S Tier

Al and Kev rank the Stardew Valley Characters


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:01:36: What Have We Been Up To
00:25:25: New Games
00:33:54: Stardew Character Tier List
01:02:17: Outro

Orange Season 1.0 Release
Petit Island Story Trailer
Paleo Pines new DLCs
Go-go Town Major Update 1
Moonstone Island “Festivals” Update
My Time at Evershine

The Last Farmer
Artisan Story
Luma Island

Stardew Tier List Video
Stardew Final Tier List


Al on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheScotBot
Al on Mastodon: https://mastodon.scot/@TheScotBot
Email Us: https://harvestseason.club/contact/


(0:00:30) Al: Hello farmers and welcome to another episode of the harvest season
(0:00:34) Al: my name is Al
(0:00:36) Kev: And my name is Kevin.
(0:00:38) Al: and we are here today to talk about Cottagecore games
(0:00:41) Kev: Yeah.
(0:00:45) Kev: The cottage court game more specifically.
(0:00:47) Al: well I mean lots of other ones as well but what Kevin is talking about
(0:00:50) Kev: No, but the.
(0:00:53) Al: is we are going to this episode do a Stardew Valley
(0:00:56) Al: character tier list. So we’re going to go through every character.
(0:01:00) Al: in Stardew and we’re going to tier them. Tier list them. Tier list them. List tier them.
(0:01:01) Kev: and judge them yum we’re gonna be patty and biased and mean oh there’s yeah it’s
(0:01:07) Al: We’re going to judge them and put them on a tier list from S to D.
(0:01:17) Al: Oh we will be mean. There will be lots of mean because these people don’t exist.
(0:01:22) Kev: that’s I thought you were gonna say see people are awful and I was gonna agree
(0:01:28) Kev: Amen.
(0:01:30) Al: We’re going to talk about a bunch of news. There’s quite a bit of news this week.
(0:01:36) Al: But first of all, Kevin, what have you been up to?
(0:01:39) Kev: uh i’ve been not much game wise to be honest i’m busy
(0:01:44) Kev: trying to grind away at work as I can but anyways i’m in the brief moments i
(0:01:48) Kev: do more well you know what forget all this
(0:01:50) Kev: let’s get into marvel snapcast because you’ve been playing it too I know
(0:01:54) Kev: you’ve been doing really well because holy mackerel you hit infinite like in a
(0:01:58) Kev: week it’s insane insanity
(0:02:02) Kev: um you know marvel snap is good I have been
(0:02:06) Kev: I have not progressed it like i’ve been going back and forth not
(0:02:09) Kev: stopped in the 70s but i’m still having a blast a lot of great cards this season
(0:02:14) Kev: move is getting some love I like the spider people’s um yeah marvel snap’s good which uh
(0:02:22) Al: Well, yeah, I don’t disagree with you there, because yeah, I’ve fallen off a little bit
(0:02:23) Kev: what are you doing over there in snap world
(0:02:29) Al: the last kind of week or so, purely because I’m not really sure what I want to do now
(0:02:34) Al: that I’m at infinite.
(0:02:35) Kev: Yeah, that’s fair.
(0:02:36) Kev: I live in the conquest mode, but I’m only-
(0:02:39) Kev: I can’t mainly do it because I want the-
(0:02:41) Kev: Like, if I want the, you know, the big reward variant or whatever.
(0:02:45) Kev: And I like it, it’s a duck walk in a suit, I think it’s snazzy.
(0:02:45) Al: Yeah.
(0:02:48) Kev: I’ll probably go for it if I can.
(0:03:00) Kev: yep it is you know that’s super fair um I have been like in the last match and lost it you know
(0:03:10) Kev: the last one before hitting infinite or final infinite one or whatever um it’s it is rough it
(0:03:17) Kev: is um so yeah I know you’re right yeah kind of girl ears um oh my gosh the more I think about it
(0:03:18) Al: It’s like a roguelite. But overall I’m still really enjoying, overall I’m still really
(0:03:29) Al: enjoying Snap. I’m loving the idea, like different strategies and stuff like that. And yeah,
(0:03:34) Al: as you mentioned, I’ve hit infinite for my, for the first time this season, which is,
(0:03:38) Kev: Clap, clap, clap. Good for you.
(0:03:41) Al: is fun. Yeah, I honestly never thought I would get to this point. So it’s, it’s fun to be
(0:03:46) Kev: And there you go and the cool thing is it’s you know, relatively easy, you know next season cuz you’ll just be down to 70
(0:03:54) Al: Mm. Yeah, yeah, I.
(0:03:54) Kev: You only have to go 30 levels not a huge climb
(0:03:58) Kev: So yeah, good on you man. Um
(0:04:02) Kev: Marvel snap aside
(0:04:04) Kev: Sorry, go ahead
(0:04:05) Al: No, no, I yeah, no, you go.
(0:04:06) Kev: Okay. Okay, Marvel snap aside. Um, I’m continue to plays endless zone zero the
(0:04:13) Kev: will you overst… er… er…
(0:04:18) Kev: I don’t know what to call this, but it’s kind of become a daily for me because you can log in and if you want you can just do your dailies in like 5 minutes or so.
(0:04:28) Kev: Because it’s really easy really quick.
(0:04:32) Kev: It’s interesting to be in a game as it’s just releasing content, you know, it’s still early on.
(0:04:38) Kev: There’s 3 chapters of the main story and I completed them all right so I’m just kind of…
(0:04:44) Kev: my wheels, but I’m just dedicating time to improving my character.
(0:04:46) Kev: It’s still not spent any money on it, but it is a game that works well for me to get in and just zone out, or whatever, and just push buttons and whatnot.
(0:05:04) Kev: Yeah, that’s it. I know there’s a new chapter coming, I think they’re saying, but yeah, that’s it.
(0:05:16) Kev: It’s a good style. What about you, what’s going on, other than Snapworld?
(0:05:20) Al: Yeah, well, I just want to say you’ve not spent any money on that game unlike Marvel
(0:05:24) Al: Snap.
(0:05:26) Kev: Oh my god. Oh, I don’t want to talk, oh.
(0:05:29) Al: Look, just think about what you get from it though, the amount of fun you get from it.
(0:05:30) Kev: If I think about that for one second, just try to even consider how much I spent on Snapworld. Nope.
(0:05:38) Kev: Were mistakes made? I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like a mistake.
(0:05:42) Kev: I I do have down a lot of good for it, but
(0:05:46) Al: I try and limit myself to just the season pass.
(0:05:46) Kev: Yeah, me too, especially in this day and age.
(0:05:51) Al: Nothing more, but I always pay for the more expensive season pass.
(0:05:58) Al: Also, when I say try to, I don’t… I haven’t.
(0:06:02) Al: I haven’t just stick to the season pass, but I try to.
(0:06:02) Kev: Yeah. Yeah, me too. Rarely. Yeah, I agree. I haven’t done it since getting unemployed
(0:06:05) Al: Most seasons, I just do the season pass.
(0:06:08) Al: But yeah, there have been a few good pass packs that I’ve purchased for a fiver or whatever.
(0:06:17) Kev: because obviously, but beforehand, yeah, no. And there were some that I had to like, “Oh,
(0:06:17) Al: Well, yeah, yeah.
(0:06:23) Kev: my rule of force.” It’s those cheap ones, you know, like the $10 one. Like, “Oh, man,
(0:06:26) Al: Yeah, yeah
(0:06:27) Kev: look at all this bull and the bull.” They get ya.
(0:06:29) Al: Yeah, they’re dangerous
(0:06:31) Al: Look, I’ve put in way less money into snap than I have into Pokemon go. So so that’s okay, right?
(0:06:32) Kev: You know what? Yes. Wait, wait. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Either way, you look at it. Yes. I haven’t
(0:06:44) Kev: put any money in going. I’m proud of myself for that. So, you know.
(0:06:47) Al: It’s a wise a wise decision
(0:06:51) Al: What else have I been playing I have played and completed astrobot the new
(0:06:56) Al: the new astrobot game which is just called astrobot. It’s confusing because
(0:07:03) Al: they have astros playroom which was the free one that came with the ps5 and they
(0:07:09) Al: have astrobot which is the new one that came out but they also have what was the
(0:07:13) Al: other one called there was a psVR one ask no it wasn’t astrobot rescue mission
(0:07:16) Kev: Wasn’t Playroom the VR one?
(0:07:20) Al: that’s the VR one. I haven’t played that one but
(0:07:21) Kev: Oh.
(0:07:26) Al: yeah whatever. Astrobot is so fun it’s basically like it feels like a cross
(0:07:33) Al: between Mario Galaxy and Mario Sunshine and I think it it’s a really nice
(0:07:39) Al: crossover between those two things and it does a really nice job of every
(0:07:47) Al: level feels the right length it feels like everything comes back just enough
(0:07:53) Al: that you don’t get sick of anything
(0:07:56) Al: like you don’t go, oh, not another one of these levels.
(0:07:59) Al: And the game is a good length, I think.
(0:08:02) Al: So I’ve 100%ed it, and I’ve got the Platinum trophy.
(0:08:06) Al: And I think it took me about 35 hours, which
(0:08:08) Al: feels like a good length to me.
(0:08:11) Al: It’s not a super difficult game, but there
(0:08:14) Al: are a few levels that are, if you
(0:08:17) Al: want to 100% it, that are quite difficult and difficult
(0:08:23) Al: platforming challenges.
(0:08:27) Al: Kind of think about it like with Mario Wonder,
(0:08:30) Al: most of it was reasonably easy, like not difficult.
(0:08:34) Al: But there was a few right at the very end
(0:08:37) Al: after the main story that were super challenging.
(0:08:40) Al: But you didn’t need to do them to complete the story.
(0:08:42) Kev: Okay, it’s curvy-ish in nature, um, that’s cool.
(0:08:42) Al: It’s kind of like that.
(0:08:46) Al: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(0:08:48) Al: No, I really think it’s super fun.
(0:08:50) Al: And I mean, it’s a big PlayStation nostalgia fest.
(0:08:56) Al: Like, you’re collecting bots that are all old characters
(0:08:56) Kev: Yeah, it’s… it’s a shame that Sony fails to protect their legacy, though.
(0:09:00) Al: and stuff like that.
(0:09:06) Kev: You saw that tweet, right?
