yeah.
(0:37:46) Kev: I you know I have my undergraduate degree right so like I it it boggles my mind because you know
(0:37:54) Kev: up so pretty much up.
(0:37:56) Kev: undergraduate it’s very clear like okay here your classes do them all satisfy
(0:38:00) Kev: the requirements you get your thing right but once you go past especially the
(0:38:06) Kev: PhD it’s it’s all just so nebulous question your checklist is question or
(0:38:12) Kev: question your requirements are satisfied when the your professors say they are oh
(0:38:20) Codey: Yeah. It’s basically like choose your own adventure. It’s like, undergrads degrees are
(0:38:20) Kev: it’s why I don’t I don’t know how yeah man
(0:38:26) Kev: I guess
(0:38:31) Codey: basically like, okay, here is the proper formula, here you go, you need to have this done this done
(0:38:38) Codey: this done, etc, etc. And then for a graduate degree, they’re basically like, here are some
(0:38:44) Codey: courses that you need done, but you’ll get these done in the first two years of your degree.
(0:38:50) Codey: It’s kind of a big old shrug. It depends on your funding. It depends on your advisors. It depends
(0:38:55) Codey: on whatever. And if you have bad advisors, like you said your friend has had, they can keep you
(0:39:00) Kev: Yeah. Oh.
(0:39:03) Codey: forever. Like one of my friends, one of my friends, her advisor like would not let her defend even
(0:39:11) Codey: though she was done, like she’s she was long done, because the advisor could just pay her
(0:39:17) Codey: less money than having to like get a post.
(0:39:20) Codey: I’m going to go to the postdoc. To do all that work. Yep.
(0:39:21) Kev: right right like that’s one that’s one aspect that’s one aspect of it that just seems so grimy
(0:39:28) Kev: like there’s clearly an element of very cheap labor for your advisory professors right like
(0:39:37) Kev: I mean not yours specifically but like the the system is set up where that can be exploited
(0:39:42) Kev: very easily and wow it’s oh academia oh oh
(0:39:50) Codey: Yeah, I’m blessed in that, like with the advisors that I have,
(0:39:51) Kev: uh-huh
(0:39:54) Codey: the advisor that I have now,
(0:39:56) Codey: like he doesn’t really do that kind of stuff,
(0:39:58) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:39:58) Codey: but a lot of advisors do, they’ll just be like,
(0:40:00) Codey: okay, well, I’m paying for your stuff.
(0:40:02) Codey: And because of that, like you also have to help me
(0:40:05) Codey: with these other projects.
(0:40:06) Codey: So at this one point in the year,
(0:40:09) Codey: so you have to drop everything
(0:40:11) Codey: and like do this research with me,
(0:40:12) Codey: even though it’s not gonna be in your dissertation.
(0:40:16) Kev: It is to some degree a hostage situation, isn’t it?
(0:40:17) Codey: like.
(0:40:20) Codey: Kind of, yeah, and then it’s worse if you’re an international student because
(0:40:22) Kev: Haha, that’s uh, huh.
(0:40:26) Kev: Oh, oh that sounds terrifying, oh gosh.
(0:40:26) Codey: then you have like less protections and yeah. Which is why some of us, some universities
(0:40:34) Codey: have unionized and we at my university just recently submitted our letter to the Dean,
(0:40:43) Codey: Dean, President, President of the university that we intend to unionize, so thank yous.
(0:40:48) Kev: Hey, good for you. That’s great.
(0:40:50) Codey: I think he’s crossed there because last time they did this, they threatened people. So
(0:40:57) Kev: Oh, oh, fuck.
(0:40:57) Codey: they can’t do that. They’re not, that’s illegal, but they did it last time and it didn’t,
(0:41:02) Kev: Well, well, I don’t know if you know about strikes in the U.S.
(0:41:03) Codey: but we’ll see. Yeah. Oh yeah, we’re gonna, we’re gonna have to do it possibly.
(0:41:12) Codey: Hopefully they’ll, they’ll work in good faith and we won’t have to, but we’ll see.
(0:41:16) Kev: Oh
(0:41:18) Codey: So maybe, maybe.
(0:41:20) Codey: Sometime in this year, uh, my, what have I been up to will be striking
(0:41:25) Kev: Well, but you know
(0:41:27) Codey: because yeah.
(0:41:29) Kev: Over on Rainbow Road radio friend. I do a mutual friend Alex. He’s also striking last month. So
(0:41:36) Codey: Oh my gosh, we’re just, we’re just rebels.
(0:41:38) Kev: Hit him up for some for some tips
(0:41:41) Kev: I guess
(0:41:43) Kev: Oh
(0:41:45) Kev: Oh.
(0:41:46) Kev: Oh, labor, academia, good, good times.
(0:41:52) Codey: 10 out of 10 would not
(0:41:52) Kev: Welcome to the harvest season, where we talk about cozy games.
(0:41:56) Kev: Ss, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss.
(0:41:57) Codey: We talk about so I mean that’s the joke right is that we play these games where we can live in fantasy worlds where we
(0:42:04) Codey: can have a house and
(0:42:06) Codey: Afford a house and a and a like all this
(0:42:12) Kev: Where’s the unionizing update to research story?
(0:42:12) Codey: Because that’s uh, not not reality
(0:42:19) Codey: Oh my gosh
(0:42:22) Codey: I would love to have a union
(0:42:25) Codey: Like storyline in any game like where you just strike that would be
(0:42:32) Codey: Amazing. I don’t know how you would incorporate that
(0:42:34) Kev: Oh, I mean, like, alright, I’ll give you the relatively low-hanging easy path, the Jojo
(0:42:42) Codey: Yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah, I could see that.
(0:42:43) Kev: route in Stardew, right, like, yeah, I mean, you got, there’s other people working for
(0:42:51) Kev: Jojo already, so, you know, there’s, oh, oh no, I like this, this Spandfic I’m writing,
(0:42:58) Kev: oh no, no.
(0:42:58) Codey: oh no don’t don’t say this out loud he might listen and then haunted chocolatier will be even
(0:43:04) Codey: more delayed because he’ll be like hey wait a minute that’s a great idea
(0:43:10) Kev: Unless the ghosts in the Chocolatier, you mean, nice.
(0:43:14) Codey: maybe he adds it into that game and stuff uh so yeah that is what we’ve been up to
(0:43:18) Kev: Hmm.
(0:43:21) Kev: Well, that’s a lot. Happy new-
(0:43:23) Kev: Look guys, it’s a new year. There’s been a lot going on.
(0:43:25) Codey: It is. It is. We’re.
(0:43:28) Codey: We’re here for it. OK, so first we have some game releases.
(0:43:34) Codey: So the first one in the list is Harvest Hills.
(0:43:39) Codey: So this game released on the 15th of January and or will release.
(0:43:46) Codey: Sorry, that’s the future.
(0:43:50) Codey: Quote, thanks to the feedback from two major demo updates,
(0:43:53) Codey: I’ve been able to fine tune game mechanics and make the experience even better.
(0:43:57) Codey: The full game now features…
(0:43:58) Codey: …an updated system for growing vegetables and fruits…
(0:44:01) Codey: …an improved fertilizing system…
(0:44:03) Codey: …a refined leveling system…
(0:44:05) Codey: …a brand new product selling system…
(0:44:07) Codey: …and more crops, vegetables…
(0:44:09) Codey: …vegetables, fruit trees, livestock and homemade product machines.
(0:44:15) Codey: My only comment about this is I looked at it and I need more information about those beehives.
(0:44:23) Codey: They look…
(0:44:23) Kev: - So.
(0:44:24) Codey: They look legit.
(0:44:26) Codey: Like those look like the standard Langstra Thives.
(0:44:28) Codey: And we always paint them each frame or not each frame each body of the hive is always colored in really ridiculous colors and they did that.
(0:44:40) Kev: Is that done intentionally or is that done just for giggles?
(0:44:46) Codey: I don’t remember so I know that we paint them because you want there to you don’t want the heat like if it’s hot out you don’t want the heat of outside to like cook the hive.
(0:44:59) Kev: Oh, oh. Yeah. Sure, sure.
(0:44:59) Codey: So you always want it to be light colors but yeah on top of it being like colors I mean you can just have it be fun colors.
(0:45:09) Codey: Sometimes you can like make it a color per hot like a certain color per hive or whatever but we always just painted them fun colors so I need.
(0:45:18) Kev: Wow. So I’m, I’m looking at the trailer and stuff like my, okay.
(0:45:24) Kev: It is more management style, like zoo tycoon, you know,
(0:45:29) Kev: floating cam sort of thing, as opposed to starting where you can fill in the
(0:45:32) Kev: character, but there’s a character who follows your like air where you click.
