Silly September

Al and Kev talk about all the new Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos news and try out the original Harvest Moon.


00:00:00: Theme Tune
00:00:30: Intro
00:01:53: What Have We Been Up To
00:17:35: News
00:45:31: Harvest Moon The Winds Of Anthos Medium Dive
01:09:27: Harvest Moon (SNES)
01:35:23: Outro

Sprout Valley Release Date
Moonstone Island Release Date
A Tiny Sticker Tale Release Date

Disney Dreamlight Valley Cozy Edition
Spirittea Release Date
The Wandering Village Birtdahy Update

Stardew Valley Cookbook

Fogu Winds of Anthos Info


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[00:00.000 –> 00:01.860] There you go!
[00:30.760 –> 00:35.880] Hello farmers and welcome to another episode of the harvest season.
[00:35.880 –> 00:37.440] My name is Al.
[00:37.440 –> 00:38.920] I’m Kevin.
[00:38.920 –> 00:42.000] And we’re here today to talk about Harvest Moon.
[00:42.000 –> 00:44.660] Yeah, yeah, living up to the name.
[00:44.660 –> 00:45.660] All the Harvest Moon.
[00:45.660 –> 00:46.660] Our name, the harvest.
[00:46.660 –> 00:47.660] Yeah.
[00:47.660 –> 00:50.440] This is our Harvest Moon Bonanza episode.
[00:50.440 –> 00:55.920] Yeah, we’re going to the old, the new, the good, the bad, all of it.
[00:55.920 –> 00:56.920] Yeah.
[00:56.920 –> 00:58.920] And we’ll not tell you which is which yet.
[00:58.920 –> 01:05.980] So before we get into that, obviously, transcripts are, as always, available in the show notes
[01:05.980 –> 01:07.360] and on the website.
[01:07.360 –> 01:09.320] So they’re there if you need them.
[01:09.320 –> 01:14.200] Yeah, we’ve got a bunch of news to talk about.
[01:14.200 –> 01:21.240] And then we’re going to do a dive into a bunch of information that’s come up on Harvest Moon
[01:21.240 –> 01:24.280] Winds of Anthos over the last week.
[01:24.280 –> 01:30.620] Coincidentally, this was coincidental, on the week that we decided that we were going
[01:30.620 –> 01:37.060] to play the original Harvest Moon, now that it’s out on Nintendo Switch Online.
[01:37.060 –> 01:39.680] So we’re going to talk about that at the end as well.
[01:39.680 –> 01:46.540] Yeah, that’s gonna, that’s really an interesting timing there, how it all lined up.
[01:46.540 –> 01:47.540] It’s amazing.
[01:47.540 –> 01:48.540] I love it.
[01:48.540 –> 01:52.440] I wish more episodes worked like this.
[01:52.440 –> 01:56.080] But before all of that, Kevin, what have you been up to?
[01:56.080 –> 01:58.220] Oh, good question.
[01:58.220 –> 02:00.160] So I’m doing early plug.
[02:00.160 –> 02:04.440] I didn’t talk about last week, but the episodes already out.
[02:04.440 –> 02:05.720] Things have been busy over at the other show.
[02:05.720 –> 02:11.200] I’m now working with our dear friend Alex on Rainbow Road Radio.
[02:11.200 –> 02:15.640] I’ve been play well, not this as much this week, but I’ve been playing a little bit of
[02:15.640 –> 02:19.880] Super Mario Sunshine, because we covered that.
[02:19.880 –> 02:25.560] There’s a big media episode for you guys to listen if you want to hear my in-depth thoughts,
[02:25.560 –> 02:28.080] but my general consensus, I still like the game.
[02:28.080 –> 02:29.320] I’m giving it a thumbs up.
[02:29.320 –> 02:30.320] Yeah.
[02:30.320 –> 02:32.200] Do I get to have feedback on your episode here?
[02:32.200 –> 02:33.200] That sounds fun.
[02:33.200 –> 02:34.200] Sure.
[02:34.200 –> 02:35.200] Yes.
[02:35.200 –> 02:36.200] I think it was great.
[02:36.200 –> 02:40.320] I will say, I didn’t like the fact that there was a question over whether it was better
[02:40.320 –> 02:42.760] or worse than Mario 64.
[02:42.760 –> 02:45.000] Mario 64 is terrible.
[02:45.000 –> 02:50.040] Mario Sunshine definitely has its issues.
[02:50.040 –> 02:53.760] You can tell it’s a 20-year-old game.
[02:53.760 –> 02:57.360] You can tell it’s a 20-year-old game, which by the way, it’s insane that something that
[02:57.360 –> 03:00.220] looks like that is 20 years old, but that’s just time.
[03:00.220 –> 03:04.560] It just keeps moving.
[03:04.560 –> 03:06.040] It works both ways here.
[03:06.040 –> 03:13.960] GameCube is a weird era because not only does the stuff hold up fairly well 20 years later,
[03:13.960 –> 03:22.960] but if you look at what was out five years before, it’s insane, because 64 is not that
[03:22.960 –> 03:24.040] far before Sunshine.
[03:24.040 –> 03:25.260] It’s crazy.
[03:25.260 –> 03:26.260] This is the thing.
[03:26.260 –> 03:34.680] If you look at screenshots of Mario 64 next to Mario Sunshine, they look a decade apart.
[03:34.680 –> 03:42.680] You can literally see the polygons on him in Mario 64, and in Mario Sunshine, it’s smooth.
[03:42.680 –> 03:45.760] If it’s the sort of thing that was released just now, people would be like, oh, it’s a
[03:45.760 –> 03:50.160] little bit outdated graphics, but they wouldn’t be like, oh, it’s horrific.
[03:50.160 –> 03:52.160] It’s pretty good, still.
[03:52.160 –> 03:55.720] You get an indie developer in this day and age who would release it and nobody would
[03:55.720 –> 03:59.600] bat an eye, right?
[03:59.600 –> 04:00.760] It’s not that far behind.
[04:00.760 –> 04:01.760] It’s insane.
[04:01.760 –> 04:04.200] Yeah, yeah, definitely.
[04:04.200 –> 04:07.760] The biggest thing, I think, as you discussed on the episode, is the camera.
[04:07.760 –> 04:08.760] Yeah.
[04:08.760 –> 04:09.760] Real issues.
[04:09.760 –> 04:10.760] It’s the camera.
[04:10.840 –> 04:14.960] The Mario team have figured that out, and the newer games have much better cameras.
[04:14.960 –> 04:17.760] Yeah, yeah, they are.
[04:17.760 –> 04:23.920] It’d be nice to see that game get a proper remake, not just this weird half port that
[04:23.920 –> 04:26.960] they do for the collection or whatever.
[04:26.960 –> 04:31.580] I think I’d be fine with, I mean, I get why you would want that, but I think it would
[04:31.580 –> 04:37.780] also be fun if they just had the flood in a newer game, because that was what makes
[04:37.780 –> 04:39.200] it different, right?
[04:39.200 –> 04:40.200] Absolutely.