(0:09:10) Kev: Okay, what? So, I didn’t understand. Are those just little… what are those characters?
(0:09:16) Kev: Are they skins or are they just hanging out somewhere? Like, I don’t… you know?
(0:09:20) Al: So there are other bots that you have to save who help run your ship, and some of them just
(0:09:24) Kev: Okay.
(0:09:26) Kev: Okay, I see.
(0:09:26) Al: happen to look like characters in games. The best part about it is you’ve got,
(0:09:32) Al: obviously, you’ve got Crash Bandicoot. There’s a Crash Bandicoot one. There’s an
(0:09:36) Kev: Yeah, of course.
(0:09:37) Al: Eloy from Horizon 1. There’s loads of other ones that I were like, “Okay,
(0:09:40) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:09:42) Al: I kind of vaguely know what that is.” There’s a Pyramid Head one.
(0:09:44) Kev: Mm-hmm.
(0:09:48) Al: It feels like the whole-
(0:09:50) Al: The whole rest of the game is very much like kind of cutesy kidsy and then you’ve got this
(0:09:55) Al: bot dressed up as pyramid head
(0:09:58) Kev: Uh, well, you know, he was already in a, in a Bomberman game and his cute cartoony chibi.
(0:10:06) Kev: So, okay.
(0:10:07) Al: But it’s quite funny because they don’t name most of them right they have these like kind of funny names
(0:10:14) Al: that kind of try and
(0:10:16) Al: explain something about them without actually using the name.
(0:10:20) Al: So it’s a little bit weird in that it feels kind of, I heard someone describe it, it was kind of like they’re using it without the rights to the characters.
(0:10:28) Al: So it’s like a legally distinct sort of thing and the pyramid head one is he’s called the executioner.
(0:10:28) Kev: okay
(0:10:31) Kev: okay okay
(0:10:37) Kev: why are just calling him that?
(0:10:39) Al: Yeah, it’s very funny, but.
(0:10:43) Kev: oh my gosh I just saw him call threat us dad of boy
(0:10:46) Kev: and hgs boy
(0:10:46) Al: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
(0:10:48) Kev: that’s incredible
(0:10:50) Al: Well, exactly. It’s stuff like that. It’s just very funny, silly stuff.
(0:10:54) Al: I’m trying to think what else it was. Oh yeah, Thor was Thunder God.
(0:10:58) Al: And it’s not like the– Aloy was Machine Hunter.
(0:11:02) Al: It’s not like they didn’t have the rights to these characters.
(0:11:04) Al: They are. They’re characters. Right? Like, but it’s, yeah.
(0:11:04) Kev: - Yeah, yeah.
(0:11:09) Al: Nathan Drake is Raider Dude.
(0:11:12) Kev: Yep
(0:11:14) Al: So yeah, it’s really fun. I enjoyed it a lot.
(0:11:17) Al: I would really OK, I would recommend.
(0:11:20) Al: I would recommend it to anybody who has a PS5.
(0:11:22) Al: If you have a PS5, I don’t think you have a good reason not to buy this game.
(0:11:26) Al: If you don’t have a PS5, obviously do not buy a PS5 for this game.
(0:11:30) Kev: Why would you do that when you could buy the PS5 Pro for this age?
(0:11:37) Kev: Well, the one with the old colors.
(0:11:43) Al: Oh, it just I didn’t even notice this at the time, but they have a Boku from Boku no Natsuya Sumi.
(0:11:49) Kev: Oh, wow, there you go. There’s your cottage core
(0:11:56) Al: All right. Cool. I think that’s I think I’m probably done talking to Astro about now.
(0:12:01) Al: Three episodes in a row. That’s probably enough for you listeners.
(0:12:06) Al: Cool. So we get into some news then.
(0:12:08) Kev: Yeah, I guess so. Legally obligated to. Like, no one.
(0:12:13) Al: We have. First of all, Orange Season have announced that there are 1.0 releases coming on the 24th of October.
(0:12:21) Kev: Okay, all right.
(0:12:25) Kev: Which one’s hard?
(0:12:25) Kev: Wait, is that this one or you’re growing orange trees, right?
(0:12:29) Al: I don’t think it’s like specifically growing just oranges. I think it’s a standard farming game.
(0:12:34) Kev: Oh, okay.
(0:12:35) Al: This is the one that had like a longer name and they renamed it. It was something something Orange
(0:12:38) Kev: Okay.
(0:12:39) Al: season rather than and then they renamed it to just orange season
(0:12:41) Kev: Oh.
(0:12:43) Kev: Oh, I…
(0:12:44) Al: Yeah, it just feels like a pretty standard farming game there’s nothing about this that’s like oh, I must get this
(0:12:47) Kev: Yes.
(0:12:50) Al: - Yes.
(0:12:51) Kev: Obviously, this is an us problem, because we’re the ones
(0:12:51) Al: the
(0:12:54) Kev: always reading the news and whatever, so we’re the ones who feel the fatigue.
(0:12:58) Kev: Oh, it’s so rough, when, you know, it’s hard to stand out, like,
(0:13:02) Kev: I feel so bad that I feel-
(0:13:04) Kev: so unexcited or you know like it is this one’s very paint-by-the-numbers farming.
(0:13:12) Al: Woofed apparently the first early access version of this was
(0:13:18) Kev: Aw, sick.
(0:13:20) Kev: Oh, good times.
(0:13:22) Kev: Good time.
(0:13:24) Kev: Well, hey, it made it. I will say that it did make it.
(0:13:26) Al: Next we have Petite Island, have released a story trailer for the game. This is definitely
(0:13:39) Al: not Animal Crossing. I mean it looks nice blah blah blah, too many games.
(0:13:42) Kev: It’s, it’s animal intercession.
(0:13:46) Kev: Aww.
(0:13:48) Kev: Let me see.
(0:13:50) Kev: Yeah.
(0:13:52) Kev: They have, what is that?
(0:13:54) Kev: Calico cat? Is that what it’s called?
(0:13:56) Kev: It’s a cute, it is a cute cat. I’ll say that.
(0:14:00) Kev: Oh my gosh, I don’t understand.
(0:14:02) Kev: Did you have to go for the island motif?
(0:14:04) Kev: You, you horizons cave out.
(0:14:09) Al: Everything has to be an island or a valley, or both.
(0:14:12) Kev: Oh gosh. All right.
(0:14:14) Al: Next we have Paleo Pines.
(0:14:16) Kev: Oh, oh wait, this one I care about, actually.
(0:14:18) Al: New DLCs and a new update coming out
(0:14:21) Al: on the 26th of September.
(0:14:22) Kev: What are we getting?
(0:14:26) Kev: Two deals. Wait, they’re playing it.
(0:14:30) Kev: Michael Jackson’s Thriller is to Michael.
(0:14:34) Kev: The trailer is to Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
(0:14:36) Al: I don’t think they’ve announced anything about them. I’m just looking at their news. All I see is the names and then the announcement that they’re coming on the 26th. So we’ll see.
(0:14:38) Kev: I didn’t expect that.
(0:14:40) Kev: Oh, spooky stuffs, I guess.
(0:14:48) Kev: Mm-hmm, okay
(0:14:55) Kev: Okay, they’re probably just in-game events then adding new holidays or something. That’s probably what it is. All right, cool cool cool
(0:15:00) Al: Yeah. We’ll see. We’ll keep you up to date when we get more information.
(0:15:07) Al: Next, an update that we do have more information on. Gogotown, their major content update is now out. I think we recorded last time like four hours before it came out. So we didn’t have a lot of information.
(0:15:18) Kev: Of course, of course.
(0:15:21) Al: But yeah, we do have more information now. The biggest question I had was how the redoing of the industry zones works and you can basically decide how much space and how many on industry zones you have.
(0:15:37) Al: Which is cool. I’m still not sure because I haven’t actually booted up the game since they’ve updated it. I’m still not sure how that affects the literal cave that exists and whether you can move that or not.
(0:15:48) Kev: Mm-Hmm
(0:15:50) Kev: Huh.
(0:15:51) Al: But the rest of it makes sense. I guess you can just go. This is an area where we have mining and this is the area where we have trees and stuff like that. And more importantly, these are the places we have farming.
(0:16:04) Kev: I’ll wait for 1.0 and this is good news, it sounds like stuff that’s good for 1.0.
(0:16:04) Al: because they pointed out like you could set up one farm for animals.
(0:16:06) Al: And a lot of crops, for example, so that’s cool.
(0:16:10) Al: I need to spend some time with this update and see how it actually feels.
(0:16:21) Al: Yeah, yeah.
(0:16:22) Al: And they’ve added a bunch of expanded areas which you can purchase as you go, which is cool.
(0:16:28) Al: And we got more information about the subways as well, so they’ve added in subways.
(0:16:33) Al: It’s a little bit weird in that it’s very much.
(0:16:36) Al: Clearly meant to be like a train subway, but you just walk in and then you walk out of a different exit to get to a different place.
(0:16:44) Al: So it’s just kind of, it’s not even going to, it’s not even pretending that you’re actually getting on a train, which is a little bit weird, but simplest, probably implementation.
(0:16:50) Kev: can’t they at least can’t they can’t they at least throw in the spider-man the metro
(0:17:02) Al: Yeah, exactly, exactly.
(0:17:03) Kev: little cutscenes in between
(0:17:06) Al: Um, and the, the bike place spaces and the car parks are pretty cool.
(0:17:13) Al: Uh, I noticed that they have a way to be able to summon vehicles that aren’t a
(0:17:17) Al: specific one, which is nice as well.
(0:17:18) Al: So if you’ve lost a vehicle or you’re on the other side of a map.
(0:17:24) Kev: No, that’s great.
(0:17:25) Kev: Alright.
(0:17:27) Al: Yeah I think that’s the main three things. There’s a bunch of other kind of extra
(0:17:31) Al: content and stuff but yeah I definitely need to need to try this out.
(0:17:36) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:17:36) Al: Next we have Moonstone Island. We’re getting all our favorite games today.
(0:17:43) Al: The festivals update is coming on the 30th of September and this has, can you guess, new
(0:17:49) Al: festivals! There’s also some new spirits. I feel like this is one really good thing about…
(0:17:50) Kev: Wow. Blowing my mind here, Al.
(0:17:57) Al: they seem to add in a new spirit every update no matter how big the update is.