(0:45:35) Kev: And he runs over there and then does the activity, which are kind of fun.
(0:45:38) Kev: I think the coolest thing about here is the visual style.
(0:45:41) Kev: Cause it’s almost like origami paper, like three heavy polygonal.
(0:45:46) Kev: Um, so I’m like the cows almost look like
(0:45:46) Codey: - Mm-hmm, yeah.
(0:45:48) Kev: they’re made of origami or a box or something, um, which is charming. Um, so hey, but hey, good,
(0:45:56) Kev: yeah, it looks decent enough. Um, I like those cows and you go pretty beehives. That is surprising.
(0:46:02) Kev: We don’t have those before, but, um, there you go. January 15th, experience it yourself,
(0:46:04) Codey: I like those cows.
(0:46:06) Kev: the world of box shaped cows and fun colors.
(0:46:13) Codey: So next on our list is Chill Town.
(0:46:16) Codey: Um, they have a new announcement on Steam.
(0:46:20) Codey: Um, and the gist of it is this just that the project slowed down because of money
(0:46:25) Codey: issues, um, and they’re pretty transparent in there about what they are and where
(0:46:30) Codey: the money is going and all of that, except for they can’t like mention
(0:46:35) Codey: specifics because of confidentiality agreements, but, um, if you’re curious,
(0:46:41) Codey: I recommend going and looking at that.
(0:46:43) Codey: The biggest thing out of it, other than the fact that it was delayed, is, or is being slowed down, is that the 1.0, they expect it to come out this year, and that when the 1.0 comes out, it will have a museum system, it will have additional quest lines, different seasons and festivals, and clearly bug fixes and gameplay improvements from what is on the early access.
(0:47:11) Kev: Uh, all right, so well, I mean, hey, first of all, props to like game development is so hard, right?
(0:47:17) Kev: It’s such a brutal space to be quite frank. So yeah, condolences. But they they’re being, um, very, uh,
(0:47:23) Kev: Up front and clear about it. Um, so, you know off to them and best of luck, like hopefully they are still on track, right?
(0:47:31) Kev: this is one of the parts of early access as much as I uh,
(0:47:36) Kev: begrudge the concept like giving these guys
(0:47:42) Kev: a chance to make a little money, get a little few bucks coming in to help make the whole thing possible.
(0:47:48) Kev: Um, but yeah, so, you know, yeah, best of luck to them.
(0:47:53) Kev: Um, the game looks, it’s Animal Crossing E really, um, like there’s no doubt about it.
(0:47:58) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:48:00) Kev: Um, I wish they would use at least a different name.
(0:48:00) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:48:04) Kev: That’s, that’s the big, like, obviously the name is the first thing you see when we look at these things and just,
(0:48:09) Kev: Oh, why, why, why does.
(0:48:11) Kev: This corner of the game sphere struggle names, just make up your own fake island name or something.
(0:48:19) Kev: Just to stand out a little.
(0:48:21) Kev: But anyways, yeah.
(0:48:24) Kev: Oh, my God, this is just and they got the pontoon is just crossing.
(0:48:29) Kev: I’m sorry, but you do have a cat with you like running around with you, which Animal Crossing does not.
(0:48:36) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:48:37) Kev: Oh, there’s a tarantula.
(0:48:38) Kev: That’s a real look on the tarantula.
(0:48:40) Codey: Yup.
(0:48:42) Kev: But yeah, there you go.
(0:48:43) Kev: If you need the animal crossing fixed, check the tilt down.
(0:48:46) Codey: Yep, next up is dragon shelter. I don’t ever remember talking about this, so I
(0:48:59) Codey: Got really excited. There’s a new there’s a teaser trailer out now
(0:49:05) Codey: And I am here for this art style. I love how this looks
(0:49:10) Kev: okay yeah that’s what it’s about to say right like with a bullet this thing like it’s very
(0:49:19) Kev: dense forest right like it’s it’s you know we’re talking fantasy of course
(0:49:20) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(0:49:26) Kev: dragon shelter right but it’s just beautifully done vegetation that’s what’s selling me like
(0:49:31) Kev: even the dirt paths have like dirt sticking out and and just oh it’s such a piece for the eyes it’s
(0:49:37) Codey: Yeah, and the physics engine of a lot of the stuff is really good too.
(0:49:44) Codey: It just looks more textured and detailed than your average cozy game.
(0:49:54) Codey: So I am here for it, props for that.
(0:49:58) Codey: Also I loved that in the middle of the trailer, at some point you are carrying your dragon
(0:50:05) Codey: friend to their
(0:50:06) Kev: - Yeah.
(0:50:08) Codey: Very little home there not their home, but they’re little like bed by the hearth in your in your home and
(0:50:15) Codey: That is just the cutest
(0:50:16) Kev: Yes
(0:50:17) Kev: It is all right. So with a name like that
(0:50:20) Kev: You the dragon part needs to be good. All right, and it looks really good because it is one dragon
(0:50:26) Kev: It looks like that’s you know your pet slash friend and oh to start we are there more. I don’t know
(0:50:28) Codey: to start with yeah yeah so later it says that there’s like other dragons and they each have
(0:50:35) Codey: unique abilities and
(0:50:35) Kev: Yeah, I see it. Okay. Yeah, I see it now then make it that far in the trailer
(0:50:40) Kev: But but yeah, at least like you are taking care of a dragon. Oh, yeah, build your dragon shelter
(0:50:46) Kev: Okay, this is a very solid concept for a game. I’m I’m looking forward to this
(0:50:52) Kev: I love the dragon design to like what they’re using predominantly the trailers like blue. It kind of glows almost as like translucent wings
(0:51:01) Kev: This is it what a good game
(0:51:04) Codey: Yeah…definitely excited.
(0:51:08) Kev: This is how you stand out take notes everyone else this is
(0:51:11) Kev: This is how you stay in town.
(0:51:13) Kev: Look, I’m all alone.
(0:51:15) Codey: And then in their blurb, I really liked this one quote that stood out to me, so “For us,
(0:51:22) Codey: this game is more than just a farming simulator.
(0:51:24) Codey: We want you to experience how important it is to be friends, care for each other, and
(0:51:28) Codey: become part of something bigger.
(0:51:30) Codey: shelter is a story about friendship, warmth, and building
(0:51:34) Codey: a world where you feel at home.
(0:51:36) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:51:37) Codey: And I just like that emphasis on like, because you, you do,
(0:51:38) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:51:41) Codey: like, care for your friends. And then also, it seems like you
(0:51:45) Codey: help out your neighbors in kind of a unique way.
(0:51:49) Kev: I do hope that pans out because like that’s one of the challenges a lot of cozy on for
(0:51:56) Kev: games face right like a lot of the social interactions just become very transactional
(0:52:02) Kev: right.
(0:52:04) Kev: Like just sort of checklist of things to do to to get the benefits or raise your hearts
(0:52:09) Kev: or whatever.
(0:52:11) Kev: So you know and I think part of it is the fact that you’re like restoring your building
(0:52:17) Kev: this town because yeah everything’s overrun
(0:52:19) Kev: and they’re densely vegetated and you’re helping repair buildings and stuff like that
(0:52:24) Kev: but I think that is a clever way to get your invested into the community and the town
(0:52:29) Kev: oh man, what a good looking game
(0:52:34) Kev: no obviously no date or anything yet but it’s
(0:52:38) Codey: Yeah.
(0:52:40) Kev: oh gosh I hope it comes out
(0:52:43) Kev: actually actually
(0:52:45) Codey: Keeping my eyes on it for sure.
(0:52:49) Kev: oh teaser trail this looks like a lot of work has been done you know a lot of polish to
(0:52:54) Kev: be quite frank so I’m actually confident on this yeah I’m looking forward to it
(0:52:55) Codey: yep next bit of news is steam world build is going to have some physical copies
(0:53:08) Codey: whoo um so on january 9th um which will be the day after this um there will be a physical release
(0:53:22) Codey: and I’m wondering if it’s just like the first 2000 order.
(0:53:25) Codey: or whatever because they say that there’s only 2000 copies of the PlayStation 5 available
(0:53:30) Codey: and 4000 copies of the Nintendo Switch.
(0:53:33) Codey: So I’m wondering if it’s just something you like order online.
(0:53:37) Codey: And it’s the first however many people.
(0:53:38) Kev: Yeah, no, it’s so it’s in with a third party site called super games and not familiar thing, but I’m assuming it’s just a limited run game situation. That’s, that’s just what I’m assuming this is.
(0:53:40) Codey: I doubt it’s like we put a hundred copies at this GameStop and this place and like…
(0:53:52) Codey: Okay.
(0:53:55) Codey: Okay.
