Exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark

Al and Jonnie go through all the news while Al was on holiday.


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:02:10: What Have We Been Up To
00:16:13: Game Releases
00:34:54: Game Updates
01:09:23: Other News
01:15:30: New Games
01:26:09: Outro

Critter Crops
Song of the Prairie
Garden Witch Life
Reel Fishing: Days of Summer
Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid
Usagi Shima
Echoes of the Plum Grove

Coral Island “1.1” Update
Coral Island Humble Games Issue
Roots of Pacha “1.2” Update
Sun Haven “Teleportation” Update
Moonstone Island “Cooking” Update
Disney Dreamlight Valley Roadmap
Cult of the Lamb “Unholy Alliance” Update

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain Roadmap
Fields of Mistra Roadmap
Ova Magica Roadmap
Horticular Roadmap
Concerned Ape Promises not to charge for DLC
Overthrown Steam Page

Hearty Hank Plush
Sakuna Anime
Marvelous Restructuring

Pathless Woods
Hamster Garden
Ritual of Raven
Cat Cafe Manager 2: Big City Bliss


Al on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheScotBot
Al on Mastodon: https://mastodon.scot/@TheScotBot
Email Us: https://harvestseason.club/contact/


(0:00:31) Al: Hello farmers, and welcome to another episode of The Harvest Season. My name is Al,
(0:00:36) Jonnie: And my name is Johnny.
(0:00:38) Al: and we’re here today to talk about Cottagecore games.
(0:00:40) Jonnie: Woo!
(0:00:44) Al: What happened to diving, you might say. We’re not… not farmers, we’re divers. No, not this week,
(0:00:50) Al: you’re not, because… complicated reasons, but we’re not doing the last episode of the day of the
(0:00:56) Al: the day of the month today. We’re doing that probably in two weeks time. But who knows?
(0:01:01) Al: You’ll find out why. I’ll explain it in the next episode why this is all changed. But
(0:01:06) Al: yeah, I had all this organized and then something happened and now we’re changing things up.
(0:01:13) Al: So that will come. Don’t worry, your final episode. Maybe a break might be good. I don’t
(0:01:24) Al: know. I’ve still not heard from anyone whether they think it’s too much day of the diver
(0:01:27) Al: or not. But don’t worry, we’re not going to go back to that.
(0:01:31) Al: For most games, it was just a funny one-off thing. We’ll see what people think of it.
(0:01:38) Al: Yes, stuff to come. Watch this space. This episode, I’m back from my month away, so we
(0:01:45) Al: are going to talk about news. That’s it. There’s so much news. I didn’t count it the last moment,
(0:01:50) Jonnie: There’s so much news.
(0:01:52) Al: but there’s like over 20 pieces of news to talk about. It’s quite wild.
(0:01:54) Jonnie: Yeah.
(0:01:55) Jonnie: There’s a lot of news.
(0:01:58) Jonnie: This is what happens when you go away for a month, Al.
(0:02:01) Al: Oh, I know. But, you know, it’s fine. It’s good. What’s the worst that can happen? This
(0:02:09) Al: is what the worst that can happen. Before that, Johnny, what have you been up to?
(0:02:14) Jonnie: What have I been up to? I tried a cute little game called creatures of ever
(0:02:21) Jonnie: Which is available
(0:02:23) Jonnie: via game parts
(0:02:24) Al: I feel like I’ve heard of this.
(0:02:27) Jonnie: It’s uh, I I guess it’s kind of like a open world
(0:02:34) Jonnie: Creature tamer with a giant asterisk next to it
(0:02:41) Jonnie: a sort of an adventure-y style game.
(0:02:43) Jonnie: Um…
(0:02:44) Jonnie: And it’s kind of set out, it’s a game that’s set out into zones and I was playing through the first zone and I was having a really good time with it and I was like “this game’s like really cool”
(0:02:55) Jonnie: So the core concept is…
(0:02:57) Jonnie: I mean, there’s a problem that I have with the game and it’s part of the story that they’re telling.
(0:03:02) Jonnie: I guess Mars blows for the story, but the concept of the game is that you are there to save the planet that is dying by capturing all of their animals.
(0:03:14) Jonnie: And convincing the inhabitants of the planet to leave, which comes with a lot of…
(0:03:19) Al: Is that saving a planet or is that saving what’s on a planet?
(0:03:23) Jonnie: Well, it’s very much saving what’s on the planet.
(0:03:26) Jonnie: And it comes with very strong, I guess, colonial style overtones of “look at me, the outworlder that’s here to tell you the locals what is best”
(0:03:37) Jonnie: Which, you know, is… like, they are telling an appropriate story with it, but it doesn’t necessarily make it fun.
(0:03:44) Jonnie: To be playing the character with the colonial vibes for a bit.
(0:03:48) Jonnie: Anyway, that’s about the… they actually epic handle it in a way that’s likely fine.
(0:03:53) Jonnie: The taming mechanic is music, so you have a flute and different creatures will respond to different songs and you form a bond with them
(0:04:02) Jonnie: And you take them to the bot that zaps them up so you don’t permanently get any of them
(0:04:09) Jonnie: But when you’ve changed something, you can pair with it and use it to explore the world.
(0:04:14) Jonnie: And each of the creatures has different abilities, which I thought was a really cool concept.
(0:04:19) Jonnie: You tame something and then it can help you access a new area.
(0:04:24) Jonnie: And then I got to the second area, and all of the creatures looked slightly different, but they all had the same abilities.
(0:04:31) Jonnie: And the game started to feel very copy and paste at that point, kind of like they had…
(0:04:38) Jonnie: And there was only five different creatures in the first area, so it wasn’t like there was a massive…
(0:04:42) Jonnie: Yeah, it was like I’d explored 20
(0:04:44) Jonnie: different creatures and then they’d run out of ideas and I explored five and
(0:04:45) Al: Yeah, so I guess don’t go into it expecting lots of like, you know, if you go into it
(0:04:47) Jonnie: then it felt like they ran out of ideas which was a bit of a
(0:04:54) Al: because it’s a creature collector, you’re probably going to be disappointed, but…
(0:04:58) Jonnie: Yeah, a hundred percent
(0:05:00) Al: How’s the exploration and the movement and stuff like that?
(0:05:03) Jonnie: It’s fine, it’s neither good nor bad it kind of feels like going back to
(0:05:11) Jonnie: the sort of ps2 era of games like where
(0:05:15) Jonnie: Exploration was largely just walking around the world and you had a jump and you would do certain things that would break down a wall
(0:05:22) Jonnie: But until then that wall was kind of largely just there it fit the feels very
(0:05:28) Jonnie: reminiscent of that
(0:05:30) Jonnie: Which is yeah, it’s neither good or bad. It’s it’s good in the sense that it feels like intentional, but it’s bad in the sense that
(0:05:38) Jonnie: Exploration games have moved well past that
(0:05:42) Al: Yeah, you’re you’re not really exploring so much as following up maze.
(0:05:48) Jonnie: Correct
(0:05:49) Al: OK, it’s interesting.
(0:05:51) Al: It looks quite nice.
(0:05:52) Jonnie: Yeah, yeah, it does look nice
(0:05:55) Jonnie: Also weird thing so I got to the end of the second area and when you finish the story there
(0:06:00) Jonnie: The game basically tells you like
(0:06:03) Jonnie: Once you leave you can’t come back to this area
(0:06:06) Jonnie: So be sure you’ve done everything and I’m like but I’m not sure that I’ve done everything because there’s no
(0:06:11) Jonnie: Tracking of whether or not I’ve done all of the things so that was unfortunate and at that point
(0:06:12) Al: yeah. And you really can’t go back to the area.
(0:06:18) Jonnie: I don’t know because at that point I was kind of like I think I’m I’m
(0:06:23) Jonnie: Okay with the time but I had with
(0:06:26) Al: Oh, OK, fair enough. That seems weird to have distinct areas, but then say you can never
(0:06:34) Jonnie: Yeah, and I think I get why they did it in like I think it’s mild story spoilers
(0:06:43) Jonnie: Is there justification for doing it, but I don’t think that’s a good reason for doing it
(0:06:46) Al: Oh, are the areas destroyed?
(0:06:50) Al: Oh.
(0:06:50) Jonnie: No, no, I think it’s more to do with like characters leaving the area and needing to be in another area and
(0:06:59) Jonnie: Then kind of just be like well the story doesn’t bring you back to this area. So let’s
(0:07:04) Jonnie: not let you go back.
(0:07:05) Jonnie: So.
(0:07:06) Al: Okay. I mean, I guess maybe that’s why they don’t have a like completion
(0:07:11) Al: percentage for that area, right? Because that would be frustrating.
(0:07:14) Jonnie: Yeah, but there’s like things in the world that you can come across to find and interact.
(0:07:21) Jonnie: They’re not collectibles as such, but they’re collectibles, right?
(0:07:26) Jonnie: So that part really broke my brain and was slightly frustrating.
(0:07:32) Jonnie: But I will say, I think the idea of playing music to tame animals was like a very cool
(0:07:38) Jonnie: idea and I think that was well implemented where like the song.
(0:07:44) Jonnie: The songs and the way you did that with the creatures of the world felt really good and
(0:07:47) Jonnie: really clever and I kind of just wish that there was, yeah, you know what this game feels
(0:07:51) Jonnie: like to me?
(0:07:52) Jonnie: It feels like they had a really good idea.
(0:07:55) Jonnie: They wanted to make a game much bigger than their budget allowed and so they had to copy
(0:08:00) Jonnie: and paste a few things where I’m sure they had more different ideas, but making games
(0:08:05) Jonnie: is really expensive.
(0:08:07) Jonnie: That’s what this game feels like to me and I wish they had more money to make the game
(0:08:07) Al: Yes, yep, yep. Fair enough.
(0:08:10) Jonnie: they probably had in their heads.
(0:08:12) Jonnie: But that’s what I’ve been up to.
(0:08:14) Jonnie: How? What have you been?
(0:08:17) Al: Well, so while I’m away for my month in the summer, I don’t have a huge amount of time
(0:08:22) Al: for games, but what I did manage to play was Chicken Journey. I don’t know if you remember
(0:08:28) Jonnie: Chicken, I’m tired
(0:08:28) Al: this game, Johnny. I mean, it’s not Cottagecore. We talked about it on the podcast once because
(0:08:36) Al: chicken.
(0:08:38) Al: But basically it’s a side scrolling RPG where you play as a chicken with some mild platforming
(0:08:48) Al: to it. It’s not particularly challenging, right? Like don’t go into it expecting platforming
(0:08:55) Al: challenges. That’s not what there is. It’s more kind of puzzle-y in that you kind of have to
(0:09:01) Al: figure out how to get through an area which involves some platforming and involves, you know,
(0:09:07) Al: switches and stuff like that and making sure you do things in the right order and finding
(0:09:12) Al: your way out of very simple mazes. It’s fun, I think. It’s not a hugely long game, so I
(0:09:20) Al: finished it in, I think, 10 hours, which, I mean, for me is a good length of a game
(0:09:26) Al: just now. But yeah, it’s not particularly long. And I basically have 100% of it. There’s
(0:09:31) Al: one Steve achievement I don’t have and that’s just because…
(0:09:37) Al: I need to go to like two different areas and go in the, what they call it, like the temples
(0:09:44) Al: that I went into and get to the highest level again because I missed one thing in each of them.
(0:09:50) Al: And I’m like, oh, can I really be bothered with that? It’s not like I’m doing something
(0:09:54) Al: challenging that I’ve not done before. It’s just doing the same thing again and not missing one
(0:09:59) Al: thing. So yeah, we’ll see, but…
(0:10:03) Jonnie: then you will do it. It’s not a we’ll see, we know you will do it. Everyone’s been listening to this show.
(0:10:07) Al: I don’t know, maybe I’ll forget about it and it won’t niggle at my brain the entire time
(0:10:12) Al: I’m playing a different game. I don’t know.
(0:10:14) Jonnie: really niggling at your brain now we all know how to sense we could pretend we
(0:10:18) Jonnie: don’t if you want to do that like that’s that’s fine
(0:10:21) Al: Yeah, so I think the problem is, right? Like, I very rarely 100% games.
(0:10:29) Al: I’m trying to remember if there was a game I 100%ed before or not, but I 100%ed the newest
(0:10:34) Al: Kirby game in the 3D one. That was the first game of
(0:10:37) Al: the game. I’m like, I’m not doing that again two more times or a time and a half more. Like,
(0:10:59) Al: that’s not fun, right? And oh, please.
(0:11:02) Jonnie: Yeah. Have you ever 106%ed a game?