(0:18:02) Kev: Yeah, it does like so
(0:18:05) Kev: Okay, I think I’ve discussed this before like I wish I I appreciate them putting the work in love for it
(0:18:13) Kev: But I’d rather they just make the spirit and hold off till they can release like kind of them at once
(0:18:18) Al: interesting. Why do you say so?
(0:18:19) Kev: Yeah, I like okay. Well, you know what? It’s honestly like going back
(0:18:24) Kev: Let’s say that’s the motivating factor for me, right? Like I like to collect the spirits, right? Just going back for one
(0:18:29) Kev: I don’t know. It feels very
(0:18:32) Kev: Whatever because it’s not like anything any sort of special event fruit or whatever. You just it’s a random counter in the wild, you know
(0:18:40) Kev: It’s a very small thing to look forward to whereas if it’s a ten
(0:18:44) Kev: Okay, that’s at least a little more to to go through and motivate me getting getting them
(0:18:46) Al: Yeah, so this this one’s four specifically
(0:18:51) Kev: Okay, all right, um, the designs are usually good though, so I’m looking forward to see what they are
(0:18:57) Kev: One big thing
(0:18:58) Al: The the cooking update also get added for I’m just checking the previous ones as well
(0:19:00) Kev: - Yeah.
(0:19:02) Kev: I don’t know, well, it’s been a few updates,
(0:19:04) Kev: so maybe I will check it out soon.
(0:19:06) Kev: No, why not?
(0:19:07) Al: Yeah if you’ve not if you’ve not played it since the first version it definitely feels like it’s
(0:19:08) Kev: Maybe it’ll feel like 10.
(0:19:11) Al: It’s a good time to jump in
(0:19:13) Kev: Yeah, but honestly, the biggest problem for me
(0:19:16) Kev: with Moonstone Island and their updates,
(0:19:18) Kev: like it just, I don’t know,
(0:19:21) Kev: it almost doesn’t make sense to me how they’re doing it,
(0:19:26) Kev: because all their updates feel very like,
(0:19:29) Kev: you know, the Cottagecore focus on decorations
(0:19:33) Kev: and festivals and things like that, right?
(0:19:35) Kev: But the game is still so very, like,
(0:19:38) Kev: plot mode or objective motivated, let me say that.
(0:19:43) Kev: And they haven’t really added more missions
(0:19:45) Kev: or post-game things like that,
(0:19:46) Al: Hmm
(0:19:47) Kev: just left to decorate your house.
(0:19:50) Kev: And like, and spirits, right?
(0:19:53) Kev: Like, so, you know, you collect the spirits,
(0:19:57) Kev: but I guess you have them, and that’s it, I guess.
(0:20:00) Kev: I don’t know.
(0:20:02) Kev: Oh, cool, now I see the little image
(0:20:04) Kev: of the spirits being added on those mitten, that’s good.
(0:20:08) Kev: But I don’t know, yeah, that’s all I really want,
(0:20:10) Kev: more than anything from Moonstone Island,
(0:20:12) Kev: you know, something actually to work towards
(0:20:14) Kev: or to feel like to use my spirits for.
(0:20:16) Al: Yeah, so it looks like it it looks like one of the so I’ve just gone through all the updates
(0:20:18) Kev: Yeah, because, mm-hmm.
(0:20:23) Al: since they released. One of them had three and all the others had four. So, yeah, it
(0:20:24) Kev: Yeah.
(0:20:27) Kev: Okay, all right, well, that’s a decent number altogether.
(0:20:29) Al: doesn’t feel like a ridiculously low number to go with each update for but.
(0:20:32) Kev: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree.
(0:20:36) Kev: All right, but it is what it is.
(0:20:38) Kev: I’m glad the game’s still being worked on, I’d still give it.
(0:20:43) Al: Next, we have Seasons Spree. We talked about this at some point. I can’t remember when.
(0:20:49) Al: I know we talked about it because it’s on my wish list. It’s out now, so if you care
(0:20:57) Al: about this game, which again, definitely not Animal Crossing. I think it does do one interesting
(0:21:04) Kev: how gosh one of the first things
(0:21:07) Al: thing. It says that you control the flow of time just by walking around.
(0:21:12) Kev: That’s okay, I don’t know I’m looking at it like it’s around spherical world
(0:21:18) Al: Yeah, but that seems to be your progressing time as you’re moving left and right.
(0:21:23) Kev: Yeah
(0:21:25) Kev: Then that is an interesting mechanic. I will say that
(0:21:30) Kev: So I wonder how well they utilize that
(0:21:34) Kev: That is interesting
(0:21:37) Kev: But are you excited for a cozy world because that’s one of the first things pieces of text in the trailer
(0:21:41) Al: I love a cosy world nothing makes me more excited to be game than cosy world.
(0:21:43) Kev: Wow
(0:21:47) Kev: There you go, well season sprees got you covered don’t you worry
(0:21:54) Al: We also have a steam page up for my time at ever shine now with a lot more information
(0:22:00) Al: it’s very funny because they announced that this game was coming with no information and
(0:22:04) Al: then like a week later the steam page is up with paragraphs and paragraphs and like ten
(0:22:11) Al: different videos and screenshots of what’s happening in the game.
(0:22:14) Kev: You know, I kind of like that, actually, like that, you know,
(0:22:19) Kev: the first announcement isn’t a proper teaser, actually, right?
(0:22:23) Kev: Like just if there’s a thing and we just wonder
(0:22:26) Kev: and then they drop all the information.
(0:22:28) Kev: I like that. That’s you.
(0:22:29) Al: But like a week though, that feels really fast.
(0:22:32) Kev: Oh, you’re right. OK. Weak is fast. You’re right.
(0:22:35) Kev: But in general, I like the strength, but I like you.
(0:22:39) Kev: Well, but hey, hey, what really matters?
(0:22:42) Kev: You know what? Everyone wants to hear out.
(0:22:45) Kev: The biggest announcement they’re developing
(0:22:47) Kev: for currently unannounced Nintendo platforms.
(0:22:50) Al: Oh no, I didn’t want to talk about this!
(0:22:54) Kev: Oh, you thought you were going to get away with me on here?
(0:22:54) Al: Oh my word, I forgot all about this.
(0:22:56) Kev: It’s just. But.
(0:22:58) Al: Okay, right, so, so many articles popped up and like, “Oh,
(0:23:05) Al: first game confirmed for the Switch 2. Oh, we’ve got Switch 2 game!”
(0:23:10) Al: And you’re like, “Okay, well let me read what they’ve actually said.” What they’ve
(0:23:13) Al: said is, “We are committed to releasing this on the next
(0:23:17) Al: Nintendo console and you’re like
(0:23:20) Al: that is not first of all shut up secondly that is not anything like what you’re saying it is
(0:23:28) Al: and thirdly it’s not even the first game that said that there are many games that have said
(0:23:33) Al: they’re going to do that this is not a first it made it sound like it was an official announcement
(0:23:40) Al: about the new console and it was nothing like that.
(0:23:40) Kev: Yeah
(0:23:45) Kev: Search to announce through my time at ever seen update
(0:23:51) Al: I’m just- the good- the interesting thing about this-
(0:23:53) Kev: Still more games than the PlayStation 5 already. I just want to say
(0:24:00) Al: I mean half of the- so there’s only like 20 exclusive ps5 games and half of them are remakes.
(0:24:06) Kev: Sick
(0:24:08) Al: What was I saying? Yes, so the interesting thing about My Time at Evershine is that they do appear
(0:24:14) Al: to be using a new character model which looks like much more like actual humans.
(0:24:18) Al: Thank you very much.
(0:24:21) Kev: Wow, I want to step up.
(0:24:22) Al: Proper dimensions and proportions.
(0:24:25) Al: I mean, I think it is.
(0:24:26) Al: I think they look much better like this.
(0:24:29) Al: I think some people probably prefer the previous character models.
(0:24:30) Kev: No, I get what you’re saying.
(0:24:32) Kev: Yeah, I get what you’re saying,
(0:24:34) Kev: but it just, it also can sound like
(0:24:36) Kev: they were using freak abominations before.
(0:24:40) Al: They did have very big heads in the previous game.
(0:24:41) Kev: Yeah, oh no, those, yeah.
(0:24:44) Kev: Those are people, people, all right.
(0:24:46) Kev: Wow, that’s a Breath of the Wild.
(0:24:48) Kev: Wow. That’s good.
(0:24:50) Kev: Breath of the Wild with dofers with hats on there.
(0:24:53) Kev: Okay. Okay. Oh.
(0:24:54) Al: I mean, I’ll be honest, unless they’ve fundamentally changed how the crafting works, I’m not playing
(0:25:00) Kev: Yeah, no, I mean, it’s like, oh my gosh, I don’t know how to feel about this.
(0:25:05) Kev: Okay, it feels, I don’t know, and going more in a normal portion, it almost feels a little more generic.
(0:25:12) Al: Yeah, that’s fair. That’s fair
(0:25:12) Kev: Um, uh, here we go, my time at power, non, non-loss-suit edition.
(0:25:14) Al: You
(0:25:22) Kev: Let’s, uh, okay, well, there you go.
(0:25:24) Al: All right, well, we also have some new games because the list of new games is never ending.
(0:25:33) Al: First of all, we have The Last Farmer.
(0:25:36) Al: The Last Farmer is not just a tale of survival.
(0:25:40) Al: It’s a journey of restoration amidst the sprawling deserts of a forgotten Texas.
(0:25:45) Al: I mean, don’t we all wish Texas was forgotten?
(0:25:48) Kev: Okay. Oh, oh wow. Wow. This is not what I expected. Sorry, I just clicked on the little. It’s not
(0:25:48) Al: Your farm becomes a symbol of hope and persistence.
(0:25:59) Kev: the aesthetic I expected at all. No, no, I didn’t. Oh, no. The local looks like
(0:26:00) Al: You didn’t expect, you didn’t expect a zombie game?
(0:26:05) Al: And oh, my word, there’s the.
(0:26:11) Al: Zombies, just listen to this sentence.
(0:26:15) Al: Zombies can be processed into fertilizer, helping you restore the fertility of the dead land.
(0:26:22) Al: You have a literal meat grinder that you put a zombie on and it turns it into
(0:26:27) Al: fertilizer and it does not.
(0:26:30) Al: It does not hide away what it’s doing.
(0:26:32) Kev: Aww, it’s SICK.
(0:26:32) Al: It is like so clear what is this. Horrific.