(0:53:56) Kev: Um, yeah, and so they have, uh, yeah, PS5 switch up their trading cards, just like pay me to run games. Um, so
(0:54:08) Kev: you can check that out. Um, they have, uh, yeah, they have a link to their website. There’s duck detective. Um, oh, smooshy physical smooshy on this website.
(0:54:18) Codey: Ooh, interesting.
(0:54:20) Kev: Oh, okay. Um, wow. Wow. They just went, they really, this is just limited run games at home. I’m sorry. Nothing to do with steam world bill. Just their, their, their abbreviation is SRG instead of LRG. That’s though. Um.
(0:54:38) Kev: Yeah. Well, there you go. Well, I know steam world’s popular, so I’m sure people will be interested. Um, so yeah, I can keep you at 6 p.m. GMT or 10 a.m. PST. I’m gathering knives, you know, make sure you’re logged in so you can, or whatever. Stay up early. Um, all those good times to get your limited edition.
(0:55:02) Codey: Yup. Next, just basic, the Echoes of the Plum Grove, you can now buy the digital art book.
(0:55:13) Codey: So quote the art of Echoes of the Plum Grove is now available on Steam for $2.99 USD.
(0:55:19) Codey: Come check out all the behind the scenes content and journey to making this game. The art book is
(0:55:23) Codey: already available for those who’ve purchased the collector’s edition. So if you purchase that
(0:55:27) Codey: edition, you already have it. But if not, this is now something you can buy.
(0:55:32) Kev: You know, this feels like something I think almost every indie game should do.
(0:55:38) Kev: Cause it feels like such a win-win, right?
(0:55:40) Kev: Like it gets them a little more cash in their pocket, but it’s also, uh, it’s,
(0:55:46) Kev: it’s cool art books are very cool.
(0:55:48) Kev: Getting the behind the scenes look and just looking at the pretty pictures.
(0:55:51) Kev: Um, this is a thumbs up for sure.
(0:55:54) Codey: My brain, I was like, how much would you pay for a wildflowers art book?
(0:56:00) Kev: Oh
(0:56:02) Kev: Okay, are we talking? Okay for his oh gosh, I think like how how nice of a physical are we talking? Okay?
(0:56:11) Kev: I did so
(0:56:12) Kev: maybe I’m just
(0:56:14) Kev: This is just me old manning. I’m like about the digital art books. Don’t do it for me as much like
(0:56:20) Codey: Yeah, I get that.
(0:56:20) Kev: So I and all is maybe 15. It’s a it’s a really big one
(0:56:28) Kev: Now the physical though like that
(0:56:30) Kev: We can you know, there’s some room to play because if you’re coming out with a real nice one hard copy
(0:56:34) Kev: Oh, you would I pay 50 maybe?
(0:56:40) Kev: The answer is not no
(0:56:44) Kev: Well like 20 30 bucks, I think is a reasonable starting price for
(0:56:49) Kev: And you know, it wasn’t just wild flowers for any card book. I think um, yeah
(0:56:53) Codey: Mm hmm. Give me the, give me the art book for a dragon shelter.
(0:56:55) Kev: That yeah, so but hey
(0:56:58) Kev: Thank you.
(0:57:01) Kev: » My gosh, please, you imagine how it must be like a painter or something, right?
(0:57:06) Kev: Somebody made like, football and just, landscape, spoil, yes.
(0:57:07) Codey: Yeah, there’s there’s some legit artists on that game.
(0:57:12) Kev: My goodness, mm, that would be incredible, my gosh.
(0:57:18) Kev: All right, but there you go, that’s available now already, yep, it is three bucks.
(0:57:23) Kev: I will say three bucks is a great price, cuz it’s a small game.
(0:57:26) Kev: It’s the art style is very paper Mario we so you know
(0:57:31) Kev: Maybe not exactly quite the art book content you’d expect from other games, but yeah three dollars great price
(0:57:37) Codey: Yep, just something you can do to just support the people a little bit more if that’s a game that you really like
(0:57:45) Codey: Okay, so we have some game updates
(0:57:52) Codey: So first is harvest moon home sweet home
(0:57:55) Codey: They now have controller support and cloud save and that is available now the controller support
(0:58:01) Codey: This is from owl the controller support works
(0:58:03) Codey: well you can still use the go to this point on the map feature even when the
(0:58:07) Codey: controller is enabled. Nice. He also says the cloud save doesn’t work.
(0:58:12) Kev: The hot’s sick!
(0:58:15) Kev: Oh yeah!
(0:58:17) Kev: Oh, it’s got- it’s Harvest Moon, we can’t have it to feel good.
(0:58:21) Kev: Um…
(0:58:23) Kev: Well, yes!
(0:58:25) Kev: Um…
(0:58:25) Codey: I don’t remember what the issue is, but excuse me.
(0:58:29) Codey: We talked about it a little bit in the Slack.
(0:58:33) Codey: And it seemed funny, but I just didn’t listen.
(0:58:36) Kev: Mm-hmm good times
(0:58:39) Codey: But yep, so if you wanted to play that game
(0:58:45) Codey: and you were waiting for controller support, there you go.
(0:58:48) Codey: If you’re waiting on Cloud Save, maybe
(0:58:50) Codey: wait a little bit longer.
(0:58:51) Codey: Um, for them to figure that out, hopefully they have it figured out by by now, but I don’t think so.
(0:58:52) Kev: Oh, oh, maybe, maybe a little, maybe a lot longer.
(0:58:59) Codey: Yeah, they’re still figuring that out.
(0:59:00) Kev: Uh, okay.
(0:59:02) Kev: Like, I, these, when did this game come out?
(0:59:07) Codey: I don’t know.
(0:59:09) Kev: Because these, these always feel like, you know, they should be, um,
(0:59:14) Kev: you know, kind of at launch almost really, right?
(0:59:18) Codey: Yeah, like come on, you’re a big enough company that you should wire you to make it this way, yeah.
(0:59:24) Kev: Yes, actually not sumi. Thank you right like an indie developer. That’s one thing but but yeah, that’s
(0:59:31) Kev: That’s…
(0:59:34) Codey: getting these big companies that are just like riding on the backs of people’s
(0:59:39) Codey: compassion for indie games and they’re just like oh cool we can also do like no no no
(0:59:44) Kev: do you know the worst part is like I know it’s been literally decades but it still breaks
(0:59:53) Kev: my heart to see the harvest moon logo on this
(0:59:56) Kev: oh my installed
(0:59:59) Kev: alright there you go home sweet home you you you got your news that doesn’t fully work
(1:00:06) Kev: on the date
(1:00:10) Codey: Research story, the last major update before 1.0 is out now,
(1:00:15) Codey: and they call it the shimmering update.
(1:00:19) Kev: Where were we talked about this?
(1:00:19) Codey: So they– yeah, so they add more shimmers,
(1:00:25) Codey: which are basically shiny versions of the little creatures
(1:00:31) Codey: that you can find in the game.
(1:00:35) Codey: They add a greenhouse.
(1:00:37) Codey: And a new heart level.
(1:00:40) Kev: There you go. There’s a guy with a singular horn off to the side, not unicorn style.
(1:00:45) Kev: I’m just noting that. The characters, they decided to do this person.
(1:00:48) Codey: Oh, yeah, yeah.
(1:00:50) Kev: I don’t know what their dinner is actually, but yeah, there’s a character with a horn.
(1:00:55) Kev: Okay, good to know.
(1:00:56) Codey: He might have one on the other side, but he’s in a side view so you don’t see that.
(1:01:05) Codey: Yeah, so that is the that update is out now and then they’ve mentioned that in the 1.0
(1:01:14) Codey: update will add Red Heart events, a full marriage system, legendary research, ooh, continuation
(1:01:22) Codey: and completion of our main story quest.
(1:01:24) Codey: So if you’ve been playing in
(1:01:26) Codey: the early access, like Bev and I did when we covered it on the pod, Bev played a lot more than I did, so I need to play more than they will be continuing that story in 1.0, which should be coming out sometime this year.
(1:01:46) Kev: Yeah, well, yeah
(1:01:48) Kev: Don’t hey there. It does sound like they’re gonna hit 1.0. They’re gonna hit all the tick marks
(1:01:51) Codey: Mm-hmm we’re here for it. Next up is Gogo Town. They have a new road map so they
(1:01:53) Kev: So good good for your research story
(1:02:05) Codey: kind of in this update on Steam they kind of talked about what they did in
(1:02:15) Codey: all of 2024 and they kind of like showed they actually got a lot done looking at
(1:02:19) Codey: that the
(1:02:21) Codey: updates that they had throughout this whole year, this
(1:02:24) Codey: whole last year. They did a lot. kudos to them. And they
(1:02:24) Kev: Yeah.