[04:40.640 –> 04:45.960] I know the whole, oh yeah, well, Bowser’s Fury is like the spiritual successor to Sunshine,
[04:45.960 –> 04:49.040] and I get why people are saying that, but it’s not the same.
[04:49.040 –> 04:51.120] No, absolutely not.
[04:51.120 –> 04:58.440] I think it was, getting more in-depth, there was stuff in the code that implied it was
[04:58.440 –> 05:03.000] very much more, not just going to be spiritual, it was going to be, they were working on a
[05:03.000 –> 05:05.920] Sunshine sequel to some degree, but there’s no flood.
[05:05.920 –> 05:08.720] And that’s the thing that makes Sunshine, Sunshine.
[05:09.240 –> 05:14.120] It’s built on the same code base, similar in lots of ways, but without the flood, it’s
[05:14.120 –> 05:15.120] not the same.
[05:15.120 –> 05:17.320] Yeah, you’re super right.
[05:17.320 –> 05:22.040] I said like a remake, because I don’t think I will ever see flood come back in a game
[05:22.040 –> 05:28.760] in my lifetime, or a new game, let’s say, so that’s why I’m thinking of the remake,
[05:28.760 –> 05:30.760] but of course that would be my preference.
[05:30.760 –> 05:32.760] I would give for a new flood.
[05:32.760 –> 05:34.760] That’d be good fun.
[05:34.800 –> 05:42.800] Yeah, and again, a little tidbit from that episode, but there were like, seven?
[05:42.800 –> 05:45.800] They originally had like ten different nozzles for flood?
[05:45.800 –> 05:46.800] Yeah.
[05:46.800 –> 05:51.800] I want to know, oh god, okay, yeah, I’d love to see a sequel with more stuff.
[05:51.800 –> 05:52.800] That would be fun.
[05:52.800 –> 05:57.240] Yeah, but regardless, Sunshine, that was a good media episode, go listen to it, thank
[05:57.240 –> 05:59.720] you for listening, Al.
[05:59.720 –> 06:03.720] And actually, I highly recommend the episode that we’ll be releasing, well actually it’ll
[06:03.760 –> 06:08.840] probably be out by the time listeners are listening to this, because Mario Wonder, we
[06:08.840 –> 06:16.200] got our direct, and so we got the content for you guys, we go in-depth into our thoughts
[06:16.200 –> 06:17.200] on Wonder.
[06:17.200 –> 06:19.960] This was a good time to start a Mario.
[06:19.960 –> 06:28.920] I know, it’s so good, yeah, it was great timing, much like this episode.
[06:28.920 –> 06:37.160] But anyways, aside from the Mario life, nothing too crazy, I’ve been Tears of the Kingdoming,
[06:37.160 –> 06:39.160] guess what, still good.
[06:39.160 –> 06:40.160] Shock.
[06:40.160 –> 06:45.920] Yeah, Don-Don’s are cool, I met them, I saved the pirates, no, I killed the pirates and
[06:45.920 –> 06:50.320] saved literally another way around.
[06:50.320 –> 06:56.960] Other than that, nothing too exciting, Unite, Snap, oh, the Mewtwo raids, I guess we can
[06:57.000 –> 07:01.360] talk about that, or Scarlet Violet.
[07:01.360 –> 07:10.720] It’s fine, I guess, it happened, I did it, I mean, there’s a whole spiel here I could
[07:10.720 –> 07:19.240] go into, but there’s just something about optimizing an event like this, a strategy
[07:19.240 –> 07:24.120] so well that it kills the fun for me a little bit.
[07:24.600 –> 07:31.840] I get that, I guess the problem is that I think is people’s problem, unless you just
[07:31.840 –> 07:40.640] go like, well, the raid can do these 10 different things, and therefore you can’t plan for it.
[07:40.640 –> 07:44.680] Unless you do that, I don’t think there’s really a way to not have that happen, because
[07:44.680 –> 07:49.960] you have thousands of players who are like, I need to min-max this, I need to figure out
[07:49.960 –> 07:52.080] how to solve this.
[07:52.080 –> 07:58.840] I find it quite fun to see the crazy strategies, like, oh, why on earth is everybody setting
[07:58.840 –> 07:59.840] up electric terrain?
[07:59.840 –> 08:03.120] Oh, it’s because apparently electric terrain means you can’t sleep.
[08:03.120 –> 08:04.120] Oh, that’s fun.
[08:04.120 –> 08:09.560] That’s an interesting one, I did not realize that was a thing, that’s the kind of parts
[08:09.560 –> 08:14.320] of the game that I’ve never really been bothered to be interested in because I’m not a competitive
[08:14.320 –> 08:15.320] player.
[08:15.960 –> 08:23.800] Yeah, and to get, I guess for people who don’t play Pokemon or don’t know, there’s an event
[08:23.800 –> 08:28.720] where you team up with three other players and you can fight a big Mewtwo, well not actually
[08:28.720 –> 08:31.080] big, but it’s a very strong Mewtwo, right?
[08:31.080 –> 08:37.760] And if you happen to have a Mew on you, which they gave out in distribution, or you happen
[08:37.760 –> 08:42.200] to have one transferred in for whatever, you get a boost to your Mew, because there’s that
[08:42.200 –> 08:47.200] rivalry in Pokemon Mew vs Mewtwo or whatever, and that’s fun and all, right?
[08:47.200 –> 08:56.080] And so yeah, so there’s these obviously very efficient strategies to be in the event, but
[08:56.080 –> 09:02.880] the real kicker is Mew has the ultimate, or like the poster child for adaptability, can
[09:02.880 –> 09:06.160] learn every move, do everything, whatever it wants to, right?
[09:06.160 –> 09:13.440] So I would have preferred a weaker Mewtwo where you didn’t have to maximize your strategy
[09:13.440 –> 09:20.120] to, because it is a difficult challenge if you don’t know what you’re doing, right?
[09:20.120 –> 09:26.560] But if it were so weak that, if it were doable without having to do that, right, where everyone
[09:26.560 –> 09:30.840] could just run different things, or you could plan maybe something with your teammates,
[09:30.840 –> 09:33.440] where everyone didn’t have to be the same, I think I’d enjoy that more.
[09:33.440 –> 09:40.680] But that is, you know, that’s just wishful thinking, Cela V, it’s min-maxing video games,
[09:40.680 –> 09:42.880] it’s what you’re going to do.
[09:42.880 –> 09:43.880] But that’s what I’ve been up to.
[09:43.880 –> 09:44.880] What about you, Al?
[09:44.880 –> 09:45.880] What’s going on?
[09:45.880 –> 09:50.080] Yeah, well, obviously I was doing the Pokemon raids as well, I quite enjoyed the getting,
[09:50.080 –> 09:54.040] I think it took me about four turns, and we finally got a team together that was actually
[09:54.040 –> 09:58.200] knew what they were doing, and we still had to do, I think the fun thing about this one
[09:58.200 –> 10:01.760] is like, yeah, you have a strategy, but you still have to do it, and you have to do it
[10:01.760 –> 10:02.760] well.
[10:02.760 –> 10:06.040] So it’s like, you know, it takes the whole, was it five minutes?