(0:26:35) Kev: That’s kind of sick. That’ll, you know, leaning in all the way.
(0:26:39) Kev: Oh my gosh, so… oh my god.
(0:26:42) Kev: I’m just… still recovering from the sh… the jump scare I got you from, but that, like, jump scare just completely unexpected.
(0:26:53) Kev: So when they say “the last farmer,” they mean “the last of us farmer.”
(0:26:58) Kev: that’s what they mean because that’s that is the aesthetic that’s
(0:26:58) Al: - Yeah, yeah, that’s pretty much what it is.
(0:27:02) Kev: the local that is what they’re saying you are the last of us
(0:27:05) Kev: far oh wow
(0:27:06) Al: Farming is only part of survival. You’ll need to craft tools and firearms to defend yourself and maintain your farm.
(0:27:12) Al: Resources can be processed into biofuel, which is vital for keeping your operation running and surviving in this harsh state.
(0:27:12) Kev: there you go
(0:27:20) Kev: there you go
(0:27:23) Kev: oh okay
(0:27:24) Kev: you got me oh my god okay
(0:27:26) Kev: sorry I just looked at the next link and I got another bitch hah!
(0:27:29) Al: All right well let’s go on to the next one then. Uh cast away. Retrieve your weapons. Face bosses
(0:27:35) Kev: Oh my gosh.
(0:27:35) Al: to save your dog in a retro adventure focused on three dungeons. Finish the story mode to unlock
(0:27:41) Al: the survivor mode. A 50 floor death tower. You’ll enjoy classic mechanics, charming visual style,
(0:27:46) Al: and enchanting soundtrack. Um is this not actually farming? I don’t think this is farming at all is
(0:27:52) Al: it? Why did I add this into the list? Is there no farming in this at all? I’m sure.
(0:27:53) Kev: No, I don’t. I’m looking at it.
(0:27:59) Al: I added this in for a reason.
(0:28:01) Kev: Like, I’m looking, I’m playing the trailer. I don’t know.
(0:28:04) Al: Nope I don’t know how this managed to get in there but
(0:28:08) Kev: I don’t know why you added a…
(0:28:10) Al: it’s a Zelda game.
(0:28:11) Kev: It is not just a Zelda game. It is the Link’s Awakening. It is the power of the equivalent
(0:28:17) Al: Yeah yeah.
(0:28:20) Kev: of Link’s Awakening.
(0:28:23) Kev: Wow, they’re character, it’s just Breath of the Wild Link, wow, wow, okay, boy I hope you’d
(0:28:28) Al: You know what, I think I probably did.
(0:28:29) Kev: yeah, I don’t blame you, like that’s a common trope for us, well I hope they don’t have
(0:28:30) Al: I probably saw the word cast away and just assumed it was a farming game.
(0:28:41) Kev: any mechanics that are plantive, oh, okay, what’s next, is the next one actually Cottage
(0:28:44) Al: This one’s definitely Cottagecore. We have Artisan Story. Aspiring to be the best artisan
(0:28:47) Kev: Club. Oh, oh, yeah, story.
(0:28:53) Kev: You know it, you know it, it’s.
(0:28:58) Al: in the world are young artisans are opening their workshop complete with a monster ranch.
(0:29:03) Al: Monsters from the dungeon tend to your fan. I mean, it’s Rune Factory, right?
(0:29:08) Kev: It’s- It- Every- You- You’ve ruined the genre for me, Al. Every game is just a Yahtzee of other games now. This is just a ruined factory.
(0:29:16) Al: Sorry.
(0:29:18) Kev: Hahaha.
(0:29:22) Al: Is this how this podcast dies?
(0:29:24) Al: With a whimper of the hahaha.
(0:29:26) Kev: Oh, that was, that was without question.
(0:29:30) Kev: What’s, oh, what’s, what’s the gummy guy game, the gummy bum drop guy?
(0:29:36) Kev: I can’t remember physics based one.
(0:29:38) Al: Oh, yes, Southfield, yes.
(0:29:44) Kev: what is it called southfield i’m gonna go look at southfield to see what it’s just as
(0:29:49) Al: Make yourself feel better.
(0:29:54) Kev: verbal drink for my eyes because oh my goodness this is this is a rune factory what’s the artist
(0:29:59) Kev: oh my gosh and the name it’s uh we’re just oh my gosh
(0:30:06) Al: So you’re not excited about this?
(0:30:08) Kev: oh but you know the worst part is it looks it it actually looks or at least
(0:30:14) Kev: the trailer like I you know assuming I don’t know if this all the in-game or whatever but
(0:30:18) Kev: it does look um the visual presentation is nice they’re kind of going for the octopath
(0:30:24) Kev: 2.5 d what are you gonna call it right with kind of flat sprites whatever yeah with flat
(0:30:26) Al: 2d HD or what? Yeah
(0:30:30) Kev: sprites on a uh a uh 3d world um so oh my gosh some of the monster designs that I mean they
(0:30:38) Kev: they work well but they’re they’re just ripping off other things it’s the characters that get me
(0:30:44) Kev: those are just rune factory I mean you know it doesn’t help rune factories already
(0:30:48) Kev: never gets into those designs but oh my gosh it’s clear what we’re going for oh
(0:30:52) Al: Alright, let’s finish off the new games with Luma Island.
(0:30:59) Kev: we need a section of new games in quotes and actually new games
(0:31:04) Kev: uh
(0:31:04) Al: Oh yeah look, it’s another island. Travel to Luma Island to go on an epic adventure by yourself
(0:31:10) Al: or with your friends and family. Build your dream farm, master professions, collect magical
(0:31:17) Al: lumas, find treasures and unravel the mysteries of the island.
(0:31:21) Kev: Finally, we can build our dream farm and unravel missions of an island.
(0:31:26) Al: I will say I quite like the the graphics in this game. It is the art style, it’s kind of,
(0:31:32) Al: It feels like it’s trying to do.
(0:31:34) Al: I’m going to do pixel art in three.
(0:31:37) Kev: Yeah, yeah, I can see what you’re saying. Yeah, I can go where it reminds me of fabled them a little less cartoony
(0:31:43) Kev: Um, like you said, I think yeah the pixel heart and 3d kind of like rounded fully rounded
(0:31:48) Kev: I can kind of I see what you’re saying
(0:31:51) Kev: Um, it it does look nice the visuals. Um
(0:31:55) Kev: You know nothing like it’s not super
(0:31:58) Kev: Super stylized the characters are fine, but it looks nice. It’s it’s well done. I’ll say that right. Um, and we can rotate the camera
(0:32:06) Kev: I like that.
(0:32:06) Al: Yeah, I hate how, I hate how every scene is just the camera constantly rotating, I’m feeling
(0:32:07) Kev: I’ll say this.
(0:32:08) Kev: I…
(0:32:09) Kev: Yeah it is.
(0:32:10) Kev: Yeah you can.
(0:32:11) Kev: I get it.
(0:32:12) Kev: You’re right.
(0:32:13) Kev: You’re sober.
(0:32:14) Kev: I appreciate…
(0:32:15) Kev: Like I said before, I appreciate it when they go for 3D because, or generally speaking,
(0:32:25) Kev: I do.
(0:32:26) Kev: Looking at you, artist in story.
(0:32:28) Kev: Because it’s so easy to do a Stardew clone.
(0:32:32) Kev: But it looks nice.
(0:32:34) Kev: I’ll say that.
(0:32:36) Kev: Feels very like a san-
(0:32:37) Kev: boxy sort of game, I don’t know what a luma is, but uh, there you go, luma, I’m-
(0:32:40) Al: Uh, it’s the, the, the star from Mario.
(0:32:44) Al: » [LAUGH]
(0:32:44) Kev: I d- I’ve no- I was- I- I probably make a joke, but I lost the train in my head, so.
(0:32:52) Kev: But yeah. Where’s that game? Where is this?
(0:32:54) Al: I… well Mario farming game. A Luma farming game.
(0:32:57) Kev: Ye- oh, yes. Tour, I don’t know.
(0:33:01) Kev: Lu- yeah, why not?
(0:33:03) Al: You’re just… you’re playing as Rosalina and you’re breeding Lumas,
(0:33:03) Kev: Somebody’s gotta grow crops on that spaceship.
(0:33:07) Kev: You know, I hate how much I love that concept of fiction.
(0:33:10) Al: sending them off in to make stars.
(0:33:17) Kev: Well, that’d be great.
(0:33:19) Kev: Well, I’d love a game just running the starship, whatever, the observatory, whatever, with Rosalina.
(0:33:27) Kev: Oh my gosh, that’d be great.
(0:33:28) Al: all right there we go that’s that’s the only one that I’m looking at out of this
(0:33:29) Kev: Thank you, Luma Island, for giving us that concept.
(0:33:33) Kev: - Okay.
(0:33:36) Al: list and going I could see myself playing
(0:33:38) Kev: » Yeah, that is by far the best one,
(0:33:40) Kev: because it’s the only one that’s not complete knockoff of something else.
(0:33:45) Kev: » Yep, we had Last of Us, Link’s Awakening, and Rune Factory.
(0:33:51) Kev: New entry synapse for them.
(0:33:54) Al: All right, so that’s all the news and the new games. We are now going to do our Stardew
(0:33:54) Kev: » [SOUND]
(0:33:59) Kev: » Okay.
(0:34:01) Al: character tier list. A few ground rules for this. First of all, it is every single character
(0:34:03) Kev: » Tier list.
(0:34:05) Kev: OK, so–
(0:34:07) Kev: That’s the sign for you listeners to, you know, turn us off.
(0:34:10) Kev: Lest you, you know, hear our awful, awful opinions.
(0:34:18) Kev: OK.
(0:34:20) Al: in Stardew, every single one.
(0:34:21) Kev: All right.
(0:34:24) Al: Secondly, we’re going to do this as there’s five tiers. There’s S, A, B, C, and D.
(0:34:31) Al: We’re just going to argue about it until we agree on something. Some of them I think will be pretty
(0:34:35) Al: obvious, but there might be some that we have to kind of disagree on and argue and finally get to
(0:34:40) Kev: - All right, sure.
(0:34:41) Al: decision. And just for listeners, if you’re hearing this part of the podcast, that’s because
(0:34:47) Al: I got the video successful. We are hopefully going to have a video of this, of Bill
(0:34:54) Al: building the tier list. We’ll see if it works or not, but I am sharing my screen with Kevin.