(1:02:30) Codey: also talked about some updates coming up. So one is called bits
(1:02:35) Codey: and bobs update. That’s coming just q1 this year sometime. And
(1:02:42) Codey: they’re cleaning up gameplay and doing some other quality of
(1:02:45) Codey: life things. They also talk about three other major updates
(1:02:49) Codey: in their new roadmap.
(1:02:51) Codey: All of these updates are to be determined when they’re coming out.
(1:02:56) Codey: They have an online multiplayer or co-op one, which I think is probably what most people
(1:03:01) Codey: are waiting for.
(1:03:02) Codey: That’s what we all want in this game because this is such a goofy little game.
(1:03:03) Kev: Yeah, really I mean
(1:03:06) Kev: Yep
(1:03:09) Codey: So that will be exciting.
(1:03:13) Codey: And they also have a thing called grinding gears, which will give more automation.
(1:03:21) Codey: So Al is rejoicing and then content explosive.
(1:03:30) Codey: So a content explosion, they just say that they’re adding like more, I mean, more content,
(1:03:31) Kev: More everything, I mean, that’s kind of what they need, right?
(1:03:37) Codey: more things that you can collect or everything.
(1:03:39) Codey: Yeah.
(1:03:40) Codey: I mean, yeah, they’ve, they have the basics.
(1:03:43) Kev: Yeah, yeah.
(1:03:44) Codey: So now they just need to flush it out or excuse me.
(1:03:50) Codey: You know, when there’s like.
(1:03:51) Codey: You just randomly get hit with with the sleepies.
(1:03:55) Kev: I’m pretty sure I’ve never been diagnosed, but I’m fairly confident. I could say I’m narcoleptic. So yes, I do know that feeling oh
(1:04:01) Codey: Oh, wow. OK.
(1:04:03) Kev: Yeah
(1:04:05) Codey: Well, yeah, so I I’m just young and aware right now,
(1:04:09) Codey: even though I do not really feel tired.
(1:04:09) Kev: Oh
(1:04:12) Kev: Oh man, oh
(1:04:12) Codey: My brain was just starved for oxygen.
(1:04:17) Kev: Yeah, um, yeah narcolepsy’s fun, let me talk
(1:04:23) Codey: Ugh. The…
(1:04:23) Kev: All right, you know what?
(1:04:25) Kev: Is Star for Oxygen a
(1:04:29) Codey: What?
(1:04:30) Kev: Rundown world that’s all
(1:04:34) Kev: Polluted and corrupted and that’s when the terra nil people show up
(1:04:39) Kev: and so
(1:04:41) Kev: We’ve got an update from terra nil. And so I’m my best. I’m trying not to scream people
(1:04:50) Kev: It is the post is very short it is a heat wave coming
(1:04:55) Kev: to Taranil Sue, they cool more details next year we have an image that looks
(1:05:02) Kev: like two three new biomes several new animals oh we’re getting all we’re
(1:05:10) Kev: getting new stuff for Taranil I’m so excited and look look at the the
(1:05:19) Kev: audacity of these people they know what they’re doing they just drop it you know
(1:05:23) Kev: just they’re too cool for us.
(1:05:25) Kev: and then they’ll be back later.
(1:05:26) Codey: - They’re taking something out of a concerned apes book
(1:05:27) Kev: they dropped the mic and left.
(1:05:33) Codey: with just dropping like one picture and like 12 words.
(1:05:38) Codey: 12 words.
(1:05:40) Kev: working because i’m here with my magnifying glass just just scraping this oh man oh there’s
(1:05:47) Kev: a giraffe in there that’s new too very excited I love terranil very much so um so there hopefully
(1:05:55) Kev: it’ll be new you know we get this content update this year whatever we’re gonna mess it like me so
(1:06:00) Codey: - Yeah.
(1:06:01) Kev: looking why I don’t think whatever um you know
(1:06:04) Codey: Yeah, so I’m wondering if, so it says heat wave.
(1:06:07) Codey: I’m assuming it’s gonna have drought
(1:06:08) Codey: and probably fire, that should work.
(1:06:11) Kev: probably so what’s interesting is that fire is a mechanic in terranil but it’s usually controlled
(1:06:17) Kev: and you’d use it um so that’ll be interesting see you have to deal with it um yep um and yeah
(1:06:18) Codey: Yeah, that’ll be uncontrolled.
(1:06:24) Kev: clearly this is going to be a like big update that’s why it has the subtitle like beta nova did
(1:06:29) Kev: um looking forward to it nothing I i can do nothing else but just sit and wait um because
(1:06:36) Kev: There’s nothing else they didn’t tell us.
(1:06:40) Codey: Yep.
(1:06:43) Codey: OK, so finally, we have some new games.
(1:06:47) Codey: There are three new games in this wrap up of things.
(1:06:53) Codey: So the first is called Cattle Country.
(1:06:57) Kev: All right, all that we know what has to be done.
(1:07:01) Kev: Howdy, Parton.
(1:07:03) Kev: Welcome to Cattle Country, the cozy cowboy adventure life symbol.
(1:07:08) Kev: Become a determined pioneer traveling west to start a new life.
(1:07:12) Kev: Make a home in the mountains, take on bandits,
(1:07:16) Kev: discover dastardly plots, build a farm,
(1:07:19) Kev: develop your town, and make friends with fellow residents.
(1:07:23) Codey: Hell yeah.
(1:07:23) Kev: There’s square dancing in this trailer.
(1:07:28) Kev: It really is.
(1:07:28) Codey: There’s also, I don’t know if you’re listening to the trailer, but they have a- it’s legitimately a song.
(1:07:34) Kev: That’s the all I didn’t listen to.
(1:07:36) Codey: It’s like a song that-
(1:07:37) Kev: Oh my gosh!
(1:07:38) Kev: Lyric!
(1:07:39) Codey: There’s a lyrical song that’s like about come to cattle country.
(1:07:46) Kev: Oh, that’s so good!
(1:07:46) Codey: And like all the stuff. It’s pretty- I was listening and I was like, oh man, what song are they like?
(1:07:52) Codey: Did they get the right
(1:07:53) Codey: thing to play over this thing and then I was like oh no this is this is their song
(1:07:58) Kev: Yeah. Oh, this is good.
(1:08:00) Codey: which is wild because it’s like it seems like it’s a really good like quality like song
(1:08:06) Kev: yeah they put effort into that absolutely um and this is just for like the revealed announcement
(1:08:12) Kev: trailer or whatever um oh man this is yeah all the well so all right the game it’s well the game
(1:08:21) Kev: it’s pixel art it’s stardew esque but more emphasis on the battles though the cows are quite big
(1:08:28) Kev: actually there’s a lot of cows even you’ve got trained they’re bandits I don’t know what’s going
(1:08:33) Kev: on you’re fighting like six seven bandits at one
(1:08:36) Kev: you’re you’re you’re it’s it’s like what was that game called king of the
(1:08:37) Codey: - Dude, and you straight up murder them.
(1:08:48) Kev: prayer whatever the prairie game in stardew it’s that mini game but it’s
(1:08:50) Codey: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you basically just Yeah, go on, scoot over. Stella decided to be on my lap and I didn’t want that. Yeah.
(1:08:51) Kev: real yeah there’s a there’s a two-person
(1:09:03) Kev: and sawing the thing going on here.
(1:09:06) Kev: Okay, like, you know, all cowboy stuff aside, it looks like you get people going with you frequently, right?
(1:09:16) Kev: And I’m gonna assume they’re not even just other players. It looks like maybe NPCs will join you for stuff.
(1:09:21) Kev: And if that’s the case, that’s super exciting.
(1:09:26) Kev: Obviously my interest is piqued.
(1:09:28) Codey: Yep
(1:09:28) Kev: Will we cover this so I can sing a version of the song? Maybe!
(1:09:34) Codey: Whoever covers this on the podcast has to learn the song and you have to do a duet
(1:09:37) Kev: » Yeah, yeah, there we go.
(1:09:41) Codey: I’m looking
(1:09:42) Kev: They got a demo, my gosh, I didn’t pay attention, they have a demo.
(1:09:46) Codey: Mm-hmm
(1:09:47) Kev: On Steam and all that stuff, that’s fascinating.
(1:09:49) Codey: Yep, so
(1:09:51) Kev: All right, there you go, Kappa County.
(1:09:52) Codey: Something something to keep keep track of
(1:09:54) Kev: Wow, this thing’s coming for real.
(1:09:58) Kev: There you have free orders for Switch and PS5 versions.
(1:10:02) Kev: Yeah, this is a real game.
(1:10:04) Codey: a date? Oh, it just says this year. I think it just says 2025. Yeah, Nintendo Switch PS5 and PC
(1:10:14) Codey: on Steam. So
(1:10:16) Kev: There you go, um, yeah, like, you know, all fun and goofiness is the fact that NPC can join you around.