[10:06.040 –> 10:07.040] Is that how long one is?
[10:07.040 –> 10:12.920] It takes almost the entire five minutes to do that, even if you’re doing everything perfectly.
[10:12.920 –> 10:18.600] And just seeing like four random people connecting online, not knowing each other, and noticing
[10:18.600 –> 10:22.480] what the others are doing, and just adapting to that, and just going, that was really fun,
[10:22.480 –> 10:23.480] right?
[10:23.480 –> 10:27.800] Because especially in the one that I won, like all four of us set up light screen turn
[10:27.800 –> 10:32.640] one, and I was like, Oh, no, it’s just a group full of support Pokemon, we’re gonna lose.
[10:32.640 –> 10:37.440] But then it turns out that the other two of the people had leech life, which is the
[10:37.440 –> 10:41.640] big, big hair that you have to take it down.
[10:41.640 –> 10:46.360] And they just they just started getting to the strategy that would lead them to do the
[10:46.360 –> 10:48.680] swords dancing and leech life, blah, blah, blah.
[10:48.680 –> 10:58.240] And I had the right moves for both to be support or be technical and the other and so we kind
[10:58.240 –> 11:02.480] of me and the other one kind of just tag teamed and it worked really well, which was good
[11:03.120 –> 11:08.640] Yeah, see, I’ll say that to like, that sounds pretty fun.
[11:08.640 –> 11:12.920] I did mine with a team off the bat of people I was talking to, like I didn’t do with random.
[11:12.920 –> 11:17.840] So we got it one and done pretty much we had it on the bat.
[11:17.840 –> 11:24.160] But I will say that it is fun, at least even we because with four people, like you said,
[11:24.160 –> 11:26.680] there’s there’s different roles and different movesets you can carry.
[11:26.680 –> 11:28.480] So there’s a little variability.
[11:28.480 –> 11:33.440] And yes, as you could probably pack one of different move to kind of pivot if you need
[11:33.440 –> 11:36.880] to in the middle of a battle, which I did as well at some point.
[11:36.880 –> 11:39.160] So that that is a little then it’s kind of fun.
[11:39.160 –> 11:40.880] And so yeah, I did that.
[11:40.880 –> 11:46.600] I’ve obviously been playing some Harvest Moon, original Harvest Moon for the SNES on the
[11:46.600 –> 11:47.600] Nintendo Switch.
[11:47.600 –> 11:48.600] Of course.
[11:48.600 –> 11:52.600] This is my first time playing with these, these virtual console, whatever you don’t
[11:52.600 –> 11:53.600] play any of them before.
[11:53.600 –> 11:58.060] No, I’ve never, you’ve broken the dam, you’re going to be all in on all of them.
[11:58.060 –> 12:01.660] You kind of Yeah, now that I saw.
[12:01.660 –> 12:02.660] It’s not too bad.
[12:02.660 –> 12:05.780] I’ll probably pick up some of the other ones finally try that Pokemon trading card game
[12:05.780 –> 12:06.780] for the game.
[12:06.780 –> 12:07.780] Well, that’s so good.
[12:07.780 –> 12:10.620] I think I think that has aged really well as well.
[12:10.620 –> 12:13.500] Like obviously, the graphics are very clearly Gameboy.
[12:13.500 –> 12:19.980] But that’s, that’s like, that’s a style people still do because they like it so much.
[12:19.980 –> 12:23.620] And it’s just obviously quite a limited selection of Pokemon and cards.
[12:23.620 –> 12:26.500] But the actual the gameplay is solid.
[12:26.500 –> 12:28.360] Like the game works really well.
[12:28.360 –> 12:32.860] Like I’ve gone back to that game multiple times over the years, which is wild to think
[12:32.860 –> 12:34.820] about.
[12:34.820 –> 12:39.340] Because card games can be kind of hard to do on like, or easy to mess up.
[12:39.340 –> 12:41.300] Let’s say on on a video game.
[12:41.300 –> 12:42.300] Yeah.
[12:42.300 –> 12:47.540] And so yeah, I am very curious just to see that because yeah, I don’t I hear nothing
[12:47.540 –> 12:48.660] but good things about it.
[12:48.660 –> 12:54.300] So that’s why I really hope I really want them to bring the sequel, translate the sequel
[12:54.300 –> 12:56.100] out because that was Japan only originally.
[12:56.100 –> 12:57.100] Yeah.
[12:57.100 –> 13:00.460] So I’ve never never played that because I know this fan translations and stuff, but
[13:00.460 –> 13:01.460] it’s not.
[13:01.460 –> 13:02.460] Yeah.
[13:02.460 –> 13:03.460] Yeah, of course.
[13:03.460 –> 13:09.260] So, um, and I fell back into Marvel snap, oops.
[13:09.260 –> 13:13.100] I think last last week, last week when we were talking, you were talking about Marvel
[13:13.100 –> 13:15.480] snap and I was like, oh, I played it for ages.
[13:15.480 –> 13:19.900] And then I think you’d mentioned the daily, the daily bonuses we’re getting at that point.
[13:19.900 –> 13:20.900] Yeah.
[13:20.900 –> 13:23.140] So I went in and got them.
[13:23.140 –> 13:30.380] And oops, within the last week, I did the entire season.
[13:30.380 –> 13:31.700] So yeah, that was crazy.
[13:31.700 –> 13:34.260] Although this is where my complaint about this game comes in.
[13:34.260 –> 13:38.940] Yeah, apparently, they don’t give you enough experience in the season pass missions to
[13:38.940 –> 13:42.340] get to level 50 in the season pass, which is very annoying.
[13:42.340 –> 13:45.940] If that is wild, if you’ve been playing the whole month and doing daily missions most
[13:45.940 –> 13:50.460] days and, uh, and that sort of stuff, then you can, you can easily get enough for free,
[13:50.460 –> 13:54.660] but not if you just, if you do it all at the end, which is really annoying.
[13:54.660 –> 13:58.620] It’s like, I feel like they should, I feel like they should be able if you do every single
[13:58.620 –> 14:02.300] season pass mission, I feel like you should be able to get to 50 right.
[14:02.300 –> 14:03.440] That’s that.
[14:03.440 –> 14:07.660] It’s not like because they clearly, they’ve clearly built it up around that, right?
[14:07.660 –> 14:10.880] Because it’s enough to get you to 45, right?
[14:10.880 –> 14:14.660] It’s not like it only gets you to 20 and you have to do so much more work to get it.
[14:14.660 –> 14:15.660] I didn’t know that.
[14:15.660 –> 14:16.660] 45.
[14:16.660 –> 14:19.260] Oh, that’s, that’s cold.
[14:19.260 –> 14:20.260] Thanks.
[14:20.260 –> 14:21.260] Oh, just right.
[14:21.260 –> 14:23.880] Oh, that’s, that’s rough.
[14:23.880 –> 14:28.340] So I’m trying to decide in the next day, cause I think we’ve got one day left of it.
[14:28.340 –> 14:32.900] It’s literally a day and a couple of hours or something to decide if I’m buying the season
[14:32.900 –> 14:36.340] pass because I can’t just buy the 10 quid season pass.