(0:11:07) Al: Please don’t start this conversation with me. I will. If you’re going to disagree with
(0:11:12) Jonnie: I just say these things to needle you out. That’s it. That’s it.
(0:11:22) Al: me, whether you agree with me or not, Johnny, I know this because you will either disagree
(0:11:25) Al: with me or you’ll agree with me, but you’ll find it more fun to disagree with me. But
(0:11:29) Al: if you add stuff to your game that takes the completion to more than a hundred percent and
(0:11:37) Al: add a second percentage, do not just add on to that. Because the whole point of a hundred
(0:11:43) Al: percent is to say you’ve done everything, right? And if I’ve done everything and like say you
(0:11:49) Al: play like, let’s take Hollow Knight, right? That’s a good example. I think that’s like
(0:11:52) Al: 117% or something now. I can’t remember exactly, but there’s some annoying percent and it’s
(0:11:57) Al: just, it might even be a decimal. I honestly think it might be a decimal, but I can’t remember.
(0:12:04) Al: do you know when you’re done, right? This is the problem.
(0:12:07) Al: Is that the whole point of having a percentage counter is when you get to 100%, you’ve done
(0:12:12) Al: everything. Now, if you add more things and you either decrease the percentage for everybody,
(0:12:19) Al: so you say, “Oh, you were on 100%?” No, you’re not on 100%, right? That’s one option. Or you
(0:12:24) Al: add a second one and say, “This is for the new content that’s been added.” The idea that you
(0:12:28) Al: would come in, and because it’s all very well and good if you played it at the beginning,
(0:12:32) Al: and then you played the second update, and you played the third update. But me coming to it,
(0:12:38) Al: and I hadn’t played it before any of the updates, literally, I have to google what
(0:12:42) Al: the correct percentage number is to know when I’ve done everything. That’s weird, and confusing,
(0:12:49) Al: and not fun!
(0:12:50) Jonnie: Yeah, but like Hollow Knight’s a bad game, so it’s natural that they would have bad design.
(0:12:59) Al: Oh, fun. Well, I mean, I don’t really care about that one.
(0:13:00) Jonnie: I’m just trying to get you some hate mail here, Al.
(0:13:06) Jonnie: But going back to Chicken Journey, whatever it is, I feel like you’re so close, right?
(0:13:07) Al: Enjoyed Hollow Knight.
(0:13:10) Al: Yes.
(0:13:15) Jonnie: Because I’m kind of with you that I don’t really care about 100%ing games,
(0:13:21) Jonnie: and then it’s kind of like, well, I might as well.
(0:13:23) Al: Yes, you’re correct. That’s the real thing. That’s it. There’s no other reason why I would do it,
(0:13:29) Al: is because there’s one achievement left, and I’ve got… I actually think I have two of the three
(0:13:34) Al: things, I’m just not sure which of the two I haven’t done. I know which one I’ve definitely done,
(0:13:42) Al: and I know there are two others, one of which I’ve done, one of which I’ve not. So it’s possible I
(0:13:47) Al: go find the one that I’ve not found, and I find it, and I don’t have to do the second one, and
(0:13:51) Al: and that’s me done, so it might only be one thing I’ve got left to do.
(0:13:53) Jonnie: Yeah, you’re definitely gonna do this.
(0:13:53) Al: Of course I’m going to do it, but not just now, because I’ve picked up another game,
(0:13:55) Jonnie: It just makes sense.
(0:13:59) Al: a game that Johnny is jealous I have access to now, and that is Mika and the Witches Mountain.
(0:14:05) Al: I mean, you could have kick-started it. I kick-started it. Kickstarters got the code a week
(0:14:12) Al: before release, so I have been playing that. I’m not going to give away too much just now,
(0:14:18) Al: but I will say that I am having fun. That is what I’m going to say just now.
(0:14:22) Jonnie: It’s a very ominous way of saying you’re having fun.
(0:14:26) Al: Ah, it’s…
(0:14:27) Al: OK, let me… I’ll say one other thing. The controls were not what I expected with flying,
(0:14:33) Al: but I understood… In a initially bad way, but then I understood why they are doing what they’re
(0:14:33) Jonnie: In a good way or a bad way?
(0:14:35) Jonnie: Oh.
(0:14:40) Al: doing, and it leads to more things to progress in the game.
(0:14:47) Jonnie: I feel like my interpretation of what you just said is that flying has a limited
(0:14:54) Jonnie: Time and you can add to that capacity over time, which would make sense
(0:14:56) Al: Yeah, pretty much. Not quite, but kind of, yeah. It’s one of these things where I was
(0:15:04) Al: expecting, and I don’t know why I was expecting this, but I was expecting that the flying
(0:15:08) Al: is just like, you get on your broom and you can fly wherever, you can go up and down,
(0:15:13) Al: but it’s not that. And so, because my brain was in that mode, I was expecting the controls
(0:15:19) Al: to be specific things, but it’s not that, and therefore my brain had to get used to
(0:15:23) Al: the fact that the controls are different.
(0:15:25) Jonnie: Ah, interesting. I don’t think I had that expectation going in from a lot of the videos.
(0:15:26) Al: And that’s fair. Yeah, no, that’s, and that’s fair. That’s probably just a me thing. But
(0:15:33) Al: anyway, well, I’ll talk more about it in a future episode, maybe. We’ll see.
(0:15:36) Jonnie: And by the time this episode’s out, I believe the game is out.
(0:15:42) Al: Yes. Yeah, it comes out on Wednesday, the 24th. So Johnny will be playing it while this
(0:15:46) Jonnie: So I hope your friend is enjoying playing Mika.
(0:15:50) Al: episode’s out. I mean, I think you’ll enjoy it, Johnny. I really hope you enjoy it. I
(0:15:58) Al: don’t think it’s not a bad game. It’s a good game. It just took my brain a bit to get used
(0:16:04) Al: to it, but I think now I’m used to it, I’m very much enjoying it. And I will say more
(0:16:09) Al: in the future!
(0:16:12) Al: That’s what we’ve been up to.
(0:16:14) Al: OK, so as I have done in some previous episodes, where we have just an insane amount of news,
(0:16:21) Al: I have chunked it into different sections.
(0:16:24) Al: So this is going to be the game releases section.
(0:16:26) Al: So that’s games that either have released just about to release, or haven’t released
(0:16:32) Al: yet, but is news about their release.
(0:16:34) Al: It’ll make sense when we get to the next section.
(0:16:36) Al: So first of all, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 games.
(0:16:42) Al: They’re out now, or given us the release– no, five?
(0:16:46) Al: Right, three games.
(0:16:47) Al: Why am I doing this?
(0:16:48) Al: Right, let’s just go these one by one.
(0:16:50) Al: I was trying to make it go quicker.
(0:16:52) Al: It’s going to be confusing.
(0:16:53) Jonnie: I really like the, like, there’s something about Krita Crops that when I first like watch a video or see something of it, I’m like, does this look good?
(0:16:53) Al: Critter crops, right now.
(0:16:55) Al: Anything to say on that.
(0:17:07) Jonnie: And then the more I watch it, the more I’m like, I actually think I am very into this art style, it just takes a bit to get into and I don’t know, I like the idea of growing critters, what can I say?
(0:17:17) Jonnie: This game looks kind of cute and silly and I…
(0:17:18) Al: You are a sucker for creature collectors, let’s be honest.
(0:17:24) Jonnie: Yeah, I am. 100%. Um, and the only other thing to say is that it’s 10% off. Oh no, that was till the end of July. Don’t worry, I can’t read. Why is it still on your Steam page?
(0:17:33) Jonnie: Uh, we’re in August. Oh my god, I was… Okay, anyway. Uh, Krita Crops is out, it looks great.
(0:17:33) Al: This is how long it’s been, Johnny!
(0:17:40) Al: This game came out, I think, like two days after our last episode or something.
(0:17:42) Jonnie: Uh…
(0:17:44) Jonnie: Um…
(0:17:45) Al: 22nd of July.
(0:17:46) Al: Yeah, nearly a month ago this came out.
(0:17:48) Jonnie: Yeah, that looks cute, very excited.
(0:17:49) Al: Oh, it’s even better.
(0:17:53) Al: I think it came out one day after the last episode was recorded.
(0:17:57) Jonnie: » [LAUGH]
(0:17:57) Al: Not released.
(0:17:58) Al: Amazing.
(0:17:59) Al: Fine.
(0:18:00) Al: Whatever.
(0:18:01) Al: Yeah, I agree with the art style.
(0:18:03) Al: If you ever see it, you’re like “ugh” and then you go “no, no, this is a very deliberate
(0:18:07) Al: and interesting art style” like because initially you just think “oh, it doesn’t look very
(0:18:11) Al: good” but then you realize it’s different and I like it.
(0:18:14) Jonnie: Yeah, that’s I think that’s exactly it, right? It’s not, um, I think you would like an initial glance, you could look at it and think, yeah, like you said, it’s not a good art style. I actually think it is an intentional art style and they’re just trying something that a lot of games are afraid to try.
(0:18:30) Al: I agree. And it’s not pixel art, so. Not that I’m saying the pixel art’s bad, but I like
(0:18:35) Al: when not everything is the same. Speaking of pixel art, Gurdlitz announced a release
(0:18:42) Al: date and it’s now in the past. So Gurdlitz is now out. “You wrote IDO mode!” exclamation
(0:18:50) Al: mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark.
(0:18:54) Jonnie: Yeah, gauntlets has idle mode
(0:18:57) Jonnie: So like rusty’s retirement
(0:18:58) Jonnie: You can have your gauntlets little island be just like a little banner on the bottom of your screen while you’re doing other stuff
(0:19:04) Jonnie: Which is amazing
(0:19:08) Jonnie: Gauntlets for those who don’t remember is like the
(0:19:11) Jonnie: Chill city builder where you’re building a city for
(0:19:15) Jonnie: vegetables
(0:19:17) Jonnie: to come and live and
(0:19:19) Jonnie: It looks super cute. There’s no real goals
(0:19:24) Jonnie: but
(0:19:26) Jonnie: What they do say in their release trailer is that
(0:19:30) Jonnie: When gauntlets come to your island, they kind of come with a leaf and by interacting in the world
(0:19:37) Jonnie: That kind of makes them happy and the more gauntlets you make happy unlocks more stuff for you to build
(0:19:43) Jonnie: So there is a there is a little bit of a gameplay loop that they have built into it, which seems amazing
(0:19:49) Jonnie: The idea of it having the little idle mode option is
(0:19:54) Jonnie: kind of cool. I’m very excited to try this out as a little idle game.
(0:19:59) Al: And it is five dollars.
(0:20:01) Al: Go buy it like I’m not like with this.
(0:20:05) Al: I’m not even I mean, it is on sale just
(0:20:07) Al: now for is it minus 20 percent off, which is just wild.
(0:20:11) Al: But yeah, I’m not waiting for like, oh, I’m going to wait until it’s 90 percent.
(0:20:14) Al: No, go buy it now.
(0:20:16) Al: Right. Unless you have real financial issues.
(0:20:19) Al: It’s a fiver. Go buy it.
(0:20:21) Al: There we go.
(0:20:21) Jonnie: Pretty much, that’s what I’ll be doing.
(0:20:25) Al: I’m doing it right now.
(0:20:28) Al: Right. What is next?
(0:20:29) Al: I have Song of the Prairie.
(0:20:31) Al: There are one point all
(0:20:34) Al: will be out by the time this episode comes out.
(0:20:36) Al: But I think it’s oh, no, it’s out now.
(0:20:38) Al: It is out now.
(0:20:39) Al: This was August 1st.
(0:20:41) Al: It’s out now.
(0:20:42) Al: Woo!
(0:20:44) Jonnie: I don’t know much to say about Song of the Prairie other than it looks like someone thought
(0:20:49) Jonnie: what if Harvest Moon was kind of good and then they made the skin.
(0:20:53) Al: I think many people have tried, have thought, had that thought process.
(0:20:57) Jonnie: Yeah this looks very like Harvest Moony though.
(0:21:01) Jonnie: I don’t know why there was something more about this one that kind of linked me to a
(0:21:06) Jonnie: Harvest Moon than other games.
(0:21:10) Al: Fair. Yeah, I like the look of this game, there’s nothing about it that makes me go
(0:21:14) Al: a must play this though I think is the thing. Like if this came out maybe four years ago,
(0:21:19) Al: I would probably be right on it, but I’m like okay, that’s fine.
(0:21:24) Jonnie: I agree, it seems like it’s reviewing pretty well on Steam though, so that’s that’s good
(0:21:30) Al: Oh yeah, that’s good. All reviews is very positive, nearly 80% SteamDB rating.