(1:10:24) Kev: That feels like something they’ve been missing for so long in cottagecore games.
(1:10:28) Kev: I can’t wait to experience that.
(1:10:30) Kev: Um, good stuff.
(1:10:32) Kev: Um, uh, all right, next.
(1:10:32) Codey: Yep. Um, so the next, yeah, next game is called, uh, Litchy Town.
(1:10:40) Kev: Yeah, which is an interesting name.
(1:10:41) Codey: Um, quote, enter, enter the Litchy Town, a game that turns the rural life into a
(1:10:49) Codey: canvas for your creativity, forge bonds with the townies and engage in the timeless
(1:10:55) Codey: art of designing your own farm and cultivating friendships as the seasons
(1:10:59) Codey: shape the landscape, savor the simple pleasures,
(1:11:02) Codey: and the physical nature of the world.
(1:11:06) Kev: So I will not be playing this because it looks like we’re
(1:11:12) Kev: talking about slow games here.
(1:11:15) Kev: You remember that whole thing?
(1:11:19) Kev: Oh, I’m not.
(1:11:21) Kev: I’m just remembering the, the, it wasn’t the end of the year episode.
(1:11:24) Kev: We were talking about you didn’t like slow games or the, the slow aspects of games.
(1:11:29) Kev: Um, that said, it doesn’t look particularly slow.
(1:11:32) Kev: It looks, uh, it looks a lot like other farming games.
(1:11:36) Kev: The art style is kind of nice.
(1:11:37) Codey: Mm hmm. No, it’s it’s.
(1:11:38) Kev: It’s kind of Japanese, not kind of, but it’s, there’s literally
(1:11:42) Kev: Japanese on the walls.
(1:11:44) Kev: It’s Japanese and oh, Chinese.
(1:11:44) Codey: It’s China, it’s Chinese.
(1:11:46) Kev: I’m sorry.
(1:11:46) Codey: Yeah, it’s Chinese.
(1:11:47) Kev: Let me see.
(1:11:48) Kev: Um, uh, well, there you go.
(1:11:51) Codey: I actually really like that.
(1:11:52) Codey: So a lot of it looks like it incorporates
(1:11:55) Codey: like traditional Chinese cooking and farming and festivals.
(1:12:01) Codey: In one of the pictures or video, I can’t remember.
(1:12:04) Codey: There’s a classic lion dancing.
(1:12:08) Codey: Yeah, so I think it would be so cool if you are part of the lion in one of the like festival mini games or something and you do like a dance, oh my gosh, and it would be so cool if there was like a lion dance part of a festival where if you played with another friend, I don’t know if there’s co-op or not, or if they’re planning on co-op,
(1:12:08) Kev: What? So cool.
(1:12:19) Kev: Oh, that’d be so cool.
(1:12:32) Kev: Yeah, you guys have to sync up the lion.
(1:12:34) Codey: was the, yeah, like someone’s the front of the lion.
(1:12:37) Codey: Someone’s the back of the lion.
(1:12:38) Kev: That’d be great.
(1:12:39) Codey: Uh, we had, my high school had, um, a couple families that were from China
(1:12:46) Codey: and they did lion dancing and they brought a lot of that stuff to like assemblies.
(1:12:51) Kev: Uh-huh.
(1:12:51) Codey: It was so fun to watch.
(1:12:53) Codey: Um, it’s just such a beautiful culture and like one of the oldest, we
(1:12:53) Kev: That is so cool.
(1:12:57) Kev: It is.
(1:13:00) Kev: Yeah, yeah.
(1:13:00) Codey: know, like that has everything.
(1:13:03) Codey: So I’m excited to play for that reason specifically because
(1:13:07) Codey: it seems like I would learn a lot about, um, because this isn’t, this isn’t like the regular
(1:13:10) Kev: Yeah, they’re, they’re in there.
(1:13:14) Codey: farming that you think of because this isn’t like Western like farming. It’s very much like
(1:13:21) Codey: traditional Chinese farming. So though I will say it says rich relationships as part of one of the
(1:13:22) Kev: Yeah.
(1:13:23) Kev: Um…
(1:13:30) Codey: things that’s in this game, the characters names are like shoe store owners.
(1:13:38) Codey: And teacher.
(1:13:38) Kev: Blacksmith, Pea House Daughter, and of course everyone’s favorite, the Flower Shop Girl.
(1:13:44) Codey: Flower shop girl.
(1:13:45) Kev: Actually, maybe my favorite, I don’t know what to say.
(1:13:50) Codey: I like the dialogue.
(1:13:51) Kev: Barber is very pretty.
(1:13:53) Kev: What a very pretty barber.
(1:13:54) Kev: Oh, teacher!
(1:13:55) Codey: Yeah, teacher.
(1:13:55) Kev: You’re gonna be hot for teacher!
(1:13:58) Codey: Um, the dialogue looks great. Like the things that the people are saying,
(1:14:02) Codey: like it seems like they have personalities and stuff. And I’m wondering if you come up
(1:14:07) Codey: and you just know that they are the teacher and then after, and then they can introduce themselves
(1:14:13) Codey: and then you get their name. Um, that would be cool. But so I look forward to learning
(1:14:13) Kev: Oh, that, that would be cool!
(1:14:21) Codey: these people’s names. Um, but yeah, I really like the look of this game. Um,
(1:14:30) Codey: it just says coming soon. So there’s not like, uh, there’s nothing really going on in the
(1:14:37) Codey: way of timing, but they do have a discord and, um, a Kickstarter project. Oh, and it says click
(1:14:43) Codey: to follow our Kickstarter project. And there’s nothing you can click. Why can’t I click?
(1:14:47) Kev: Oh, that’s a good choice
(1:14:51) Codey: Why can’t I click?
(1:14:52) Kev: So I need to
(1:14:55) Kev: Okay, okay, hold on this through. Oh this threw me off for a second
(1:15:00) Kev: Because the developers called us second life games
(1:15:03) Kev: I googled it and I was getting results for that one game second life
(1:15:09) Kev: And it’s a bit the virtual you know that one
(1:15:10) Codey: Oh.
(1:15:12) Codey: Yeah, yeah.
(1:15:12) Codey: No.
(1:15:13) Kev: Who me off for a second like wait, isn’t it? No, I don’t think it is
(1:15:14) Codey: It’s not.
(1:15:17) Kev: But um, um, okay. Yeah, okay. That’s all right. Well, I guess these guys are now don’t see a lot about them, but
(1:15:27) Kev: Wow, this is a really impressive looking game. I got is um, cuz we’re talking full 3d. Everything is it visually it’s very pretty
(1:15:35) Kev: um a
(1:15:36) Kev: Lot of work in a lot of details like there’s so many cost outfits. There’s a you can jog in jogging gear
(1:15:44) Kev: Like, you know, your full- your full sweatsuit.
(1:15:48) Kev: Cooking systems interesting. Looks like you’re throwing like- or there’s a menu and you’re throwing ingredients and there’s different pots and woods and oh, it’s very pretty.
(1:15:58) Kev: This is pretty cool looking. Also, you’re beating a giant toad with a stick. You’re just whaling on it. I don’t know why, but you’re just beating up on that toad.
(1:16:04) Codey: Yeah.
(1:16:06) Codey: crying yep
(1:16:12) Kev: Yeah, that looks cool. There’s a- there is a panda. Panda confirmed in this game.
(1:16:17) Kev: And like I said, the Chinese culture are very pronounced, very gritty. Yeah, they’re very nice looking game. I’m intrigued for sure.
(1:16:27) Kev: Well, they even got one of those little family memorial shrines too. That’s very cool. Yeah, very, very cool looking game.
(1:16:34) Codey: Yep. I don’t know. So the final game that we have to talk about is we saved the best for last is
(1:16:35) Kev: Litchi means something in Chinese. I don’t know.
(1:16:46) Kev: I was about to say, forget everything else.
(1:16:48) Kev: This is the only thing that matters.
(1:16:50) Codey: is called Cinnabunny.
(1:16:53) Kev: Okay, all right, hold on, hold on people.
(1:16:56) Kev: Like, that name can mean different things.
(1:16:58) Kev: Like, well, go ahead, just go ahead, yeah.
(1:17:00) Codey: Okay. Oh my gosh. So Senn and Bunny, quote, Senn and Bunny is a cozy life simulator game
(1:17:05) Codey: where you play as a bunny who runs a bakery. So you unlock new recipes, go birdwatching,
(1:17:13) Codey: collect mushrooms and charm your community. Save up enough carrots to help your family move.