(0:35:01) Al: He can see what I’m doing, and we’re going to build up this tier list together.
(0:35:05) Al: If that doesn’t work, there’ll be an image of the tier list as well. I mean, there’ll be an image
(0:35:09) Al: of the tier list either way, because can’t make people watch the video just to see the visual of
(0:35:14) Al: it. But yeah, we’ll see how that goes. Okay, so we’re starting off. We’re just going to take this
(0:35:18) Kev: Okay, let’s do this.
(0:35:22) Al: in the order that they have them.
(0:35:24) Al: in this list. First up we have Abigail.
(0:35:26) Al: Oh, it may be alphabetical, yeah.
(0:35:26) Kev: uh I think this is this alphabetical I don’t know whatever i’m at evergills
(0:35:33) Kev: she’s fine I guess we I don’t know i’m pretty indifferent
(0:35:38) Al: I’m thinking A, personally, because she eats rocks.
(0:35:40) Kev: okay
(0:35:45) Kev: wow I don’t remember that detail a for sure
(0:35:49) Al: I think she’s fun, and she’s a little bit weird, and I like weird.
(0:35:53) Kev: Yeah, you know, you know what? Hold on, I’m remembering.
(0:35:57) Kev: He’s the product of an affair, basically, right?
(0:35:59) Kev: That’s the implication we’re getting.
(0:36:03) Kev: So, you know what?
(0:36:03) Al: She literally, you give her amethyst and she will eat the amethyst.
(0:36:06) Kev: Oh, oh, oh, that’s right!
(0:36:08) Al: Like, it’s not even, it’s not even hinted at. It is very clear she eats the amethyst.
(0:36:10) Kev: All right, A tier for that alone.
(0:36:16) Kev: Yep, I’m down for it.
(0:36:16) Al: And I love that. Okay, cool. Alex. He is the jock. Um, I will say the one thing that kind
(0:36:17) Kev: I’m down for that.
(0:36:18) Kev: All right, A tier for Abigail, absolutely.
(0:36:22) Kev: He, I guess, he’s the jock, right?
(0:36:29) Al: of like justifies him is that if you, if you are a male character in the game and you go
(0:36:36) Al: the relationship with Alex he
(0:36:38) Al: kind of goes through a journey of self-discovery.
(0:36:42) Kev: That’s pretty cool actually, I didn’t realize that.
(0:36:45) Kev: If you want to go A for that, I don’t mind it.
(0:36:47) Kev: I’m fine.
(0:36:48) Kev: B, A, whatever you want.
(0:36:48) Al: Yeah, Mogo B. He’s a little bit more rounded than some of the other characters, but I don’t
(0:36:49) Kev: That is a nice touch, the fact that they made the effort for that.
(0:36:54) Kev: Alright, B.
(0:36:58) Al: think he’s quite A.
(0:37:04) Al: Next we have The Bouncer from Calico Desert.
(0:37:08) Kev: that’s
(0:37:11) Kev: Does his job well
(0:37:11) Al: So as far as I know, he has exactly two lines, one of which is “No, you’re not getting in”
(0:37:19) Al: and the other one of which is “OK, on you go”.
(0:37:20) Kev: Perfect. Nailed it. No notes. He delivered. He promised. He came. He delivered. I had
(0:37:23) Al: And that’s it.
(0:37:27) Al: I don’t know what to say.
(0:37:31) Kev: a boy last week. I almost want to say yes because there’s nothing else. It’s up. Or
(0:37:42) Al: I mean, he’s not particularly…
(0:37:43) Kev: just you have to put him in B because that’s the normal. He’s not good or bad. That would
(0:37:48) Kev: be the.
(0:37:49) Al: OK, sure, fine.
(0:37:51) Al: Let’s put The Bouncer from Calico Desert into B.
(0:37:56) Al: Next we have Caroline.
(0:38:01) Al: So Caroline gives you tea.
(0:38:07) Al: That’s her best thing.
(0:38:09) Al: No, she’s married to Pierre.
(0:38:12) Al: She’s Abigail’s mum.
(0:38:12) Kev: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Oh, so she’s the one who had the affair. Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s spicy
(0:38:18) Al: She’s a little bit more of a married girl.
(0:38:24) Kev: I’m
(0:38:25) Kev: Good. They only kind of briefly reference that they don’t lean into it too much. I can get kind of get why but
(0:38:30) Al: Mm-hmm
(0:38:34) Kev: Like I wish they kind of did that would be a good plot line to follow through with
(0:38:39) Kev: But yes, and remembering her now. Yeah, she’s just kind of there isn’t she?
(0:38:42) Kev: um
(0:38:43) Al: she’s fine. Yeah. I don’t think she’s particularly bad. Are we thinking B? Yeah. See what’s the
(0:38:48) Kev: Maybe see even I don’t know cuz like
(0:38:53) Kev: Just not as memorable as Alex or the bouncer that’s the only thing
(0:38:58) Kev: But I mean, yeah, I don’t know. I’m fine either way. I’m not TV
(0:38:58) Al: OK, fine, fine, let’s go see.
(0:39:02) Kev: Okay. Well this call the next one calls for the establishment of a new tier the Flint tier at the bottom
(0:39:08) Al: The Clint tier where we have very bad kerning between the L and the I, yeah.
(0:39:11) Kev: Do we have to go?
(0:39:18) Al: Yeah, he’s D tier, right?
(0:39:18) Kev: - Well done.
(0:39:23) Al: He doesn’t learn anything, he never has any personal growth, he’s just a little grumpy
(0:39:28) Al: who can never admit that his problems are somewhat self-inflicted and could absolutely
(0:39:35) Al: be solved.
(0:39:36) Al: There’s no reason why he couldn’t get into a relationship with Emily if he actually tried.
(0:39:49) Al: She is a lovely person and she gives him plenty of opportunities and he never even bothers
(0:39:52) Al: to try.
(0:39:53) Al: And he gets grumpy when you get in a relationship with her, despite the fact that he was never
(0:39:57) Al: doing anything.
(0:39:58) Al: He is not a good person.
(0:40:00) Al: He’s not nice to be around.
(0:40:02) Kev: Fine you win now
(0:40:02) Al: D. I’m sorry.
(0:40:04) Al: Was I trying to convince you?
(0:40:05) Al: I don’t think so.
(0:40:06) Al: I don’t think I needed to convince you.
(0:40:06) Kev: No, that’s what he told you remember, and that’s what he says when you were all right, so that’s probably the easiest one
(0:40:13) Al: Demetrius.
(0:40:14) Al: Oh yeah, for sure.
(0:40:15) Kev: Okay, Demetrius
(0:40:17) Al: I’m thinking C for him.
(0:40:19) Al: He’s fine.
(0:40:20) Al: But again, not particularly, like, interesting.
(0:40:20) Kev: Yeah
(0:40:23) Kev: Yeah, he’s a scientist right he just sciences it up off-screen yeah, I’m fine for see
(0:40:26) Al: Yeah
(0:40:28) Al: He’s sciencey, but Maru does the science angle much more interestingly.
(0:40:32) Kev: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I agree. Uh, let’s see his mind, ‘cause yeah, he’s just…
(0:40:38) Al: Yeah, he’s fine. I don’t, he’s a little bit, he does, I will, the other reason for, I guess,
(0:40:44) Al: putting him down to sea is, I feel like he, so he is, I think, canonically autistic,
(0:40:52) Kev: Hm, okay. Yeah, I remember, mm-hmm.
(0:40:52) Al: and he’s very much using that as an excuse rather than…
(0:40:58) Kev: Right.
(0:40:59) Al: like an explanation for things and trying to understand, what’s her name?
(0:41:02) Kev: Uh-huh.
(0:41:04) Kev: Yep.
(0:41:10) Al: Yes, Robin, thank you. He doesn’t really try and understand Robin’s point of view,
(0:41:14) Al: he just uses his autism as an excuse, and so that’s why I marked him down.
(0:41:17) Kev: You know bumping down to D, I forgot he took Robin from me.
(0:41:21) Al: All right, fine, yeah, sure, fine. Maybe we do need to add, maybe we do need to add a Clint here,
(0:41:23) Kev: I don’t care, I said I juggled, but I’m fine either way.
(0:41:28) Al: because he needs to be lower.
(0:41:32) Al: Dwarf.
(0:41:32) Kev: The D tier with the understanding coin’s actually a tier lower.
(0:41:37) Al: All right, so we’ll put him there, and Clint can be at the bottom of deer tier.
(0:41:40) Kev: Yeah, there you go.
(0:41:43) Al: Dwarf, B tier. So he runs the shop in the cave, in the mines.
(0:41:50) Kev: Ah, okay, sure, it’s cool
(0:41:54) Al: you also get a little bit of backstory about him when you progress.
(0:41:58) Al: progress crow buses line because the dwarfs and the shadow people had a war and they end up fighting and you have to like calm them down and say “look it’s not a war anymore, would you shut up?”
(0:42:00) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:42:04) Kev: Oh, I did it
(0:42:09) Kev: Whoa, I didn’t know that well, he’s that one guy
(0:42:12) Al: Have you not experienced that bit?
(0:42:13) Kev: No, I don’t think I have. Well, that’s cool. Like that one guy in Vietnam. I thought the world’s still going on or whatever
(0:42:20) Al: Yeah, I think they both know the war is not going on but they still like, it’s like a
(0:42:22) Kev: Sick
(0:42:25) Al: low level feud they have.
(0:42:27) Kev: Okay, good times, all right
(0:42:30) Kev: Elliot
(0:42:32) Kev: You know what my biggest thing for Elliot or the biggest plus for Elliot is he’s not
(0:42:37) Kev: As big as of a d-bag as thought he would be just from how he looks
(0:42:40) Al: Yeah, that’s fair. That’s fair
(0:42:42) Kev: He’s pretty he likes to write right he’s just over there just poetrying it up or whatever
(0:42:49) Kev: It’s fine. He’s not particularly mean or nasty or anything. He’s just kind of his own space doing his own thing
(0:42:56) Kev: I haven’t done–I don’t remember too many events with him, to be honest.
(0:43:00) Kev: Like, he’s fine.
(0:43:00) Al: I think if you go into the Romance things, he is quite doting on you, shall we say.
(0:43:07) Kev: Oh, that’s nice.
