The Episode of Tangents

Al and Kelly talk about the story of Dave the Diver


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:03:12: What Has Kelly Been Up To
00:04:19: Tangent 1 - The Scots Language
00:11:53: What Has Al Been Up To
00:21:22: News
00:35:50: Tangent 2 - Rockstar North
00:44:55: Dave The Diver Upcoming DLCs
00:53:45: Kelly’s Mechanics Thoughts
01:02:31: Dave The Diver Story
01:16:01: Tangent 3 - Game Hyperfocus
01:18:44: Dave Story Conclusion
01:29:12: Outro

Research Story “0.9” Update
Sprittea “Moving & Grooving” Update
Loddlenaut “Goddles” Update
Outlanders “Wandering Star” DLC
Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma Trailer

Dave the Diver Upcoming DLCs


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(0:00:30) Al: Hello Divers, and welcome to another episode of The Harvest Season.
(0:00:34) Al: My name is Al, and we are here today to talk about Cottagecore games.
(0:00:36) Kelly: and my name is kelly
(0:00:41) Kelly: whoo
(0:00:42) Al: We’ve not come to a conclusion on whether David the Diver is a Cottagecore game or not.
(0:00:45) Kelly: maybe it’s like a bungalow, like you know bungalows are the the the cottages of beach towns
(0:00:50) Al: Well, the problem there, right, so if Cottagecore games are for lesbians, what are bungalow games
(0:00:57) Al: for?
(0:00:58) Al: games for them.
(0:00:59) Kelly: non-binary people
(0:01:01) Al: I’ll take it.
(0:01:04) Al: All right, excellent.
(0:01:04) Kelly: I don’t know!
(0:01:07) Al: Fantastic. Well, OK, so I think it is a college school game, right?
(0:01:11) Al: Because, yes, there are some, like, stakes and stuff, but there’s fewer stakes, I think, than, say, Stardew Valley.
(0:01:18) Kelly: Yeah, and I would say also it’s like you still have like the mines in Stardew Valley?
(0:01:23) Al: Exactly. Yeah, that’s what I’m meaning. The mines in Stardew Valley are definitely scarier
(0:01:28) Al: than most in here. But you can’t ignore nighttime entirely if you want to. The only stuff that
(0:01:28) Kelly: Yeah, I would say that the nighttime is the scary part.
(0:01:39) Al: only spawns in the night are some fish, which you want if you want to collect the collection,
(0:01:44) Al: and a few optional side quests. I don’t think any part of the story is required for you
(0:01:49) Al: to go out at night? Or was there one, maybe?
(0:01:50) Kelly: I think there was, unless I’m mistaken, I think there was one with the more eels.
(0:01:53) Al: There was one. Yeah.
(0:01:57) Kelly: It’s been a while. I played that part I think a year ago now so that’s
(0:02:03) Kelly: been a while, but I think one part was required and then after that it was like
(0:02:07) Kelly: you don’t have to do this again.
(0:02:10) Al: So yeah, I think it counts. If Stardew counts this counts.
(0:02:13) Kelly: Yeah, I think so. You have farms, you have little
(0:02:18) Al: You do, you do.
(0:02:18) Kelly: Fish tanks and chickens.
(0:02:21) Al: Yeah, the chickens is the most un-feature-rich thing in the game.
(0:02:27) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:02:28) Al: Chickens exist and if you turn up you get an egg. Great, congrats.
(0:02:32) Kelly: You can name them, but you can’t pet them.
(0:02:36) Al: All right, cool. So we are here to talk about
(0:02:40) Al: well, we’re here for the final episode of Dave the Diver Month.
(0:02:44) Al: Two weeks late.
(0:02:49) Al: And I’ve got Kelly along to talk about the story for Dave the Diver.
(0:02:52) Kelly: Hey, um, I loved this game. I got it, I think the day it came out, and I played it until my fingers hurt.
(0:03:01) Kelly: So, weirdo, oh, yeah, yeah.
(0:03:03) Al: So hopefully we’ll have lots to talk about in the main topic then.
(0:03:08) Al: Exciting. So before that, we obviously have some news. First of all, Kelly, what have you been
(0:03:14) Kelly: I have been actually getting ready for a trip to Scotland.
(0:03:21) Al: Woo!
(0:03:21) Kelly: Woo!
(0:03:22) Kelly: But besides that, I’ve been playing Day of the Diver to catch up on the DLCs, playing
(0:03:29) Kelly: Solitaire because that is my brain-dead dissociation game, and I’ve actually started doing Dooling
(0:03:38) Kelly: Go again, which has been interesting.
(0:03:40) Al: In fact, what are you learning?
(0:03:42) Kelly: I decided to try Japanese, ‘cause I–
(0:03:44) Al: Okay.
(0:03:44) Kelly: I’ve tried Spanish, I’ve done German, I’ve done Italian.
(0:03:48) Al: So you’re not trying to learn any Scottish Gaelic, or I think Scots is on there as well.
(0:03:52) Kelly: No.
(0:03:56) Kelly: I didn’t even think about that, to be honest.
(0:03:58) Kelly: Which would have been interesting, ‘cause I was just like,
(0:04:00) Kelly: “Oh, let me try something that’s completely different than, you know, any of the, like, uh, Latin languages, or German language.”
(0:04:09) Al: Germanic. No, it’s just Gallic. They don’t have Scots. I thought they had, I thought
(0:04:10) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:04:15) Al: I’d seen some where they have Scots, but they don’t. Is it? So, well, okay, so this is gonna
(0:04:18) Kelly: Interesting. Can you speak, Scotts?
(0:04:22) Al: be a whole tangent, but we’re going for it anyway. I’m just checking. Yeah, Google doesn’t
(0:04:27) Al: have it either, it just has Gallic. They all call them Scots Gallic, which is technically
(0:04:32) Al: not true, because Scots is a language and Gallic is a language. Gallic is a language
(0:04:36) Kelly: Mm.
(0:04:39) Al: longer than Scotland has existed. But anyway, that’s not neither here nor there. So I definitely
(0:04:44) Al: can’t speak Gallic. I can speak some Scots, but a lot of the Scots that I know is not
(0:04:51) Al: stuff that I knew was a different language. So when I was, a lot of people in Scotland
(0:04:54) Kelly: Okay.
(0:04:57) Al: grow up learning what some people refer to as Scottish English, which is like a weird
(0:05:03) Al: amalgamation amalgamation of English and Scots. And so
(0:05:08) Kelly: So kind of like Spanglish, like when people grow up in like, you know, like mixing Spanish and English words in the theme.
(0:05:09) Al: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it’s when you start to like encounter people outside, you
(0:05:20) Al: realise, oh wait, this word that I’ve been using is a word that is not English, right?
(0:05:26) Al: And to a lot of people, they would just think it’s, oh, it’s just a dialect word, right?
(0:05:30) Al: But it’s from a different language. We just use it not in… So I would never use an entire
(0:05:36) Al: sentence in Scots because that’s just not how I grew up.
(0:05:39) Al: But a lot of the words that I would use, obviously not on the podcast, not when I’m
(0:05:46) Al: working because I don’t work with many Scottish people, but like in my day-to-day life, there
(0:05:51) Al: are a lot of words that I would use that would be Scots. Like for example, in the classic
(0:05:56) Al: Scottish way, I’m going to use a weather word, a word about the weather. So the weather here
(0:06:02) Al: today is drich, and that is a Scots word that means, it basically means overcast, right?
(0:06:09) Al: Like it’s cloudy, it’s just not nice, it’s like it’s not sunny, but it’s not like pouring down
(0:06:14) Al: with rain, it’s just, it’s drich. So that is an example of a Scots word that I would use
(0:06:16) Kelly: okay
(0:06:20) Al: most days because of the weather. It does, yeah, it’s a d, drich.
(0:06:21) Kelly: is that does it start with a D or a B so so is it kind of like it almost reminds
(0:06:28) Kelly: me of like dreary you know what I mean in this sense and I would kind of use
(0:06:29) Al: Yeah, it’s, yeah, yeah, it’s kind of, it definitely, yeah, I would say, yeah, they’re almost synonyms.
(0:06:33) Kelly: that word to
(0:06:39) Al: I would say that drich, I think, can be used in other contexts, whereas drich entirely would be
(0:06:42) Kelly: Outside of weather. Yeah.
(0:06:45) Al: about the weather. So like you would talk about, oh, that’s a drichy meeting, or people were drich,
(0:06:46) Kelly: No, that totally makes sense. Is- so he’s like…
(0:06:51) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(0:06:52) Al: or whatever, but you couldn’t say something else with drich other than the weather. So yeah, that,
(0:06:56) Kelly: Okay, that makes sense. That’s so interesting. Is…
(0:06:59) Kelly: like, I’m gonna totally butcher this, but like,
(0:07:03) Kelly: can I? Like, how do you say that? C-A-N-N-A-E? Is that considered Scots?
(0:07:10) Al: Oh canny. Yeah, that would be another. So this is where we get into some technicalities of
(0:07:10) Kelly: Yes. Yes. Yes.
(0:07:17) Al: where English comes from. So modern English is itself, it comes from not just old English,
(0:07:28) Al: but it also comes from old Scots, and old is, you know, auld lang syne, that’s A-U-L-D,
(0:07:32) Kelly: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
(0:07:35) Al: that’s Scots for old. And so a lot of English words…
(0:07:40) Al: Scots are, you know, very similar to Scots words because, you know, both languages come
(0:07:45) Al: from both old languages, Old English and Old Scots.
(0:07:47) Kelly: Okay
(0:07:48) Kelly: So it’s kind of like it’s like Portuguese and Spanish and like German and like Dutch kind of where it’s like you can
(0:07:49) Al: Yeah, yeah. A very… exactly. Yeah, and you wouldn’t know every word and these sorts of
(0:07:55) Kelly: Understand them, but they’re not exactly the same
(0:08:00) Al: things, but some words you could maybe guess at, like “old”. Most people would be able
(0:08:05) Al: to guess what that means, stuff like that. Different words.
(0:08:06) Kelly: Mm-hmm. Yeah, in the context.
(0:08:10) Al: Clearly different language, but, you know, you can kind of guess what it means because
(0:08:14) Al: they’re similar languages, absolutely. But, like, one example of the Old English/Old Scots
(0:08:19) Al: thing is, so you’ve got fox, the animal, and you know what the female fox is called? So
(0:08:26) Kelly: I feel like I do, but not right now.
(0:08:28) Al: it’s a vixen. So fox with an F and vixen with a V. I can never remember which one it is,
(0:08:36) Al: in one of Old Scots and Old English. It’s Fox and Fixing.
(0:08:40) Al: They can, they can, they can. The other interesting thing is that there’s also a lost letter from
(0:08:50) Kelly: and v and f kind of can sound the same too, you know, yeah.
(0:08:59) Al: Scots that is not used anymore thanks to the anglification of keyboards. So when
(0:09:10) Al: typewriters started becoming a thing, they were obviously, they used the standard QWERTY
(0:09:14) Al: layout that we’re using now. And the letter is called a yod, and it kind of looks like
(0:09:20) Al: a cross between a z and a y. And it has a sound like a y sound. It’s kind of like a
(0:09:22) Kelly: Okay.
(0:09:24) Kelly: Okay.
(0:09:26) Kelly: Okay.
(0:09:29) Al: y, but it’s not quite the same. And I can give you an example of a word that this would
(0:09:33) Al: be used in. Do you know the company that does all the logistics at airports?
(0:09:40) Al: And they’re called Menzies, do you know them? M-E-N-C-I-E-S. So they do a lot of, like they
(0:09:47) Al: are a huge worldwide company that do logistics at airports. So if you’re at an airport and
(0:09:52) Al: you look out on airside and you see, you know, people with their high vis on, in most airports
(0:09:59) Al: in the West, they will be Menzies employees. Which is actually fun fact, that company started
(0:10:07) Al: out as a paper shop in Scotland.
(0:10:10) Al: But that zed is not actually originally a zed, it was actually a yod.
(0:10:10) Kelly: Oh, that’s cool.
(0:10:18) Kelly: Okay.
(0:10:19) Al: And so the word ‘menzies’ shouldn’t actually be said menzies, it said ‘mingies’.
(0:10:25) Al: Yeah, and so there’s a lot of words, a lot of places in Scotland that you might notice this
(0:10:30) Al: when you’re over here, a lot of places in Scotland that have zeds in their name in the middle,
(0:10:34) Al: and it’s not actually a zed, it’s a yod. So there’s a place in near Glasgow,
(0:10:40) Al: that’s called Calane, and that’s C-U-L-Z-E-A-N, but of course that zed was a yod,
(0:10:47) Al: which is why it’s Calane, not Cal-Zane.
(0:10:50) Kelly: Okay, so you guys all just acknowledge that it should be pronounced
(0:10:56) Al: We just ignore the fact that it’s a zed, because that’s what you learn.
(0:10:59) Kelly: Yeah
(0:10:59) Al: I didn’t know for a long time that it wasn’t originally a zed.
(0:11:03) Kelly: Okay
(0:11:04) Al: But yeah, we don’t pronounce it like that.
(0:11:06) Kelly: Okay, sorry to derail
(0:11:07) Al: But yeah, so you will.
(0:11:10) Al: So it’s fine, I’ll put this in specifically as a section on the Scots
(0:11:15) Al: language for some reason. But yeah, so you might hear some people,
(0:11:18) Al: if you ever see the paper shop that still does exist, Menzies,
(0:11:21) Al: some people will call it Menzies, and some people call it Menzies,
(0:11:25) Kelly: Oh, very interesting, that’s pretty cool.
(0:11:25) Al: because it depends on who you are.