(1:17:19) Codey: So that last line got my attention. So I then went deeper into their steam page and I found this,
(1:17:27) Codey: Quote, Oh, no, you’re cute.
(1:17:30) Codey: I love that this is not your traditional, your grandma, or your grandfather, or your
(1:17:58) Codey: uncle gave you a farm.
(1:18:00) Kev: So on the slack that’s something we talked about relatively recent right like
(1:18:00) Codey: I love that this is not your traditional, your grandma, or your uncle gave you a farm.
(1:18:04) Kev: How much there’s plenty of room for the the miss of the the what’s kicked off your journey, and this is a great one
(1:18:12) Kev: This is a fantastic one
(1:18:14) Kev: Um and also like it also gives you a clear end goal, right?
(1:18:18) Kev: Like you know when you’re gonna hit credits probably when the your family moves in or whatever
(1:18:23) Kev: Um, I like that a lot, you know an actual objective
(1:18:28) Kev: So yeah, that is very cool
(1:18:30) Kev: Somehow that’s still not the coolest thing because this game is just I’m I’m astounded by everything
(1:18:36) Codey: Yeah.
(1:18:39) Kev: So, okay, it was said but we cannot emphasize this enough you are playing as a bunny
(1:18:44) Codey: You are a bunny.
(1:18:48) Kev: Everyone is bunnies and it’s so cute. You’re baking bread. You’re kneading the dough
(1:18:53) Kev: You’re you’re placing furniture
(1:18:55) Kev: sure you’re farming all his bunnies, you’re putting your bread in the oven.
(1:18:58) Codey: - Mm-hmm.
(1:19:00) Kev: Oh my goodness, Cinnabunny is such a good name. There’s other bunnies, but then they weren’t finished because towards the latter half, you get to start seeing the other stuff you can do, such as one of those little mine carts, but the kind with the handles, you know, the two-sided one, you operate one of those.
(1:19:25) Kev: “I don’t know where you’re going! Looks like there’s a cave! Um, you churn butter!”
(1:19:30) Kev: “You can fly planes as a bunny!”
(1:19:33) Codey: Yeah, the- the plains was ridiculous.
(1:19:36) Kev: “You can go… uh, what is it called? Windboarding? Or whatever when you’re… the… parasail? I don’t know which one this one is, but…”
(1:19:43) Kev: “…the sail’s up in the wind and you’re on the lake skiing or whatever. You’re doing that as a bunny!”
(1:19:46) Codey: Mm-hmm. You also write a deer at some point in the trailer?
(1:19:49) Kev: “You’re…”
(1:19:54) Kev: “I… I… I miss… I might have missed that, or… ugh, I have to go… there’s a lot going on in this trailer!”
(1:19:59) Codey: Yeah.
(1:20:00) Kev: “You can listen to the band, or the Lumineers, with E-A-R-S playing!”
(1:20:05) Codey: The Lumen Ears.
(1:20:07) Codey: ‘Cause bunnies have ears.
(1:20:09) Codey: Perfect.
(1:20:10) Kev: “So… let’s… okay, and you’re… you’re running your bakery, you have a little stand outside…”
(1:20:18) Kev: “I love how the bunnies both, you know, hop on all fours, but will stand up upright too to do things.”
(1:20:24) Kev: “Um, you have binoculars, you’re looking at stuff, um…”
(1:20:27) Kev: Oh, there it is, you’re right, you’re writing a deer as a bunny, I don’t know-
(1:20:29) Codey: Yep, yep, you do
(1:20:30) Kev: I don’t know why, but you can, so, let’s see, planned release date, February 19th, 2025, that’s very soon, uncomfortably soon, this comes from Reki Studios, I don’t know, let’s see, they have another game called Bunhouse, so they’re not strangers in the bun world, they have a game called You’re Not Special, I don’t know what that’s about, but, okay, so they, you know,
(1:20:38) Codey: Count me in.
(1:21:00) Kev: well, you know what, congratulations, I’m clapping my hands, Reki Studios, I don’t think anyone ever has won Game of the Year at the start of the year, but you did it, Reki Studios, congratulations, and Cinnabunny for winning our Game of the Year 2020 because this game’s very ace!
(1:21:18) Codey: So I, I have a lot more to say about this game, but I just went to go look at the system requirements and they got, they got funny down here.
(1:21:30) Codey: They got funny.
(1:21:32) Codey: So graphics, they recommend a certain like graphics card or whatever, and then they have, you probably can’t run this on your mama’s generic laptop.
(1:21:43) Kev: Oh, oh, that’s how you’re gonna be
(1:21:44) Codey: And then they have sound card.
(1:21:48) Codey: You probably have one of those too.
(1:21:50) Codey: You should probably have one of those too.
(1:22:00) Kev: And to be fair, that’s very possible.
(1:22:05) Codey: And then additional notes.
(1:22:07) Codey: Look, I’ll level with you.
(1:22:08) Codey: I’m a solo dev with marginal experience and optimization
(1:22:11) Codey: using a resource-hungry engine.
(1:22:13) Codey: So you’re going to need a mid-tier gaming computer
(1:22:16) Codey: if you want to keep up a good
(1:22:18) Codey: FPS and visual fidelity yeah I love this other wreck another thing it says
(1:22:20) Kev: This is a single person.
(1:22:27) Codey: recommended sound card put your head inside a tuba while your best friend
(1:22:32) Codey: goes crazy oh my gosh they had fun with this yeah this this human is doing great
(1:22:36) Kev: Oh my God.
(1:22:39) Codey: because this looks great these things are adorable
(1:22:41) Kev: This is, oh, it makes sure you have at least
(1:22:45) Kev: one additional controller.
(1:22:47) Kev: Wait, co-op, you’re saying there’s co-op?
(1:22:48) Codey: Oh, yeah, yeah, so that’s I have more stuff. So I got sorry, I got sucked into the hilarity.
(1:22:54) Codey: So I wanted to mention three different things. First, bird watching. So they say use your
(1:22:59) Codey: bird oculars. I don’t know why they’re called bird oculars instead of binoculars, but whatever.
(1:23:04) Kev: because they’re watching birds. I’m pretty sure that’s self-explanatory.
(1:23:05) Codey: Okay, but we use by not we use binoculars in the real to watch bird. Okay, anyway, to
(1:23:13) Kev: Well, maybe we should be using bird oculars. That seems like an issue with us.
(1:23:13) Codey: pictures. Oh my gosh, the capture picture.
(1:23:18) Codey: A picture of the various bird species around Sugar Creek Burroughs with over 30 species
(1:23:23) Codey: of birds to discover each with true to life bird calls. You’ll have to scour the skies
(1:23:28) Codey: in various weather seasons and times of day to find them all this. Yeah, the red tail
(1:23:31) Kev: They won’t all be that one falcon or hawker
(1:23:34) Kev: that’s for everything.
(1:23:35) Codey: hawk that they then put on to an eagle. Yeah, no, so I’m super excited because by that because
(1:23:36) Kev: Yeah.
(1:23:42) Codey: I do bird a little bit in real life. And especially because I work in forests. So I’ve come to
(1:23:49) Codey: know different bird calls. So while I’m playing this game, I’m going to be like, Oh my gosh,
(1:23:53) Codey: it’s a yellow bellied sapsucker or whatever. And I’ll just like try and go look for it.
(1:23:56) Kev: you
(1:23:58) Codey: And I like that people might learn birds. You’ll also mushroom
(1:24:00) Kev: That’s very cool
(1:24:02) Kev: Just I was gonna say just a just an aside
(1:24:06) Kev: random thought completely, um
(1:24:09) Kev: like this is I don’t know is bird hunting big in other areas of the world like
(1:24:14) Codey: Birding?
(1:24:15) Kev: Yeah, I mean like and I’m talking about like what about where you have like ostriches or emu
(1:24:16) Codey: Yeah.
(1:24:22) Codey: I mean, yeah, but those are–
(1:24:25) Codey: I think people aren’t really looking
(1:24:27) Codey: for those in the same way.
(1:24:31) Kev: But anyways, sorry, yeah, so you can find birds that’s very cool birds are very cool. I will say that
(1:24:36) Codey: Yeah.
(1:24:37) Kev: So yeah, there you go. Well
(1:24:38) Codey: Cool.
(1:24:39) Codey: And then, yeah, you can collect mushrooms.
(1:24:40) Kev: One I don’t like mushrooms, but okay, that’s nice
(1:24:41) Codey: Um… [laughs]
(1:24:44) Codey: They just say that the surrounding forests and caves are home to 40 different species of mushrooms, and you can become an expert mycologist. Love that.
(1:24:52) Kev: Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s like a mushroom museum house or something in the trailer.
(1:24:57) Codey: Ooh, okay. Um, I mean that’s cool because there are… it’ll… I’m excited to learn about different mushrooms.