[14:36.340 –> 14:38.280] You can’t, I can’t do that.
[14:38.280 –> 14:42.060] So I’d need to buy the 15 quid one, which gives you the extra 10 levels and would take
[14:42.060 –> 14:43.060] me up to 50.
[14:43.060 –> 14:44.060] It’s just so annoying.
[14:44.460 –> 14:48.420] Well, it sounds like it worked exactly as they planned on you.
[14:48.420 –> 14:49.420] They got you.
[14:49.420 –> 14:50.420] Yeah.
[14:50.420 –> 14:54.060] They got me in with those dailies and then I had was just enough time to get through
[14:54.060 –> 14:59.460] all the missions and then be annoyed and have to pay more money is genius.
[14:59.460 –> 15:02.420] At the very least, this season passes.
[15:02.420 –> 15:03.420] Okay.
[15:03.420 –> 15:07.580] It’s at least for me personally, like I’m not, I wouldn’t be weeping if I didn’t get
[15:07.580 –> 15:08.580] it.
[15:08.580 –> 15:11.700] Next one seems much cooler, but regardless, that’s just a preference thing.
[15:11.700 –> 15:12.700] Yeah.
[15:12.700 –> 15:13.700] Maybe, maybe I’ll just, I mean, there’s, there’s, there’s.
[15:14.340 –> 15:15.860] I mean, the thing is, right.
[15:15.860 –> 15:16.980] It’s a good value.
[15:16.980 –> 15:17.980] The season pass anyway.
[15:17.980 –> 15:18.980] It is a great value.
[15:18.980 –> 15:24.100] You get so much gold and you get loads of good stuff.
[15:24.100 –> 15:28.580] And so it’s like, it is the best value thing to buy in the game.
[15:28.580 –> 15:32.980] And it’s like, I’ve now, I’ve spent a week unlocking basically everything and it’s like,
[15:32.980 –> 15:39.180] I can pay 15 quid and get all the, all these 55 levels.
[15:39.180 –> 15:42.900] But anyway, whatever I’ll decide tomorrow, how long I’ve got one day?
[15:42.900 –> 15:44.420] Time’s good right now.
[15:44.420 –> 15:45.420] One day and eight hours.
[15:45.420 –> 15:49.700] So I need to, I did basically need to decide by the end of tomorrow cause it flips over
[15:49.700 –> 15:50.700] while I’m…
[15:50.700 –> 15:53.940] Did you, did you play on PC or just on your phone?
[15:53.940 –> 15:55.580] I’ve done about, I’ve done about both.
[15:55.580 –> 15:59.780] And so I’ve not played it on PC cause I use, I use a Mac most of the time, but I, on the
[15:59.780 –> 16:02.700] Mac you can use the iPad app.
[16:02.700 –> 16:06.900] So I’ve been doing it on my phone and, and using the iPad app on, on my, on my computer.
[16:06.900 –> 16:08.980] And it’s good fun.
[16:08.980 –> 16:13.500] I do kind of want to, I mean, I’m currently on a windows machine, like talking to you,
[16:13.500 –> 16:17.740] but this is, recording the podcast is the only thing I use it for.
[16:17.740 –> 16:20.060] So I might install it after this and see how it looks.
[16:20.060 –> 16:26.420] Cause I know it’s, it’s like widescreen, isn’t it?
[16:26.420 –> 16:31.380] It’s weird because like, obviously Marvel Snap is a very mobily mobile game designed
[16:31.380 –> 16:33.140] for mobile to fit that phone.
[16:33.140 –> 16:34.140] Right.
[16:34.140 –> 16:38.760] And so it is wide screen, but like the field of play isn’t that much wider.
[16:38.760 –> 16:47.520] It’s still feels very much like they just uncropped the background, but the animations
[16:47.520 –> 16:50.720] and all that stuff, it is buttery smooth.
[16:50.720 –> 16:52.200] It is pleasing to look at.
[16:52.200 –> 16:53.560] So it’s still worth checking out.
[16:53.560 –> 16:55.080] Oh, here’s an important question.
[16:55.080 –> 16:56.080] It’s on Steam.
[16:56.080 –> 16:57.080] That’s how you get it, right?
[16:57.080 –> 16:58.080] Yeah.
[16:58.080 –> 16:59.760] Does that mean you can play on Steam Deck?
[16:59.760 –> 17:01.660] I want to say yes.
[17:01.660 –> 17:06.560] So the only, the only thing, the only thing on the compatibility is that it doesn’t use
[17:06.560 –> 17:12.400] the, it uses the onscreen keyboard for some things, which is, means it’s not technically
[17:12.400 –> 17:15.840] fully compatible, but it does mean it’s completely usable.
[17:15.840 –> 17:16.840] Yeah, probably.
[17:16.840 –> 17:20.520] Like how often, I mean the only text I think you input is names of decks, right?
[17:20.520 –> 17:23.600] When else would you entering text?
[17:23.600 –> 17:24.600] I guess so.
[17:24.600 –> 17:25.600] Yeah.
[17:25.600 –> 17:26.600] That’s pretty much it.
[17:26.600 –> 17:27.600] Yeah.
[17:27.600 –> 17:28.600] Interesting.
[17:28.600 –> 17:29.600] I wonder how it would play on the Steam Deck.
[17:29.600 –> 17:32.360] Well, maybe you should let us know next week.
[17:32.360 –> 17:33.880] Maybe I should.
[17:33.880 –> 17:34.880] Maybe I should.
[17:34.880 –> 17:35.880] Okay.
[17:35.880 –> 17:36.880] Yeah.
[17:36.880 –> 17:38.520] So that’s what we’ve been playing.
[17:38.520 –> 17:40.760] Let’s talk about some news.
[17:40.760 –> 17:47.720] So first of all, we have three games announcing their release dates over the next month.
[17:47.720 –> 17:48.720] Three games!
[17:48.720 –> 17:49.720] That’s…
[17:49.720 –> 17:50.720] Why?
[17:50.720 –> 17:55.680] It’s not like there’s anything else in September you need to worry about.
[17:55.680 –> 18:00.300] First up, we have Sprout Valley, which is coming out on the 8th of September.
[18:00.300 –> 18:01.680] So that’s just in a few days.
[18:01.680 –> 18:04.720] And two days after this episode comes out, that’s Sprout Valley.
[18:04.720 –> 18:05.720] Okay.
[18:05.720 –> 18:10.360] Before you even describe the game, naming that, that’s a dangerous game and they know
[18:10.360 –> 18:11.360] what they’re doing.
[18:11.360 –> 18:14.360] Oh, they absolutely know what they’re doing.
[18:14.360 –> 18:15.360] That’s bold.
[18:15.360 –> 18:20.880] That takes some chutzpah to do an SV with a valley.
[18:20.880 –> 18:21.880] It’s not just that.
[18:21.880 –> 18:24.280] Stardew Valley was originally called Sprout Valley before.
[18:24.280 –> 18:25.280] Was it?
[18:25.280 –> 18:26.280] Yeah.
[18:26.280 –> 18:27.280] Oh.