(0:11:28) Al: There used to be a politician in Scotland calls Menzies Campbell,
(0:11:30) Al: and nobody would ever call him Menzies Campbell,
(0:11:32) Al: despite the fact that it’s spelled the exact same way.
(0:11:34) Kelly: That was a fun fact.
(0:11:35) Al: But they still call the paper shop Menzies for some reason.
(0:11:38) Al: So Ming is fun fact.
(0:11:40) Al: There you go. That’s your Scott’s language history on the Cottagecore podcast,
(0:11:46) Al: The Harvest Season.
(0:11:48) Kelly: I’m just really good at derailing the podcast, what can I say.
(0:11:52) Al: Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that.
(0:11:55) Kelly: What have you been up to, Al, besides history lessons?
(0:11:56) Al: What have I been up to?
(0:12:00) Al: I have been playing, well kind of playing, Harvest Moon, Home Sweet Home, and Coraline 1.1.
(0:12:10) Al: I quite often, if I’m like trying to play a game for a podcast and I’ve not quite got
(0:12:14) Al: into it yet, I will feel guilty about that and not play any other games.
(0:12:22) Al: So I have played about two in-game days of Harvest Moon Home Sweet Home.
(0:12:28) Kelly: That’s it!
(0:12:28) Al: That’s it.
(0:12:29) Al: So we’ll see.
(0:12:30) Al: Hopefully I’ll manage to play enough before the podcast that I’m recording in a week.
(0:12:36) Kelly: It’s crunch time!
(0:12:38) Al: - It’s crunch time.
(0:12:40) Al: So we’ll see.
(0:12:40) Al: The annoying thing I also found out is that,
(0:12:42) Al: so it’s, I don’t know if you’re aware of this game, Kelly,
(0:12:45) Al: but it is a mobile game.
(0:12:48) Al: So it’s on Android and iOS.
(0:12:50) Kelly: the harvest moon one
(0:12:51) Al: The new Harvest Moon game, yeah.
(0:12:53) Al: And they haven’t enabled cloud safe for it.
(0:13:00) Al: So I installed and started playing it on my 13 inch iPad.
(0:13:00) Kelly: Oh.
(0:13:05) Al: And that is now the only device I can play this game on.
(0:13:05) Kelly: Oh.
(0:13:09) Kelly: That’s… that’s so… wrong.
(0:13:10) Al: I just ate is bizarre, because a special.
(0:13:16) Kelly: Especially on like a harv– like, I’m assuming the Harvest Moon game, you know, it has a lot going on.
(0:13:21) Al: Yep, you should be here.
(0:13:21) Kelly: You’re dedicating a good amount of time to playing it.
(0:13:25) Kelly: Yeah, like, you have items, you have things that you’re building up, like, why would–
(0:13:30) Kelly: Like, don’t most of these games have that built in by now?
(0:13:34) Al: Yeah. Yeah. And it’s not even you don’t even need to do much. You just need to say yes, you can do it.
(0:13:44) Kelly: Yeah, and especially with I feel like I’m sure they’re different games, but like just having like knowing that animal
(0:13:52) Kelly: crossing
(0:13:53) Kelly: Is whatever Pacicapia is like shutting down their app?
(0:13:54) Al: Bocky camp
(0:13:57) Al: Yeah
(0:13:58) Kelly: Wouldn’t you kind of want to make sure that your app is there to like fill the void?
(0:14:02) Kelly: - I enjoyed.
(0:14:03) Al: Anyway, so that’s that that’s another reason why I’ve not played a lot of it yet is because I can only play it on one
(0:14:08) Al: Device and it’s the 13 inch iPad which I like as a device, but it’s not the best for a mobile games, obviously
(0:14:15) Kelly: Is it annoying to like, hold for… Is that what the issue is or is it?
(0:14:19) Al: That’s part that’s part of the issue although I do have it on a
(0:14:22) Al: I stand at my desk, so I
(0:14:24) Kelly: Mm.
(0:14:24) Al: don’t have to hold it when I’m at my desk, but that means that realistically the only
(0:14:27) Al: time I’m playing this game is when I’m working. Which is not a great way to play a game, right?
(0:14:29) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:14:35) Al: But anyway, whatever. It’s especially annoying because they haven’t disabled playing it on
(0:14:39) Al: Macs as well, so now you can play iPad and iPhone stuff on Macs, which is great. It’s
(0:14:46) Al: a great feature, but it means that I’ve installed the game on my Mac, but I’d have to start
(0:14:52) Al: and you saved to play it there.
(0:14:54) Al: Like I was like, this is great because there are like so many ways for me to play this.
(0:14:59) Al: I can play it on my iPad during work.
(0:15:00) Al: I can play it on my Mac when I’m sitting in front of the TV.
(0:15:04) Al: I can play it on my iPad mini when I’m in bed and I’m like, nope, you get one of those.
(0:15:09) Kelly: Yeah jokes on you. That’s annoying.
(0:15:10) Al: One of those.
(0:15:11) Al: Yeah, I should have just gone with the Android version, but the problem is the Android version
(0:15:16) Al: crashed when it first came out.
(0:15:18) Al: So I couldn’t play it for, in fact, I don’t think it’s, I think it’s still not working
(0:15:18) Kelly: So they kind of, they, they dug you into a little corner.
(0:15:29) Al: So, I’ve done a little bit of Carlisle in 1.1 as well, because I hadn’t been playing
(0:15:34) Al: that yet, so that’s that, and I have gotten very much back into Marvel Snap.
(0:15:40) Kelly: Whoa, I haven’t heard that name in a while.
(0:15:42) Al: Yeah, so it was, oh they make, they make loads of real decisions, but they’re quite good
(0:15:46) Kelly: Did they, like, fix the game?
(0:15:47) Kelly: Because I know they were having… they made some kind of weird decisions last winter.
(0:15:54) Kelly: Okay.
(0:15:54) Al: at fixing these things quickly, like you get multiple changes a week.
(0:15:56) Kelly: Okay.
(0:15:58) Kelly: Okay.
(0:15:59) Al: So, if there’s something that’s completely killing the game, they kill that really quickly.
(0:16:04) Al: They’re pretty good at that.
(0:16:06) Al: No, we’re at the end of a season, and the next season has like a new type of ability,
(0:16:12) Al: which is the first time they’ve done that since launch, so that’s exciting.
(0:16:15) Al: And a lot of new Spider People cards, which is also cool.
(0:16:21) Al: I do like some Spider People.
(0:16:23) Kelly: when did they release marvel snap? was it like around this time last year?
(0:16:24) Al: But it’s only a year, I don’t know.
(0:16:29) Kelly: right? is it older than that?
(0:16:29) Al: It can’t only be a year, really.
(0:16:32) Al: No, two years, October 22.
(0:16:33) Kelly: okay okay. I didn’t think it was only a year old but I was like I don’t I don’t keep up with that
(0:16:39) Al: Yeah, yeah.
(0:16:40) Kelly: game so there’s also that. there just happened to be a streamer I was watching who was like obsessed
(0:16:46) Kelly: with it for a while.
(0:16:47) Al: I really love it, because it’s, I like card games, but one, they’re so hard to keep up
(0:16:55) Al: with all the cards, right?
(0:16:57) Al: And the good thing about Marvel Snap is so many.
(0:17:00) Al: There’s many different types of playing are viable.
(0:17:02) Kelly: So it’s not like you get one or two meta that are like
(0:17:06) Al: Exactly, exactly.
(0:17:06) Al: There’s like, you know, Destroy decks are really good just now.
(0:17:10) Al: Move decks are pretty good just now.
(0:17:12) Al: There’s also like a couple of other types of decks that you can use based on multiple cards.
(0:17:18) Al: Like I have played four different decks and won with them over the last two days.
(0:17:23) Al: So it’s, yeah, it’s pretty good.
(0:17:25) Al: Discard decks are still quite good as well.
(0:17:27) Al: Like there’s lots that’s working just now.
(0:17:30) Al: And yet there are a few cards that if you don’t get them, you’re unlikely to get up to like
(0:17:35) Al: level 100, rank 100. But I’m unlikely to get there anyway. And it’s still fun. Like it takes a long
(0:17:41) Al: time to build up the ranks anyway. So, you know, it takes it only now are my rank 60 now.
(0:17:49) Al: And, you know, granted it’s only been, I’ve only been playing for two weeks of this season,
(0:17:57) Al: which is about half of it, but…
(0:18:00) Al: It’s like, I… Yeah, I think it would have been unlikely for me to get to 100 anyway, but…
(0:18:06) Al: So yeah, and also the actual matches are simpler than most card games.
(0:18:11) Kelly: Okay.
(0:18:12) Al: So you’ve only got a few things to think about while still having a lot of different strategies.
(0:18:17) Al: And obviously they’re fast.
(0:18:20) Al: You know, you can get a match and done in a cut in, you know, the longest matches take five.
(0:18:20) Kelly: Yeah, no, it seems like, you know, I I’m not a big Marvel person, but it seems like a fun game with a lot of creativity and like options.
(0:18:34) Kelly: And the fact that they’re still actively updating it, I think says a lot.
(0:18:34) Al: Yeah. Yeah. It’s obviously making money. Um, so yeah, I mean, basically the reason why
(0:18:42) Kelly: Yeah, that too.
(0:18:46) Al: I’m back into it is because, um, Hannah, uh, from the ISE slack, um, she walk got, she
(0:18:54) Al: came over and was like, Oh, I’m interested in this because I hear that it’s quite similar
(0:18:58) Al: to what the new Pokemon trading card app will be like. So I want to see how this works before
(0:19:02) Kelly: Oh interesting, smart of Pokemon.
(0:19:04) Al: to see how similar it is and compare it to that. And so when she said that, well, yeah,
(0:19:12) Al: exactly. It will be interesting to see how much it actually is because we don’t know much details
(0:19:16) Al: about how the battles will work. Um, but it will be very clever if, if it is, if it works out well.
(0:19:22) Al: Um, but because she came through and did that, I was like, Oh, now I really want to play
(0:19:28) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(0:19:28) Al: and I haven’t stopped playing since. So that was two weeks ago.
(0:19:33) Kelly: I… I trust me. I understand. I understand.
(0:19:37) Kelly: I’m sure you’ll get out eventually.
(0:19:39) Al: Yeah, this is my problem, is I don’t play games casually, I play games until I stop
(0:19:40) Kelly: You’ll be free.
(0:19:46) Al: playing them, and it is my life until I stop playing them, and then I never think about
(0:19:52) Kelly: Yeah, literally, I completely understand.
(0:19:55) Kelly: That’s why I’m not allowed to play stuff like Cafe Mix anymore.
(0:20:01) Kelly: I like… it was a phone game, you know?
(0:20:05) Kelly: But it was a phone game that, uh…
(0:20:07) Kelly: Once I started playing events, I got really hooked,
(0:20:10) Kelly: and I was good at the events, and I kept winning events,
(0:20:12) Kelly: and then I would get money out of it.
(0:20:12) Al: Yeah, yeah, my
(0:20:14) Kelly: And it was just like, it was like, you know, daily.
(0:20:16) Kelly: It was a daily thing where I’d go in, I’d play five games, I’d do this,
(0:20:20) Kelly: and then the events.
(0:20:22) Kelly: were like, “You have to play all weekend, otherwise you won’t win,” and I’d be like, “Well, I have to win.”
(0:20:27) Kelly: Um…
(0:20:28) Kelly: So now I’m just not allowed to play that game.
(0:20:30) Kelly: But I do that with all games, that’s why I played Day of the Diver until my fingers hurt, you know?
(0:20:33) Kelly: That’s, uh…
(0:20:34) Al: Yeah, yeah, I just I never got into cafe mix because I just didn’t like the gameplay like it felt too imprecise
(0:20:35) Kelly: That’s what I do.
(0:20:39) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:20:41) Kelly: It’s… it is.
(0:20:43) Kelly: It’s very sloppy.
(0:20:44) Kelly: Which I think can work in your favor if you know how to use it correctly.
(0:20:50) Al: Yeah, probably, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to learn. You know, it’s like, I loved like
(0:20:52) Kelly: Yeah, no, that’s fair, that’s fair.
(0:20:56) Al: shuffle, Pokemon shuffle, which is not, I know it’s not the same game, but it’s, it’s like similar
(0:21:01) Kelly: It’s very similar, yeah.
(0:21:01) Al: ideas in some ways. But I much preferred that because it was very clear, like, it’s precise,
(0:21:07) Al: right? This place goes to that piece and that’s it. Whereas with Cafe May, it’s like, oh, you’re
(0:21:11) Al: kind of like circling. And it’s like, I didn’t.
(0:21:14) Kelly: Yeah, no, it’s it’s definitely very different in actual gameplay
(0:21:20) Al: Cool. So that’s what we’ve been up to and a
(0:21:22) Kelly: Yeah
(0:21:24) Al: tangent on the Scottish language.
(0:21:27) Al: Now we’re going to talk about some news, some game news.
(0:21:30) Al: First of all, we have the zero point nine update of Research Story is out now.
(0:21:35) Al: So this includes a new NPC,
(0:21:39) Al: lots of extra content for the NPCs, a cooking system and your classic on a daily
(0:21:47) Al: Cottagecore game, the daily summary, when you
(0:21:50) Al: go to sleep, gives you everything that you’ve done in that game.
(0:21:50) Kelly: I laugh, but honestly I need things like those.
(0:21:55) Al: Well, that’s the thing. And it’s like you have, like, especially in farming games where
(0:21:56) Kelly: Like when games don’t have that, sometimes I’m like, “hmm, what was I doing?
(0:22:05) Al: you are selling a bunch of stuff on a daily basis, it’s good to know one, how much you
(0:22:06) Kelly: Mmhmm.