(1:25:05) Codey: Mushrooms are crazy, and I know a lot of my friends that go mushrooming, and I could never because there’s always, like…
(1:25:15) Codey: They really like these certain mushrooms, but there’s always another mushroom that looks very similar that could kill you.
(1:25:23) Codey: And I don’t trust myself to know the difference, so… [laughs]
(1:25:27) Codey: But I’ll trust my friends. Also, it’s… I don’t like mushrooming, but I always find morels, and people love morels.
(1:25:35) Codey: I had a friend, I put a morale on iNaturalist, and she texted me the next day, and she was like, “Take that down, I’m gonna go get it,” and I don’t want other people to see it.
(1:25:45) Codey: Oh my gosh. Yeah, so you can do that. Okay, and then the final blurb here, this is about the being multiplayer.
(1:25:53) Codey: So this is what… this is from the developer, quote, “Cinebunny is a local multiplayer game, meaning two people can play on the same system. There is no native online multiplayer.
(1:26:04) Codey: In order to play with another person, you will need at least one gamepad. Xbox controllers work well. There is no split keyboard controls. It is possible…”
(1:26:14) Codey: “…to play online multiplayer via Steam’s Remote Play Together feature, one computer will connect to another to play.”
(1:26:22) Codey: “However, the second player must have a controller for this to work. This is a limitation of the game engine I use, and how it handles local multiplayer.”
(1:26:32) Codey: So it looks like you can have both controllers, like you can each have controllers, but you can’t each have keyboards?
(1:26:42) Kev: keyboards yeah I well I mean that might not be a problem like I assume a key I’m
(1:26:44) Codey: Okay.
(1:26:48) Codey: No, I’m sh…
(1:26:50) Kev: guessing the keyboard is probably more like shortcut stuff and actual like you
(1:26:53) Kev: know the mandatory or whatever stuff so I’m sure it’ll be worked just fine so
(1:27:02) Codey: No, and there’s always like in most friend groups there’s always a person who prefers controllers and a person who prefers keyboards
(1:27:09) Codey: So you’re set
(1:27:10) Kev: Yeah, man, there’s that yeah
(1:27:15) Kev: Man I can’t I I just keep looking through everything there’s more and more I see like I
(1:27:20) Codey: Mm-hmm
(1:27:22) Codey: You
(1:27:22) Kev: love how the scales of the bunnies are kind of off because they’re big enough to ride bird, but
(1:27:24) Codey: You
(1:27:26) Kev: Also, there’s birds
(1:27:30) Kev: I’m not sure how to get work. Okay, I saw you farm in the game because of course you do
(1:27:37) Kev: It looks like you’re farming wheat for your flour and your
(1:27:40) Kev: bread and whatnot. I like how when they’re, you know, harvesting, they’re kind of samurai sorting, slashing. The wheat looks very cute. Also, just look at that. So clearly the currency is carrots. I like how they can farm, but they’re not going to farm carrots, apparently.
(1:27:57) Kev: Um, he had to sell for this. Um, this game six weeks. Oh no. I don’t, I wasn’t ready for this. Oh no.
(1:28:12) Codey: Yeah, we’ll see what happens.
(1:28:14) Codey: I’m sure we’ll probably get rid on the pod.
(1:28:16) Codey: Um…
(1:28:17) Kev: I do I now I’ll says, you know, Alice tells me not to make problems. I’m making a promise we will cover this
(1:28:24) Kev: Stay by the cell!
(1:28:27) Codey: We promise, Al doesn’t promise,
(1:28:28) Codey: but if a couple of us promise, then it’s good enough.
(1:28:32) Kev: I will go solo, he knows I will!
(1:28:38) Codey: For sure.
(1:28:40) Codey: And that’s the last game.
(1:28:42) Codey: So, thank y’all for coming in to our first,
(1:28:49) Codey: actually in the new year pod,
(1:28:53) Codey: where we got caught up on some.
(1:28:54) Codey: News Kev, where can people find you?
(1:28:58) Kev: All right. Well, um, you can find me on Twitter that Koopa prez or blue sky.
(1:29:06) Kev: I try.
(1:29:07) Kev: I like blue sky, but Twitter is just, it’s like a drug.
(1:29:10) Kev: It’s, it’s got the dank memes on it.
(1:29:12) Kev: I can’t get away from it.
(1:29:14) Kev: Um, but, um, sometimes I’d like to look at the trash five.
(1:29:18) Kev: Um, anyways, um, uh, so yeah, Koopa prez, of course, everywhere.
(1:29:22) Kev: Um, that’s spider squared.
(1:29:24) Kev: I have an account I’m work.
(1:29:27) Kev: I do want to make the serious effort on blue skies.
(1:29:28) Kev: I have been doing a lot of work off the social media, so that’s been nice.
(1:29:44) Kev: Thanks for watching!
(1:29:58) Kev: If you want to hear my thoughts on mushrooming, I can tell you all about the bee mushroom, the rock mushroom, the spring mushroom, and so on and so forth.
(1:30:14) Kev: Thanks for watching!
(1:30:30) Kev: What about you, Cody? Where do people find you?
(1:30:30) Codey: They can find me on Instagram @hikingbeagle, Kev I’m pretty sure you’re the one that made
(1:30:41) Codey: me change it.
(1:30:42) Kev: Yeah, I was the one who brought the attention. I’m glad you went with it
(1:30:47) Codey: Once you mentioned it, I was like, I have to do that.
(1:30:52) Kev: Pretty, pretty, yep.
(1:30:53) Codey: It’s pretty good.
(1:30:54) Codey: I love it.
(1:30:57) Codey: So yeah, that’s me on Instagram and then I am
(1:31:00) Codey: also on Blue Sky at my name.
(1:31:02) Codey: I technically still have a Twitter,
(1:31:04) Codey: but I really only check it like once a week
(1:31:07) Codey: to see if anyone’s messaged me on there.
(1:31:10) Kev: Well, let’s see, hey, here’s the thing, I almost rarely actually tweet myself, I’m just
(1:31:10) Codey: Other than that, I’ve already scrubbed all of my tweets
(1:31:13) Codey: off of that site so that they can’t be used by AI.
(1:31:22) Kev: always retreating other stuff, so, good to go!
(1:31:23) Codey: Yeah.
(1:31:24) Codey: Woo!
(1:31:25) Kev: But yeah, no, that’s the move, that’s the move, I want to, yeah, yeah, and blue skies,
(1:31:32) Codey: Yeah, I like it a lot
(1:31:35) Codey: So that’s where I am for the most part
(1:31:39) Codey: You can find Al at the Scott bot on Macedon Scott and a lot of other things
(1:31:47) Codey: You can find the pod on tumblr and other places at ths pod
(1:31:54) Codey: You can give us feedback and get links to the show notes and transcripts and all of that
(1:32:02) Codey:
(1:32:04) Codey: You can also find our link to the patreon slash ths pod where you get
(1:32:11) Codey: access to the
(1:32:15) Codey: Slack and the patreon exclusive version called the greenhouse
(1:32:23) Codey: We recently had a greenhouse episode with kev and al talking about what they’re excited for
(1:32:30) Codey: this year that is
(1:32:32) Codey: not a Cottagecore game.
(1:32:34) Codey: I scoffed at one of the things that Al was excited about.
(1:32:36) Kev: but because I love how we’d start wait wait what what did you wait what do you
(1:32:44) Kev: scoff at which one it’s been a while I remember
(1:32:46) Codey: He said he was excited for Mario Kart.
(1:32:50) Kev: oh
(1:32:51) Codey: And I detest the fact that they just like basically are a nostalgia machine
(1:33:02) Codey: and they just put the same game out every time.
(1:33:07) Kev: Hi. Mmm. Well now that word you’re talking in my bro. Um, okay Mario Kart in general across the board
(1:33:14) Kev: I wouldn’t say that but the problem is Mario Kart 8 has been the
(1:33:20) Kev: Yeah, the game for 10 years now actually so in that sense. You’re absolutely right. I can’t contest that and what’s
(1:33:22) Codey: Yeah well you said because yeah you said they were gonna put out mario kart 8 super deluxe
(1:33:32) Codey: ultimate or something I mean that’s a joke but
(1:33:32) Kev: That’s correct and what scares me is
(1:33:35) Kev: No, we’ll see. Here’s the thing. I always say that
(1:33:37) Kev: as a joke, but at the same time, very, very well be the case. Right? Because we’re getting switched
(1:33:44) Kev: to slapping the completed Mario Kart 8 with ever all the DLC that came out on the switch
(1:33:50) Kev: on the new than the new on the switch to like is within super within the realm of possibility. So
(1:33:57) Kev: yes, I’m scared. Um, yeah, but no, so you’re not wrong about Mario Kart 8. Like in general,
(1:34:03) Kev: Marker, I think there’s more to offer, but that’s 10 years
(1:34:06) Kev: I’m running.