(0:21:38) Al: Garden which life have announced that they?
(0:21:40) Al: They’re releasing on the 12th of September, and I think that I believe that’s not early access. That’s just straight into.
(0:21:48) Jonnie: Yeah, this, this is like the word salad game of like we, we took the words gardening and
(0:21:55) Jonnie: witch and we put them together.
(0:21:57) Jonnie: And I’ve said many times on the show that we don’t need any more witchy gardening games.
(0:22:04) Jonnie: And unfortunately, that is how I feel about this game.
(0:22:07) Jonnie: There is just nothing about this one stands out to me.
(0:22:11) Al: Yeah, I hate the name. It’s a terrible name. Get a better name. I think I’m probably similar.
(0:22:17) Al: I like the look of it. I feel like a broken record right now, but I like the look of it.
(0:22:24) Al: But yeah, nothing is telling me I must have it right now.
(0:22:29) Al: Real fishing days of summer have announced that their release date is the 28th of October,
(0:22:35) Al: and that will be on Switch and PS5. I mean, I’m not going to buy a real fishing game now.
(0:22:38) Jonnie: yep
(0:22:41) Al: I’m sorry.
(0:22:42) Jonnie: me either bluetooth fishing
(0:22:45) Al: I’m not against fishing in general. I mean, we have this conversation time and time again.
(0:22:50) Al: We’ve got another game to talk about later that’s adding fishing when it really doesn’t
(0:22:53) Al: feel like it needs to. But what I definitely don’t want is realistic fishing. That just
(0:23:01) Al: feels like the worst. So yeah, no, please, no. Thank you. Please, I’m thinking.
(0:23:01) Jonnie: me either. Yeah.
(0:23:08) Al: Harvest Moon, Home Sweet Home, speaking of Natsume.
(0:23:11) Al: And no please no. Announced that their game is coming out on Friday, two days after this
(0:23:18) Al: episode comes out, the 23rd of August, the day before my birthday. They say that they’ve released
(0:23:26) Al: a gameplay trailer, but it’s kind of hard to see what the gameplay is because all they do in this
(0:23:32) Al: is have people talking to people and running around. Like they’re not really showing a huge
(0:23:37) Al: amount of things. There’s some cut scenes and stuff like that.
(0:23:41) Al: I feel like we have different definitions of gameplay trailer but it looks pretty standard
(0:23:47) Al: Harvest Moon game and I don’t really want that on a mobile device. We’ll see what happens.
(0:23:55) Jonnie: Yep, I found it exactly the same way. I watched the trailer and I thought that sure looks like
(0:24:00) Jonnie: some Harvest Moon gameplay but it did not tell me what the gameplay loop of this was at all.
(0:24:06) Jonnie: So it feels like they’re basically saying if you like the idea of Harvest Moon and you want that
(0:24:12) Jonnie: on your phone then this is the game for you and if you don’t know what any of those words mean then
(0:24:17) Jonnie: you can probably give this one a miss.
(0:24:20) Al: Yeah, probably. I don’t like to promise things very often, but we’re going to cover this
(0:24:25) Al: game because I think this is the sort of game that it’s possible this could be good. I don’t
(0:24:32) Al: think it’s going to be good, but it’s possible it could be good. But don’t buy this game
(0:24:37) Al: yet. Wait. We’ll play it. We’ll tell you what it’s like.
(0:24:39) Jonnie: Well, and it makes sense. It makes sense for us to cover because the Cottagecore game on
(0:24:46) Jonnie: mobile, I think we would all love a really good version of that, and I don’t know that
(0:24:53) Jonnie: there’s been one yet. So the hunt continues for something that sort of fills that niche in a way
(0:24:59) Jonnie: that is very satisfying.
(0:25:01) Al: Yeah, the problem is that what most of them are is just the same game but on mobile and
(0:25:07) Al: that doesn’t… I mean, Stardew did it fine, but the problem is it’s still the same game,
(0:25:14) Al: just different controls for it, and yeah, exactly. And so the problem is you need to
(0:25:16) Jonnie: and generally worse controls, right?
(0:25:21) Al: rethink what a game should be for mobile, and Stardew wasn’t trying to do that. Stardew
(0:25:25) Al: was just “Oh, people want my game on mobile, that’s fine, let’s do that and see how people
(0:25:29) Al: we’d interact with it and that’s that’s fine.
(0:25:31) Al: That’s, you know, he wasn’t trying to reinvent the wheel for that, but if someone wants to make a good game, a good farming game for mobile, they need to think about the entire thing from scratch and this just looks like it is Harvestment in the Winds of Anthos with a different story and on a smaller screen.
(0:25:50) Jonnie: I agree, yeah. We’ve talked a lot more about this game than I thought we would.
(0:25:56) Al: Yeah, we’ll see what happens. Natsumon 20th Century Summer Kid, which, fun fact, they
(0:26:04) Al: changed the name on the Steam page. So they’ve added the English translation to this game
(0:26:09) Al: on Steam and on Switch, so that’s the news. But the funny thing I found is I’m pretty
(0:26:14) Al: sure on Steam it used to be called Natsumon 20th Century Summer Vacation, because that’s
(0:26:19) Al: the literal translation from Japanese. But then apparently when they’ve localized it,
(0:26:24) Al: changed the name. Which is fine.
(0:26:27) Al: It’s just weird that they added the name initially as a different translated version,
(0:26:32) Al: and then decided that that wasn’t what they were going with for the name.
(0:26:35) Jonnie: I mean the name still makes sense I guess so that’s
(0:26:38) Al: Yeah, no, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. It’s just,
(0:26:42) Al: it’s weird that they had a name in English and changed what that was.
(0:26:49) Jonnie: Yeah, I don’t know. I can’t get over the fact that this game is like a million dollars.
(0:26:53) Jonnie: It’s so expensive.
(0:26:56) Al: Um, yeah, it’s not cheap.
(0:26:59) Jonnie: And it looks so bad for like…
(0:27:02) Jonnie: And I get that that’s kind of like the style, but like…
(0:27:06) Jonnie: Paying what? This game must be like 50 American dollars or something like that and it’s just like…
(0:27:14) Jonnie: You could buy pretty much every other game that we’ve talked about
(0:27:17) Jonnie: and still not have paid as much
(0:27:19) Jonnie: as you could pay for this game
(0:27:21) Jonnie: I just don’t
(0:27:23) Jonnie: Who’s buying this?
(0:27:23) Al: Me, apparently.
(0:27:27) Al: Well, yes, we know that.
(0:27:28) Jonnie: Well, Al, you have a problem
(0:27:33) Al: We know that.
(0:27:34) Al: Thankfully, my money is finite, so I can’t buy literally everything.
(0:27:39) Al: Speaking of buying literally everything, Usagi Shima is coming to steam.
(0:27:45) Al: Now, interestingly, so this was free on mobile, and I had ads and you could pay to get rid
(0:27:53) Al: of the ads, but it was like five quid or something, so of course I did that.
(0:27:56) Al: Oh, no, did it have ads?
(0:27:58) Al: I don’t think it did have ads.
(0:27:59) Al: It was just like an in-game purchase to get a bunch of…
(0:28:01) Jonnie: think you could just pay to buy the like it was yeah it was just a hey do you
(0:28:06) Jonnie: want to support me then you can do this
(0:28:08) Al: Yeah, which was a no-brainer for this game. So it’ll be interesting to see whether that
(0:28:11) Jonnie: yes
(0:28:13) Al: will be the same for Steam or not. I don’t see any information about how much it will
(0:28:16) Al: be yet, but the Steam page is up. It looks like it’s going to be on Windows and Mac.
(0:28:23) Al: So yeah, it’s a fun game. I mean, if you’ve listened to us talk about Asagashima before,
(0:28:29) Al: it’s exactly what you’re expecting, and it’s the exact same game. It’s just got
(0:28:34) Jonnie: which is awesome I think that makes total sense and like I would say if it’s ten dollars or less
(0:28:41) Jonnie: it’s kind of just an instant buy um if it if it does have a purchase price which I think would
(0:28:46) Al: Yep.
(0:28:47) Al: It’s different, right? Steam is different from mobile, and I think you can get away
(0:28:47) Jonnie: not be a bad thing right to just say like hey give us five bucks for this game
(0:28:57) Al: with charging money on Steam where you wouldn’t be able to on mobile, because I think the
(0:29:01) Al: thing is that if you go free on mobile with an option to give money, you’re much more
(0:29:05) Al: likely to get more people doing it, and therefore, people will go, “Oh, I like this game. Fine,
(0:29:10) Al: I’ll put the money in.” Whereas if you don’t try it first, you might not be willing to
(0:29:16) Al: pay for it upfront. Whereas on Steam, especially with the game now being popular, and people
(0:29:21) Al: know it, and people like it, they’ll be like, “Oh, finally, it’s coming to Steam. I’m excited
(0:29:25) Al: about that. Yes, I will buy that.” The smallest piece of news is the Echoes of the Plum Grove
(0:29:26) Jonnie: Absolutely
(0:29:30) Al: is now on Mac. Done. I still haven’t played this game. I really need to play this game
(0:29:32) Jonnie: Cody you go play it
(0:29:38) Al: because I love everything that it’s doing in terms of death.
(0:29:44) Jonnie: Yeah. I can’t remember. Someone in the Slack, it might have been Cat, was playing it, and
(0:29:54) Jonnie: they were saying they were having a really fun time with it, and this game weds me out
(0:29:58) Jonnie: every time I kind of remember that it exists, because everything they’re doing around death
(0:30:02) Jonnie: seems super cool and super interesting, and not what you expect when you first see the
(0:30:06) Jonnie: now available on Mac. Picture is very cute, and you can imagine someone being like, “Ooh,
(0:30:10) Jonnie: what’s this?” and looking into it and being like, “Oh my god!”
(0:30:10) Al: Yeah, that’s the thing that’s most fun about it, is the art style is so cutesy, but you
(0:30:17) Al: die in this game, and it’s hard not to die. It’s proper survival. You die and then you
(0:30:24) Al: play as someone else, you know? Yeah, I guess the question is, I don’t know what happens
(0:30:26) Jonnie: As your children, I’m pretty sure it’s like a generation.
(0:30:33) Al: if you don’t have kids. Is that game over, or do you play as someone else in the village?
(0:30:35) Jonnie: Game over.
(0:30:36) Jonnie: I don’t actually know.
(0:30:37) Al: don’t know. Anyway, yeah.
(0:30:41) Al: That was meant to be the shortest piece of news.
(0:30:45) Al: Outbound, cozy camper van exploration crafting game.
(0:30:50) Al: That’s apparently what they’re listed as on Kickstarter.
(0:30:53) Al: Don’t know why.
(0:30:54) Al: They’re Kickstarters live now and they have well and truly hit
(0:30:59) Jonnie: ah look this is a yeah I know you said I could have backed the me be here in the
(0:31:05) Jonnie: witches mountain kickstarter but like how long ago did you have to back this that one because
(0:31:09) Jonnie: like their their date for you know beta access is end of 2025 which makes total
(0:31:14) Jonnie: sense like i’m not saying like that’s too long or anything like that making games takes a long time
(0:31:19) Jonnie: but like and they’ve met the they’ve met the the kickstarter thing like don’t bother just wait for
(0:31:26) Al: So I’ll tell you why. I’ll tell you why I kickstart games. I kickstart games because
(0:31:34) Al: it’s like a little present to future me. I buy a game and then two, three years later
(0:31:42) Al: I get a free game. It’s great. But it is, it is free. I haven’t paid for it at that
(0:31:44) Jonnie: One, it’s not free, Al, and I know that you know this, and now you’re just saying…
(0:31:52) Al: point in time.
(0:31:54) Jonnie: You have paid for it, though, that is in fact how that has worked,
(0:31:58) Jonnie: and you might not even get the game.
(0:32:01) Jonnie: I would be pretty confident that this one is in fact going to come out,
(0:32:05) Jonnie: because everything that I’ve shown looks very good.
(0:32:09) Jonnie: Which, you know, there’s some tricky vertical slice stuff that people can do in trailers and stuff,
(0:32:15) Jonnie: I would be shocked if this is a game that doesn’t see the light of day,
(0:32:21) Jonnie: because it looks pretty good.
(0:32:23) Al: Well, and it’s, it’s also, it’s the same developer that did Above Snakes. So they’ve proven that
(0:32:28) Al: they can do a Kickstarter for a game and then release a game. Yeah, very different vibe,
(0:32:30) Jonnie: Interesting, I don’t think I knew that it was the same developer, but uh, so yeah 100%
(0:32:37) Al: which is always good when you’ve got like, get your developer who can do both, right?