(0:22:09) Al: actually sold, and two, how that break broke down. You know, that was a key point of Stardew
(0:22:11) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:22:17) Al: is trying to figure out what was the most efficient stuff.
(0:22:20) Al: This is really nice in that it’s building up into other things as well, so it’s like,
(0:22:26) Al: “Oh, here are the people you talk to, and here’s the XP you gained,” and that sort of stuff.
(0:22:32) Kelly: Yeah, no, it definitely does help, and I think also with farming games it’s so easy to get sidetracked on things.
(0:22:38) Kelly: So it’s, like, good to see at the end of the day, like, “Oh, I actually did not sell as much stuff that I wanted to,”
(0:22:44) Kelly: or “Didn’t talk to the right amount of people,” or, you know, “It’s two days until I have to buy something that’s really expensive, I better start selling a bunch.”
(0:22:53) Al: They have also released their roadmap to 1.0, so they’re getting close. They have two more updates
(0:22:59) Al: before the 1.0. That is 0.10 should be coming out at the end of September. That is player
(0:23:06) Al: customization. 0.11 should be coming out at the end of the year, and that is orange hearts and
(0:23:14) Al: shimmers. The orange heart events that will be for NPCs. And I don’t know what shimmers means.
(0:23:20) Al: Oh, shiny creatures right in front of me.
(0:23:23) Al: I always got to translate into Pokemon.
(0:23:27) Kelly: Translate, yeah.
(0:23:31) Al: And then the 1.0 will be coming out in Q1 next year.
(0:23:36) Al: So if you’ve been looking for 1.0 to finally get into this game,
(0:23:40) Al: it’ll be next year, be warned.
(0:23:41) Kelly: Have you played the, um, is there an Early Access?
(0:23:45) Al: Yeah, that’s what this is.
(0:23:46) Al: I haven’t played it.
(0:23:47) Al: I know that Cody has played it, and I think Bev played it as well.
(0:23:50) Al: and they had a chat about it on one of the episodes.
(0:23:53) Al: And they both really liked it. So, I don’t know.
(0:23:55) Kelly: It looks cute. I like the note about married life events because I feel like a lot of these games kind of end events once you marry your characters of choice. So that’s nice.
(0:24:02) Al: Yes. Yeah. Yeah, not looking at anyone in particular, Coral Island.
(0:24:11) Al: Uh, Spirity have also got an update out now. The moving and grooving update, um, was animations.
(0:24:20) Al: Hahaha. Hmm. Yeah, did you play it?
(0:24:22) Kelly: This game is so upsetting to me because I really wanted to like it so bad.
(0:24:27) Kelly: So like, seeing this update, it’s like, these look so funny, and like, they look so silly but it’s like, I’m not gonna go back to play like this.
(0:24:34) Al: This is the problem is like you can like everything about a game, but if you don’t actually enjoy the core loop of the game
(0:24:40) Al: It doesn’t really matter
(0:24:40) Kelly: Mm-hmm
(0:24:42) Kelly: Yeah, and I gave it I think I put like 30 hours in or something so I like I gave it a good
(0:24:45) Al: Oh, wow, that’s more than I put in I may be I may be put in ten hours
(0:24:48) Kelly: Try
(0:24:51) Kelly: I wanted to like it so bad, but what can you do?
(0:24:53) Al: Yeah
(0:24:54) Al: Yeah, I wonder how much of it is just like a personal preference thing, right? Like some people just don’t like certain times of games
(0:25:00) Kelly: Yeah
(0:25:02) Kelly: I
(0:25:03) Kelly: Mean, I don’t know cuz I love games like this. Typically. I wish I could I play this like back in
(0:25:10) Kelly: fall so I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I know some things were just like
(0:25:15) Kelly: kind of really repetitive in like a
(0:25:19) Al: I think that the repetitive bit is probably my problem, is that the bathhouse you did upgrade,
(0:25:27) Al: but it didn’t really feel like you were progressing. Whereas with farming games,
(0:25:33) Al: you go from like a two by two square that you’ve made of turnips to thousands of crops over your
(0:25:41) Al: farm, and tens of animals giving you millions every season. And it didn’t feel like there was
(0:25:49) Al: level of progression to aim for. And that was what I think really lost me about it.
(0:25:56) Kelly: Yeah, I agree because I updated like I think as much as I possibly could in the bath house, too
(0:26:03) Al: but it’s like oh now I have three baths it’s like oh is there right okay
(0:26:06) Kelly: Yeah, there’s actually a second floor yeah, but it doesn’t add that much
(0:26:15) Al: yeah anyway but if you’ve if you enjoyed the game there’s more updates to it and you know
(0:26:17) Kelly: But yeah
(0:26:21) Al: as you say these animations are pretty goofy and fun and add some more
(0:26:24) Kelly: Yeah, they look so silly and cute, you know.
(0:26:26) Al: they add some more character to the npc’s next we have a new update for
(0:26:33) Al: Laudelnot coming out on the 19th of September and oh boy do I hate the names
(0:26:38) Al: that they give these updates this one is the Goddles update what’s a Goddle you might say
(0:26:45) Al: that’s a good question this includes a new secret cave biome that houses three mysterious Goddles
(0:26:52) Al: was this cavern forgotten by guppy what ancient abilities do these Goddles have
(0:26:59) Al: I’m still not quite sure what I got all this is it the little
(0:27:03) Al: like tree looking thing in this image, maybe.
(0:27:06) Kelly: I don’t know. I think it’s cute that it’s like, oh, plant these to prevent pollination, uh, pollution, but you know, still it’s like, yeah, to your point, like, what is this made-up word?
(0:27:20) Al: Yeah, I think this might be one of those updates that if you have played the game, which I
(0:27:26) Al: haven’t yet, that you might be more interested in it. Yeah, I want to play this game at some
(0:27:34) Kelly: It looks cute. I like whatever this aesthetic is called. I can’t think right now.
(0:27:42) Al: Yes, I can’t remember either. They’ve all got fancy names.
(0:27:44) Kelly: Yeah, but I like this game design. I think that
(0:27:48) Kelly: style of animation is very cute and very fun for a little underwater game. Yeah.
(0:27:51) Al: It works, it works, yeah it works well especially when all your creatures are axolotls, which
(0:27:58) Kelly: Yes.
(0:28:00) Al: the goofier an axolotl is, the cuter it is.
(0:28:04) Kelly: That is true. That is, it is unbeatably cute looking.
(0:28:10) Al: Next we have a new DLC for Outlanders, this is the Wandering Stars DLC, and I mean if
(0:28:18) Al: you’ve played Outlanders you can look at it, I don’t really think we need to go into the
(0:28:21) Al: details of this.
(0:28:24) Al: Outlanders is a city builder game, so I’ll probably not play it, because every time I
(0:28:29) Al: try and enjoy a city builder I just get frustrated with them, it’s not my kind of game.
(0:28:34) Kelly: I get too into city builder kind of games and then it’s also really not enjoyable for me and like actually just stressful, so yeah.
(0:28:42) Al: I think part of my problem, so I used to love City Builders, I was obsessed with SimCity2
(0:28:49) Al: so much, but I think part of the problem is that they never work well with controllers.
(0:28:58) Al: They’re just not fun to play unless you have a mouse and keyboard, and that’s not how I
(0:29:03) Al: game anymore in my life.
(0:29:04) Kelly: It’s so funny because I’ve
(0:29:04) Al: I am past the point.
(0:29:07) Kelly: I’ve flipped from like being a controller only person to
(0:29:13) Kelly: playing a lot of games mouse and keyboard now with like an occasional controller and
(0:29:18) Kelly: It’s true a lot of these games are so different when you have the option to mouse and keyboard them
(0:29:24) Kelly: Like there’s some games where it just makes such a big difference
(0:29:26) Al: Yeah. Yeah. I just like, the way that I game nowadays is sitting on my sofa, watching TV
(0:29:33) Al: with Rona, because that’s the time we get together and that’s how we like to spend our
(0:29:34) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(0:29:38) Al: time together. So I’m not going to go, Oh, sorry, Rona. I’m going to go into the office
(0:29:41) Al: and play games on my computer. Like, I’m just not going to do that. So, um, but I used to
(0:29:47) Al: like when I was a student or whatever, I would, you know, be up till two, three.
(0:29:56) Kelly: It’s tough
(0:29:57) Al: Yeah. Finally, we have an update on what was called Runefactory Project Dragon and is now
(0:29:59) Kelly: The sacrifices
(0:30:10) Al: called Runefactory Guardians of Azuma.
(0:30:14) Kelly: that’s a kind of oh wait so i’m sorry to cut you off but was it called rune factory project dragon
(0:30:21) Al: Yes. So I don’t know if that was ever meant to be the title, because when you see project you
(0:30:21) Kelly: and they changed that’s interesting
(0:30:28) Al: quite often think that’s not the final title. So I suspect it was like we haven’t thought up a name,
(0:30:30) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:30:32) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:30:35) Al: it’s about dragons, call it project dragon. But anyway, now they’ve got given an actual name,
(0:30:43) Al: and they’ve said it’s coming out spring next year, and we have a trailer. So the interesting,
(0:30:50) Al: Have you ever have you played
(0:30:51) Al: any Renfactory games?
(0:30:52) Kelly: No. I never got onto that bandwagon. I don’t know how I missed it. I think I was
(0:30:53) Al: Okay, so
(0:30:58) Kelly: just too dedicated to The Sims at that point in my life.
(0:31:02) Al: fair enough. I mean, we’ve all been through our Sims phase. Again, interestingly, spent
(0:31:09) Al: a lot of time playing Sims and Sims 2 specifically, and then not really since then. Probably for
(0:31:14) Kelly: That’s fair.
(0:31:15) Al: the same reason that they don’t really work very well with controllers.
(0:31:17) Kelly: Oh no, they’re awful. Those games are the games that made me realize that not all games can be played the same way.
(0:31:24) Al: Yeah, yeah. Like, I think it’s good that they add support for it because some people
(0:31:29) Al: will have no other option and they would rather go through the pain and do it anyway. But
(0:31:36) Al: anyway, so the interesting thing about this game is it says that it is a boldly reimagined
(0:31:44) Al: gameplay. And the interesting thing is I watch this trailer and I’m not sure what the
(0:31:49) Al: boldly reimagined gameplay is because previous Rune Factories are at a
(0:31:54) Al: level. It’s basically Harvest Moon, but also combat. And this is Harvest Moon, but also combat.
(0:32:04) Al: So, you know, you still have all the exact same farming stuff and then you go off and you fight
(0:32:13) Al: creatures. Now granted, it does seem to be that some of the combat is dance-based rather than
(0:32:21) Al: with a sword, but I…
(0:32:22) Kelly: Interesting. So it’s like a rhythm?
(0:32:24) Al: I don’t think it is rhythm-based, so this is the thing. I think it is just you press a button
(0:32:31) Al: and you do a dance move, which isn’t fundamentally different than you press a button and you hit
(0:32:37) Al: something with a sword. So… I don’t know. I don’t know the specifics of that. Well, this is the thing,
(0:32:38) Kelly: So it’s still tur- like, it’s still…
(0:32:43) Kelly: Are you gonna, like, start breakdancing at enemies?
(0:32:47) Al: because the dancing… this is the weird bit. The dancing just seems to give you weapons that you
(0:32:51) Al: you hit the enemies with.
(0:32:54) Kelly: Are you dancing to the gods to, like, ask for a weapon?
(0:32:54) Al: I just, Kelly, I have no idea.
(0:33:00) Al: They’ve not shown any real gameplay.
(0:33:03) Al: I guess my point is, I don’t know what the new part of this is.
(0:33:07) Al: It just looks to me like the next Rune Factory.
(0:33:10) Al: And there are some changes to it, and it’s a different story.
(0:33:13) Al: And that’s all great, and people will love that.
(0:33:15) Al: But like, why are you pretending that it’s something fundamentally different when it’s clearly not?
(0:33:21) Kelly: Have there there’s been like a quite a few ruin factories, right?
(0:33:24) Al: We’ve had five so far.
(0:33:25) Kelly: And maybe they’re just lying to forget it I don’t know
(0:33:31) Al: I mean, one person’s boldly reimagined is another one’s iterative change, right?
(0:33:36) Kelly: Yeah, this seems like a pretty far reach though based on what you’ve said
(0:33:42) Al: It does.
(0:33:43) Al: This just, it feels like Rune Factory 5, but with some advances, which is fine.
(0:33:48) Kelly: Maybe they’re… maybe they’re hiding it.
(0:33:49) Al: I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but why would you do that?
(0:33:50) Kelly: Maybe they’re hiding the…
(0:33:54) Al: It even says, “Restore your lost memories.”
(0:33:56) Al: You still have Amnesia, like in every single Rune Factory game.
(0:33:59) Kelly: Oh it’s one of those games, okay I see.
(0:34:05) Al: This game.
(0:34:06) Al: I don’t know if I can, I don’t know if I can go through playing another Rune Factory game.
(0:34:06) Kelly: I don’t know.
(0:34:10) Kelly: Have you played all of them?
(0:34:11) Al: No, I have not.
(0:34:12) Al: I have played just four and five, but I feel like that’s enough for me.
(0:34:20) Al: I’m not a fan of the combat in these games.
(0:34:23) Kelly: Okay, is it turn-based or is it like?
(0:34:24) Al: No, it’s action based.
(0:34:27) Al: Like real-time, whatever you want to call it, real-time combat.
(0:34:31) Al: It’s just, I never feel like it’s responsive enough for me to feel like it’s enjoyable.
(0:34:34) Kelly: Okay.
(0:34:38) Al: It feels more like hack and slash rather than something like, I don’t know, Breath of the Wild,
(0:34:45) Al: where you can have like precise combat with dodging and what’s the other one where you
(0:34:52) Al: hit at the right parry, that’s the right one.