(1:34:07) Kev: So, ah.
(1:34:08) Codey: Yeah. I’m just sick of the nostalgia machine that is everything nowadays. Like I was listening
(1:34:15) Codey: to a podcast about how all of this year’s movies were like best movies, top grossing movies were
(1:34:23) Codey: like Kung Fu Panda 4, Inside Out 2, Moana 2, the Wicked movie, which is technically
(1:34:32) Codey: a prequel to Wizard of Oz and is the musical. Yeah. And like-
(1:34:35) Kev: An adaptation of a musical!
(1:34:38) Codey: all this stuff. And then also, so when I- I went and saw Sonic 3 and- but trailers!
(1:34:44) Kev: I was about to say, “Okay, but what about Sonic 3, though?”
(1:34:48) Codey: So I love Sonic- I love Sonic 3. I thought it was really- I mean, it’s what I expected it to be,
(1:34:53) Codey: um, but there were some hilarious moments. But there were trailers before Sonic 3.
(1:34:54) Kev: Oh, yeah, for sure.
(1:34:59) Codey: They are coming out with a Lilo and Stitch live action.
(1:35:02) Kev: Oh, do they have to trailer for that?
(1:35:04) Codey: They had the trailer for that. And then they also had the trailer for How to Train Your
(1:35:08) Codey: Dragon live action, which was basically a one for one of the animated version.
(1:35:08) Kev: Live action, yeah!
(1:35:16) Kev: yes yes so people yeah yep it’s awful it’s awful um and I love heart of
(1:35:17) Codey: I hate that. I hate that. Like-
(1:35:23) Kev: train your dragon so much what a great film and just one
(1:35:26) Codey: But Toothless looks exactly the same. Like they pretty much took the How to Train Your Dragon,
(1:35:33) Codey: like trailer for the first movie and just put it
(1:35:38) Codey: in the other version and it, I was just, if you’re going to do a live action, do something
(1:35:42) Kev: It hurts it hurts
(1:35:46) Codey: like show something new, show something cool. Um, so.
(1:35:49) Kev: Yeah, yeah
(1:35:52) Kev: You know what hurts that the light like the actual like model first did live-action quote-unquote them and stitches CGI but
(1:36:00) Kev: It looks decent like I you know look at the stitch
(1:36:02) Codey: - Yeah.
(1:36:03) Kev: It looks decent, but I hate the concept of it, but are you excited for live-action Moana?
(1:36:04) Codey: - Yep.
(1:36:08) Kev: Which we’ve already seen the rock in the bodysuit
(1:36:10) Codey: - Ugh.
(1:36:12) Codey: Ugh.
(1:36:13) Kev: Oh
(1:36:15) Kev: Oh, it’s great. Oh, but sonic 3 though. How about Keanu?
(1:36:20) Codey: Song of three was really good.
(1:36:22) Codey: So that was really funny because my partner was with me and he was just like, “Is that Keanu Reeves?”
(1:36:30) Kev: - Yeah, dude.
(1:36:30) Codey: He was so upset.
(1:36:32) Codey: And then there was another actress that popped on the screen and he was like,
(1:36:36) Codey: “How did they get her in this movie?”
(1:36:38) Codey: And it just kept happening.
(1:36:39) Kev: i
(1:36:42) Codey: And they had some really good…
(1:36:43) Kev: How do
(1:36:45) Kev: It was yeah, oh man like I will so
(1:36:50) Kev: the
(1:36:51) Kev: When jim carrey got announced his egg map way back in the original sonic like
(1:36:53) Codey: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
(1:36:55) Kev: I had some complaints because I knew jim carrey was going to just jim carry it up
(1:37:00) Codey: Mm-hmm.
(1:37:00) Kev: Which which he does which is not exactly egg man per se right? Um, I wanted something a little more faithful
(1:37:06) Kev: but
(1:37:07) Kev: this far and he’s really
(1:37:09) Kev: hamming it up. I haven’t seen it yet, but you know just off the bits and the trailers
(1:37:13) Kev: and things, he is just him carrying it as hard as he can and you know what, he’s won
(1:37:19) Kev: me over. So yeah, no. Yeah.
(1:37:19) Codey: Yep, if if it wasn’t him like he basically made this movie and it’s to the point where he’s almost like Robin Williams did where
(1:37:30) Codey: With certain Robin Williams movies like if it was not him, it wouldn’t be good like the original Aladdin. I
(1:37:38) Kev: Heh heh!
(1:37:38) Codey: Would not have enjoyed it so much if it didn’t have the genie
(1:37:42) Kev: Nobody would per-
(1:37:42) Codey: like his genie
(1:37:44) Kev: It wouldn’t be-
(1:37:46) Kev: It wouldn’t be notable, right? Like, it’d be maybe
(1:37:47) Codey: No, yeah
(1:37:48) Kev: FINE, I guess? I don’t know.
(1:37:49) Codey: You
(1:37:50) Kev: Who cares? ‘Cause, yeah, the genie, right?
(1:37:52) Kev: Like Robin Williams singing
(1:37:52) Codey: Mrs. Mrs. Doubtfire like no one else could have pulled that movie off like and
(1:37:54) Kev: Friend Like Me?
(1:37:56) Kev: Nope.
(1:37:58) Kev: Yeah, you’re right.
(1:37:59) Codey: That’s that’s how I feel about Jim Carrey in this movie and I thought about it
(1:38:03) Codey: Like I was talking to my partner on the way home and he was like man
(1:38:06) Codey: it’s been a while since I’ve watched many of Jim Carrey’s movies and we just started talking about like all of his previous movies like
(1:38:12) Codey: Liar liar and the mask and
(1:38:15) Codey: Ace Ventura and I was like I we need to do a Jim Carrey
(1:38:19) Codey: Marathon because I haven’t seen a lot of these in a long time
(1:38:23) Codey: but
(1:38:24) Kev: you you know what one of the greatest tragedies of my life was that my mom like one day I don’t
(1:38:24) Codey: He’s pretty great
(1:38:36) Kev: remember what the context was but basically like my mom was I was talking about jim carrey and my
(1:38:41) Kev: mom having a hearing just like oh you know he was just here in atlanta like yesterday he was a book
(1:38:44) Codey: No!
(1:38:46) Kev: signing and I was like oh I missed him I could have met jim carrey and he did it
(1:38:54) Kev: oh so there you go one of my greatest misses um you know but
(1:39:02) Codey: He’ll come back around.
(1:39:03) Kev: yeah and oh you know what you know what while as a fan of sonic 3 to the movie you know who knows
(1:39:10) Codey: Okay, we should do we should a greenhouse about it
(1:39:11) Kev: maybe I was subtly hinting like uh and I had already talked about it so but we’ll rope you
(1:39:19) Kev: in for that too for sure because yes. Yeah, so look forward to some point.
(1:39:20) Codey: sweet sweet greenhouse and to listen to that you have to be a patreon subscriber so go to
(1:39:24) Kev: In the near future. Well, there will be a Sonic 3.
(1:39:29) Kev: Yeah, greenhouse.
(1:39:33) Codey: this whole it’s been a ruse this whole time of leading up to to that and
(1:39:40) Codey: I just posted a photo a real life photo of stella while I am recording looking at me like oh my gosh
(1:39:47) Codey: mom. It is time to go lay down. Please leave me alone.
(1:39:50) Codey: Please shut up and stop recording. I’m sure I was saying
(1:39:53) Codey: the same thing because we’re almost two hours. And so with
(1:39:56) Kev: Thank you, Cody, for joining me as well, I guess, question mark.
(1:39:56) Codey: that, I will say thank you, Kev, for joining me. Thank you.
(1:40:06) Kev: Thank you, Al, for having us on.
(1:40:08) Kev: Thank you, listeners, for bending through this for the Cinnabonny Hype Test.
(1:40:12) Codey: Sinner bunny. Have a good
(1:40:15) Kev: And until next time, if you’re not sick of us yet, have a good harvest!
(1:40:19) Theme Tune: The harvest season is created by Al McKinlay, with support from our patrons, including our
(1:40:30) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
(1:40:34) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
(1:40:38) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website,, for show notes and links to things we discussed
(1:40:44) Theme Tune: in this episode.
(1:40:54) Kev: Did you get the Sonic the Hedgehog popcorn bucket?
(1:40:54) Codey: No, I didn’t know that they had one.
(1:40:59) Kev: Calvin did oh yeah, I’ll send you a picture Calvin got it
(1:41:03) Codey: Okay.
(1:41:04) Kev: All right, that’s good