(0:43:09) Kev: You know, I’ll give him an A. There’s a lot of awful people.
(0:43:13) Kev: He’s A for being not awful.
(0:43:15) Al: Emily S tier. Yeah, we love Emily. Evelyn S tier. Good, good, good. George B tier. He
(0:43:18) Kev: Uh, yeah, all right.
(0:43:25) Kev: Oh, one thousand percent.
(0:43:32) Al: has some positives and he has some negatives. He’s a grumpy old man, but I think he has
(0:43:36) Al: the right to be a grumpy old man. And also he can be quite nice in a few situations where
(0:43:44) Al: you actually you realize
(0:43:45) Al: that there’s reasons why he’s grumpy and oh well obviously he’s old you know
(0:43:49) Kev: Yeah, I mean, yeah, but
(0:43:49) Al: why he’s old but he comes across initially as just a grumpy old man but
(0:43:55) Al: you find many more layers to him and he actually can be quite nice when you get
(0:43:55) Kev: Mm-hmm. Yeah
(0:43:58) Kev: Yeah, I agree be for that cuz he’s got he’s layered like you say right that’s that’s all
(0:44:06) Al: ‘Gill’ he’s one of the adventurers guilds people. I’m gonna go for C purely because
(0:44:14) Kev: Okay, that’s why his name is Gil.
(0:44:21) Al: there’s nothing really we know about him other than just he is there and yeah I feel like
(0:44:24) Kev: Yeah, yeah
(0:44:27) Al: I want to know more about him.
(0:44:29) Kev: Isn’t either one who go saves you if you fall in the caves
(0:44:31) Al: All right no Linus saves you if you if you die in the caves.
(0:44:34) Kev: No lines you’re right right sorry, yes, I can’t next up yes next up
(0:44:37) Al: Don’t be taking it from from our guy Linus.
(0:44:41) Al: Next we have the governor.
(0:44:44) Kev: Oh my gosh, I forgot it comes for that one festival, right?
(0:44:45) Al: So I think his I think yeah I think that’s his only his only appearance is the festival
(0:44:52) Al: and let me tell you he is not very good at telling you that your soup isn’t great right
(0:44:57) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:44:57) Al: he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t go there oh no he goes this is disgusting. I think he’s I think
(0:45:03) Kev: Mm-hmm sure I didn’t vote for him
(0:45:04) Al: you see.
(0:45:07) Al: Uh, grandpa.
(0:45:11) Kev: Okay, I’ve never made it to grandpa I
(0:45:14) Al: What? You’ve never made it past year two.
(0:45:16) Kev: Made it to year two. I never know so tell me about grandpa
(0:45:19) Al: What? So, right, okay. So, obviously, positive, he gave us the farm.
(0:45:27) Al: That is where the positives end. Why does he wait until we are, you know,
(0:45:35) Al: nearly going to kill people and are
(0:45:36) Al: off his job for us to open this letter, like he tells you, you should only open this
(0:45:41) Al: letter at this situation. And it’s like, why could we not have had more years of an enjoyable
(0:45:47) Al: life helping people in the valley? And like, I don’t understand that. He’s really judgmental.
(0:45:53) Al: He gives you, he doesn’t consider you as a whole person unless you are married and have
(0:46:02) Al: children. I just yeah he he’s a little bit
(0:46:06) Al: old-fashioned. I don’t really feel like he having said that at least his dot
(0:46:11) Al: his he at least he does recognize same-sex marriages so there is that like
(0:46:12) Kev: Look, it was the style at the time.
(0:46:19) Al: if you are in a same-sex relationship that does count as points but he is not
(0:46:24) Al: giving you points for being a fulfilled single person which is not great. I’m
(0:46:28) Al: thinking C like is slightly negative if we’re doing that if B is the baseline
(0:46:28) Kev: Oh, sure.
(0:46:34) Al: He’s more negative than he is positive.
(0:46:37) Kev: or museum he’s he he’s always at the museum he’s me assuming he does I’ll
(0:46:37) Al: Uh, Gunther, the archaeologist at the museum.
(0:46:45) Al: He gives us lots of free things after we give him lots of things.
(0:46:49) Kev: give him a big he cares about his collection right he is he is a good
(0:46:52) Al: Yeah.
(0:46:54) Kev: curator or whatever you know aside from the fact that he doesn’t film
(0:46:56) Al: And I don’t think we can knock him down…
(0:46:59) Al: I don’t think we can knock him down for just keeping to himself.
(0:47:01) Al: Like sometimes, you know, people just want to keep to themselves.
(0:47:01) Kev: mm-hmm hey bouncer made it to be to your
(0:47:06) Al: » Gus the bartender, I was thinking A as well, yeah.
(0:47:07) Kev: that’s got to be at least a this is a great guy just look at him look at him
(0:47:17) Al: » [LAUGH]
(0:47:21) Kev: you see his person he really is I mean effectively he might be it makes more
(0:47:22) Al: » He’s the center of the community, he should be married.
(0:47:31) Kev: holds more power than Lewis haley
(0:47:36) Al: Healy. I want to put- I want to put Healy in-
(0:47:38) Kev: yeah I’m fine I mean that yeah it’s it’s a big arc right probably one of the most
(0:47:43) Kev: well-defined arcs in the game I’d say yeah
(0:47:46) Al: Yeah.
(0:47:48) Al: Luke, do I always romance the mean girl in farming games?
(0:47:52) Al: Yes, I do.
(0:47:53) Kev: yeah he’s he’s like I’d say eat here it’s like he’s I mean obviously his
(0:47:56) Al: Harvey, the doctor.
(0:48:06) Kev: person unless it’s supposed to be very
(0:48:07) Kev: timid and reserved or whatever but I don’t know like he made a few events
(0:48:13) Kev: favorite I think I read a hot air balloon for some reason um I don’t know
(0:48:18) Kev: he just he just stands out to me again I obviously didn’t do his full romance
(0:48:23) Kev: route or whatever so I don’t know if there’s more to it but he’s fine
(0:48:28) Al: Okay, you. I think this one’s the witch. You don’t really, you don’t really encounter
(0:48:37) Al: her is part of the thing. Well, you’re kind of stealing it from her, right? Like she never
(0:48:38) Kev: She gives you a lot of powerful stuff, right?
(0:48:45) Al: gives you permission. I’m pretty sure this is her. I’m just trying to double check that
(0:48:53) Al: I am correct that this is actually the witch. I don’t know where this image came from and
(0:48:57) Al: And part of the problem is that–
(0:48:59) Al: These are alphabetical, so what character is this?
(0:49:04) Al: And looking through the list of characters on the Stardew website
(0:49:07) Al: does not come up with this person at all.
(0:49:10) Al: It’s between Harvey and Jazz.
(0:49:13) Al: Let’s just assume it’s the witch and go with that.
(0:49:16) Kev: Yeah, I don’t know
(0:49:17) Al: She does occasionally give you a void egg on your farm.
(0:49:23) Al: So there is that.
(0:49:24) Kev: Okay, yeah sure be I guess oh wait
(0:49:25) Al: B.
(0:49:29) Al: No particularly negative feelings towards her?
(0:49:31) Kev: Henchman actually this guy is the henchman who guards the witches hut
(0:49:34) Al: Oh, henchman.
(0:49:36) Al: Oh, is he an ogre?
(0:49:39) Kev: He’s a goblin apparently, you know
(0:49:41) Al: A goblin.
(0:49:42) Al: Oh, so it is, it’s the henchman.
(0:49:45) Kev: Yeah, what make it be representative of the witch it’s all kind of the same thing
(0:49:45) Al: Silly me.
(0:49:46) Al: That explains the alphabetical order.
(0:49:49) Al: Well, no, no, no, no, no.
(0:49:51) Al: We need to go with the henchman.
(0:49:52) Al: We need to go with the henchman.
(0:49:52) Kev: Hi, Pat.
(0:49:53) Al: He’s a different character.
(0:49:54) Kev: I’ll still say “B”, does he do anything?
(0:49:56) Al: so he he doesn’t
(0:49:58) Al: exactly one thing which is guard the witch’s hut and when you give him some
(0:50:02) Al: void mayonnaise he eats the mayonnaise and leaves his post and that means you
(0:50:07) Al: can get to the witch’s hut so he if I was the witch I would say he’s not very
(0:50:16) Al: good
(0:50:16) Kev: Yeah, I was about to say, he’s not a very good guard, not great at his job, huh?
(0:50:19) Kev: He’s easily bribed.
(0:50:21) Kev: See for the henchmen.
(0:50:22) Al: all right fine let’s go see jazz jazz
(0:50:25) Kev: Not a great job, performance review.
(0:50:28) Al: the singular female child I’m thinking B she’s fine and yeah yeah Jodie
(0:50:36) Kev: yeah she’s she’s a little kid that’s kind of it
(0:50:43) Kev: I feel like she’s got to be a maybe even she puts up with too much nonsense
(0:50:47) Al: she really does and I think yeah I’m leaning towards s as well because I
(0:50:53) Al: think the thing about her is yeah she puts up with so much nonsense but she
(0:50:56) Al: sticks with her family because she loves them.
(0:50:58) Kev: Yup.
(0:50:58) Al: Like she could absolutely and has clearly thought about running away but
(0:51:03) Kev: Yup.
(0:51:04) Al: she doesn’t.
(0:51:05) Kev: She’s stuck.
(0:51:07) Kev: Um…
(0:51:07) Al: Let’s do it. S. So we have a bit of a problem with Kent. He’s obviously not a
(0:51:08) Kev: Ugh.
(0:51:10) Kev: Can’t.
(0:51:15) Al: great person. He does have PTSD and that’s obviously a problem. He does not
(0:51:18) Kev: Yep.
(0:51:21) Kev: Yeah.
(0:51:21) Al: deal with it in a great way but when this is pointed out to him by you he
(0:51:23) Kev: Nope.
(0:51:23) Kev: Well.
(0:51:27) Al: then…
(0:51:28) Al: understands and goes “oh you’re right I should deal with it better” so he does
(0:51:33) Al: have some introspection there. So he is better than Clint.
(0:51:34) Kev: OK. Everyone is better than clean.
(0:51:42) Kev: Do you want to put them at B?
(0:51:44) Kev: I mean, but Georgia be.
(0:51:44) Al: I don’t know if I’d want to put him at B. I feel C. I feel like he’s C. I feel bad but also
(0:51:49) Kev: No, put them at C.