(0:32:42) Al: Very, very different. And I like that, but this is what I really love about indie game
(0:32:48) Al: development, right? Is when they go, I’ve got a weird idea that I want to do for a game
(0:32:53) Al: to do it. And then they’re like, and I’ve got this completely different idea for a completely
(0:32:57) Al: different style of game. And then they do it. And if you’re successful, the first one,
(0:33:02) Al: you will probably be successful at the second one because people like your first game, like
(0:33:06) Al: this game funded in two hours.
(0:33:08) Jonnie: Yeah, I mean that’s not a surprise like I think everything this game is doing is just really tapping into
(0:33:14) Jonnie: Something that people are feeling
(0:33:17) Jonnie: right now
(0:33:18) Al: Yes this is the game that is for some reason adding fishing I don’t know why
(0:33:22) Jonnie: Boo
(0:33:23) Al: they’re adding it as a stretch goal away with your fishing don’t make me fish of
(0:33:25) Jonnie: Boo
(0:33:27) Jonnie: That’s a good reason to not back the Kickstarter
(0:33:28) Al: course I’m gonna fish yeah yeah I’m like please stop we’ve no well the problem is
(0:33:34) Al: right they’ve got fishing as the next one and then beekeeping after that and
(0:33:39) Al: I’m like can we do the beekeeping and without the fishing but
(0:33:42) Jonnie: 100%. Yeah. I think what I’m most curious with this game is like, what is the actual game?
(0:33:50) Al: I deriving around and building your insane house on top
(0:33:57) Jonnie: Right but like I said so in a lot of you know the games that we cover the gameplay loop is
(0:34:02) Jonnie: very driven around you’ve got your plot of land and you are using that to produce
(0:34:07) Jonnie: money or resources or other stuff that then enables all of those upgrades.
(0:34:12) Al: Yeah, I see where you’re pointing. I think the point is exploration, and so you are going
(0:34:17) Al: from point A to point B, via a million other points, and everything you do is with the
(0:34:23) Al: goal of getting there, I think. It’s not particularly clear, which is fine because maybe they’re
(0:34:30) Al: not 100% sure how it’s going to pan out, and they’ve very much been working on the core
(0:34:37) Al: concept of the game. We’ll see. I’ve backed it, of course.
(0:34:42) Jonnie: Yeah, look, I thought about it, and then I saw, I’m like, if I’m backing it, it would be to play the alpha.
(0:34:47) Jonnie: And then I’m like, I don’t, why would I want to play an alpha? I’ll just wait for it to come out.
(0:34:51) Al: Fair enough.
(0:34:52) Al: Look, we know I have a problem with Kickstarters.
(0:34:55) Al: Speaking of having a problem with Kickstarters, we’re now going on to the Game Updates section,
(0:35:00) Al: which is about updates to games that are already out.
(0:35:05) Al: The first one is Coral Island, the 1.1 is out now.
(0:35:09) Al: I think this came out like just after the last episode came out, yet the 23rd of July.
(0:35:16) Al: I think that is the day before the last episode where we had news.
(0:35:21) Al: But we’d recorded like two days before that or something.
(0:35:22) Jonnie: Yeah.
(0:35:25) Al: So thanks, Coral Island.
(0:35:27) Jonnie: And for those who don’t remember, this is 1.1 in brackets. Actually, it’s 1.0, and we’re now actually finished.
(0:35:27) Al: Well, yeah, yes, they’re literally calling it Finale Land and Sea Update.
(0:35:40) Al: They’re literally calling it the Finale, right?
(0:35:45) Al: This is what the game was meant to be.
(0:35:47) Al: They’re adding in stuff that didn’t exist in the first game that should have, like your
(0:35:50) Al: town rank system.
(0:35:51) Al: Finally added the top rank of it.
(0:35:54) Al: They’ve added people in the sea that you can actually talk to.
(0:35:58) Jonnie: When one of the headings in the 1.1 update
(0:36:00) Jonnie: is storyline completion, we released a game
(0:36:04) Jonnie: and the storyline was incomplete.
(0:36:06) Al: Uhhh…
(0:36:08) Al: Yes.
(0:36:09) Al: Well, I- I-
(0:36:10) Jonnie: But look, we’ll stop poking fun,
(0:36:12) Jonnie: ‘cause I feel like this game has had some challenges
(0:36:15) Jonnie: in the background, but there is a lot, I think,
(0:36:17) Jonnie: to be excited about for 1.1 update.
(0:36:24) Jonnie: Yes, it is finishing the game,
(0:36:26) Jonnie: that there is, you know, like, I feel like they’ve–
(0:36:28) Jonnie: I’ve also listened to a lot of feedback.
(0:36:30) Jonnie: I’m just scrolling through all of the patch notes
(0:36:32) Jonnie: because one of my favorite sort of spouse interactions.
(0:36:36) Jonnie: For those that don’t recall, I think
(0:36:38) Jonnie: when you get married in Coral Island,
(0:36:40) Jonnie: your partner becomes a soulless husk
(0:36:43) Jonnie: that stands in the house and does nothing.
(0:36:46) Jonnie: And they have a bullet point that says you can now
(0:36:48) Jonnie: hug and kiss your spouse once daily
(0:36:50) Jonnie: to get some point in the relationship with it.
(0:36:50) Al: Once, once daily. (laughs)
(0:36:58) Jonnie: Uh, and I think it’s meant to reach, to get some points in the relationship, so you can, like, I think the implication is meant to be to feel like that you can continue to build the relationship, but to get some point in the relationship makes it feel like, “So the marriage is not entirely pointless, so…”
(0:37:09) Al: Yeah, this is definitely a translation issue because they’re, I think they’re from the
(0:37:17) Al: Philippines, the developers. So yeah, let’s not be too harsh on the English, but yes,
(0:37:18) Jonnie: Uh, I believe that’s correct.
(0:37:25) Al: it does feel a little bit perfect, accidental.
(0:37:29) Jonnie: that one was just it was yeah that one was accidentally perfect um and when I was ready
(0:37:33) Jonnie: through because it was about halfway through all of all of the updates it would give me a good
(0:37:38) Al: like having some point in a relationship. But now we get to talk about the problems and that is that
(0:37:46) Al: Coral Island was being published by Humble Games. And if you’ve not heard this already, Humble Games
(0:37:52) Al: no longer humbles or games. It basically no longer exists as a thing. Humble Bundle still exists
(0:38:02) Al: because Humble Games was separate. It’s like there’s the Humble company and then there’s
(0:38:07) Al: this humble bundle and how–
(0:38:08) Al: which is a problem for some things, including the fact that humble games were– the other
(0:38:35) Al: thing they do as well as publishing is they did porting, so they were
(0:38:39) Al: they were working on the switch port for coral island, no more.
(0:38:47) Al: Shall I just use their own words?
(0:38:51) Al: First of all, oh my word.
(0:38:55) Al: I need to say that they were, they didn’t, the first apparently they found out about this was
(0:39:00) Al: the same way everybody else found out about it. Nobody contacted them to say that this was happening.
(0:39:06) Al: We’d like to say something to you today.
(0:39:08) Al: We’ve been given that Humble Games’ recent “restructuring” - the most amazing word you can use for firing everybody - leaves consoles in a place of uncertainty.
(0:39:16) Al: However, we see this as an opportunity to share what we can.
(0:39:20) Al: To start, we share in your frustrations regarding the lack of an Incentive Switch port of Coral Island.
(0:39:24) Al: Over the years, there’s a lot we’ve wanted to say in the spirit of transparency about many different things, but continue to be unable to do so because of the publishing agreement and NDA we have in place.
(0:39:34) Al: The impact of Humble Games’ restructuring on Coral Island remains uncertain for all
(0:39:38) Al: things related to consoles, whether porting or pushing hotfixes. I believe that they
(0:39:44) Al: already have a port on Xbox and PlayStation, it was just Switch that was missing. So that’s
(0:39:49) Al: why they’re talking about updates.
(0:39:51) Al: As they are responsible for these platforms, we’ve been in communication with our lawyer
(0:39:54) Al: since we found out about the restructuring on social media to figure out how to navigate
(0:39:59) Al: this new situation. For example, we have an upcoming hotfix for the 1.1 update nearing
(0:40:04) Al: release for Steam. We have no idea how to get this update out to other platform players
(0:40:08) Al: and have a backend permission on console platforms to push updates out. We only have
(0:40:13) Al: access to the Steam backend. Because of this, the only thing we can do for Switch Makers
(0:40:18) Al: effective immediately is offer a key exchange to the Steam platform. We will offer key changes
(0:40:23) Al: for as long as we are able to. Please email for a key change. Blah. Oh, and then they
(0:40:28) Al: go, we will, I missed this last paragraph. We’ll keep you posted on developments once
(0:40:33) Al: we have more information. We know it effing sucks, but we hope you understand. And they
(0:40:39) Al: say effing, but this is still a family friendly podcast. There’s a lot of subtext and a lot
(0:40:47) Al: of text in that update.
(0:40:50) Jonnie: There certainly is. It’s just a tough situation for them to be in, right, like it seems like there is very little they can actually do about it.
(0:41:06) Al: Yeah, it also sounds like they’re struggling to keep up with the the key exchanges
(0:41:11) Al: There’s lots of people complaining in the comments that they haven’t had their key exchange. I
(0:41:17) Al: Am very glad that I exchanged my key
(0:41:22) Al: Two years ago when I when I got my steam deck and I was like I’m just gonna get this on Steam if I can
(0:41:27) Al: And they let me do it. So I’m glad I did all the way back then
(0:41:30) Al: I find it very interesting that they are very clearly saying that they
(0:41:37) Al: I have not been allowed to say stuff because of NDAs
(0:41:39) Al: But they’re saying they’re not allowed to say stuff because of NDAs possibly because they’re like well who’s gonna soon as nobody exists in the company
(0:41:47) Jonnie: I feel like the NDA’s thing is normal, and it feels like we’re just seeing a frustration
(0:41:54) Jonnie: over the last few years, sort of leaking out a little bit in this statement, which seems
(0:41:59) Jonnie: totally understandable, because publishing games is hard, and publishing to multiple
(0:42:04) Jonnie: platforms is hard, and sometimes you get in situations where the developers are not the
(0:42:10) Jonnie: ones with the power in these relationships, and I think this is unfortunately what has
(0:42:16) Al: Yep, and this is the thing you need to remember about Kickstarters. You are paying money
(0:42:24) Al: for a promise of something that is not a legally binding contract. You are funding this and
(0:42:30) Al: there is a chance that you get nothing out of it. So bear that in mind. Don’t be like
(0:42:35) Al: me. Don’t Kickstart everything. I think I’ve only had two things that I just haven’t got
(0:42:43) Al: from kickstarters. But it’s not fun when
(0:42:46) Al: it happens. And there are a lot of disappointed people in the comments,
(0:42:50) Al: because it’s all very well saying we’ll give you a key exchange.
(0:42:52) Al: But if the switch is your only.
(0:42:56) Jonnie: Anyway, it’s even harder, I don’t know, they said they’ve got a hotfix coming for 1.1 for Steam, obviously.
(0:43:04) Jonnie: But if you’re a PlayStation or Xbox player, what does this hotfix fix?
(0:43:10) Jonnie: You know, and the fact that there are potentially some significant bugs or glitches in those consolvations
(0:43:20) Jonnie: that there’s no real idea of when or if they will even get this hotfix.
(0:43:26) Al: Well, yeah, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.
(0:43:31) Al: Next we have the 1.2 update for Roots of Patria is out now.
(0:43:36) Al: This is the one, I think we talked about this a few months ago.
(0:43:40) Al: This is the one that adds child labour, I mean, isn’t that why we have children?
(0:43:42) Jonnie: Hell yeah.
(0:43:46) Jonnie: Finally, children will be useful for something.
(0:43:51) Al: Not for child labour, but for adult labour in 18 years time, right?
(0:43:55) Jonnie: Mmm, I don’t know. I feel like I feel like that’s inefficient get them started young
(0:43:57) Al: We also have the sunnable, I mean, you played Roots of Patria? I can’t remember.
(0:44:07) Jonnie: I I have played a little bit of roots of patcher. I
(0:44:12) Jonnie: liked what it was trying to do but equally I was playing roots of patcher at the same time I was getting into coral island and
(0:44:18) Jonnie: Coral island one out in that battle
(0:44:20) Al: Fair enough. I think we’ve talked about this update before, so there’s probably not a huge
(0:44:25) Al: amount to say other than get your children working.