[18:27.280 –> 18:31.280] So, I don’t know whether they knew that or not, but that is a thing.
[18:31.280 –> 18:32.280] Yeah.
[18:32.280 –> 18:33.280] So that’s 8th of September.
[18:33.280 –> 18:34.960] That one’s coming out.
[18:34.960 –> 18:40.520] And then Moonstone Island are coming out on the 20th of September.
[18:40.520 –> 18:44.400] Actually, can I back up to Sprout Valley because we’re just listening there, but I just want
[18:44.400 –> 18:51.480] to comment like, for people who look at the video, it looks like a Tamagotchi farming
[18:51.480 –> 18:52.480] game.
[18:52.480 –> 18:53.480] Yeah.
[18:53.480 –> 18:54.480] I guess the sprites are kind of Tamagotchi.
[18:54.480 –> 18:55.480] Yeah.
[18:55.480 –> 18:56.480] I can see it.
[18:56.480 –> 18:57.480] It is cute, right?
[18:57.480 –> 18:58.480] It is.
[18:58.480 –> 18:59.480] Yeah.
[18:59.480 –> 19:00.480] I will say that it looks very cute.
[19:00.680 –> 19:01.680] Yeah.
[19:01.680 –> 19:02.680] Moonstone Island.
[19:02.680 –> 19:03.680] That’s a thing.
[19:03.680 –> 19:04.680] Yeah.
[19:04.680 –> 19:05.680] Moonstone Island, 20th of September.
[19:05.680 –> 19:08.560] Do I want to complain about the summer thing?
[19:08.560 –> 19:09.560] I don’t know.
[19:09.560 –> 19:10.560] Yes.
[19:10.560 –> 19:11.560] September’s not summer.
[19:11.560 –> 19:12.560] Yeah.
[19:12.560 –> 19:16.960] So they’re like, oh, we said we’re going to release in the summer, and it’s technically
[19:16.960 –> 19:22.080] still summer on the 20th of September, and I’m like, if you’re going to go into technically,
[19:22.080 –> 19:28.440] if you’re going to go, oh, okay, then I’m going to technically right back at you.
[19:28.440 –> 19:32.000] Summer doesn’t have a universally defined, and no, I’m not talking about Northern Hemisphere
[19:32.000 –> 19:33.080] and Summer of the Hemisphere.
[19:33.080 –> 19:38.680] If we just talk about this Northern Hemisphere, there is no universally defined definition
[19:38.680 –> 19:41.440] of summer.
[19:41.440 –> 19:42.440] There are, there is like-
[19:42.440 –> 19:49.040] Actually, the Equinox is on September 21st, whatever date it is, I don’t remember.
[19:49.040 –> 19:50.040] This is the thing, right?
[19:50.040 –> 19:52.240] Like, it’s people are like, oh, well, it’s still technically summer.
[19:52.240 –> 19:55.000] It’s like, depends on your definition of summer, right?
[19:55.000 –> 20:01.000] There’s the astronomical definition of summer, which, yes, does end on the 23rd of September
[20:01.000 –> 20:02.120] this year, right?
[20:02.120 –> 20:06.940] So yet, sure, it would be under that definition of summer.
[20:06.940 –> 20:11.980] But there’s also the meteorological season, which has already ended.
[20:11.980 –> 20:15.140] The 31st of August was the last day of summer in that season.
[20:15.140 –> 20:19.660] And then that’s not to mention there’s the lesser used Celtic season, also sometimes
[20:19.660 –> 20:24.460] named the solar season, which we, you know, defining the seasons by the sun is a crazy
[20:24.460 –> 20:26.540] idea, right?
[20:26.540 –> 20:28.700] Which does May through July.
[20:28.700 –> 20:35.100] So if you’re going to start saying, oh, it’s technically summer, I’m gonna say, well, technically,
[20:35.100 –> 20:38.540] it depends on your definition, so.
[20:38.540 –> 20:46.540] So regardless of when it’s, it’s not releasing in summer, I don’t care what they say.
[20:46.540 –> 20:51.820] People don’t remember, it’s, this is monster collecting card is farming, there’s a lot
[20:51.820 –> 20:52.820] of things going on.
[20:52.860 –> 21:02.700] It’s a monster collection farming game on like floating islands in the sky.
[21:02.700 –> 21:05.420] There’s a lot going on.
[21:05.420 –> 21:06.420] There’s a lot.
[21:06.420 –> 21:12.420] I mean, to me, it does look like it could be a lot of fun, but I need to play it to
[21:12.420 –> 21:13.420] see.
[21:13.420 –> 21:14.420] Yeah.
[21:14.420 –> 21:17.020] I can’t remember whether this one is one of the ones I kickstarted or not.
[21:17.020 –> 21:21.540] I don’t.
[21:21.580 –> 21:26.860] When you do so many things like this, sometimes it’s hard to stand out because it has all
[21:26.860 –> 21:30.580] the buzzwords or whatever.
[21:30.580 –> 21:35.940] But that said, looking at the trailer, there is, oh my gosh, they even have romancing,
[21:35.940 –> 21:36.940] don’t they?
[21:36.940 –> 21:37.940] Oh, yup.
[21:37.940 –> 21:38.940] Yup.
[21:38.940 –> 21:39.940] You’re going to go on a date there.
[21:39.940 –> 21:40.940] Oh, goodness.
[21:40.940 –> 21:41.940] On the sky islands.
[21:41.940 –> 21:46.060] You got to go on dates in the sky islands.
[21:46.060 –> 21:50.180] See what they should have done was just focused on their little monster designs are quite
[21:50.180 –> 21:51.180] fun.
[21:51.340 –> 21:53.700] There’s a very tall like tree log guy.
[21:53.700 –> 21:57.260] There’s a cool robot golem you fight.
[21:57.260 –> 21:59.780] There is, they put a lot of care into the game.
[21:59.780 –> 22:00.780] I’ll say that.
[22:00.780 –> 22:01.780] Right.
[22:01.780 –> 22:02.780] Yeah.
[22:02.780 –> 22:11.020] Whether I don’t know if other directions they wanted to go to and was the best call.
[22:11.020 –> 22:12.980] They are putting effort into it.
[22:12.980 –> 22:13.980] Yeah.
[22:13.980 –> 22:21.780] Also I do like, I am, I like the card battle menu where you pick a card to do it and tag
[22:21.780 –> 22:23.300] it even if it’s just flavor.
[22:23.300 –> 22:24.340] I like it.
[22:24.340 –> 22:29.900] It’s a nice looking thing, but, but yeah, you can look at your, look at the trailer
[22:29.900 –> 22:32.900] yourself and decide if you want to pick it up on September 20th.
[22:32.900 –> 22:38.140] But yeah, it does, it does feel a lot like it’s the, oh, we’re wanting this game to be
[22:38.140 –> 22:42.660] five different games in one and that can work and sometimes it doesn’t work.
[22:42.660 –> 22:46.980] So we’ll, we’ll see whether this one works or not.
[22:46.980 –> 22:48.420] This one, I didn’t kickstart it.