(0:51:56) Al: it shouldn’t take a random farmer telling you that you’re treating your wife badly
(0:52:00) Kev: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’re right.
(0:52:00) Al: for him to start listening to that. And it’s like I understand that PTSD is a really serious condition
(0:52:04) Kev: Probus, oh, you can’t be, oh, absolutely.
(0:52:07) Al: but it’s the same thing as Demetrius with his using his autism as an excuse. It’s like yes.
(0:52:11) Kev: Right.
(0:52:14) Al: You have this you have you are in this situation you have to deal with this the best you can
(0:52:20) Kev: Well
(0:52:20) Al: and there are ways that you can learn to deal with this.
(0:52:23) Kev: Yep, it’s about the willingness right like that’s putting the effort trying to yeah we talk
(0:52:27) Al: Which he does have a bit of which is why he’s better than Demetrius as well because he does
(0:52:31) Kev: Yeah, sure
(0:52:32) Al: he does he does introspect on that and go right you know you’re right I shouldn’t have done it
(0:52:35) Kev: Okay
(0:52:36) Al: that way let me help let me figure it out. Crobus A tier O.S.O.
(0:52:37) Kev: All right
(0:52:39) Kev: Okay, um, that’s
(0:52:44) Kev: This is cool. I love girl. Let’s shadow person just grow this world
(0:52:44) Al: I wish so my only reason I’m my only reason I’m not putting him in S is I wish he’d put himself out there.
(0:52:50) Kev: And we’re just living in it
(0:52:55) Kev: Yeah, okay, like I love him but like he’s not a particularly deep character right he’s a fun
(0:53:01) Kev: God I will person whatever you can put him in a that’s fair
(0:53:05) Kev: I like if we really want to say best for the you know stars and once you shine I
(0:53:11) Kev: Mean, I’m I’m biased. Of course. I’m gonna say that’s cuz she’s the only nice person
(0:53:16) Al: Let’s go with that. Yeah, S. I’ll accept that.
(0:53:17) Kev: When you start
(0:53:20) Kev: I’ve got Lewis!
(0:53:21) Al: Louis D tier, but above Demetrius.
(0:53:26) Kev: The D tier is placed in the correct order.
(0:53:29) Kev: Oh, I like that.
(0:53:30) Al: Yeah, it’s the only tier that is ordered anything other than alphabetical.
(0:53:34) Al: The rest of them are alphabetical.
(0:53:35) Al: D tier is in order of how much we dislike them.
(0:53:38) Al: Are you disagreeing with me at all?
(0:53:39) Kev: I won’t disagree.
(0:53:41) Kev: Oh, Lewis.
(0:53:41) Al: There we go. Good. Linus S tier.
(0:53:44) Kev: Yeah, I need enough said.
(0:53:45) Kev: We don’t even have to go into that one.
(0:53:47) Al: Go.
(0:53:47) Kev: Oh.
(0:53:49) Al: Marlin, he’s the other adventures guild guy.
(0:53:51) Kev: He looks cooler.
(0:53:52) Al: So I feel like we do.
(0:53:55) Al: Yeah.
(0:53:56) Kev: Um, where do we put the other?
(0:53:58) Al: But I feel C as well, like he’s he’s just not fleshed out.
(0:53:58) Kev: Oh, yeah, fine.
(0:54:00) Kev: He’s just there.
(0:54:02) Kev: Yeah, fine.
(0:54:04) Kev: My knee.
(0:54:04) Al: Marnie A tier.
(0:54:06) Kev: Yeah, I’m down for that.
(0:54:07) Kev: She’s great at her job.
(0:54:08) Kev: She takes good care of all those aminals.
(0:54:11) Al: But she needs to not let Louis take advantage of her,
(0:54:14) Al: And I don’t care what he thinks.
(0:54:16) Al: He needs to… if he’s serious about her and their relationship, he needs to just deal with it.
(0:54:19) Kev: Mm-hmm Yeah, yeah, you’re right. All right next up. What’s her face?
(0:54:21) Al: And he never does.
(0:54:27) Al: Maru A tier.
(0:54:28) Kev: Thank you. Yeah, all right. She has the cool science bit and loves the learning. Yeah, I’m down for that
(0:54:34) Al: She’s definitely the more interesting science character, she is fun in a lot of ways, she’s
(0:54:40) Al: not one of the best best though.
(0:54:42) Kev: Sure sure
(0:54:44) Kev: I think that’s a good word.
(0:54:45) Al: Uh Morris? Okay so I’m thinking D tier but not as bad as Lewis. Sorry no worse than Lewis, sorry.
(0:54:52) Kev: Or more I kind of like Morris because he’s just so cartoonishly evil like
(0:54:54) Al: I’m worse than Demetrius, better than Clint, worse than Demetrius.
(0:55:03) Kev: Okay, sure, sure, sure, yes, that’s fair.
(0:55:04) Al: I mean if we’re talking about what we think about how they are portrayed then
(0:55:08) Al: obviously but this is about how we feel about them as people.
(0:55:15) Kev: But I’m just I’m just commenting.
(0:55:17) Kev: I like it because he’s so cartoonishly evil.
(0:55:20) Al: Oh absolutely I agree. Mr. Chi. This is how I know that you haven’t played
(0:55:20) Kev: But yeah, clear.
(0:55:22) Kev: He’s the guy in the desert, with a casino or whatever, right?
(0:55:31) Kev: Whatever.
(0:55:32) Kev: Oh, there you go.
(0:55:33) Al: Ginger Island as well because he also runs a little thing in Ginger Island
(0:55:34) Kev: Okay.
(0:55:35) Kev: Cool.
(0:55:36) Kev: Is it a cool word?
(0:55:39) Al: that allows you to get a bunch of stuff. I’m thinking B for him.
(0:55:40) Kev: Yeah, sure.
(0:55:41) Kev: You don’t actually…
(0:55:42) Kev: No, that’s…
(0:55:43) Kev: Yeah, there you go.
(0:55:43) Al: He gives you a bunch of fun challenges you know
(0:55:44) Kev: Yeah, alright.
(0:55:45) Kev: Oh.
(0:55:46) Kev: Okay, cool.
(0:55:47) Kev: Cool word.
(0:55:48) Kev: Yeah, sure.
(0:55:49) Kev: You don’t actually…
(0:55:50) Al: Okay. I’m struggling with Pam. I don’t know what to do with Pam.
(0:55:50) Kev: Oh, that’s…
(0:55:52) Kev: Oh, boy.
(0:55:53) Kev: Here we go.
(0:55:54) Kev: Ooh.
(0:55:55) Kev: Ooh.
(0:55:56) Kev: Ooh.
(0:55:57) Kev: I’m also struggling.
(0:55:59) Al: C.
(0:56:00) Kev: Okay.
(0:56:01) Kev: I was about to say that.
(0:56:02) Kev: Looking at the D tier.
(0:56:03) Kev: Is she as best as the other ones, didn’t they?
(0:56:04) Al: Oh no she’s absolutely not. Absolutely not. Like she has not, as far as we know,
(0:56:06) Kev: Alright, so let’s see.
(0:56:11) Al: although she has a drunk and a bus driver, as far as I’m aware she doesn’t
(0:56:11) Kev: Let’s see.
(0:56:14) Kev: Yeah.
(0:56:16) Al: them both at the same time!
(0:56:16) Kev: Oh, there you go.
(0:56:20) Al: I feel like with a little bit of changes she could be beatier because I feel like
(0:56:29) Al: she’s just a bit too proud and like there is a point where she accepts you building her a new
(0:56:32) Kev: And
(0:56:35) Al: house but that’s the only time that she ever really accepts help from anyone and the problem
(0:56:36) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:56:39) Kev: Mm-hmm
(0:56:40) Al: is it’s not just her it’s Penny as well right like it’s not just her life but she acts like her pride
(0:56:42) Kev: What
(0:56:44) Kev: Which brings us
(0:56:46) Kev: Yep
(0:56:47) Al: matters above everything else.
(0:56:48) Kev: Yeah, you’re absolutely right and that brings us to any S tier
(0:56:50) Al: Penny.
(0:56:54) Al: A tier.
(0:56:55) Kev: She a
(0:56:56) Al: Mm-hm.
(0:56:57) Kev: after dealing with Pam
(0:57:00) Kev: Still coming out
(0:57:02) Kev: Like that? She’s pretty cool isn’t she? She’s the one I remember.
(0:57:05) Al: Okay, fine, fine. S tier, S tier. P.R.C tier. He tries to scam people. You give him a bunch
(0:57:08) Kev: She- and yeah.
(0:57:10) Kev: Yup, yup.
(0:57:16) Kev: He’s also real-
(0:57:18) Al: of stuff and he sells it for way more money than it should be. He’s so whiny! Oh my word!
(0:57:20) Kev: Yeah.
(0:57:22) Kev: He’s also kinda whiny.
(0:57:26) Kev: Yup.
(0:57:26) Al: I help run out of town his other competition and all he does but is still whying about it.
(0:57:32) Kev: » Yeah, yep.
(0:57:39) Kev: » Robin Esther, yes, she, I mean, all jokes aside of my story.
(0:57:44) Kev: She’s like arguably the most competent person in the game.
(0:57:49) Kev: And she runs a business and she builds everything, she’s killing it.
(0:57:54) Kev: She’s moisturized, living her best life, whatever that whole thing is.
(0:57:59) Kev: Yeah, Robin’s cool.
(0:58:00) Al: Saa…
(0:58:02) Kev: He’s Mr. Wait, no, who, wait, no, is he the coder?
(0:58:08) Kev: No, no, that’s the other guy.
(0:58:09) Kev: Wait, what’s Sam?
(0:58:10) Al: No, Sebastian’s decoder.
(0:58:10) Kev: He’s not, he’s Sam, he’s musician?
(0:58:13) Kev: He’s music.
(0:58:14) Al: Yes, musician, yes, you’re correct.
(0:58:14) Kev: He’s Cat’s kid, he’s the music kid.
(0:58:20) Kev: I don’t know, does he have deep, I don’t remember his events and
(0:58:24) Kev: romance, I don’t know, does he do anything past that, or is he just music guy?
(0:58:29) Kev: No.
(0:58:30) Al: Yeah, I feel like everything that he does, either Alex or Shane, do better.