(0:44:28) Jonnie: Yeah it just feels like they’re sort of in the cycle of adding stuff to the game where I feel like
(0:44:33) Jonnie: if you were enjoying Roots of Patcher or maybe you enjoyed it and bounced off and wanted to,
(0:44:39) Jonnie: you know, we’re waiting for a little bit more to come back and play it, this is the sort of
(0:44:42) Jonnie: update that could pull you back in. But if you haven’t played it or you haven’t been interested
(0:44:48) Jonnie: in Roots of Patcher, I didn’t see anything significant that’s like “oh now is the time to
(0:44:53) Al: It very much feels like a Stardew update, where it’s like none of this felt like it
(0:44:59) Al: needed to be in the game. If this stuff didn’t exist in the game, you wouldn’t be like, “Oh,
(0:45:04) Al: that’s weird. Why isn’t this here?” But everything that adds added feels on brand and feels good
(0:45:12) Al: from what I can see.
(0:45:13) Jonnie: Yeah, I agree.
(0:45:15) Al: We also have a Sunhaven update. I’m not going to call it patch. You can’t make me. 1.5
(0:45:21) Al: teleportation.
(0:45:23) Al: I bet you can guess what this brings to the game.
(0:45:26) Jonnie: Mmm… I’m gonna say… mind-reading.
(0:45:32) Al: It’s teleportation. This is another game that hasn’t I’m pretty sure they’ve not
(0:45:34) Jonnie: Well, that’s no way.
(0:45:38) Al: released their switch version yet and this has been quite a while because I
(0:45:42) Al: think they’d said that they were planning on getting it out for the time
(0:45:46) Al: they got the 1.0 update and now we’re on 1.0.
(0:45:49) Jonnie: Yeah, I don’t know, Sunhaven is really interesting to me, right?
(0:45:53) Jonnie: ‘Cause it feels like they are just consistently
(0:45:56) Jonnie: churning out content, and you’re right,
(0:45:59) Jonnie: the Switch port is still listed
(0:46:02) Jonnie: under their features and development.
(0:46:06) Jonnie: But they have churned out so much content,
(0:46:09) Jonnie: I feel like every episode they’ve got,
(0:46:11) Jonnie: not necessarily a 1.x update,
(0:46:15) Jonnie: but they have consistent, you know,
(0:46:17) Jonnie: like furniture, deal.
(0:46:19) Jonnie: DLC updates so I guess it makes me curious like just on their team balance
(0:46:27) Jonnie: Because they can can keep churning out all of these different furniture items
(0:46:34) Jonnie: But yeah, you’re right there that switch port is a long time coming
(0:46:39) Al: Speaking of furniture updates, nice. Moonstorm Island have another update and DLC. Their DLCs
(0:46:49) Al: are typically just adding cosmetics and furniture and stuff like that, and that is the same here.
(0:46:54) Al: They’ve got their Chef’s Kiss DLC, which adds kind of related to cooking things.
(0:47:02) Al: There’s a donut ring. I don’t know what the donut ring has to do with cooking,
(0:47:05) Al: other than it’s a donut. But like, that’s the thing you sit in, right?
(0:47:10) Al: And then there’s a bunch of stuff for a kitchen, fine.
(0:47:16) Al: But that goes along with the update, which is the cooking update.
(0:47:19) Al: So this is why they’ve got the Chef’s Kiss DLC, because they’ve now added cooking.
(0:47:24) Jonnie: How do you feel about, uh, was cooking missing from Boons?
(0:47:29) Jonnie: I feel like cooking is a weird thing to add post-release because I’m curious about what
(0:47:35) Al: Yeah, so I guess technically it was missing and that it wasn’t there, but I wasn’t going,
(0:47:40) Al: “Oh, you know what? This game would really, really be great if they added cooking.” I
(0:47:46) Al: wasn’t really thinking that. So yeah, I don’t know. It’s not like I must now continue playing
(0:47:51) Al: this game. I don’t know. Maybe some people would like it. I did get it. I was trying
(0:47:57) Al: to check if I had backed Sun Haven on Kickstarter. I did. I backed them on Kickstarter. I think
(0:48:04) Al: guy originally backed them for Switch.
(0:48:05) Al: And then got it changed to Steam when I got my Steam Deck.
(0:48:10) Jonnie: so if you like the lesson we’re learning here is if you’re backing a game on kickstarter
(0:48:14) Jonnie: like make sure you can at least play it on steam because if it’s going to come out anywhere that’s
(0:48:16) Al: Yeah
(0:48:17) Jonnie: probably the place it will come out
(0:48:19) Al: Absolutely, yeah, I think especially at this point in this switches lifecycle
(0:48:25) Al: I’m trying to see when the last time they talked about steam the switch. Sorry was
(0:48:31) Al: the comments on the Kickstarter are all about switch, but
(0:48:35) Al: Yeah, I’m not seeing so they had the 1.5 update didn’t mention it 1.4 update says that it’s still coming
(0:48:42) Al: Oh, no, this is really bad. They actually said in the 1.4 update which came
(0:48:46) Al: out in June. They said, “Patch 1.4 is the final patch filled with major features that will be
(0:48:52) Al: released before the Nintendo Switch port releases. This means that no major content will be added to
(0:48:58) Al: Sunhaven after 1.5 until Sunhaven is released on the Switch.” Awkward. Yeah, but they’ve just released
(0:49:02) Jonnie: That’s that sounds positive
(0:49:06) Al: 1.5. No, at 1.4. We’ll just have to see.
(0:49:08) Jonnie: I thought you said after 1.5
(0:49:11) Jonnie: Oh
(0:49:17) Al: All right, now we’re into the Disney Dreamlight Valley section because there’s just so much for
(0:49:24) Al: them. They’ve released a new roadmap because we were pretty much at the end of their existing
(0:49:30) Al: roadmap, so we have three more updates coming this year. I think, has the August one come
(0:49:38) Al: out now or have they just… No, it’s coming out on the 21st, which is when this episode comes out.
(0:49:43) Al: So the August update will be out when you hear it.
(0:49:47) Al: Then they’ve got one coming out in October, which is Lion King stuff, got Timon and Pumbaa.
(0:49:55) Al: And then late 2024, there’s another one, which I’m going to need some Disney people to figure out
(0:50:02) Al: what’s happening in this image because it’s an image with someone without a face. They’ve got
(0:50:09) Al: red hair, but it’s not like Merida’s red hair. It’s like straight red hair.
(0:50:15) Al: and then
(0:50:16) Al: there’s clothes that are patched from different things, sewn together, different patterns
(0:50:22) Al: and colours.
(0:50:22) Jonnie: Yeah, I’m very confused
(0:50:26) Al: Someone will know exactly what this is, because someone always does. It’s like when there
(0:50:29) Al: was the boat, and I was like, “What is that?” And they were like, “Oh, that’s Daffy’s boat.”
(0:50:33) Al: And I’m like, “OK.” Didn’t realise Daffy Duck had a boat.
(0:50:34) Jonnie: Yeah, we don’t we just need we just need who’s our resident Disney
(0:50:39) Al: The Reddit will say, “Surely there’s a Disney Dreamlight Valley Reddit.” Oh yeah, I didn’t
(0:50:45) Al: So the August update is…
(0:50:46) Al: Oh, I can never remember her name.
(0:50:49) Al: Is that the princess and the frog?
(0:50:50) Al: Is that Tiana?
(0:50:53) Al: Yeah.
(0:50:54) Al: Oh, it actually says on the image.
(0:50:57) Al: I could have just read the image.
(0:51:00) Al: Yeah, so that’s…
(0:51:01) Al: Springing Tiana.
(0:51:05) Al: Well, at least I’m proving that I know some stuff.
(0:51:09) Al: And that update is called Dapper Delights.
(0:51:12) Al: We don’t have like full information on that just now.
(0:51:16) Al: Yeah, we’ve got Tiana coming and then some clothes that are dapper, I guess.
(0:51:23) Al: Including…
(0:51:23) Al: Is that creature is like a little lizard or something?
(0:51:26) Al: Is that like a thing that exists in something?
(0:51:29) Al: I have no idea what that is.
(0:51:31) Al: It definitely looks very dapper in his little hat and shirt.
(0:51:32) Jonnie: i’m also yeah uh no I don’t think so I think it’s just uh crocodiles uh one of the the animals
(0:51:44) Jonnie: like I think it’s just one of the pets that can follow you around and you can
(0:51:46) Al: Ok.
(0:51:47) Al: Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve played this game.
(0:51:48) Jonnie: presumably dress them up now that’s probably been in the game for ages
(0:51:55) Al: So yeah, Tiana’s coming, Tiana’s Palace is coming, there’s a new food stall, a new star
(0:52:00) Al: path, outfits, a search bar and more filters.
(0:52:05) Al: So there’s obviously too much stuff in the game now.
(0:52:08) Al: And along with that update, they’re releasing the third part of the DLC.
(0:52:13) Al: And then the hint at more DLC coming.
(0:52:16) Al: Later in the year. Now the question is, my big question, is this going to be the same DLC, another part of the same DLC, or is it going to be a different DLC?
(0:52:28) Jonnie: My sense is it’s a new DLC that you have to pay for because of the whole vibe of like we’ve finished the roadmap and here
(0:52:35) Jonnie: Is the new roadmap to me?
(0:52:36) Jonnie: It feels like here’s where actually it like it would make sense that they’re at the end of that
(0:52:42) Jonnie: Tranche of paid content
(0:52:46) Al: I suspect so as well, especially as in the description for the third part of the DLC it
(0:52:51) Al: says “foil Jafar’s schemes and fix the rift in time” which considered the expansion is called
(0:52:56) Al: “a rift in time” makes it sound like that’s the end of a rift in time.
(0:53:00) Jonnie: Yes, I would expect so.
(0:53:02) Al: Also they are adding cross-platform- cross-play- not cross-platform, cross-play with PlayStation,
(0:53:09) Al: which is big. Very rarely do you get cross-play with PlayStation games. Sony are not a fan of that.
(0:53:16) Jonnie: Yeah, turns out you need to be the size of Disney in order to make that happen. Who would have thought?
(0:53:17) Al: And Fortnite also has it. I’m sure there’s some other games as well, but yeah,
(0:53:24) Al: it’s not uncommon for it to be cross-play across everything except PlayStation.
(0:53:29) Al: And they also say they’ve got more multiplayer features coming next year, which I’m intrigued by.
(0:53:37) Jonnie: Mean it’s gonna be better than than nothing that they have now. No, sorry
(0:53:41) Jonnie: You can technically go and run around the world together, which I mean it counts as multiplayer
(0:53:44) Al: Yeah, but I guess the question is, what would you be looking for in multi.
(0:53:48) Jonnie: Uh, I like I don’t know right and this is a problem that I kind of put back to
(0:53:55) Jonnie: Animal crossing where it’s like yes, you can go and visit each other’s island and it’s like cool. And then what do we do?
(0:54:00) Jonnie: You go and visit each other’s island. It’s like great
(0:54:04) Jonnie: But I want to do something so
(0:54:07) Jonnie: so I don’t know what the answer to that is
(0:54:11) Jonnie: I just, like to me multiplayer needs to have some play to it
(0:54:17) Jonnie: some game
(0:54:19) Jonnie: I don’t know exactly what I want that to be
(0:54:21) Jonnie: but I would like for the people that make these games to think about that
(0:54:24) Al: Yeah, sure. I don’t disagree. I guess I’m more just like, I don’t feel the need for
(0:54:32) Al: there to be multiplayer in this game. And maybe that’s just me, but.
(0:54:37) Jonnie: No, I agree, I don’t think this game needs multiplayer, so that’s why I’m like, well, if you continue to invest in it, like, surely there’s gonna be some idea there.
(0:54:46) Al: Yeah, that’s fair.
(0:54:46) Jonnie: Otherwise, just let people visit each other’s towns and be like, “Wow, you put that building there, and I put it somewhere else.”
(0:54:54) Al: I should have looked at the Reddit as soon as they announced it because trying
(0:54:57) Al: to find there’s so many posts on this on this.
(0:55:01) Jonnie: The other thing they talk about, because it’s been two years now, the Disney Dream of my
(0:55:08) Jonnie: Valley has been out in whatever that means, and they talk about some hints of stuff that’s
(0:55:18) Jonnie: coming in the future beyond content.
(0:55:23) Jonnie: So what I say, we’re also focused on listening to your hopes and dreams about existing features
(0:55:27) Jonnie: and how they can be improved.
(0:55:28) Jonnie: And I was like, oh, this is exciting because like, I like a lot.
(0:55:31) Jonnie: About Disney Dreamlight Valley, but there’s a lot about how the, the like living in the Valley, you know, the sort of life sim designing the town I specs, you know, work that I was just not a fan of.