(0:34:54) Al: So, I don’t know. I say that I don’t want to play it, but I’ll probably play it. We’ll
(0:35:00) Al: see. We now have a trailer for it, so if you’re interested, go watch it. We’ve not heard anything
(0:35:08) Al: else about Rune Factory 6, which fun fact Kelly, they announced at the exact same time
(0:35:12) Al: they announced this game. No, this isn’t 6. This is… Yeah, but this is the thing. It’s
(0:35:13) Kelly: Oh, this isn’t six. This is a side project.
(0:35:20) Al: It’s not though.
(0:35:21) Al: It’s not.
(0:35:22) Al: It’s just the next.
(0:35:24) Al: It will be interesting to see how long our Silkkox song is, and we can
(0:35:26) Kelly: So, when does six come out?
(0:35:30) Kelly: That’s… that’s…
(0:35:35) Kelly: But this one seems to be coming out pretty quick.
(0:35:40) Kelly: That’s… that’s not too bad when your other ones take five years.
(0:35:46) Kelly: Yeah, that’s my… that’s my gauge for everything.
(0:35:55) Al: to this is half a Silkkox song or whatever.
(0:35:58) Kelly: » Well, I think the psychos have run out of other games, or
(0:36:02) Kelly: they’re starting to run out of other games to compare it to.
(0:36:06) Al: Yeah, I think GTA6 is the only other one that feels like that has been longer.
(0:36:08) Kelly: Yeah, [LAUGH] yeah, and that’s just a meme in itself.
(0:36:12) Al: Yeah. Yeah. Yes, GTA6 is not coming out next year, no matter how much they say it is, it’s
(0:36:13) Kelly: So the two meme games, we’re just [BLANK_AUDIO]
(0:36:21) Al: not coming out next year. It is a, like, because I don’t know if they actually announced that
(0:36:26) Al: it was coming out in 2025 or something, but be-
(0:36:29) Kelly: No, ‘cause there was that whole meme just going around of like, “We got this before
(0:36:34) Kelly: GTA VI.”
(0:36:35) Kelly: Oh, so end of next year.
(0:36:35) Al: Yeah, so the announcement it was going to come out in Q4 2025, which late 20… Yeah,
(0:36:42) Kelly: That’s never gonna happen.
(0:36:43) Al: that means it’s coming out 2026. It was hilarious because they announced it in December last
(0:36:44) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:36:50) Al: year. So it was like, “Oh, they’re going to announce the new game. Great.” And then it
(0:36:53) Al: came out and it was like, “Oh, wow, that’s exciting.” And then at the end it was like,
(0:36:56) Al: late 2025. You’re like, “Really? You’re announcing it two years before you’re currently planning
(0:37:02) Al: on it coming out.
(0:37:04) Kelly: It’s just I went into a little bit of a spiral recently because of GTA 6 and that whole timeline
(0:37:11) Kelly: because I was like, wow, it has been, I lived at my parents house when GTA 5 came out.
(0:37:12) Al: Yeah. It’s, it’s basically my entire career. So I, so
(0:37:19) Kelly: I was in college.
(0:37:24) Kelly: Literally I was so excited because the weekend it dropped, my parents were away and I set
(0:37:29) Kelly: up the big screen TV in the living room, and moved like the comfy
(0:37:32) Al: Yeah.
(0:37:32) Al: Thank you so much for watching.
(0:37:34) Kelly: you know armchair to the center of the living room and sat there, and played GTA 5 on the big screen TV and
(0:37:34) Al: If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe.
(0:37:36) Al: If you want to see more videos like this, please like and subscribe.
(0:37:42) Kelly: That’s how long it’s been
(0:37:44) Al: It’s funny, so it came out on the 17th of September 2013, I got my first job outside
(0:37:48) Kelly: No literally like so literally this is
(0:37:53) Al: of uni on the 8th of August 2013. So just over a month before GTA 5 came out, I started
(0:38:01) Al: my career. Since then, I’ve changed job like five times. I have had two children, I have
(0:38:07) Al: bought two different houses, not at the same time, I’m not a crazy person.
(0:38:14) Al: I was technically married before that, but only by two months. So like my entire career.
(0:38:21) Al: I remember explicitly that it came out around that time because my first job, their office
(0:38:28) Al: was right next to the Rockstar offices in Edinburgh. And so they had this massive, four-storey
(0:38:30) Kelly: Uh, okay.
(0:38:35) Al: poster on the office building that I walked past every single day for like a month before
(0:38:42) Kelly: it’s it’s crazy it’s it’s it’s so funny like it’s yeah like you said like my whole life
(0:38:50) Kelly: like I was still in college still living at my parents still working you know some like college
(0:38:56) Kelly: level job
(0:38:58) Al: I have a nine-year-old who was born a year and a half after it came out.
(0:39:04) Kelly: you know I gotta say they really um milked gta live for all it’s worth
(0:39:11) Kelly: because the fact that that kept
(0:39:11) Al: - Yeah, they really did.
(0:39:12) Kelly: that game so relevant is absolutely insane.
(0:39:16) Al: Yeah, I mean, I’m never, I’m not really a GTA person,
(0:39:21) Al: so I never played GTA Live.
(0:39:22) Kelly: Well, I was. I was, you know, for literally most of my childhood
(0:39:28) Kelly: and then they didn’t release a new game for half my life.
(0:39:34) Kelly: Like, that’s crazy. One of my first- I used to rent
(0:39:37) Kelly: GTA Miami Vice and GTA 3 from Blockbuster.
(0:39:42) Al: I think it’s a very good example of how modern games have become too big. So from 1997, when
(0:39:53) Al: the first GTA came out, there were 16 years between that and GTA 5. 16 years. It depends
(0:40:00) Kelly: And what did they put out like 12 games?
(0:40:03) Al: which one you’re counting, which ones you’re counting, because there’s like… so if you’re
(0:40:05) Kelly: I’m counting the mini like the the side like the PSP games and stuff like that too. Yeah
(0:40:12) Kelly: I could hear I could hear the little tapping
(0:40:12) Al: going to be 15. 15 games. So an average of one a year. And since GTA 5… or let’s just
(0:40:16) Kelly: Okay, so I wasn’t too far off
(0:40:21) Al: shoot… so between GTA 5 and GTA 6 releasing, and this is just GTA games by the way, it’s
(0:40:26) Al: not all Rockstar games. I’m just talking GTA stuff. So between GTA 5 and GTA 6 releasing,
(0:40:31) Al: there will be at least 12 years. So 12 years between… and in that time, what have they
(0:40:33) Kelly: That’s absurd.
(0:40:38) Al: they had GTA Live and well, ignoring
(0:40:38) Kelly: Red Dead Redemption?
(0:40:42) Al: the other so GTA stuff specifically GTA Live or online or whatever you call it and their remastered
(0:40:42) Kelly: Yeah, yeah.
(0:40:48) Al: trilogy. No, exactly. And I was counting for the record like I wasn’t I wasn’t even counting like
(0:40:49) Kelly: Oh, right, okay. Which, that doesn’t count.
(0:40:56) Al: they had a double pack and a trilogy re-release. I wasn’t counting those before so literally and
(0:41:04) Al: GTA online came out at the same time as 5 came in 2013 was like two weeks after 5. So
(0:41:08) Kelly: Yeah, yeah.
(0:41:12) Al: yeah Rockstar have done other games of course since then but it just…
(0:41:16) Kelly: But they literally had such a, like they are who they are because of GTA.
(0:41:22) Al: yeah, uh-huh. Also well also also also Lemmings but yeah.
(0:41:24) Kelly: Like again, that was my childhood. I could tell you the craziest cheats for those games.
(0:41:30) Al: We can’t forget Lemmings come on.
(0:41:32) Kelly: What is, is that a Rockstar game?
(0:41:35) Al: Did you never? So okay right this is where we get into the history of Rockstar North.
(0:41:40) Al: Not Rockstar, Rockstar North.
(0:41:41) Kelly: Is that the Scotland office?
(0:41:42) Al: So, well, let me get to that. Let me get to that. So, GTA was originally developed
(0:41:50) Al: by a company called DMA Design. This was a company based in Dundee, in Scotland, which
(0:41:52) Kelly: Mm-hm.
(0:42:00) Al: it’s actually the heart of games design in Scotland. The university there, people come
(0:42:07) Al: from all over the world to study games design. It’s like well known for that.
(0:42:13) Al: DMA Design, after GTA 3, were bought by Rockstar and renamed Rockstar North. But before that,
(0:42:23) Al: they also released many games. GTA is the one that obviously most people know of,
(0:42:29) Al: but they also released Lemmings, which was a big game. Did you never play Lemmings?
(0:42:37) Al: So, this was a game, the game play for this was you have…
(0:42:42) Al: Obviously, this is based on the false idea of Lemmings walking off cliffs,
(0:42:46) Al: which is obviously nonsense, but it was a fun game.
(0:42:50) Al: So, you know about the creatures Lemmings, right?
(0:42:52) Kelly: Yes, yes.
(0:42:53) Al: And you know about the Disney’s terrible thing where they pretended that Lemmings
(0:42:58) Al: walked off cliffs, but actually they just basically pushed them off a cliff for a documentary.
(0:43:02) Kelly: Yes, I do know about that.
(0:43:03) Al: Yeah, OK, cool.
(0:43:06) Al: So, DMA Design made a game called Lemmings that was based off this idea.
(0:43:10) Al: Um, you have a lot of little
(0:43:12) Al: lemmings and you have to guide them through a 2D world, get them from the start to the end using
(0:43:20) Al: different things like you can, you know, you can tell a lemming to mine through this thing,
(0:43:24) Al: you can tell one to build a stair, you can, you know, loads of things. It was a really fun game.
(0:43:28) Kelly: They’re so cute looking, honestly. Like, I’m looking at it now, it looks adorable.
(0:43:30) Al: Yeah. So I don’t think they made a single lemmings game after they became Rockstar North,
(0:43:36) Al: which I’m very sad about, but it’d be amazing. They basically-
(0:43:39) Kelly: Ugh, could you imagine?
(0:43:42) Al: became the GTA place, even though they did so many other games before that.
(0:43:47) Kelly: Yeah, that’s crazy. I never would have guessed that, to be honest.
(0:43:50) Kelly: But yeah, GTA. What is life?
(0:43:53) Al: Yes, there we go. So many tangents in this episode.
(0:43:56) Kelly: Derailment 2.
(0:43:57) Kelly: - What? (laughs)
(0:43:59) Al: Um, but hey, I mean, GTA 6 probably come out before Elder Scrolls 6.
(0:44:04) Kelly: I’ll probably get it before a silk song, you know, that’s
(0:44:07) Al: Well, I don’t know… I don’t know…
(0:44:10) Al: Bye.
(0:44:10) Kelly: Al I have to say these things to jinx it so
(0:44:12) Al: Yeah, okay, sorry, sorry. Right, I think we’re done with our tangents for now,
(0:44:18) Kelly: Yes
(0:44:19) Al: and that’s definitely the news finished. I think the news was finished 20 minutes ago.
(0:44:25) Kelly: We had to have another history lesson, okay
(0:44:25) Al: So now, yeah, yeah, we’ve got two Scottish history license, one about the language,
(0:44:31) Al: and one about the only games company that has actually been successful.
(0:44:38) Kelly: You have to say we’re consistently on theme, at least, somehow.
(0:44:42) Al: I’m just getting you ready. I’m getting you ready for coming. You can have a look at the
(0:44:47) Al: Rockstar North offices in Edinburgh when you’re there. I don’t know where their current offices
(0:44:52) Al: are because I think they moved since I worked in Edinburgh. Anyway, we’re going to talk
(0:44:57) Al: about Dave the Diver. Specifically, we’re going to talk about the story aspect of it,
(0:45:02) Al: but there are two things we need to discuss beforehand. First of all, they have, for some
(0:45:09) Al: reason I know it’s new DLCs since the last day of the day.
(0:45:12) Al: So we need to talk about them.
(0:45:14) Al: So the first one is Bilateral.
(0:45:17) Al: This is the card game, the like ridiculous rogue-lite card game where you have to like
(0:45:24) Al: build up a hand and make, like you’ve probably seen people with trying to break it by having
(0:45:31) Al: numbers so large that the game crashes and stuff like that.
(0:45:38) Al: I don’t think we know for certain what’s happening here, but it looks like they’re
(0:45:41) Al: putting
(0:45:42) Al: the game as a minigame inside, but I also noticed on the Nintendo Direct this week that
(0:45:42) Kelly: It’s like a minigame, right?
(0:45:50) Al: also Dave the Diver themed decks are going in bilateral as well.
(0:45:56) Kelly: that’s cute I think that’s a nice like I feel like Dave does such a good job of
(0:46:02) Kelly: these cute little like you know they’re they remind me like back in the day when
(0:46:07) Kelly: you do like follow for follow or like photo like my photo and I’ll like your
(0:46:11) Al: Yeah.
(0:46:11) Kelly: photo it’s like that kind of like cute little hey look at my game hey look at
(0:46:16) Kelly: their game and it’s just enough of like you know dipping each other’s toes in
(0:46:22) Kelly: there each other’s games kind of thing where you get a little glimpse of the
(0:46:26) Kelly: other game but like it’s nothing over-the-top
(0:46:28) Al: Yeah. And the funny thing about the bilateral stuff is, so when they did the direct, I think
(0:46:36) Al: this was the first announcement, they were like, “Oh, we’ve got the Witcher 3 crossover.