(0:58:38) Kev: Sure core
(0:58:40) Kev: All right next ups and sandy. That’s her name. She’s cool
(0:58:41) Al: Sandy would be S tier or A tier if…
(0:58:50) Kev: but you can’t. nervous laughter
(0:58:53) Kev: Fair enough.
(0:58:55) Al: Sebastian, 8 years.
(0:58:58) Kev: Okay, yeah, I guess so. Alright, I’m not gonna complain, yeah, sure.
(0:59:03) Al: You want to argue for S? No.
(0:59:04) Kev: No, I don’t know. I’m good with A.
(0:59:07) Al: OK. Shane.
(0:59:08) Kev: Dang. This is a rough one, isn’t it?
(0:59:12) Al: If I was talking about the characters in terms of like how they are portrayed and how they are as a story based thing, I would put him in S tier.
(0:59:22) Al: I think his story is very good and very heartbreaking.
(0:59:25) Kev: It it is
(0:59:27) Al: And but like I like how it’s like moving towards a.
(0:59:33) Al: Better place, but not pretending like it’s a fairy tale thing.
(0:59:37) Kev: Yeah, yep, you know, I’m down for that, I guess, yeah, right? Because like, in its totality, it’s a very, it’s, it’s a well done arc or whatever, right?
(0:59:50) Kev: All right, you have, I forget, little, that’s his name, little kid, he’s a little kid, B, maybe, or is he maybe A because he has Kent for a dad?
(0:59:52) Al: Vincent.
(0:59:59) Al: Sure. Yeah, let’s go be you.
(1:00:04) Al: No. No, he’s more annoying than Jazz, so he would go down,
(1:00:05) Kev: All right, next.
(1:00:08) Kev: True, true, true.
(1:00:09) Al: but he has Kent for a dad, so he’s up to be.
(1:00:10) Kev: It evens out a bee.
(1:00:13) Kev: Fair enough.
(1:00:16) Al: Willie A tier.
(1:00:16) Kev: Oh yeah, man loves this fishin’.
(1:00:21) Al: wizard.
(1:00:21) Kev: Wizard.
(1:00:23) Al: B tier.
(1:00:23) Kev: See?
(1:00:25) Kev: Bee? He’s a home wrecker.
(1:00:29) Al: Yeah, okay.
(1:00:30) Al: See, let’s go for it.
(1:00:32) Kev: All right, there he goes.
(1:00:34) Al: Are we happy with this as our tier list?
(1:00:35) Kev: Uh, I’m sorry.
(1:00:38) Kev: Probably?
(1:00:40) Kev: Yeah, I…
(1:00:40) Al: I just realized I should have not had this the screen on dark
(1:00:44) Al: mode because you can’t see Crobus on this.
(1:00:46) Kev: Yep, yeah, I was gonna just say that early.
(1:00:48) Al: But he’s there, he’s there.
(1:00:49) Kev: He’s a little crow with season 8s.
(1:00:52) Kev: The other one is, like, after going through all these, I almost, um…
(1:00:56) Kev: Well, no, no, no, no, no.
(1:00:58) Kev: ‘Cause I was just thinking, you know, Alex is still pretty simple, like, aside from his journey of discovery, like, as a character, he’s still pretty simple.
(1:01:05) Kev: Um, so, yeah, you know what?
(1:01:07) Kev: I’m content on that. He’s, like, the only one maybe I’d bump up to A, but that’s…
(1:01:11) Kev: Um, I’m not…
(1:01:13) Kev: I’m not gonna argue, like, he’s fine in B, too.
(1:01:16) Kev: But, yeah, all right.
(1:01:18) Kev: Oh, hey, I feel…
(1:01:20) Kev: Should we bump up Carol back to B?
(1:01:23) Kev: She’s, like, looking at the other one.
(1:01:25) Kev: She’s not bad.
(1:01:27) Kev: Oh, no, wait, she’s the one who had the affair, right?
(1:01:29) Kev: Yeah, okay, yeah, and I forgot about that, yeah.
(1:01:31) Kev: All right, no, she’s good.
(1:01:33) Kev: All right, I’m down for that.
(1:01:35) Kev: I’m happy, I’m content.
(1:01:36) Al: All right. Yeah. Yeah. We don’t like them. All right. Awesome. Well, listeners, if you
(1:01:37) Kev: Oh, the Hall of Losers, that is DT, are very, very clear and distinct.
(1:01:54) Al: want to see our tier list, there will be an image linked in the show notes. And if you’re
(1:02:02) Al: listening to this, if you’re hearing this bit, it means that I’ve successfully created
(1:02:07) Al: well. And so there’ll be a link to that and you can watch us put it together. He is definitely
(1:02:08) Kev: I’m gonna go I miss Krobis is there.
(1:02:14) Al: there. All right. Well, I think that’s us. Thank you, Kevin, for joining me for the tier
(1:02:18) Kev: All right.
(1:02:19) Kev: Thank you.
(1:02:20) Kev: Al.
(1:02:21) Al: list of Stardew Valley, Valley characters. I just realized it didn’t, that list did not
(1:02:26) Al: include, there’s like, there’s like two characters on Ginger Island, but it wouldn’t really
(1:02:30) Al: help because you don’t know them, so.
(1:02:34) Kev: So thank you for our tears of the Valley episode.
(1:02:37) Al: Where can people find you on the internet, Kevin?
(1:02:42) Kev: Find me at Cooper’s if you want to see me
(1:02:44) Kev: mostly stealing other people’s means ‘cause they’re funny.
(1:02:48) Kev: Find me at Spriter’s Squared if you want to see my art.
(1:02:50) Kev: Somebody actually commissioned me recently, blew my mind.
(1:02:52) Kev: I don’t know how they even found me.
(1:02:56) Kev: Yeah, so that’s fine.
(1:02:58) Kev: Yeah, I’m always open for commissions.
(1:03:01) Kev: And I have been doing art stuff, I am posted,
(1:03:03) Kev: but I had actually been doing.
(1:03:04) Kev: A little bit more in my spare time, but yeah, that’s again, that’s that’s brighter squared.
(1:03:07) Kev: If you want to see the art stuff or find me at Rainbow Road radio a podcast,
(1:03:13) Kev: I do with our mutual friend, Alex, where we talk all things Mario.
(1:03:18) Kev: By the time this comes out, it will be an episode I can’t tell you about because I’m not on this one.
(1:03:27) Al: Shocking.
(1:03:27) Kev: I won’t say who is on it because I’ll listen.
(1:03:30) Kev: So he’ll find the surprise ones out, but spoilers.
(1:03:32) Al: Spoilers.
(1:03:34) Al: It’s literally only for me because everyone else listening to this will
(1:03:34) Kev: Yeah, probably.
(1:03:37) Al: have already listened to it if they listen to it.
(1:03:39) Kev: All right, but yeah, so again, a Cooper president for my personal, that’s brighter squared for art. Rainbow Road radio. Check it out. What about you? I’ll find you.
(1:03:50) Al: People can find me on maston.scot as thescotbot, also on the other site, and you can find the
(1:03:58) Al: podcast on tumblr and the other site @thspod. You can send us feedback from our website
(1:04:05) Al: harvestseason.club where you can also find links to everything to do with the podcast
(1:04:10) Al: including a link to our patreon patreon.com/thspod where you get access to our slack where we
(1:04:17) Al: We talk about lots of things and I’m sure people…
(1:04:20) Al: Will share their own tier lists of the Stardew Valley characters after they listen to this episode.
(1:04:22) Kev: I can’t wait for the discussion after this episode. It’s gonna be good. Good time
(1:04:29) Al: You also get access to our back catalogue of bonus episodes.
(1:04:34) Al: Plus there will be a new episode coming out on Saturday where we do another tier list.
(1:04:39) Al: We do a tier list of Pixar films.
(1:04:42) Kev: Yeah, that one was a lot harder, I’ll say, than this one.
(1:04:42) Al: And oh boy, there’ll probably be more discussion about that, I think, than this tier list.
(1:04:50) Al: We’ve already recorded that, so it’ll be a fun listen, I think,
(1:04:57) Al: and people will definitely disagree with us.
(1:04:59) Kev: Fun in quotes.
(1:05:00) Al: [LAUGH] Yeah, I think that’s everything then.
(1:05:06) Al: Thank you, Kevin, for joining me again.
(1:05:08) Kev: Thank you, Al, for having me on.
(1:05:10) Al: Thank you listeners for listening, and until next time, have a good harvest.
(1:05:13) Kev: I’m good, harvest.
(1:05:14) Theme Tune: The harvest season is created by Al McKinley, with support from our patrons, including our
(1:05:24) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
(1:05:28) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
(1:05:33) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website, harvestseason.club, both show notes and links to things we discussed
(1:05:39) Theme Tune: in this episode.
(1:05:48) Kev: Whatever you may rank it
(1:05:50) Al: We should rank seasons next time.
(1:05:53) Kev: It’s in a four tier
(1:05:56) Al: Spring is S tier. Summer is A tier.
(1:05:59) Kev: Fall is s I’ll get fall in
(1:06:03) Al: See, the problem with fall, or autumn as I would call it, is that it tends to be a lot
(1:06:08) Al: more windy in my experience, but I don’t know maybe that’s different for a
(1:06:10) Kev: I don’t know.
(1:06:12) Kev: No, I would concur with that. I don’t mind the wind. I like better than the heat.
(1:06:19) Al: Well, the problem isn’t necessarily feeling the wind, it’s the fact that I feel like my
(1:06:23) Al: house is going to fall down. Also, is hurricane season not in autumn as well? So surely that’s
(1:06:24) Kev: You know what? That’s a very fair criticism, but…
(1:06:31) Kev: It’s late summer, early autumn. It’s more summer.
(1:06:32) Al: going to knock it down. Yeah, there you go, you got to knock it down a bit. Yeah, I’ll
(1:06:37) Kev: Yeah, fine. I’ll put it in A with summer.
(1:06:42) Kev: Winter. Okay.
(1:06:42) Al: Except putting in the summer summer and then winter is
(1:06:45) Kev: I like winter, but this is an uphill battle. I recognize it.
(1:06:51) Al: That’s why I’m putting it in B tier, not D tier.
(1:06:52) Kev: Okay.
(1:06:54) Kev: Okay, fine fine. All right. There we go. There’s your bonus ranking everywhere.
(1:07:00) Al: What a weird post-credit.
(1:07:02) Kev: Yeah, there you go.