(0:55:46) Jonnie: That was the very weakest point of that game.
(0:55:48) Jonnie: And I was like, this all sounds exciting.
(0:55:50) Jonnie: And then they say from decorating and organizing your wardrobe and furniture to improving photo mode.
(0:55:57) Jonnie: And I was like, oh, okay.
(0:55:59) Jonnie: So that’s just like tweaking ground stitches.
(0:56:01) Jonnie: So it’s good that they’re constantly improving that stuff.
(0:56:04) Jonnie: I just wish that they were, I don’t know, working on how to design the valley.
(0:56:10) Jonnie: Because I don’t know how people are doing it with these valleys.
(0:56:14) Jonnie: Well, there is a line in there where they go.
(0:56:16) Jonnie: We’ve also heard your values are getting a little crowded.
(0:56:18) Jonnie: We’re working on new free features that will help give you much more space and freedom to decorate,
(0:56:22) Jonnie: which is kind of what I wanted.
(0:56:25) Jonnie: But the fact that that is like right at the bottom of this section does not make me feel
(0:56:30) Jonnie: confident about what’s going on.
(0:56:31) Jonnie: And it also doesn’t scream to me like this will be a satisfying solution it sounds like “hey here’s maybe a graveyard for all of the characters you don’t like to throw their houses in.”
(0:56:32) Al: - Yeah, that doesn’t scream to me this year.
(0:56:45) Al: Okay, so I finally found the post on Reddit. Someone says something about someone called
(0:56:48) Jonnie: Which to be fair, that’s what I was using the sunlit plateau for.
(0:56:56) Al: Sally? I don’t know who that is. Oh, from, what’s it called? Nightmare Before Christmas.
(0:57:06) Jonnie: Ah, it is.
(0:57:06) Al: The one that’s like sewn up. Okay, interesting. And that’s for late 2024. Why is that not
(0:57:08) Jonnie: Uh, yeah.
(0:57:15) Al: October 2024? Because that feels like a Halloween update if it’s Sally. Oh, I have nothing to
(0:57:18) Jonnie: “Nightmare before Christmas, Al.”
(0:57:23) Jonnie: Very important word in that sentence.
(0:57:26) Al: say. So that’s what that one is. Something to do with Sally. Because it does look like,
(0:57:34) Al: because in the film, she’s in like boring clothing, but it does look like in other things
(0:57:39) Al: she has been in very, the clothing has been very colorful. And it looks very much like.
(0:57:45) Al: Almost identical to that one in that image. So thank you random Redditors for having
(0:57:48) Jonnie: Yeah, no, that’s absolutely not
(0:57:53) Al: the memory that I could never have. All right, that’s probably enough about Disney Dromat
(0:58:01) Al: Valley. And our next update, our last update that’s actually out is Cult of the Lamb have
(0:58:10) Al: released the unholy alliance update and the big
(0:58:15) Al: feature of this is ads local core.
(0:58:18) Jonnie: Hell yeah, this looks amazing.
(0:58:23) Jonnie: When I first saw that this was adding
(0:58:25) Jonnie: Local Cop to Co-op of the Land,
(0:58:26) Jonnie: I was like, that doesn’t seem that good or that fun.
(0:58:30) Jonnie: And it seems really good and really fun.
(0:58:33) Jonnie: And when they sort of show all of the ways
(0:58:36) Jonnie: that they’ve implemented Co-op multiplayer,
(0:58:39) Jonnie: like this makes sense for a game
(0:58:41) Jonnie: that I would have a friend round
(0:58:44) Jonnie: and we could just play and have a good silly time
(0:58:47) Jonnie: doing good silly things.
(0:58:48) Jonnie: And then put it down and not be invested, because this is not about the story, this is about you and a friend doing weird cult stuff together in a fun, silly game.
(0:59:00) Jonnie: Like, this makes total sense. I mean, this is a really clever little addition to this game.
(0:59:05) Al: Yeah, I do think that these guys are very much doing things because they think they’re
(0:59:10) Al: fun rather than doing them because they think they should. And they didn’t add local co-op
(0:59:16) Al: because you should add local co-op. They added local co-op because they had a co-op.
(0:59:20) Jonnie: Yeah. Like you can just imagine that they were, you know, sitting together, working on the game, and one person was playing it, and someone was sitting next to them, and then I thought, “What if we just did this but twice?”
(0:59:32) Jonnie: Right? And then they’re like, “Okay, let’s go build that.”
(0:59:34) Jonnie: And I really like local co-op for like the way that they are doing co-op. Like I don’t think this would work if it was online.
(0:59:46) Jonnie: I think this is the sort of co-op that really works best.
(0:59:50) Al: I think I saw somewhere where they basically said, “Please, no, we’re not doing online.
(0:59:54) Al: You’ll make our developers cry.” Somewhere as well, so I don’t think you’re getting that.
(1:00:01) Jonnie: and I don’t think it makes sense right like it’s just I don’t know to me and maybe this is because
(1:00:07) Jonnie: i’m old now that there’s something very uh there’s something that I like about co-op when it’s just
(1:00:13) Jonnie: you know sitting on the couch next to someone else playing a game
(1:00:17) Jonnie: that is distinct from playing a game online with someone else
(1:00:20) Al: “Back in my day, you could only play co-op together. You had to meet the people you were
(1:00:22) Jonnie: yeah you had to physically
(1:00:26) Al: gaming with.”
(1:00:27) Al: No, I agree. I mean, my experience with playing games with people when I was a kid was not
(1:00:29) Jonnie: My parents had to ask their parents if they-
(1:00:31) Jonnie: They could sleep over and yeah.
(1:00:40) Al: fun. So I don’t have any nostalgia for that. But no, I agree. This looks fun. I don’t know
(1:00:50) Al: where I actually get back to this game. But I enjoyed what I played, and I could see how
(1:00:55) Al: this would definitely add some fun to it. I would need to have someone else who would
(1:00:59) Al: want to play this game who lives near me as well. My wife is never playing this game.
(1:01:05) Jonnie: I mean, that’s fair. This is definitely not for everybody, so it’s not okay.
(1:01:12) Al: So there’s that. And they’ve added a whole bunch of other things, like they’ve added
(1:01:15) Al: new traits, there’s a new quest line, which by the way, one of the…
(1:01:20) Al: One of the traits is polyamory.
(1:01:23) Al: They’ve added some new items, new relics, blah, blah, blah.
(1:01:29) Al: There’s a new mode,
(1:01:31) Al: some Twitch integration stuff that I don’t care about, and a new DLC,
(1:01:35) Al: which I think is all cosmetic.
(1:01:37) Al: Oh, there’s one quest line in it.
(1:01:40) Al: But other than that, it’s all cosmetic stuff.
(1:01:42) Al: And also new merch.
(1:01:43) Al: They’ve added they’re selling plushies now.
(1:01:46) Al: Sorry, sorry for letting you know.
(1:01:55) Al: Alright, that’s Cult of the Lamb. So next we have some roadmaps for some games. I know
(1:02:04) Al: we’ve already talked about the Disney Dreamlight Valley roadmap, but there was also an update
(1:02:07) Al: that was out now, so, you know. Mika and the Witches of the Night have released their Early
(1:02:13) Al: Access roadmap, and I’m a little bit confused because I didn’t think this game was Early
(1:02:18) Al: Access, and having played it, I don’t know why it’s Early Access, but apparently it’s
(1:02:23) Al: access.
(1:02:25) Al: They say they’ve got two content patches coming out in October and December
(1:02:30) Al: and these are including new missions, collectibles etc.
(1:02:34) Al: and then bug fixes, languages and community feedback implementation.
(1:02:41) Al: Which is a long way of saying we’re shutting you up by doing some stuff.
(1:02:45) Al: I’m very confused as to why this is early access,
(1:02:46) Jonnie: I’m gonna say, just don’t think about it too hard.
(1:02:49) Al: rather than just we’re going to add more stuff to the game.
(1:02:56) Al: I know, but that’s.
(1:02:57) Jonnie: The game is out and more content is coming.
(1:03:00) Jonnie: Let’s just not label it.
(1:03:01) Jonnie: It’s just, it’s out.
(1:03:03) Al: But it’s my job to overthink it. They said a little, they said a little bit more in their
(1:03:04) Jonnie: Okay, then you overthink it for the rest of us and we’ll just all enjoy the game.
(1:03:10) Al: Kickstarter update. Let me just double check what it was they said. They said, “The game
(1:03:15) Al: is listed on Early Access as Early Access on Steam and we understand that may lead to
(1:03:20) Al: confusion. Yes it has, I’m confused. The game is currently playable from start to finish
(1:03:24) Al: with all missions and characters on both Steam and Nintendo Switch.” I’m more confused now.
(1:03:29) Al: However, we have decided to do a pre-release in Early Access.
(1:03:33) Al: I think this is a great way to add content patches in the coming months and also some of the community feedback.
(1:03:37) Al: Do they think it’s not possible to add updates if you’re not Early Access? That’s what it sounds like.
(1:03:42) Jonnie: yeah maybe in and and like I don’t have any views on whether or not it’s right or wrong but
(1:03:49) Jonnie: maybe this their thinking is uh we’ve got this plan for content and uh like kind of once we’ve
(1:03:58) Jonnie: reached that we want to say here’s the game it’s done nothing more is coming tada um
(1:04:04) Al: I get yeah sure I guess but that’s not how most people think of early
(1:04:09) Jonnie: uh I mean that’s not how a lot of
(1:04:12) Jonnie: people used to think about early access
(1:04:14) Al: Oh, I don’t know. Why are you doing this to me? Right, fine. Let’s move this along, then.
(1:04:15) Jonnie: what does early access even mean anymore?
(1:04:17) Jonnie: isn’t these are just words they don’t mean anything
(1:04:23) Jonnie: because you’ve been away for a month now and you need to
(1:04:26) Al: We’ve got three other roadmaps. Fields of Mistria, Over Magica, and Horticular. They
(1:04:33) Al: all have roadmaps, and none of us have played any of these games.
(1:04:40) Jonnie: No. The one thing I will say, and it’s just really stood out to me in the Horticular one,
(1:04:47) Jonnie: just because you drew my values doing this, I just really like things being transparent about
(1:04:52) Jonnie: whether or not updates are going to be free and/or paid, and the Horticular one
(1:04:56) Jonnie: is just very straight up about that, which I think is also…
(1:05:00) Al: Yeah, no, that’s good. Cool. Next, we have ConcernedApe on Twitter saying, “I swear,
(1:05:08) Al: on the honour of my family name, I will never charge money for a DLC or update as long as
(1:05:13) Al: I live. Screen-cap this and shame me if I ever violate
(1:05:16) Jonnie: You know, I read this and I was thinking like I’d be kind of down for a concern date
(1:05:22) Jonnie: You know heel turn where he does start charging for stuff and you know, like
(1:05:27) Jonnie: That just be yeah, I’d be down for a villa night for concern date. That was my takeaway from this tweet
(1:05:34) Al: And then he said, by the way, I’m not criticizing devs who do charge for DLC, everyone’s circumstances
(1:05:39) Al: are different.
(1:05:43) Jonnie: And it’s also like it’s it’s one of those things it’s like yes it’s very positive it’s great that
(1:05:48) Jonnie: he’s not doing the overly capitalist thing but equally he’s had so much success off the base
(1:05:53) Jonnie: thing that like it’s not like some huge magnanimous thing like I don’t know
(1:06:00) Al: Yes, yeah. He’s doing it because he doesn’t need to, you know? And if he hadn’t made as
(1:06:06) Al: much money as he did from the game, maybe it would be different. But, I mean, that’s
(1:06:10) Al: good. I mean, realistically, he’s living his dream life, right? Like, he has all the money
(1:06:15) Al: he could need, and he gets to do the thing that he wanted to do, and not have anybody
(1:06:20) Al: pressure him into releasing the new game, and he can just do it when he wants. And obviously,
(1:06:24) Al: like, people who want to play the game are pressuring, but it doesn’t matter. You can
(1:06:27) Al: just ignore them right he doesn’t have
(1:06:30) Al: actually pressure him into doing something he doesn’t have
(1:06:33) Al: a publisher or a boss who’s
(1:06:41) Al: I’ve talked about this on the podcast, but probably I suspect most people won’t remember
(1:06:48) Al: this. But they have a Steam page now. They previously didn’t. I found this game on TikTok,
(1:06:52) Al: of all places. And at that point, I didn’t see anything else on the internet about it
(1:06:58) Al: other than their TikTok page. But now they have a Steam page and their planned early
(1:07:04) Al: access release date is 2024. So that’s soon.
(1:07:09) Al: Do you remember talking about this game, Johnny?