(0:46:39) Al: Oh, cool.” Or they got an Among Us one, “Oh, cool.” They got a Vampire Survivors one, and
(0:46:43) Al: I posted on Slack and I was like, “Oh, they’re doing a Dave the Diver with all these crossovers,”
(0:46:48) Al: and then they announced, “And we’ve got a Dave the Diver deck!” And I’m like, “Oh, for
(0:46:50) Kelly: That’s so funny.
(0:46:51) Al: goodness sake.” It was just amazing timing.
(0:46:57) Kelly: I think these little things though are such a good way to keep your game still relevant
(0:47:01) Kelly: and in the news and being talked about.
(0:47:04) Al: Yeah, so. Yeah, yeah, it’s fun.
(0:47:04) Kelly: It shows fans that you’re still participating in the game.
(0:47:10) Al: So we’ll see how big that is when it actually comes out.
(0:47:14) Al: I don’t think we know when it’s coming.
(0:47:17) Kelly: I do have to play Bellatro before it comes out. I’ve been putting that off because as a solitaire
(0:47:23) Kelly: addict and a rogue light fan, I am concerned about how addicted I’m gonna get.
(0:47:30) Al: Yep, I do not like roguelites and I’m not a huge… I just say… I was about to say I’m not a huge
(0:47:40) Al: card game fan. I realize that that deeply contradicts what I said earlier in the episode
(0:47:46) Al: about Marvel Snap. I’m not a huge playing card game game guy, if that makes sense.
(0:47:54) Al: So I like card games, but I’m not huge with games that you play with playing cards.
(0:47:54) Kelly: - Sure, yes, yes it does.
(0:48:01) Al: Like I’ve never really been like a solitaire person or anything like that. Rona is. Rona likes
(0:48:05) Al: those sorts of games, but it’s just not really… I don’t… Part of what I like about the other
(0:48:11) Al: card games is the cards themselves, which granted the Bellatro is doing with their crossovers,
(0:48:14) Kelly: No, that’s fair.
(0:48:17) Al: right? Where they have lots of fun cards. So maybe that’ll get me in? I don’t know.
(0:48:18) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:48:21) Kelly: Yeah.
(0:48:22) Kelly: No, I- I loved physical card games growing up.
(0:48:26) Kelly: Like, I used to play Solitaire on the floor.
(0:48:30) Kelly: So, I don’t know. It’s just like my go-to, you know?
(0:48:34) Kelly: It’s like an easy, like, “I don’t have to think about this” kind of game.
(0:48:36) Al: That’s fair.
(0:48:39) Al: The next collaboration is with Potioncraft, and Potioncraft is, well, a potioncrafting
(0:48:46) Al: game.
(0:48:50) Al: This one is basically just one character from Potioncraft in Dave the Diver as a merchant.
(0:48:57) Al: You can buy mushrooms for cooking with.
(0:49:00) Al: So not a particularly large one.
(0:49:02) Kelly: Still that’s nice though, just like one thing that you don’t have to worry about collecting in the water or like from your dispatch
(0:49:10) Al: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do like when you can just buy things.
(0:49:11) Kelly: Like growing in the farm
(0:49:15) Kelly: Yeah, it’s nice sometimes
(0:49:17) Al: Such a capitalist.
(0:49:20) Al: And the final one, which I still don’t know what’s happening here.
(0:49:25) Al: This one is with an artist called MXMtoon, and Mixamtoon, maybe.
(0:49:30) Kelly: Yes, I think that’s how you pronounce it there’s a whole bit about not knowing how to pronounce it
(0:49:37) Kelly: Some people say mom tune
(0:49:39) Al: Is this actually
(0:49:40) Al: going to be a thing in the game or is this like going to
(0:49:43) Kelly: So
(0:49:45) Kelly: This one actually seems just from my
(0:49:49) Kelly: Look at the trailer and what I’m interpreting it as it seems like it’s the most content
(0:49:54) Al: “Oh, she seems to be like swimming in the sea with you.” Interesting. Actually, I’m
(0:49:56) Kelly: She’s a character. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and
(0:50:00) Kelly: then she seems like she has her own little. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get her on
(0:50:01) Al: presuming she uses she/her. They are using she/her in the article, so I’m assuming.
(0:50:08) Kelly: TikTok a lot. Um, I don’t get, I don’t listen to her music really, but she’s pretty funny
(0:50:09) Al: OK, cool. I literally never heard of her before. This was
(0:50:19) Kelly: on TikTok and like, you know, very into memes and like, uh, I think she like quotes smiling
(0:50:25) Kelly: friends at our shows all the time. Like she does the voices.
(0:50:28) Al: Yes, I still haven’t watched that, that’s on my-
(0:50:30) Kelly: Um, but so from the trailer, it looks like this is pretty interactive. Like she gets
(0:50:36) Kelly: to join you as a player and then she has some side scenes. So maybe we’ll get like a little
(0:50:42) Kelly: beach, um, bonfire kind of thing. She’s pretty popular. Like I, but also still somewhat niche,
(0:50:44) Al: yeah I’m presuming she’s pretty pretty big
(0:50:54) Kelly: if that makes sense. Yeah.
(0:50:56) Al: just to get like in because apparently she’s also done collaborations with the sims
(0:51:00) Kelly: So again, I think what it is is she’s very, she’s hip to like, uh, gaming culture is what
(0:51:07) Kelly: I think it is. So in that sense, she’s looking for stuff like this. Whereas like, you know,
(0:51:15) Kelly: an artist like Sabrina Carpenter wouldn’t be like, Oh yeah, let me get into the game. Yes. Oh,
(0:51:18) Al: fair, but you still have to be pretty big, right? Because, like, I can ask them all I want to put me
(0:51:22) Kelly: absolutely. Yes. Yes. No, for sure.
(0:51:24) Al: in their game, but they’re not gonna do it. She has just under a million subscribers on YouTube,
(0:51:30) Kelly: Oh wow. Okay. No, but again, she’s not massive. That’s why I’m saying she’s pretty niche,
(0:51:34) Al: which is not small, but it’s not humongous.
(0:51:42) Kelly: but I think she has a cult following. So what’s her TikTok following? I’ll do it.
(0:51:42) Al: Interesting. Yeah. Half a million followers on the hell side.
(0:51:54) Al: The first, as I started typing our name in to TikTok, the first one, the first autocomplete
(0:52:00) Al: was MXN to Smiling Friends.
(0:52:02) Kelly: Yeah, she she literally does their voices at concerts
(0:52:03) Al: 3 million on TikTok.
(0:52:06) Kelly: Yeah, she has three on tiktok
(0:52:08) Kelly: Which like again, she’s not massive but she’s not small either. So
(0:52:14) Al: She’s for the Gen Z, Gen Z, whatever you want to call them.
(0:52:15) Kelly: Yes, yes
(0:52:18) Kelly: But so I that’s what
(0:52:18) Al: I don’t know why I said Gen Z, because I never say that despite saying Z, I almost always
(0:52:23) Al: say Gen Z.
(0:52:25) Kelly: But very interesting
(0:52:26) Kelly: I was very like both surprised and not surprised to see her involved in this because
(0:52:32) Kelly: again, I think it fits her personality, but I’d like you like to your point like a
(0:52:37) Kelly: Million followers almost a million followers on YouTube is great. But also in this day and age, it’s not like anything
(0:52:44) Kelly: insane I guess
(0:52:46) Al: Yeah?
(0:52:46) Kelly: But clearly she has pull because she’s in the game
(0:52:50) Al: She has no controversies on Wikipedia, so…
(0:52:52) Kelly: Wow and she’s young
(0:52:53) Al: Yeah, oh yeah, well, she’s 24, right?
(0:52:57) Al: Which isn’t like super young, but she was born this millennium.
(0:53:02) Kelly: Yes. But what I’m, okay, but what I’m saying is…
(0:53:05) Al: That always makes me feel old when someone who’s like a legitimate adult was born this
(0:53:11) Kelly: My, my, what I’m saying is like, um, we’ve seen a lot of internet children get in trouble for
(0:53:18) Kelly: things that they’ve posted on the internet at younger ages, and she has not seen, we have not
(0:53:20) Al: Oh I see what you mean. I see what you mean, yes.
(0:53:25) Kelly: seen that come from her, so that’s always nice. But yeah, I’m excited for that one, it looks
(0:53:27) Al: Yeah. Well, I will definitely boot it up, assuming that these DLCs are free like the previous ones,
(0:53:35) Kelly: Mm-hmm, me too.
(0:53:35) Al: I will be downloading all of them and trying them all out.
(0:53:39) Al: Although we don’t have any information about when they’re coming out, I don’t think.
(0:53:43) Al: So we’ll just have to see. We’ll keep you updated.
(0:53:46) Al: Okay, so before we get into the story discussion, I also Kelly want to get your
(0:53:50) Al: overall thoughts on the game and the mechanics. Obviously we have had an
(0:53:54) Al: episode talking about the game itself, mostly not the story, and we’ve talked
(0:54:00) Al: about the two existing DLCs but before we get into the story I just wanted to
(0:54:05) Al: get your thoughts on the game as a whole. I know you like it, what do you
(0:54:10) Kelly: Um, yeah, this game hooked me from the get go.
(0:54:15) Kelly: I love an exploration rogue light, whatever you want to call it kind of game.
(0:54:23) Kelly: I love deep sea stuff.
(0:54:25) Kelly: So I think it really like, you know, on that alone, just was just solidified its place
(0:54:30) Kelly: in my heart.
(0:54:31) Kelly: But I think like it just it’s like a fun game, like they really did a good job incorporating
(0:54:36) Kelly: different mechanics, different options.
(0:54:40) Kelly: I think any game in this style eventually falls into that grindy kind of repetitive rhythm.
(0:54:52) Al: Do you know what I find interesting though is that I feel like it’s not long enough to
(0:54:57) Al: get to the point where I actually disliked any part of that.
(0:55:00) Kelly: No, so that was gonna be my next point is it only really gets to that point when you’re trying to get everything. Yes. Yes
(0:55:04) Al: If you’re trying to complete all the catches, yeah, fair, yeah.
(0:55:08) Kelly: Yes, you can so easily beat this game and I lolly I lolly gagged a lot because again, I am a
(0:55:16) Kelly: Explorer at heart. So my first thing is like, oh, well, I went this way but I didn’t go that way
(0:55:21) Kelly: So I gotta go that way first before I can go move forward ahead
(0:55:23) Al: Mm-hmm
(0:55:24) Kelly: No matter how many times no matter how many times I tell myself I’m gonna do a quick dive and
(0:55:25) Al: Which is which is
(0:55:28) Al: Which is difficult in a rogue light
(0:55:29) Kelly: and just go.
(0:55:31) Kelly: Yeah, yeah.
(0:55:33) Al: When everything changes
(0:55:35) Kelly: Well, that’s why I gotta go check out both ways before the dive is over, because you’re never gonna see that again.
(0:55:40) Al: Yeah, yeah fair
(0:55:42) Kelly: So I get stuck in that loop a lot, um, but even with all of that, even with all of that lollygagging, like,
(0:55:48) Kelly: I did not get bored of the game. Or not bored of the game, but like, just like, kind of over the repetitive, uh,
(0:55:55) Kelly: Until like 80 hours of gameplay and that was me playing for like three straight weeks at least
(0:56:00) Kelly: Until like 3am till my fingers hurt. So I think overall it has a very good gameplay setup
(0:56:07) Kelly: There’s so much going on. I think the different like
(0:56:10) Kelly: Quote unquote biomes like the different levels with their different types of fish really help keep it interesting
(0:56:17) Al: Yeah, yeah, because as you’re upgrading your certain stuff you’re getting access to new
(0:56:21) Al: areas, which although it’s… yeah, so even though it’s the same gameplay it feels very
(0:56:23) Kelly: And each area has, like, so much going on.
(0:56:30) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(0:56:30) Kelly: I also – I really like how they –
(0:56:33) Kelly: Like, obviously, some fish have similar attack and catch methods,
(0:56:37) Kelly: but, like, they really did a good job of diversifying that
(0:56:40) Kelly: and I think making it feel kind of as realistic as possible
(0:56:44) Kelly: to the different species.
(0:56:46) Kelly: Like, uh – Like, those stingrays get me all the time still.
(0:56:50) Al: Yeah.
(0:56:51) Kelly: Like how do I like
(0:56:53) Kelly: Like you have like oh you’re swimming fish and you’re hiding fish and you’re violent fish
(0:56:58) Kelly: But like even amongst the hiding like the fish that hide on the the seafloor
(0:57:02) Kelly: There is different mechanics for each one depending on their species kind of and then even within that
(0:57:08) Kelly: They all have different kinds of attacks or different impacts on you when they attack you
(0:57:13) Kelly: So I think that also keeps it really interesting because you know, you got to actually think about all these things
(0:57:18) Kelly: Um, I did really like the crab traps because that was like I think one of the newer
(0:57:23) Kelly: Things
(0:57:24) Al: that was really late on in the game. Like even playing it with that in from the start,
(0:57:31) Al: you don’t get it until the absolute last area. I guess technically second, technically no. So I
(0:57:36) Kelly: Okay, cuz I wasn’t sure if I had missed it, okay.
(0:57:40) Al: think technically actually the second last is the place with the narwhal, which is technically not
(0:57:43) Kelly: Yeah, technically the second to last, yeah.
(0:57:45) Al: the last area, but it realistically is the last area because I don’t think you can go back to the
(0:57:50) Al: the other place again, can’t you, after that?
(0:57:52) Kelly: Yeah, you can. You can actually, once you’re in the glace- no. But you can technically-
(0:57:54) Al: Can you?
(0:57:55) Al: Would you want to?
(0:57:57) Al: Yeah, exactly.
(0:57:58) Al: So it’s the last place you’re gonna go back to to fish and catch and
(0:58:02) Kelly: yeah. But you can technically go bounce around. As long as you don’t go back to the boat,
(0:58:06) Kelly: you can go to the sea people, go back to the first area, go back to the sea people,
(0:58:11) Kelly: go to the glacial passage, go back to the sea people, as many times as you want, in one dive.