[22:48.420 –> 22:50.940] I don’t know whether it was a kickstarter or not, but I didn’t.
[22:50.940 –> 22:52.700] I didn’t kickstart it.
[22:52.700 –> 22:54.140] I did kickstart Sprout Valley.
[22:54.140 –> 22:56.140] So I’ve got that coming.
[22:56.140 –> 22:57.140] Yes.
[22:57.140 –> 22:58.140] Free game.
[22:58.140 –> 23:05.680] And the third game that’s announced its release date is A Tiny Sticker Tale.
[23:05.680 –> 23:10.220] This is the one, I mean, it’s not really a Cottagecore game, but it is by the developers
[23:10.220 –> 23:11.220] of Lonesome Village.
[23:11.220 –> 23:12.220] So that’s why I’m mentioning it.
[23:12.220 –> 23:15.220] I mean, it has the vibes.
[23:15.220 –> 23:16.220] Yeah.
[23:16.220 –> 23:17.220] Yeah.
[23:17.220 –> 23:18.220] Yeah.
[23:18.220 –> 23:19.220] Yeah.
[23:19.220 –> 23:22.440] I think that would be what some people would call a cozy game, not necessarily a cottage
[23:22.440 –> 23:23.860] core game.
[23:23.860 –> 23:30.620] If we want to get into these definitions, we don’t want to get into these definitions.
[23:30.620 –> 23:32.940] If we wanted to, that’s what I would say.
[23:32.940 –> 23:33.940] Okay.
[23:33.940 –> 23:37.260] So, um, but yeah, this is from Lonesome Village.
[23:37.260 –> 23:41.460] We covered that game a while back, Johnny and I, they’re the Mexican developers.
[23:41.460 –> 23:45.680] So of course I’m going to probably get this game regardless and support them.
[23:45.680 –> 23:50.860] I will say, I don’t know what the Lonesome Numbers Village were, but this looks like
[23:50.860 –> 23:55.440] they got a little more, uh, a little more love when maybe they had a little bit more
[23:55.440 –> 23:57.140] money for some production value.
[23:57.140 –> 23:58.140] Yeah.
[23:58.140 –> 23:59.140] Yeah.
[23:59.140 –> 24:00.140] Yeah.
[24:00.140 –> 24:03.020] So for people who may not remember, Lonesome Village was essentially a puzzle collection
[24:03.020 –> 24:04.020] of games.
[24:04.020 –> 24:05.020] They’re very good.
[24:05.020 –> 24:06.020] Good one.
[24:06.020 –> 24:09.020] Um, like, uh, all sorts of different types of puzzles and whatnot.
[24:09.020 –> 24:13.660] This one, you’re going through an adventure sort of thing.
[24:13.660 –> 24:16.620] And as the name implies, tiny sticker tale.
[24:16.620 –> 24:20.380] You’re using stickers to actually put stuff, like you put a sticker of a bridge to make
[24:20.380 –> 24:21.380] a bridge.
[24:21.380 –> 24:23.380] Um, it’s actually a clever, cute idea.
[24:23.380 –> 24:24.380] Yeah.
[24:24.380 –> 24:25.380] Yeah.
[24:25.380 –> 24:30.620] And it’s on this, it’s really small levels, um, where you’re basically getting from one
[24:30.620 –> 24:34.020] side to the other using stickers as a kind of, it’s again, puzzle-y, right?
[24:34.020 –> 24:36.740] They clearly love their puzzle games, which is totally fun.
[24:36.740 –> 24:41.220] Um, and what I really like about what they’ve done is it’s, it’s, it’s the same art style.
[24:41.220 –> 24:45.380] And I don’t know if any of the characters are exactly the same, but like it’s clearly
[24:45.380 –> 24:49.100] leaning into its strongest thing, which is the art style.
[24:49.100 –> 24:50.100] It’s super cute.
[24:50.100 –> 24:56.220] And I like when they can do that and it works well because then you’ve got a love of consistency
[24:56.220 –> 24:59.420] across multiple games, which is good fun.
[24:59.420 –> 25:07.220] And also their art style works really well for stickers actually, so, um, yeah, it goes
[25:07.220 –> 25:08.220] great.
[25:08.220 –> 25:11.360] Cause it’s like all, they’re all kind of like 2D sprites on the world.
[25:11.360 –> 25:16.100] They’re big, bold shapes, round cartoons.
[25:16.100 –> 25:17.820] So it works great.
[25:17.820 –> 25:23.900] Um, and it looks like you can just spit ball, I haven’t read anything, I’m just off this
[25:23.900 –> 25:24.900] one trailer.
[25:24.900 –> 25:28.740] It looks like you can even decorate a little house or something with your stickers and
[25:28.740 –> 25:29.740] that’s nice.
[25:29.740 –> 25:30.740] Yeah.
[25:30.740 –> 25:31.740] Um, which is good.
[25:31.740 –> 25:36.740] I don’t think we see enough stickers in video games like gameplay wise, like actually doing
[25:36.740 –> 25:37.740] something with them.
[25:37.740 –> 25:38.740] Yeah.
[25:38.740 –> 25:42.460] Last one I can think of was that Paper Mario game and that one did not work well with stickers.
[25:42.460 –> 25:45.220] Um, yeah, it’s quite clever what they’ve done here, right?
[25:45.220 –> 25:47.180] Cause they’ve made the whole game play about stickers.
[25:47.180 –> 25:48.180] Yeah.
[25:48.180 –> 25:50.460] Of course you can then use that as a collection and base thing as well.
[25:50.460 –> 25:55.020] And it’s still, uh, it’s not one of these things where your collectible is, as I’ve
[25:55.020 –> 25:59.420] said multiple times before, where your collectible is just the same identical thing a hundred
[25:59.420 –> 26:00.420] times.
[26:00.420 –> 26:01.420] You’re getting different ones.
[26:01.420 –> 26:06.380] So the collection becomes its own fun thing rather than just a thing to complete.
[26:06.380 –> 26:07.380] You know?
[26:07.380 –> 26:08.380] Yep.
[26:08.380 –> 26:14.060] Actually I should, uh, I should, that reminds me of a very, uh, personal experience.
[26:14.060 –> 26:17.340] So I buy card games and whatnot, right?
[26:17.340 –> 26:18.340] Um, yeah.
[26:18.340 –> 26:23.260] I buy like, I mostly do it for playing the games, but every now and then I’ll buy something
[26:23.260 –> 26:27.580] like, I enjoy collecting, I don’t go after sets, but people do that.
[26:27.580 –> 26:28.580] Right.
[26:28.580 –> 26:30.980] But you know, the only kicker is, well, the best thing you can do is like put it in a
[26:30.980 –> 26:31.980] binder or whatever.
[26:31.980 –> 26:32.980] Right.
[26:32.980 –> 26:35.740] Like it’s a, it’s a little hard to display or whatever.
[26:35.740 –> 26:39.740] But anyways, the point I’m trying to say is back when I was younger though, in, in Mexico,
[26:39.740 –> 26:44.900] I lived in Mexico for a little while, um, appropriate for this discussion, um, they
[26:44.900 –> 26:50.580] would, one of the things that was hot for the kids or whatever, you could buy similar
[26:50.580 –> 26:52.420] to cards, but they were stickers.