(1:07:12) Jonnie: And no, but that’s because this game looks like a bunch of things that I don’t particularly
(1:07:18) Jonnie: like.
(1:07:19) Jonnie: It’s survival, open world, crafty, minecraft, bullshit.
(1:07:23) Jonnie: No, I can’t say that.
(1:07:25) Jonnie: But it’s just nonsense.
(1:07:27) Jonnie: It’s a nonsense game for nonsense people.
(1:07:27) Al: fair. I mean, I don’t think it actually is survival. There is some combat to it and stuff,
(1:07:35) Al: but I think it’s meant to be an Animal Crossing city builder style game with a lot of changes
(1:07:41) Al: that the developer would like in that. And there’s a lot of silliness to it, which is
(1:07:47) Al: maybe what you’re thinking that you’re not a huge fan of. But like what I think it’s
(1:07:51) Al: things like, so there’s buildings for doing different things. So you’ve got like a sawmill
(1:07:57) Al: and it turns into planks. But you can also just pick up the sawmill and throw it at the
(1:08:02) Al: trees and it turns the trees into planks. And that I really like. It’s just very silly.
(1:08:08) Jonnie: yeah and like it does seem silly I just I think i’m just so done with crafting like
(1:08:14) Jonnie: and this seems this this feels like a game that like maybe three or four years ago if someone had
(1:08:18) Jonnie: come up with this concept I think I would have been really into it because of it’s such a silly take
(1:08:22) Jonnie: on crafting uh I just don’t want to craft anything ever again for like yeah particularly like when
(1:08:29) Jonnie: it’s you know I so crafting went on this journey right of like hey we take sticks and you just you
(1:08:35) Jonnie: You just need the sticks to do everything.
(1:08:38) Jonnie: You then take the sticks and turn them into planks and then you need oak planks or teak
(1:08:43) Jonnie: planks in order to do this.
(1:08:44) Jonnie: What sort of planks do you need?
(1:08:46) Jonnie: And now I’m just like, can we just not do that.
(1:08:48) Jonnie: Like let’s just go back to I just got a stick and I can build everything off a stick.
(1:08:51) Jonnie: That’s where I’m at with crafting.
(1:08:53) Al: Fair enough, fair enough. Yeah, I guess we’ll see what I actually think of it once I get to play it,
(1:08:58) Al: but I like the look of it.
(1:09:04) Jonnie: I would not blame anyone for liking the look of this game. It does look fun if you’re into this
(1:09:07) Jonnie: sort of thing. It definitely has strong Zelda vibes.
(1:09:08) Al: It looks like cartoony Breath of the Wild,
(1:09:14) Al: and you can spin around with your sword so fast that you take off like a helicopter, so…
(1:09:19) Jonnie: Okay, I might be back in with that one.
(1:09:23) Al: OK, so we also have three pieces of news that are not specifically game related.
(1:09:30) Al: Before we get in, we will also have some new games, but I wanted to put them at the end,
(1:09:35) Al: so we could skip them if we wanted to, but I think we’ll manage to fit them in time-wise.
(1:09:40) Al: The first one is the Hearty Hank plush from Bear and Breakfast is on makeshift.
(1:09:49) Al: If you’re listening to this, sorry, it’s already finished, but I think…
(1:09:53) Al: Kevin mentioned it in the last episode, so there you go, but yeah, it’s funded, it’s all good, so if you want one too late, if you backed one, you’ll get it, good, there we go, done.
(1:10:06) Al: But I mean, this is just, he’s so silly, did you end up getting one, Johnny?
(1:10:10) Jonnie: I have just checked out with for my Hank plush.
(1:10:16) Jonnie: I literally just got the notification to say it has all been confirmed. So yes, I did.
(1:10:21) Al: He is so round.
(1:10:23) Jonnie: He’s so round and he’s just so cute. It’s funny, funny enough. Like this, this is why I think this
(1:10:29) Jonnie: sort of stuff is quite good, particularly when you do it well, right? Because I played a little bit
(1:10:32) Jonnie: of beer and breakfast. No, I played a decent amount of beer and breakfast, but it didn’t finish it.
(1:10:37) Jonnie: And now I’ve brought the plush, and I’m like, “Well, I guess I’m gonna have to go there.”
(1:10:40) Jonnie: I couldn’t finish the game.
(1:10:40) Al: Yeah, is this game is this plush more expensive than the game?
(1:10:48) Jonnie: I’m pretty sure I played the game on Game Plus or something, so I’m pretty sure I have got a bit more on the plush than I have on the game.
(1:10:54) Al: Fair enough, fair enough. I bet the shipping is expensive to you.
(1:10:57) Jonnie: Uh, the shipping is almost a third of the price of the plush.
(1:11:02) Jonnie: Which is, yeah, it’s not cheap.
(1:11:03) Al: I mean not bad for getting to Australia, but what’s the shipping like to me?
(1:11:08) Al: I don’t need this. Nine dollars for shipping to me? It’s not dreadful.
(1:11:12) Jonnie: Oh, that’s what I paid. They must just have a worldwide shipping and be averaging it out.
(1:11:16) Al: Yeah, what’s $40? That’s the total. £30. It just basically makes it the same number.
(1:11:24) Al: of pounds as it is dollars. I don’t need this. I don’t need it.
(1:11:30) Jonnie: not about need because i’ve also managed to find these cult of the lamb these cult of the lamb
(1:11:33) Al: £30, he’s going to be so fluffy.
(1:11:36) Jonnie: plushes are also pretty good they also have a blanket
(1:11:38) Al: Yeah, I have kids. They’re expensive.
(1:11:42) Al: Next, we have more information about the Sakuna of Rice and Ruin anime. Not only that,
(1:11:48) Al: but there are like seven episodes out now, I think. So they’re coming out.
(1:11:55) Al: And shock harder, Johnny. They’ve done a good western release for a Japanese anime.
(1:12:02) Al: With Japanese anime. For an anime, I’m shocked. We’re getting it. Same day with subs.
(1:12:09) Al: Obviously, there’s no dub because, you know, on Crunchyroll and on Netflix.
(1:12:16) Jonnie: That’s exciting. Have you watched it? Wait, is it out? It must be one of them’s out now, right? Yeah, 10th.
(1:12:22) Al: I think it’s seven episodes right now, let me double check.
(1:12:24) Al: Yeah, we’re at seven episodes out, six left to go.
(1:12:28) Al: I haven’t started it yet because I’ve been catching up on other stuff with being away,
(1:12:32) Al: but I will be watching it because I do have Netflix just now.
(1:12:36) Jonnie: Great, I think I will also
(1:12:38) Al: Cool. And we also have Marvelous have decided to restructure,
(1:12:44) Al: and this is like proper restructuring, not the humble games restructuring where you just fire
(1:12:48) Al: everyone. So previously, it was a bit confusing about how
(1:12:54) Al: Marvelous existed because some games came from Marvelous USA and some games came from Exceed.
(1:13:03) Al: And now they’ve changed it so that all of the Marvelous Japan games that are being
(1:13:09) Al: localised outside of Japan are coming under the Marvelous USA brand.
(1:13:14) Al: Which is a little bit weird because places exist outside of the USA and Japan.
(1:13:21) Al: And then there are other games like they have third party publishing.
(1:13:24) Al: And so Moonlight Peaks is one of the ones that they’re publishing, and they’ve published
(1:13:28) Al: other ones as well.
(1:13:29) Al: That’s coming under Exceed.
(1:13:31) Al: So this makes sense, right?
(1:13:35) Al: I’ve written in the show notes here.
(1:13:37) Al: It’s a more clear distinction, maybe.
(1:13:41) Al: Because now they only have one website, which is the Marvelous USA website.
(1:13:45) Al: And as far as I can see, there’s no store other than the USA store, which previously
(1:13:52) Al: Exceed Europe had a store for Europe.
(1:13:54) Al: And you could buy games in Europe, but now there’s just one store, which is on Marvelous USA,
(1:14:00) Al: which sells both Marvelous and Exceed games. And now I’m confused again.
(1:14:06) Jonnie: Yeah, well, I know, because there’s Marvelous USA, there’s X-Men Games, and then there’s Marvelous, Inc., which is the parent company.
(1:14:16) Jonnie: Ahhh, and so, I don’t know, like, to me, this change feels more like trying to give themselves internal clarity about who’s doing what and who has accountability for certain things, right?
(1:14:31) Jonnie: Where they say Marvelous USA is providing business operational and marketing support to Marvelous, Inc.’s, you know, like…
(1:14:36) Jonnie: To me, it’s just, like, they’re trying to draw some clear lines internally. I don’t know that, externally, this, A, changes much, or B, makes anything clearer, as you kind of just…
(1:14:50) Al: Yeah, so I’ve just tried to go through the process of buying something and you can’t it’s only the US
(1:14:57) Al: the US
(1:14:58) Al: Plus the territories that you can ship to
(1:15:02) Al: So I think they’ve just removed our ability to buy games from them if you’re not in the US
(1:15:10) Jonnie: I don’t even know if that’s a good thing or not, but it is now a thing that has happened.
(1:15:14) Al: I mean, so I never bought anything directly from them, right? Because I didn’t. I don’t
(1:15:22) Al: know what my because was. I just, I didn’t. Right? Like I didn’t. That’s just what it
(1:15:26) Al: is. Um, but I guess I definitely won’t know. Okay. Let’s talk about some new games to finish
(1:15:32) Al: off. We have five new games that have either been announced or I just find out about, and
(1:15:36) Al: I can’t remember which is which. Let’s just go through them. Pathless Woods is the first
(1:15:41) Al: one. This is, I’m going to read out the blurb
(1:15:44) Al: on Steam. Embark on a cosy, just can we can we stop please? Please no, stop. I hate it.
(1:15:52) Al: Stop saying it’s cosy. It’s not your job to say it’s cosy. Sorry. Embark on a cosy open
(1:15:56) Jonnie: The word “cozy” does not make “owl” feel cozy.
(1:16:00) Al: world survival journey inspired by ancient China’s heritage. Gather resources, cultivate
(1:16:06) Al: crops, build your dream home and defend it from marauders. Team up with friends to explore
(1:16:11) Al: and uncover a world where adventure meets serenity.
(1:16:16) Al: This is another game that’s saying it’s a cosy survival game, and I still don’t think that.
(1:16:22) Jonnie: I agree. To me, like, in order to be cozy, I kind of feel like it needs to be in the DNA,
(1:16:29) Jonnie: and like, I’m sure this game will have a, you know, peaceful option where you don’t have to defend
(1:16:34) Jonnie: your town from marauders, but like, kind of turning off a feature does not a cozy game make,
(1:16:39) Jonnie: particularly when that’s the first word that you use to describe your game, so I’m not sure about
(1:16:44) Jonnie: that. But overall, I think this game, like, A, this game is not really my bag, because it’s
(1:16:50) Jonnie: the survival thing.
(1:16:53) Jonnie: The one thing that was in the trailer that like was cool is they showed land terraforming happening and they had what I assume were sort of like rice patties and or rice pettifields where they had water in it and they like cut a hole in the land to a lower tier and then the water started like trickling down and I was like that seems that seems like a cool way of doing farming and that was the thing that stood out.
(1:17:20) Al: Yeah. This game is out now on Steam Early Access. Yeah, I don’t have much more to say.
(1:17:28) Jonnie: It does have a unique heart style
(1:17:29) Al: I don’t… yeah. I like the look of it. But I’m not… yeah, I’m not like I must play this
(1:17:36) Al: game right now. But I’ve added it to my wishlist and maybe I’ll play it at some point.
(1:17:38) Jonnie: I think I feel the same way.
(1:17:41) Al: Next we have Everbloom. Everbloom is a cute and cosy farming social sim set in a world
(1:17:49) Al: of whimsy.
(1:17:50) Al: OK, sure, whimsical.
(1:18:04) Jonnie: Yep.
(1:18:08) Jonnie: Okay, so this game does the weird thing where you’re like,
(1:18:12) Jonnie: ‘cause you’re playing as animal, like the
(1:18:15) Jonnie: humanoid characters in this game are animals,
(1:18:18) Jonnie: but then there are cows, which are actual animals,
(1:18:20) Jonnie: so it raises lots of questions about the nature of animals in this world.
(1:18:24) Al: Yes.
(1:18:26) Al: We have too many games.
(1:18:26) Jonnie: This game?