(0:58:13) Al: Yeah. Yes. Yeah, but the bit, I mean, after the… So there’s a glacial passage and then
(0:58:22) Al: there’s the colder bit with the narwhal after that, and then there’s one other place after that.
(0:58:28) Kelly: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so glacial, I’m sorry glacial area.
(0:58:30) Kelly: That’s what the narwhal.
(0:58:31) Kelly: And then the hydrothermic.
(0:58:32) Al: Yes. Is that what it’s called?
(0:58:35) Kelly: It’s something like that.
(0:58:36) Kelly: It’s like hydrothermal.
(0:58:37) Al: There’s like one boss fight there.
(0:58:42) Kelly: Two, technically, if you count the very last room,
(0:58:44) Kelly: ‘cause I think on the animal cards,
(0:58:46) Kelly: like the marinica cards, they all count.
(0:58:49) Al: It has been a while.
(0:58:53) Kelly: Oh, actually there’s three, I think, in that one area.
(0:58:55) Kelly: There’s healing.
(0:58:58) Kelly: The other one is called the Sawjaw.
(0:59:00) Kelly: So that one I thought was really… I know I’m all over the place, but that one was really interesting because that shark has been such a point of contention among scientists for so many decades because they couldn’t figure out what was going on with its jaw based on the fossil records.
(0:59:20) Kelly: So if you actually look up the history of different drawings that scientists have done throughout the years,
(0:59:28) Kelly: I wanted to try to decide how they think this shark worked.
(0:59:30) Kelly: It’s a crazy mix of different things, and I think it was actually only recently that they decided that was the correct way that the shark worked.
(0:59:38) Kelly: Like the way that its jaw actually worked together.
(0:59:42) Kelly: So that was really cool to see.
(0:59:44) Kelly: I think that’s… but that goes back to my main point.
(0:59:46) Kelly: I really love underwater stuff.
(0:59:48) Kelly: So not only is it really cool to see all these underwater creatures, but then for them to bring in the prehistoric creatures too is really fun.
(0:59:56) Al: I think, yeah, so some of them I liked and some of them I hated. But yeah, they’re very…
(0:59:58) Kelly: The boss fights are my least favorite part of the game.
(1:00:06) Kelly: Yes.
(1:00:08) Kelly: They’re all over the place.
(1:00:09) Al: I mean, I think they… I think I’m really glad that they let you restart without having
(1:00:14) Kelly: Oh my god.
(1:00:16) Al: to start the dive again. That was the best decision they made.
(1:00:20) Kelly: Yes, because there are so many moments where I would question if I should actually start a boss fight because I’d be like, “Well, I collected all this stuff.”
(1:00:28) Kelly: And then I’d be like, “Oh wait, I’m not gonna lose all my stuff if I do this.”
(1:00:30) Al: Yeah, like if I if if I had gone against the boss fight and I’d lost and I had to I was
(1:00:37) Al: back on the boat, I would have quit the game.
(1:00:38) Kelly: Absolutely.
(1:00:40) Kelly: Absolutely.
(1:00:42) Kelly: Because I did not die very often in this game, like just diving.
(1:00:42) Al: Um.
(1:00:48) Kelly: And even then, that sucks.
(1:00:48) Kelly: I hated that.
(1:00:50) Kelly: But you know what it is what it is.
(1:00:50) Kelly: But if you died in a boss fight and lost everything, especially a boss fight where you come all the way from the very top,
(1:00:58) Kelly: you die from the boat to get all the way to like the hydrothermic area.
(1:01:02) Al: yet or one of the nighttime ones and it’s like you have to wait again for another stormy
(1:01:04) Kelly: Oh god, yeah.
(1:01:08) Kelly: Stormy night.
(1:01:09) Al: because one of them you have to wait for a stormy night and then oh just no no I would
(1:01:10) Kelly: Ah, yeah.
(1:01:13) Al: have been like not this game i’m not so yeah that was a good decision
(1:01:16) Kelly: Yeah, that’s actually why I didn’t get as many.
(1:01:20) Kelly: I think I only did like one dredge day because you have to like wait for the fog.
(1:01:24) Al: Yeah, I’ve only done one as well so far. I keep having people saying to me,
(1:01:28) Kelly: Also the dredge one scares me and that’s why I haven’t played dredge itself.
(1:01:32) Kelly: [LAUGH] It’s creepy.
(1:01:36) Al: “It’s not that scary. It’s only scary if you go out at night.” And I’m like,
(1:01:39) Al: “But isn’t that the whole point of the game?”
(1:01:41) Kelly: Listen, the night time in this game scares me already.
(1:01:45) Kelly: I’ve watched people play Dredge because I want to play Dredge, but I know I’m a baby
(1:01:50) Kelly: and I’m too afraid to play it.
(1:01:52) Kelly: My heart rate goes up when I fight like a stupid little fish, not even a shark sometimes.
(1:01:59) Al: all the swarms of fish that attack you oh
(1:02:02) Kelly: Not even the swarms, sometimes it’ll just be like a stupid little, like not even a barracuda,
(1:02:07) Kelly: Those little what are the little red ones that attack you sometimes because they’re a little
(1:02:09) Al: Oh yeah, they’re annoying.
(1:02:11) Kelly: Jerks, sometimes just from being chased by one of those guys my heart rate will go up.
(1:02:17) Kelly: So it’s like, I don’t need dredge scaring me.
(1:02:21) Kelly: [LAUGH] I think I died when I tried the dredge one too.
(1:02:24) Kelly: [LAUGH] And then I was like, that’s it, I tried.
(1:02:28) Al: All right, okay, cool. Let’s talk about the story then. So I think we’ve done a little
(1:02:35) Al: bit in previous episodes, we talk about the setup. Let’s laugh at it again. It’s very
(1:02:40) Al: silly. It’s very, very silly.
(1:02:41) Kelly: it’s a silly game. It really is. Like the whole premise of the game is silly. I think that kind
(1:02:47) Kelly: of poking fun at itself and and all of that stuff makes part of the game too.
(1:02:52) Al: It’s almost like they had the idea or the conceit of how the setup is or the game is
(1:02:58) Al: going to be, and they’re like, “How do we get to this point? You know what? It doesn’t
(1:03:02) Al: matter. It’s going to be a silly description, no matter what. Let’s just make it silly.”
(1:03:05) Al: Right? Oh, you’ve been, you’ve been, you’re basically guilted into doing it. There you
(1:03:06) Kelly: yeah yep
(1:03:09) Al: go, done. But the weird thing about it is you don’t own the sushi bar, but you basically
(1:03:15) Al: get all the profits.
(1:03:17) Kelly: you know it’s funny because I actually forgot that point until I came back to replay uh to
(1:03:22) Kelly: finish playing and um that actually shocked me because I was like oh right I get all the
(1:03:28) Kelly: money but I don’t own this place talk about ideal though like I guess you are risking your
(1:03:30) Al: yeah. It’s very weird. Well, that’s the thing. Money-wise, yeah, that’s true. I think it does,
(1:03:36) Kelly: life but you don’t have to deal with the earthquakes and stuff
(1:03:43) Al: however, make the game more fun, because if you put the effort in to the sushi bar,
(1:03:50) Kelly: Dude, I make- it’s like absurd. Like, I don’t even think I have to catch fish anymore and I still make so much money.
(1:03:58) Al: because you’re farming all those fish. Get some sharks in the farm and there you go you’re
(1:03:59) Kelly: Oh yeah that too.
(1:04:02) Al: sorted. Can I just say, can I just say, that, that, can I, well let me, let me say one positive
(1:04:03) Kelly: Yeah, I have, uh, that- okay so, we don’t have to talk about the fish tanks right now, but there is some issues I have with the fish tanks.
(1:04:12) Al: thing about those. The fact that they have a button that is sell everything except two
(1:04:17) Al: of each kind of fish is an incredible thing. I love that button. It’s so, do you know what
(1:04:20) Kelly: W-what?
(1:04:22) Al: you can do? So if you’re in, if you’re in one of the fish tanks, you’re looking at it,
(1:04:25) Al: There’s a button that is selfish.
(1:04:28) Kelly: all but two. Do they have that to like send to the kitchen?
(1:04:28) Al: I don’t know if this was like an update or something because obviously… I really hope it wasn’t. I really hope it wasn’t. Yeah they do have all the patch notes. So…
(1:04:33) Kelly: So I’ve been sitting here manually sending because that’s my complaint. That’s my complaint
(1:04:40) Kelly: is how long it takes. Because that that was not there at first that I am
(1:04:48) Kelly: almost 100% certain I’m gonna find out later on.
(1:04:56) Kelly: I’m gonna look into this later on.
(1:04:58) Kelly: And then, I’ll be mad or not.
(1:04:58) Al: But that is a fantastic feature, like if it wasn’t there at the beginning, then that’s
(1:05:01) Kelly: Oh, the fish tanks are so good!
(1:05:06) Al: really annoying. But the fact that they’ve taken that and added that as a feature, it’s
(1:05:10) Al: a fantastic, like I, because that’s what you want to do with these, in almost no other case,
(1:05:18) Al: do you want to do anything other than get rid of everything except two of them, right?
(1:05:22) Kelly: Literally
(1:05:23) Al: Because you want to keep two for breeding more, but you want to send, either sell all
(1:05:28) Al: of that to the kitchen.
(1:05:28) Kelly: Yep, it’s so funny actually because every time I go check out the fish tanks and I go to like the hydrothermic area
(1:05:35) Kelly: I see the donkey and I’m like, oh I should probably kill another one for you. But I don’t want to fight another one. I
(1:05:43) Kelly: Hate fighting that
(1:05:44) Al: Yeah.
(1:05:47) Kelly: But no the fish tanks are actually amazing and now that I know that there’s automation I retract any issues
(1:05:52) Kelly: that I
(1:05:53) Al: I love how I was like “just before you get to your complaints, let me say this great thing about it” and you’re like “oh, that’s all I wanted!”
(1:06:01) Kelly: Listen could I be an idiot and I never noticed it very possible. Could it also be a patch also possible?
(1:06:07) Kelly: We’re gonna find out later
(1:06:08) Al: If Kelly ever tells me, I will mention it on the podcast.
(1:06:10) Kelly: Not right now
(1:06:14) Kelly: But yeah, so I retract that statement the fish tanks are amazing then
(1:06:16) Al: Yeah, right, OK, right. Back to story. We keep getting distracted. So yeah, silly conceit
(1:06:25) Al: as to why this is happening, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. That’s fun. There’s
(1:06:32) Al: very little story until you come across to see people, right? So there’s lots of little
(1:06:37) Al: things.
(1:06:38) Al: Keep having people coming to you and be like, “Oh, I need to do this thing,” blah, blah,
(1:06:41) Kelly: I feel like more of the story, up until that point, is about the sushi chef Boncho.
(1:06:50) Kelly: I feel like you’re unearthing more information about him,
(1:06:52) Kelly: or more information about side characters that come in.
(1:06:56) Al: There’s a lot of people that come and give you a very small, random story and ask you
(1:07:01) Al: to do something because of that. Like the person who’s like, “Oh, I’ve, I can’t even
(1:07:02) Kelly: Yes. Oh god what was that?
(1:07:04) Al: remember what, she’s lost something and a shark has it.” And it’s like, we need to
(1:07:09) Al: go kill the shark.
(1:07:11) Kelly: These people come in with the most outrageous requests and like say them in such a banal
(1:07:18) Kelly: manner. I just expect you to do them which I think leads back to the silliness of the game.
(1:07:24) Al: Yeah.
(1:07:25) Al: Definitely.
(1:07:25) Kelly: It’s just like it’s there’s this absurdity to it that everybody believes this is so normal and
(1:07:26) Al: Um, I think we have a question.
(1:07:30) Kelly: and you’re just like, yeah.
(1:07:32) Kelly: Okay, I’ll go fight a kaiju for you.
(1:07:34) Al: So then you find the remains of this “see people” society, which, shock horror, still
(1:07:42) Al: exists.
(1:07:45) Al: We surprised?
(1:07:46) Al: Were we expecting that?
(1:07:47) Al: I don’t know.
(1:07:50) Al: And what I find really funny is, obviously, you have the classic, like, “they’re biased
(1:07:56) Al: against you because you’re a land person, blah, blah, blah, so you have to earn their
(1:07:58) Al: trust,” and et cetera, et cetera.
(1:08:01) Al: But also, the way they talk makes it sound like they forgot.
(1:08:04) Al: Forgot that we existed?
(1:08:06) Kelly: Oh, like people.
(1:08:08) Al: Yeah, they were just like, “Oh yeah, land people exist. I forgot about that.”
(1:08:12) Kelly: I mean, yes, I agree. I think it kind of makes sense though because it’s like they’ve also been
(1:08:17) Kelly: so removed from land people that we just become like a myth in their eyes kind of thing. Um,
(1:08:27) Kelly: what was I gonna say? But it has an- I think the Sea People really is another mechanic though,
(1:08:33) Kelly: honestly not just in like the storytelling but like that
(1:08:36) Kelly: continues to make the game fun
(1:08:38) Al: I think what it’s very clever because it allows you to have the quick travel, which mechanically
(1:08:49) Al: is very useful because obviously you don’t have to dive all the way down every single
(1:08:55) Al: time. But lore-wise, you kind of believe it. If it weren’t for that, you wouldn’t really
(1:09:02) Al: have any way, like it has to be magic, right? You can’t have quick travel.
(1:09:06) Kelly: oh absolutely, yeah.
(1:09:09) Al: You don’t have to dive all the way down to the bottom of the sea without it being magic.