[26:52.460 –> 26:55.300] Um, and there were like different things and you could buy sticker books and you could
[26:55.300 –> 26:57.900] like place your stickers on in the books and stuff like that.
[26:57.900 –> 27:01.500] Like I had a Dragon Ball sticker book that I fondly remember.
[27:01.500 –> 27:03.580] Um, so yeah, good, good stuff.
[27:03.580 –> 27:05.420] This uh, it leans into that.
[27:05.420 –> 27:06.420] Stickers are fun.
[27:06.420 –> 27:07.420] Yeah.
[27:07.420 –> 27:08.420] Good fun.
[27:08.420 –> 27:10.500] October 4th, that’s the fourth.
[27:10.500 –> 27:11.500] Is that the right date?
[27:11.500 –> 27:12.500] Yes.
[27:12.500 –> 27:13.500] Tiny little sticker, tiny sticker tale.
[27:13.500 –> 27:14.500] That’s the one.
[27:14.500 –> 27:17.940] October 4th on Steam and Switch again, doing that, uh, dual release like they did for Lonesome
[27:17.940 –> 27:18.940] Village.
[27:18.940 –> 27:19.940] Very good for them.
[27:19.940 –> 27:20.940] Cool.
[27:20.940 –> 27:21.940] Yep.
[27:22.460 –> 27:23.460] Cool.
[27:23.460 –> 27:27.460] So that’s the three new releases over the next month and just a very, very fast rundown
[27:27.460 –> 27:29.140] of September.
[27:29.140 –> 27:34.780] We have Rune Factory 3 Special is out now, it came out yesterday when this episode comes
[27:34.780 –> 27:35.780] out.
[27:35.780 –> 27:38.860] Fae Farm and Sprout Valley, both on the 8th of September.
[27:38.860 –> 27:41.420] Moonstone Island on the 20th of September.
[27:41.420 –> 27:45.660] Monechos Night Market, Harvest Moon, The Winds of Anthos and Paleo Pines, all on the 26th
[27:45.660 –> 27:49.860] of September and Wildmender on the 28th of September.
[27:50.780 –> 27:51.780] Boy.
[27:51.780 –> 27:59.780] I don’t, obviously the cottagecore space isn’t, uh, how should I put this, right?
[27:59.780 –> 28:04.300] It’s maybe not as well defined or cutthroat as other spaces, right?
[28:04.300 –> 28:05.300] Because like…
[28:05.300 –> 28:10.540] Sure, but I mean, none of those, I have not taken any, like I know that sometimes I’m
[28:10.540 –> 28:14.940] like, oh, it’s not really like, you know, sticker tale, whatever, but like that list,
[28:14.940 –> 28:16.700] they’re all farming games.
[28:17.660 –> 28:23.340] Like there’s, there’s no, no end, artistic license taken with them.
[28:23.340 –> 28:34.300] The three big games on the one day on the 26th, whatever you said, that’s ooh, somebody’s
[28:34.300 –> 28:35.900] gloves were thrown down.
[28:35.900 –> 28:39.620] They like, they, the gauntlet was thrown.
[28:39.620 –> 28:47.100] They, Paleo Pines looked at Monecho and then called them out.
[28:47.100 –> 28:50.500] But you know, at the end of the day, Monechos Night Market is all that matters, so, you
[28:50.500 –> 28:51.500] know.
[28:51.500 –> 28:52.500] Yeah.
[28:52.500 –> 28:57.260] It’s funny because I noticed today that apparently Winds of Anthos, I hadn’t noticed, doesn’t
[28:57.260 –> 29:02.100] come out on the same day in Europe, it’s coming out like a week and a half later.
[29:02.100 –> 29:04.860] And I was like, oh no, that’s really annoying.
[29:04.860 –> 29:09.100] But then I realized, I’ll just, I’ll just be playing Monechos Night Market for that
[29:09.100 –> 29:10.100] week anyway.
[29:10.100 –> 29:11.100] Exactly.
[29:11.100 –> 29:17.100] And we’re doing the Monechos Night Market episode first, because Micah’s busy.
[29:17.100 –> 29:21.140] So it all works out anyway.
[29:21.140 –> 29:22.140] All good.
[29:22.140 –> 29:26.540] I am totally fine with that, but we’ll talk about Winds of Anthos later.
[29:26.540 –> 29:27.540] Right.
[29:27.540 –> 29:28.540] More news.
[29:28.540 –> 29:31.660] We’ve got Disney Dreamlight Valley have announced their Cozy edition.
[29:31.660 –> 29:38.780] I like the, I like the implication that the other versions of this game are not cozy.
[29:38.780 –> 29:43.960] I will say something, some of those, that game gets, if you think about it, it gets
[29:43.960 –> 29:44.960] dark.
[29:44.960 –> 29:45.960] It’s like, it does.
[29:45.960 –> 29:46.960] It’s raw.
[29:46.960 –> 29:47.960] It does.
[29:47.960 –> 29:50.180] So the Cozy edition doesn’t come with any of the dark stuff.
[29:50.180 –> 29:51.180] It’s just cozy.
[29:51.180 –> 29:52.180] No.
[29:52.180 –> 29:53.180] No.
[29:53.180 –> 29:54.180] Everyone’s not dead from the evil vines.
[29:54.180 –> 29:56.380] This is a little bit funny, right?
[29:56.380 –> 30:01.900] Because it’s a, it’s a physical case you’re getting, but with a download code.
[30:01.900 –> 30:05.740] Oh, don’t you love it when they do that?
[30:05.740 –> 30:09.060] But you also get a sticker set, a sticker sheet.
[30:09.060 –> 30:11.460] Do you know about Fallout 76?
[30:11.460 –> 30:17.620] I mean, about the game or like the physical, the physical, the physical edition of Fallout
[30:17.620 –> 30:18.620] 76.
[30:18.620 –> 30:19.900] No.
[30:19.900 –> 30:20.900] Was that the same thing?
[30:20.900 –> 30:28.260] It was a similar thing, but the download code, they actually put a paper disc in the CD slot
[30:28.260 –> 30:34.100] to say download it.
[30:34.100 –> 30:36.280] It’s just salt in the wound.
[30:36.280 –> 30:38.860] That’s that was uncalled for.
[30:38.860 –> 30:43.320] By the way, Nintendo, make your Switch 2 cases, make them smaller, please.
[30:43.320 –> 30:44.320] They’re still too big.
[30:44.320 –> 30:45.320] Right?
[30:45.320 –> 30:46.320] Why did they get tall?
[30:46.320 –> 30:47.320] Right?
[30:47.320 –> 30:51.460] The case, the cartridge is smaller than the 3DS one, but the case got really tall.
[30:51.460 –> 30:52.460] That is real.
[30:52.460 –> 30:53.460] What’s that about?
[30:53.460 –> 30:55.600] It got thinner, but taller.
[30:55.600 –> 30:58.900] It’s like, they’re like, we need to use the same amount of plastic.