(1:18:27) Jonnie: Yeah. We have too many games, like…
(1:18:30) Jonnie: And so the crazy thing is, right, like, this game…
(1:18:34) Jonnie: Based on that description, I’m like,
(1:18:36) Jonnie: ‘Ah, this is probably gonna be a really small little, like…’
(1:18:40) Jonnie: This game looks big, and, like…
(1:18:43) Jonnie: It looks good, not in the ‘it looks fun’,
(1:18:46) Jonnie: like, I don’t know whether or not it looks fun,
(1:18:49) Jonnie: but it looks…
(1:18:51) Jonnie: good in that it looks really highly or well-produced.
(1:18:56) Jonnie: Like, if this is exactly how the game looks and runs across the whole thing, like…
(1:19:02) Jonnie: This could be a little bit of a sleep ahead.
(1:19:04) Al: Yeah, maybe. Maybe. But yeah, we have too many games. I’m struggling to come up with
(1:19:08) Al: anything to say about this, other than the things I’ve said about the other games. We’ll
(1:19:12) Jonnie: Ah, I feel like that is entirely fair. Yeah, 100%.
(1:19:12) Al: keep an eye on it. The release is to be announced, so probably not this year. Next we have Hamster
(1:19:20) Jonnie: Hopefully not this year, Alice says.
(1:19:24) Al: Garden, which is a Japan-only game, sadly, as of now. But it’s a garden. It’s a farming
(1:19:33) Al: game where you play as a humph.
(1:19:34) Al: Right? Like why else is there.
(1:19:36) Jonnie: There’s one of the DLC hamsters that’s like mint chocolate chip ice cream and he’s just got a cone for a hat and like
(1:19:44) Al: Oh, yes, so he does.
(1:19:45) Jonnie: He’s so dumb
(1:19:47) Al: Amazing.
(1:19:49) Al: This is such a weird game and it’s like properly branded with Switch branding.
(1:19:56) Al: Like this feels very like - it almost feels like it’s a Nintendo game, but it’s not.
(1:20:01) Al: But like it is - yeah, it’s weird.
(1:20:04) Jonnie: my favorite thing about it is like the expression of like their default
(1:20:09) Jonnie: expression is just like what I think of as like dumb hamster face where they
(1:20:14) Jonnie: just like kind of have like that little like you know the round mouth and I kind
(1:20:20) Jonnie: of just look sort of surprised and concerned at the same time which is
(1:20:23) Jonnie: exactly how I think of hamsters
(1:20:25) Al: is a hamster with a mustache and a top hat.
(1:20:27) Jonnie: I just he looks like this
(1:20:35) Jonnie: oh this game is amazing oh my god there’s a green hamster with like a
(1:20:36) Al: Oh, amazing. Fantastic. The website is very 90s. Like, there’s just a random hamster bouncing
(1:20:39) Jonnie: dinosaur head for a hat
(1:20:49) Jonnie: it’s so my teeth
(1:20:52) Al: around the page. You can’t control him. He’s just there and he’s just bouncing around.
(1:20:58) Al: Are you going really fast? I do want to play this game, but I will not. I will.
(1:20:59) Jonnie: I really want to play this game now
(1:21:06) Al: I will not do this thing when I try and play a game in Japanese. It always pains me.
(1:21:12) Jonnie: Yeah, I would not play this if I didn’t know what was happening.
(1:21:16) Jonnie: I say, now that I’m thinking about it, I might play this even if I don’t know what’s happening. That sounds kind of fun.
(1:21:20) Al: Who cares? I mean, you can figure out how to farm, right? It doesn’t really matter what
(1:21:25) Jonnie: 100%?
(1:21:26) Al: the story is. Next, we have… No, I thought that for a minute. It felt like I was trying
(1:21:26) Jonnie: No.
(1:21:28) Jonnie: I’m just…
(1:21:28) Jonnie: Ah!
(1:21:29) Jonnie: Wait, I think this hamster moves…
(1:21:30) Jonnie: Oh no, he doesn’t move with how fast you scroll.
(1:21:32) Jonnie: Sorry.
(1:21:36) Al: to see him and therefore he got faster, but then he got slower again. So, yeah. He can
(1:21:39) Jonnie: No, his speed just randomly changes.
(1:21:42) Al: go pretty fast. Next, we have Ritual of Raven. Ritual of Raven
(1:21:48) Al: is a story-based farming sim.
(1:21:50) Al: But you don’t do the farming yourself.
(1:22:07) Jonnie: If you want to befriend a cute brunch of weirdos, go to patreon.com/thspod
(1:22:20) Al: Is there some card-based stuff in this?
(1:22:23) Jonnie: yeah um like this this feels more
(1:22:26) Al: But I’m not seeing what.
(1:22:27) Al: I just see a screenshot and there’s no
(1:22:29) Al: description as to what this screenshot is about.
(1:22:31) Jonnie: yeah um
(1:22:33) Al: Oh, wait, this is like, oh.
(1:22:35) Jonnie: I think it’s the instructions for the bot
(1:22:37) Al: Oh, now I’m interested.
(1:22:38) Al: You’re… Oh, no.
(1:22:41) Al: OK, yeah, yeah, OK.
(1:22:43) Al: So, yeah, so you set out your cards that defines what happens.
(1:22:47) Al: And so this is saying like every morning,
(1:22:50) Al: plough, seed, water, loop, and there’s like other cards as well.
(1:22:54) Al: So you can like, oh, goodness, I am intrigued now.
(1:22:57) Jonnie: me too this was a game that I feel like initially was giving me like it kind of
(1:23:03) Jonnie: just feels like another in that sort of half action exploration style game half
(1:23:09) Jonnie: you know build out your farm sort of game the more I see the more I am
(1:23:17) Jonnie: interested in this game I like the art style I like I like the vibes this game
(1:23:22) Al: This game is to be announced release date, so we’ll see but oh team 17 are publishing
(1:23:32) Al: they’re the worms people in case you’re not.
(1:23:34) Jonnie: I was not aware. What happened to the 16 other teams?
(1:23:36) Al: They have published a lot apparently they they published dredge and overcooked and the
(1:23:38) Jonnie: Haha.
(1:23:45) Al: escapists and moving out and they’ve done a lot of like this is a very long list.
(1:23:52) Al: Not realize that team 17 published so much.
(1:23:55) Al: And the final game on our list the final piece of news is cat cafe manager 2 big city bliss
(1:24:03) Al: bad name just first off.
(1:24:05) Jonnie: I mean, it tells you what the game is.
(1:24:10) Al: That’s not necessarily a good thing.
(1:24:13) Al: So I would say the way to describe this
(1:24:16) Al: graphics is Paper Mario.
(1:24:18) Jonnie: Yes, a good description, yep.
(1:24:20) Al: And you are running a cat cafe.
(1:24:24) Al: Sorry, I should do the blurb, shouldn’t I?
(1:24:25) Jonnie: Correct.
(1:24:26) Al: In this cozy management life, Sim care for cute cats and customers while exploring
(1:24:31) Al: a bustling folkloric city, build the cat cafe of your cat cafe of your dreams and
(1:24:38) Al: hearts with delight using the power of light.
(1:24:40) Al: Power of cats, coffee and community.
(1:24:43) Jonnie: Two thoughts.
(1:24:44) Jonnie: One, I definitely cannot build the Cat Cafe of my dreams
(1:24:47) Jonnie: ‘cause I’m pretty sure they will not let me have a lion
(1:24:50) Jonnie: to eat annoying customers,
(1:24:52) Jonnie: which I feel like is an important part of a Cat Cafe.
(1:24:55) Jonnie: And second, the trailer ends with a cat
(1:24:57) Jonnie: knocking a coffee cup off a table.
(1:24:59) Jonnie: So, I know, they nailed it.
(1:25:01) Al: approach stray fur babies (minus points for using that) using the ancient “psst, pst,
(1:25:08) Al: pst” technique (plus points for that) and meet them in turn-based cat counters. OK,
(1:25:14) Al: figure out what they like and dislike to slowly win their trust.
(1:25:17) Al: I’m intrigued. Yeah, yeah, that’s the thing, you see the name and you go “ugh, not again”.
(1:25:18) Jonnie: I am more interested in this than I thought I would.
(1:25:24) Al: But I’m intrigued by this one. I could see myself playing this, despite not being a cat
(1:25:30) Al: person.
(1:25:30) Jonnie: Have you ever been to a cat cafe at all?
(1:25:32) Al: I have not. I have walked past a cat cafe many many times. There was one on my
(1:25:37) Al: walk to the office before I stopped working in an office and it sounds like
(1:25:42) Al: a horrible place to try and eat food.
(1:25:44) Jonnie: That is exactly my take. The idea of a cafe is not appealing.
(1:25:50) Jonnie: I would like my animals and my food to be separate unless the animals are my food.
(1:25:56) Al: The cat cafe, just to clarify, is not about eating the cats. Just putting that out there.
(1:26:04) Jonnie: But what if that’s the cat cafe of my dreams, Al?
(1:26:06) Jonnie: They said I could build it.
(1:26:11) Al: And with that, I think we’re going to finish there. Thank you, Jonny, for joining me for
(1:26:16) Al: this marathon of news. Where can people find you on Facebook?
(1:26:19) Jonnie: Oh, thanks for having me out as usual if you want to talk about any of the news
(1:26:27) Jonnie: items any of the the new games that came out because there’s a lot that came out
(1:26:30) Jonnie: uh then patreon.com/thspod get access to the slide come come chat to us there i’m
(1:26:38) Jonnie: sure we’ll be chatting a lot about mecha in the witches mountain in about two days time
(1:26:42) Jonnie: as of recording or live um if you are listening to this episode we will all have access to it so
(1:26:47) Jonnie: come join us, come chat about it.
(1:26:49) Al: Absolutely. You can find me on mastodon.scot and on Twitter @thescotbot.
(1:26:54) Al: You can find the podcast on Tumblr and Twitter @thspod.
(1:26:59) Al: You can find links to everything that we’ve published.
(1:27:02) Al: We talked about and related to the podcast on our website,
(1:27:05) Al: harvestseason.club, where you can also find a feedback form to send us some feedback.
(1:27:10) Al: We like feedback.
(1:27:12) Al: Tell us if the day the Diver Month was too much or not.
(1:27:16) Al: It was fun, I think, to record the episodes.
(1:27:20) Jonnie: Yeah, it was fun and I thought it was fun to listen to I I had I had a good time listening to all the different takes
(1:27:25) Jonnie: On on dates diver
(1:27:26) Al: Despite- despite not liking the game.
(1:27:29) Jonnie: Yeah, a hundred percent right like I like hearing about what what people
(1:27:32) Jonnie: You know enjoyed or or go out of it
(1:27:34) Jonnie: Like the fact that it wasn’t for me doesn’t mean it’s not for everybody right like obviously super successful game
(1:27:38) Jonnie: So I liked hearing about it and I liked hearing about in particular
(1:27:42) Jonnie: I I have a weird love for like people that go really in-depth on law on specific topics
(1:27:48) Jonnie: So I really liked it
(1:27:50) Jonnie: I’m hearing Spencer go keep on sun-consoling
(1:27:52) Al: Oh, yes. Yes. So we, as Johnny mentioned, you can support us on Patreon, patreon.com/thspod,
(1:28:01) Al: where you can access Slack, but you also get episodes, bonus episodes of the podcast. And
(1:28:07) Al: as hinted there, we just released a Godzilla one where me and Spencer talk through a lot
(1:28:13) Al: of Godzilla, both not niche and some pretty niche. So come and listen to that. It was
(1:28:20) Al: good fun, because I was like, we’re, why?
(1:28:23) Al: I had Spencer on the podcast multiple times and not talk to him about Godzilla.
(1:28:26) Al: So seeing as how we were covering the Godzilla DLC for Dave the Diver, it felt
(1:28:31) Al: perfect and also, you know, it was a good year for Godzilla.
(1:28:34) Al: All right.
(1:28:35) Al: I think that’s everything.
(1:28:36) Al: Thank you, Johnny, again, for joining me.
(1:28:37) Jonnie: Thanks Hal. Have a good Hal.
(1:28:38) Al: Thank you, listeners, for listening.
(1:28:40) Al: And until next time, have a good harvest.
(1:28:42) Theme Tune: The harvest season is created by Al McKinley, with support from our patrons, including our
(1:28:53) Theme Tune: pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
(1:28:57) Theme Tune: Our art is done by Micah the Brave, and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
(1:29:01) Theme Tune: Feel free to visit our website, harvestseason.club for show notes and links to things we discussed
(1:29:07) Theme Tune: in this episode.
(1:29:18) Jonnie: That’d be bad if you were saying pixel art is bad.
(1:29:20) Al: Speaking of pixel art… Say again? Did you say it is bad?
(1:29:26) Jonnie: No, I was saying it would be bad.
(1:29:28) Jonnie: We were both trying to make the same transition.