(1:09:12) Kelly: I mean you got quick travel, you got this whole area where you can
(1:09:15) Kelly: ride your cute little pink albino dolphin beluga whale guy, whatever he is.
(1:09:21) Kelly: um I think it’s like it’s there’s no way it’s not magic right? because at that point
(1:09:26) Kelly: too much has happened where you’re just like this can’t be, this isn’t logically possible.
(1:09:33) Al: Yeah.
(1:09:34) Kelly: This doesn’t make sense.
(1:09:36) Kelly: I think storytelling wise it keeps the game really interesting because it opens up a whole bunch of new pathways, like getting to see people.
(1:09:44) Kelly: Like you wanna find them.
(1:09:46) Kelly: You know, it gives you a drive in like the later end of the game.
(1:09:50) Kelly: And then you have all their cute little side quests, which I think continue on their stories.
(1:09:54) Al: Yeah, so this is mostly a game of little stories, right? Because there is an overarching story,
(1:09:58) Kelly: Yeah.
(1:09:59) Al: which is to see people exist, go find them, and then through that you find out what’s
(1:10:03) Kelly: Save them.
(1:10:05) Al: making all the - well, it’s not just them, it’s us as well, right? Because you find out
(1:10:09) Al: what’s causing the earthquakes and you stop it. That’s it. But it’s not a particularly
(1:10:12) Al: complex story. And the fun story really is in the small bits about the characters and
(1:10:18) Al: learning about the society and that sort of thing.
(1:10:22) Kelly: yeah and I think that’s what I think that allows the game to kind of beat that issue with repetitive
(1:10:29) Kelly: gameplay again too because like you’re not like oh I finished the big story like i’m done
(1:10:35) Kelly: which like a lot of games have other little things going on once you finish the main story
(1:10:40) Kelly: but I think because the main story was so minor in a sense to the overall gameplay and like how
(1:10:49) Kelly: you interact with the story itself that like once it ends
(1:10:52) Kelly: you’re not like “uh the game’s over” like you’re just like “oh okay that part’s finished cool”
(1:10:58) Kelly: like I saved everybody whoo but yeah I think I think it’s it’s very simple in story terms but
(1:11:04) Kelly: like and you know it’s not it’s it’s clearly adhering to very simple tropes about you know
(1:11:11) Kelly: finding a hidden society so I don’t think there’s anything like new and bold in that sense but i
(1:11:17) Kelly: think it’s still fun I did like the um there was one part where we’re off forgetting one part of
(1:11:22) Kelly: eco-terrorists that guy with his bombs
(1:11:27) Al: Oh yeah, he was, he was quite funny, right, because he’s obviously like, he makes no sense.
(1:11:31) Kelly: yes
(1:11:34) Kelly: he’s again he’s so absurd like none of this makes any sense and I think that just it all plays into
(1:11:42) Kelly: each other very well um did you have anything else you want to add before we talk about do you want
(1:11:42) Al: Yeah.
(1:11:47) Kelly: Do you want to talk about the end of the–
(1:11:49) Al: Yeah, I don’t think I have any specifics about those people, but yeah, they’re fun, they’re
(1:11:58) Al: silly, and I think it’s quite fun how they kind of intermingle them throughout the story
(1:12:03) Al: as well.
(1:12:05) Al: You’re not like running through one person’s story and then running through another one’s,
(1:12:09) Al: going down and it’s like, oh, here’s the eco-terrorist, or here’s some
(1:12:12) Al: thing to do to see people, or here’s whatever. And especially I found it quite fun because
(1:12:17) Al: obviously I was playing through it with the DLCs existing, like those were then intermingled
(1:12:20) Kelly: Hmm
(1:12:22) Al: as well. So it was like just one day suddenly Godzilla shows up.
(1:12:26) Kelly: Yeah, that’s true because then you really don’t even have to worry about like falling into the what do I do today kind of
(1:12:32) Al: Yeah, it’s Godzilla day. That’s what you did.
(1:12:35) Kelly: Yeah, oh, it’s Godzilla day. Oh, it’s gotta go down and at night day. Oh, it’s gotta go rescue
(1:12:41) Kelly: Oh, I really liked the the silly little idiot
(1:12:46) Kelly: Turtle man see people guy him and his turtle
(1:12:50) Kelly: he’s got like you know the stereotypical like stoner idiot vibes going on
(1:12:57) Al: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I remember. I remember. Yeah, yeah. I also I really liked the stuff around the
(1:13:04) Al: What is essentially the casino?
(1:13:06) Kelly: yes finding her a little um octopus whatever squid whatever he is
(1:13:11) Al: Yeah, yeah, and then I felt like I needed to do all the casino stuff
(1:13:17) Kelly: uh yeah of course and also I just like gambling how else do I start getting
(1:13:25) Kelly: money I mean you gotta start somewhere
(1:13:27) Al: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
(1:13:29) Kelly: but no yeah I love a good casino in a game I’m not gonna lie
(1:13:35) Al: I probably should have done the spoiler warning before now, but I guess if we’re going to talk about the end, this is your spoiler warning.
(1:13:41) Al: If you haven’t played Dave the Diver yet, and you don’t want to be spoiled, go away.
(1:13:45) Kelly: so in my most typical fashion because this is how I either 110% a game
(1:13:46) Al: Come back once you’ve played it.
(1:13:55) Al: That’s literally one boss battle from the end.
(1:13:56) Kelly: or I quit a game right before the very end and so I quit dave right before the very end
(1:14:04) Kelly: I literally I had opened the control room I had done everything but go inside
(1:14:11) Kelly: I know, I know, because I did it last night.
(1:14:20) Kelly: But, no, I’ve been playing, you know, for the last few weeks, but like, I was just like,
(1:14:24) Kelly: I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna keep leaving that till the very end.
(1:14:28) Al: guess you’re fresh on it then, because it’s been a while since I’ve done it. But yeah,
(1:14:33) Al: it’s not even like there’s like, yeah, it’s literally just if you’ve done the control panel,
(1:14:39) Al: you literally have one boss back.
(1:14:42) Kelly: and I think I mean it’s been a while since I did the control panel area but was that a big puzzle
(1:14:49) Al: It was a big puzzle, I’m not sure it was hard, but it was like a bunch of different rooms to
(1:14:56) Al: unlock to get that done. None of it was difficult, like complicated, if that makes sense, but…
(1:15:00) Kelly: Mm, okay.
(1:15:03) Kelly: Which I mean, I also think a lot of, oh yes,
(1:15:06) Kelly: this was the one where you had to like,
(1:15:07) Kelly: change the water levels, right?
(1:15:09) Kelly: And like go in and out of, was that that one?
(1:15:11) Al: I think so? Yeah, because you were working with one of the sea people and you were on land and
(1:15:15) Kelly: Yes, which I will say, yes, yes, yes, yes.
(1:15:16) Al: they were in the sea for some of it. They were… they were fine, yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. The
(1:15:20) Kelly: I will say I do like the puzzles in the game a lot.
(1:15:22) Kelly: None of them are insanely intricate.
(1:15:26) Kelly: You know, they’re not over the top.
(1:15:27) Kelly: I think they were just the right level of puzzle,
(1:15:31) Kelly: oh, I’ll take this over a boss battle.
(1:15:35) Al: interesting… so let’s… I mean, let’s talk about that boss battle, right? Because it’s…
(1:15:39) Al: It wasn’t the most difficult boss battle and
(1:15:41) Al: and this is quite a common thing in games where you don’t your your the peak of difficulties
(1:15:48) Al: actually before the end because you want like this is a big thing in game design you want people to
(1:15:53) Al: feel like they are more powerful now than they were the last time and so you make it less difficult
(1:15:56) Kelly: Mmm.
(1:15:58) Al: the absolute last one because otherwise it doesn’t feel as satisfying.
(1:16:02) Kelly: Which is funny because I actually felt like it maybe wasn’t as satisfying because it wasn’t as hard.
(1:16:08) Al: Yeah, I mean, you’re never gonna make everybody happy, which is fine, but yeah.
(1:16:10) Kelly: No, of course not, but another part of me was so happy that it wasn’t hard.
(1:16:16) Kelly: You know what I mean?
(1:16:18) Kelly: Because I was just like, “Oh, I get to be done.”
(1:16:20) Kelly: And I thought it was a fun little fight, like it wasn’t anything crazy.
(1:16:24) Kelly: I thought it was actually very simple and pretty
(1:16:26) Kelly: straightforward and I enjoyed that because that meant I got to finish the
(1:16:31) Kelly: game because also part of the putting it off is like I put it I put games off
(1:16:35) Kelly: for two reasons. I do this with books, I do this with TV shows, I do this with
(1:16:39) Kelly: movies, I don’t want things to end and so I feel that if I do not finish the
(1:16:44) Kelly: very last thing it has not fully ended.
(1:16:46) Al: interesting because I’m the opposite. I will hyper focus on something until either I’m finished
(1:16:56) Al: or my brain decides I’m done. The problem is that I don’t get much warning of my brain deciding I’m
(1:17:00) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(1:17:05) Al: done. So there is some warning of it. So when I was doing last year when I was playing Tears
(1:17:05) Kelly: No, which I totally, I totally get that too.
(1:17:08) Kelly: Which I think does play into this.
(1:17:15) Al: years of the kingdom.
(1:17:16) Al: I had done all of the shrines and all of the, what they called, I can’t, no, not the
(1:17:24) Kelly: Corrects. I have no.
(1:17:25) Al: court of north.
(1:17:26) Al: No, definitely not.
(1:17:27) Al: I can’t remember what they’re called, like the equivalent of the divine beasts, but I
(1:17:31) Al: can’t remember what they’re called in this one.
(1:17:33) Al: Anyway, it doesn’t matter.
(1:17:35) Al: Anyway, I’d done all of them, but I hadn’t done the final battle, and I just kind of
(1:17:38) Al: finished up the last shrines, and I was doing a couple of things, and I was like, “I think
(1:17:42) Al: I’m nearly there.”
(1:17:43) Al: So I was like, I think I need to go and do the final battle.
(1:17:46) Al: So I went and did the final battle, and then my brain went, “Good, you’re done.”
(1:17:52) Al: Thankfully, I had the warning and I went and did it, but yeah.
(1:17:56) Al: the with
(1:17:58) Kelly: See I definitely get that warning, but I ignore it because I lie to myself and I say well if I don’t finish it even if
(1:18:06) Kelly: I’m
(1:18:07) Kelly: Done with it now. I’ll go back to it, and that is a lie
(1:18:10) Al: Yeah. I mean, that’s me with Hollow Knight. I was like, “I will go back,” and I tried so many times
(1:18:13) Kelly: That’s fair, that’s fair
(1:18:16) Al: to go back to it, and I never did. Never managed. Part of the problem is that I stopped with Hollow
(1:18:23) Al: Knight. I stopped before, like, at a battle, and it’s a very difficult one, and every time I put
(1:18:26) Kelly: Mmm.
(1:18:28) Kelly: Mmm.
(1:18:29) Al: up the game, I go and do it and went, “I just can’t be bothered.” Because you’re not in the swing of
(1:18:34) Al: things, you’re not as good as you were when you finished. Could I have beaten that one if I had
(1:18:34) Kelly: Yeah.
(1:18:37) Al: had done it the day I stopped playing the game.
(1:18:41) Al: Maybe, but I can’t do it right now.
(1:18:44) Kelly: Yep, which I think also that even goes back to the Dave thing, because I quit right before
(1:18:49) Kelly: what I thought would be the hardest battle in the game.
(1:18:52) Al: Yeah.
(1:18:52) Kelly: And I was like, oh, I don’t want to do this.
(1:18:55) Kelly: I’m gonna do all the silly little side quests I can instead.
(1:18:58) Kelly: And even leading up to this for the podcast, which I’m so grateful I got me to play Dave
(1:19:02) Kelly: again because I think Dave is so fun.
(1:19:04) Kelly: And I’m like playing again and I’m like, wow, I stayed up till three in the morning
(1:19:07) Kelly: playing this game again.
(1:19:09) Kelly: Just like, you know, catching up on the little things I didn’t do and like getting through
(1:19:12) Kelly: the side quests and doing the DLC.
(1:19:14) Kelly: So I did that, and even the first time I played recently, I was like “I haven’t
(1:19:20) Kelly: played in a year, I don’t remember how to do anything, I gotta like get my skills
(1:19:25) Kelly: back up so I can beat this final boss.” And then it wasn’t even that hard! Is that
(1:19:33) Kelly: a metaphor for something? Probably.
(1:19:36) Kelly: But I thought it was a fun little boss battle. I think story-wise it made sense.
(1:19:43) Al: Yeah, yeah, I agree.
(1:19:45) Kelly: And it was kind of nice seeing, you know, your little weeb weapons designer guy come
(1:19:53) Kelly: through, and the other guy, and then the C people. Having everybody kind of
(1:20:00) Kelly: come together to help you. I thought that was like a very cute… yeah… yeah.
(1:20:01) Al: it was a fun culmination of all the storylines coming together. Yeah, I agree. It’s fun. I mean,
(1:20:07) Al: there’s nothing particularly like amazing about any of the story, but it’s nice and it all fits
(1:20:10) Kelly: Mm-hmm
(1:20:13) Al: together quite well. And it’s just, it’s fun. Yeah, agreed. Agreed.
(1:20:16) Kelly: Yeah, sometimes you don’t need to be groundbreaking to be fun, you know
(1:20:21) Kelly: We have classics for a reason and I thought the the ending scene was really cute
(1:20:27) Kelly: Like going back to the sushi place
(1:20:27) Al: Oh, the… Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was quite fun to…
(1:20:31) Al: Yeah, to go back to there and you had… It made me tear up a little bit. It was just a little…
(1:20:37) Kelly: Oh, it was.
(1:20:37) Al: It was nice. Like, I wasn’t like bawling, but yeah, it was just a little bit…
(1:20:42) Kelly: Yeah, that and and the end credits was a fun little game. I thought that was cute. Maybe we’ll get a Dave in space.
(1:20:52) Al: Yeah, you can’t really swim in this.
(1:20:53) Kelly: I doubt it, but that would be cool.
(1:20:59) Kelly: No, oh
(1:21:01) Kelly: I am gonna just one tangent because I thought of mini games made me remember.
(1:21:06) Al: Just one tangent. I think we’ve… I think this is tangent number five.
(1:21:07) Kelly: Just one.
(1:21:09) Kelly: The Tamagotchi. The Tamagotchi. I love the Tamagotchi.
(1:21:11) Al: Oh, I didn’t… I didn’t like it. And I don’t know whether it’s because, like…
(1:21:14) Kelly: Oh.
(1:21:18) Al: I don’t know whether there was a bug when I was playing it. I just felt like nothing I ever did
(1:21:22) Al: was right. Ah.
(1:21:24) Kelly: Mmm. I will say that there is that one game where like the fin goes back and forth.
(1:21:30) Kelly: I could not figure out how to play that game and the fish was getting so mad at me.
(1:21:34) Kelly: And I think it realized that I can’t play the game because it has not shown me the game since.
(1:21:40) Kelly: I failed it like three times and now it only shows me like the hide the pearl game.
(1:21:45) Al: Love it. Fantastic. Yeah.
(1:21:46) Kelly: And I like play the games all the time with it. So I think it just realized that I cannot do that game.
(1:21:52) Al: It’s just… it’s such a random thing to have in the game.
(1:21:54) Kelly: It is.
(1:21:56) Al: Like, here’s a Tamagotchi on your phone. OK? Why? Like, it just…
(1:21:58) Kelly: But I think it makes sense in like the randomness of it if that makes sense.
(1:22:05) Al: It was like somebody had-
(1:22:06) Al: They had a week where nobody gave them any work to do, so they added this in.
(1:22:10) Kelly: Yeah. Yeah. But if you think about it, it’s like, what are the other games we got?
(1:22:16) Kelly: The dance rhythm game, right? Or no, the jumping game.
(1:22:20) Al: Yes. There was a rhythm game. I really should have played the game again in the run-up to
(1:22:24) Kelly: There was a rhythm game, right? Okay. I think I skipped the rhythm game.
(1:22:26) Kelly: But so it’s like…
(1:22:33) Al: this episode, because it’s been like two months now since I’ve played it. That’s the problem
(1:22:38) Kelly: Oh wow, you’ve had a lot of DLCs to talk about.
(1:22:39) Al: with… Yeah, well, I mean all those episodes we recorded before I went away, you see, and
(1:22:50) Al: two weeks since I came back. So it’s like six weeks since I went away, and all of them
(1:22:57) Al: were recorded a couple of weeks beforehand. So it’s like two months since I recorded those episodes.
(1:23:02) Kelly: That makes sense, but so my point with the Tamagotchi is I think it does make sense because Tamagotchis do a lot of collaborations and
(1:23:08) Al: Yes. Yeah, that’s true. Yeah. Yeah, I’m sitting next to my Pac-Man Tamagotchi and my… What’s
(1:23:09) Kelly: So in like that sense it fits in
(1:23:11) Kelly: You
(1:23:18) Al: his name? Oh, what’s his name? The egg. Gudetama. Yeah, my Gudetama Tamagotchi as well. So yeah,
(1:23:24) Kelly: Oh, Gudetama?
(1:23:29) Al: they do quite a few collaborations. But it’s also not Tamagotchi.
(1:23:32) Kelly: So I think in that aspect it makes sense. Like I was like, oh, okay, this kind of fits.
(1:23:38) Al: Like, I feel like I would have understood it more if it was actually a collaboration,
(1:23:43) Al: and it was a Tamagotchi, but it’s not. But. Yes. Yeah, well, when will they ever end?
(1:23:44) Kelly: Yeah, that’s true. I don’t know man. They just keep adding content to the game
(1:23:49) Kelly: time.
(1:23:53) Al: I also, I think it’s interesting. So this, the developer, like, this is kind of a very different
(1:23:58) Al: game for the developer. I think they’ve mostly done like, you know, kind of like big budget,
(1:24:04) Al: 3D first-person type games.
(1:24:06) Kelly: mm-hmm which is very interesting cuz you know there was that whole is Dave an
(1:24:08) Al: What’s your favorite game?
(1:24:12) Kelly: indie game kind of thing which is so funny because it’s like this the it does
(1:24:14) Al: Yeah, because it feels like an indie game.
(1:24:17) Kelly: but it’s like okay you can feel like an indie game and not be an indie game like
(1:24:22) Al: Y-yeah.
(1:24:22) Kelly: it takes so it’s like there was a whole thing on this and like I don’t want to
(1:24:26) Kelly: get into it here you know that that was old news I think we’ve moved past it but
(1:24:30) Al: Yeah. Yeah, I think I think we’ve all gone we’ve all gone
(1:24:32) Kelly: it is very funny because it did it tricked me for a while I thought it was
(1:24:35) Kelly: an e-game.
(1:24:36) Kelly: And then I actually looked into it.
(1:24:38) Al: through that point and we’ve oh, okay, no, all right.
(1:24:41) Kelly: But I mean like good for them still because clearly they’re not just dropping it and I feel like that
(1:24:47) Kelly: That is what actually makes me think it’s more of an indie game than anything else because I feel like so many indie games
(1:24:54) Kelly: Continue to put out content to try to make sure that their game stays relevant
(1:24:58) Al: I think it’s I think I think this is the thing is they’re running it like an in-game indie game would
(1:25:03) Al: be run and I think maybe they’ve realized that that can be successful and so it’s not
(1:25:03) Kelly: Yeah, that’s that’s my point yeah
(1:25:06) Kelly: , yes
(1:25:10) Al: it’s not like this is exclusive to indie games but it’s typically indie games that run games
(1:25:16) Al: like this but because now they’ve realized that that can be successful and clearly it was they
(1:25:16) Kelly: Yes
(1:25:18) Kelly: Mmhmm.
(1:25:20) Al: made a lot of money from Dave the Diver right and you know they’ve won awards for the day of the
(1:25:24) Al: diver like it’s been very successful, hopefully we get more like that.
(1:25:28) Al: And I think it’s also proven that big companies can still make fun 2D games, which it felt like
(1:25:28) Kelly: Yeah, because also
(1:25:34) Kelly: Yes
(1:25:37) Al: for a long time, like every big games company was doing big, massive, like we talked about with,
(1:25:42) Al: you know, the GTA stuff, like every game needs to be bigger and more, higher quality graphics and
(1:25:44) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(1:25:47) Kelly: Mm-hmm.
(1:25:49) Al: just more and more and more. And hopefully this is them realizing, oh no, we can do small as well.
(1:25:55) Al: It doesn’t mean that everything needs to be like this, but you can do
(1:25:55) Kelly: No. Yeah, and I think this is also really interesting in that we’ve seen so many big
(1:26:04) Kelly: games come out not finished, and you’re getting those massive games that aren’t even finished
(1:26:10) Kelly: at release, and then you’re getting games like Dave.
(1:26:12) Al: That’s a good point because although this has had many updates, and some of the updates
(1:26:18) Al: have been obviously quality of life improvements, but I don’t get from people that this felt
(1:26:24) Al: like it was an incomplete
(1:26:26) Kelly: No, I think that they’re just adding things to continue to
(1:26:30) Kelly: Make it more fun for the gamer not to improve or patch the game
(1:26:35) Kelly: And obviously there’s some patches like things happen
(1:26:36) Al: Which is what… Yeah, but that’s what a lot of games companies still don’t get. And particularly,
(1:26:44) Al: I think, indie games are really bad at that as well. And I think the thing is, you see, like,
(1:26:51) Al: you know, Stardew are an example of a game that doesn’t do that. Stardew never felt incomplete,
(1:26:56) Al: and everything they’ve added just made it more fun and added more stuff to it. But a lot of games,
(1:27:00) Kelly: - Exactly.
(1:27:01) Kelly: - Mm.
(1:27:02) Al: like you know this is my complaint about coral island, coral island released in
(1:27:02) Kelly: Mm.
(1:27:03) Kelly: Mmm.
(1:27:06) Al: complete, very much felt incomplete. It wasn’t buggy or anything, it just felt like here’s
(1:27:11) Al: our 1.0 but it’s missing story. Exactly, exactly. And I think companies need to realize there’s
(1:27:13) Kelly: Yeah, like we just wanted to get this out but we didn’t fully flush out everything.
(1:27:20) Al: a difference there. And obviously there’s the, you know, the big company games are more
(1:27:26) Al: buggy when they’re released. I think indie games tend to be less buggy, but they do tend
(1:27:32) Al: to be more incomplete in terms of features and stuff like that and I think part
(1:27:36) Al: of the problem is the is the early access culture and I’m not saying the early access
(1:27:42) Al: is a bad thing but I think it’s important to know that if you have the early access
(1:27:46) Al: tag that’s fine but when you get out of that you need to change your thought process because
(1:27:52) Kelly: Yes Because yeah, because if I’m getting the same
(1:27:52) Al: people are seeing it as this is now a complete game and you need to bear that in mind.
(1:27:58) Kelly: game that you essentially put out in Early Access as the 1.0, like something’s wrong.
(1:28:04) Al: Yeah, exactly.
(1:28:06) Kelly: What were you doing that whole time? Like, which is also a big reason why I’ve stopped
(1:28:09) Kelly: playing Early Access games. Um, but yeah, no, it’s an industry-wide issue for sure,
(1:28:16) Kelly: so I think when games like Dave come out and they’re so complete on release,
(1:28:22) Kelly: and also continue to work with fans and like put out new stuff, it’s refreshing. It really is.
(1:28:28) Al: I mean, Hollow Knight’s another example of that, right? And I presume we’re going to
(1:28:30) Kelly: Yes. Not to be biased. Yeah.
(1:28:31) Al: see the same thing with Silksong. No, no, it is, though. They added stuff, but it was
(1:28:36) Al: still additions rather than completing the game. And I think we’re probably going to
(1:28:40) Al: see that with Silksong, where it’s taking a long time, but that’s because they want
(1:28:41) Kelly: I would imagine so, yeah.
(1:28:46) Kelly: And I think that’s what it comes down to at the end of the day,
(1:28:50) Kelly: is you can feel the love.
(1:28:52) Kelly: Thank you for having me.
(1:28:54) Kelly: Thank you for having me.
(1:28:56) Kelly: in that sense. Like it’s it’s not just “oh I’m making a game to make a game to
(1:29:01) Kelly: make some money” like it’s “I’m making a game because I wanted to make this game”
(1:29:04) Kelly: and it makes a big difference it really does it’s it’s can it can sound corny but
(1:29:12) Kelly: like it’s true.
(1:29:12) Al: All right, cool. Well, thank you for joining me to talk about Dave The Diver.
(1:29:15) Kelly: Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me it’s always fun. I love talking
(1:29:23) Kelly: I will forgive you for forgetting or not realizing that I was the first person to
(1:29:28) Al: Listeners, listeners don’t know about that.
(1:29:28) Kelly: play the game in Slack.
(1:29:30) Al: I haven’t mentioned the fact that this was never meant to be an episode.
(1:29:38) Al: Where can people find you on the internet?
(1:29:39) Kelly: If you type in Rallum you I’ll come up somewhere I’m sure it’s R-A-L-L-A-M-I-E-U
(1:29:48) Al: You can find me on and on Twitter at thescotbot.
(1:29:53) Al: You can find the podcast on Tumblr and on Twitter at THSPod.
(1:29:57) Al: You can go to our website and send us feedback.
(1:30:01) Al: There’s a feedback form on our website,
(1:30:02) Al:, where we also have links to everything to do with the podcast,
(1:30:06) Al: including our Patreon,, where if you support the podcast,
(1:30:13) Al: you can get access to our Slack, where people talk about lots of lots of.
(1:30:18) Al: Things both game related and not.
(1:30:25) Al: I’ve been complaining about Harvest Moon Home Sweet Home on there.
(1:30:29) Al: You also get access to our backlog of bonus episodes.
(1:30:33) Al: There’ll be more coming out soon.
(1:30:35) Al: I think the most recent is still the Godzilla one that we did with Spencer,
(1:30:39) Al: which was a good episode, but it’s been busy.
(1:30:41) Al: So I haven’t done any news since then.
(1:30:43) Al: But there will be more coming in the next few months.
(1:30:46) Al: So, sign up and get them, and you also.
(1:30:48) Al: Just get like, what, three and a half years worth of those bonus episodes.
(1:30:52) Al: I think that’s everything.
(1:30:53) Al: So, thank you, Kelly, again for joining me.
(1:30:57) Al: Thank you, listeners, for listening.
(1:30:59) Al: And until next time, have a good harvest.
(1:31:02) Theme Tune: The Harvest Season is created by Al McKinlay, with support from our patrons, including our
(1:31:02) Kelly: Bye!
(1:31:13) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
(1:31:16) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
(1:31:21) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website,, for show notes and links to things we discussed
(1:31:27) Theme Tune: in this episode.
(1:31:36) Kelly: I can hear my cat immediately started crying outside the door.
(1:31:41) Kelly: No, I put her a litter box outside. She’s just, she knows when I have meetings
(1:31:42) Al: Okay, fair enough.
(1:31:47) Kelly: that I’m not using my hands so she can sit and be scratched.
(1:31:52) Kelly: So she’s conditioned to come cry to be let in for meetings.