[30:58.900 –> 31:00.700] It’s I don’t, I don’t get it.
[31:00.700 –> 31:03.220] Like I, you know what?
[31:03.500 –> 31:07.460] That is, I want to know the thought process to get there.
[31:07.460 –> 31:12.860] I suspect it was to make it the same height as the Xbox and PS5 ones because it is now
[31:12.860 –> 31:13.860] the same height as them.
[31:13.860 –> 31:14.860] I think.
[31:14.860 –> 31:15.860] Is it?
[31:15.860 –> 31:16.860] I think so.
[31:16.860 –> 31:17.860] I need to double check.
[31:17.860 –> 31:18.860] Have I got one?
[31:18.860 –> 31:19.860] I’ve got PS3.
[31:19.860 –> 31:20.860] It’s PS4 and 5.
[31:20.860 –> 31:23.420] Are they the same size as PS3 or are they taller?
[31:23.420 –> 31:26.340] I’m pretty sure PS4 is taller than PS3.
[31:26.340 –> 31:27.340] Okay.
[31:27.340 –> 31:30.500] I just, I just, the only thing apparently I have in this room is PS3.
[31:30.660 –> 31:34.020] I have a PS5 games, but they’re in another room.
[31:34.020 –> 31:36.020] But that’s, it’s still weird, right?
[31:36.020 –> 31:46.340] Because at any retailer, no matter what, from your, your, your big box to dedicated to mom
[31:46.340 –> 31:50.620] and pop used or whatever, everyone categorizes by the system.
[31:50.620 –> 31:53.820] So the switch games are right there.
[31:53.820 –> 31:56.340] There’s a, I’m just, look, I’m not saying it’s a sensible reason.
[31:56.340 –> 31:58.980] I’m just saying, I suspect that was the reason I do.
[31:58.980 –> 31:59.980] I think it’s silly.
[32:00.460 –> 32:02.100] Make it half height.
[32:02.100 –> 32:03.100] Just go with it.
[32:03.100 –> 32:05.460] They don’t even give us manuals or anything in there.
[32:05.460 –> 32:07.740] It’s literally just the card.
[32:07.740 –> 32:08.740] I know.
[32:08.740 –> 32:09.740] Okay.
[32:09.740 –> 32:13.340] Anyway, anyway, anyway, so you’re getting a physical case with the download code in
[32:13.340 –> 32:14.340] it.
[32:14.340 –> 32:18.540] It’s not just switch, it’s switch, Xbox PS5 and PS4.
[32:18.540 –> 32:20.860] You got a sticker sheet.
[32:20.860 –> 32:21.860] We love sticker seats.
[32:21.860 –> 32:26.660] And it also gives you one, this is annoying.
[32:26.660 –> 32:33.780] One of six double-sided collectible, collectible, collectible, collectible, that’s the word
[32:33.780 –> 32:39.460] collectible posters, which that’s annoying.
[32:39.460 –> 32:41.620] You can’t collect them.
[32:41.620 –> 32:46.620] Like it’s not collectible if you’re like selling it with your game, right?
[32:46.620 –> 32:51.060] If you’re not, if you’ve not got another way to buy it, no, one’s going to buy six of your
[32:51.060 –> 32:52.060] game.
[32:52.060 –> 32:53.900] Well, no, someone, some people will definitely do that.
[32:53.900 –> 32:54.900] Okay.
[32:54.900 –> 33:00.460] Yeah, I was about to say, but at least you can, right?
[33:00.460 –> 33:02.380] Tell me what’s worse, that or Kid Icarus.
[33:02.380 –> 33:03.860] Do you know about Kid Icarus?
[33:03.860 –> 33:04.860] No.
[33:04.860 –> 33:05.860] Okay.
[33:05.860 –> 33:07.380] Again, I know about the game, but I don’t know.
[33:07.380 –> 33:08.380] Yeah.
[33:08.380 –> 33:09.380] Okay.
[33:09.380 –> 33:10.380] But what I’m talking about.
[33:10.380 –> 33:11.380] It’s clearly a scandal you’re going to talk about.
[33:11.380 –> 33:12.380] Yeah.
[33:12.380 –> 33:13.860] I mean, I don’t, I don’t call it scandal because nobody cared about it because Kid Icarus was
[33:13.860 –> 33:14.860] niche.
[33:14.860 –> 33:18.700] We love a scandal.
[33:18.700 –> 33:19.940] But okay.
[33:19.940 –> 33:27.220] So this was early on in the 3DS lifecycle where AR, like the, so few people were trying
[33:27.220 –> 33:28.220] AR stuff.
[33:28.220 –> 33:33.420] And so Kid Icarus had a set of AR cards, a decent size.
[33:33.420 –> 33:36.100] I don’t remember what, like 50, something like that, right?
[33:36.100 –> 33:42.780] And when you bought your Kid Icarus, you would get like a pack of six AR cards, three, which
[33:42.780 –> 33:46.780] were set in three random, something like that anyways, right?
[33:46.780 –> 33:50.500] But overall you could not collect the whole set.
[33:50.500 –> 33:54.180] Even if you bought a hundred Kid Icarus, there was only a very limited pool of cards and
[33:54.180 –> 33:55.180] you could get that.
[33:55.180 –> 33:59.180] And the worst part is like, you could, they never sold the AR packs.
[33:59.180 –> 34:01.000] Like it was only at events.
[34:01.000 –> 34:06.860] Like if you went to a games com thing or whatever that you could get them, it was wild, wild
[34:06.860 –> 34:08.780] that they put this like, Oh, look at these.
[34:08.780 –> 34:12.780] And then, and they were nice cars like, Oh, and you know, AR, they did like a thing in
[34:12.780 –> 34:15.700] game, but you can’t actually get them all.
[34:16.620 –> 34:18.980] So the uncollectible card set.
[34:18.980 –> 34:19.980] Interesting.
[34:19.980 –> 34:20.980] Good job.
[34:20.980 –> 34:21.980] Okay.
[34:21.980 –> 34:22.980] Disney dream.
[34:22.980 –> 34:29.900] This is how wild this physical releases, so you can think of all these other wild ones.
[34:29.900 –> 34:30.900] Yeah.
[34:30.900 –> 34:31.900] So I don’t know the cost.
[34:31.900 –> 34:32.900] Yeah.
[34:32.900 –> 34:33.900] So then you got a bunch of in-game stuff.
[34:33.900 –> 34:38.740] So you get a bunch of the currency, you get a special style of house, you get a Cheshire
[34:38.740 –> 34:43.900] cat sweater, and you can get a bunch of raccoon companion skins.
[34:43.900 –> 34:46.460] Right, fine, whatever.
[34:46.460 –> 34:53.300] So this is so just a reminder, this game is currently in heavy quotes, early access, which
[34:53.300 –> 34:58.900] you can pay for just now or you can wait until it comes out of early access and get it free
[34:58.900 –> 35:00.080] to play.
[35:00.080 –> 35:07.820] This cozy edition is I don’t know what it is in the US I suspect $50 because it’s 45
[35:07.820 –> 35:16.140] quid here, 45 quid for a download code of a free to play game, a sticker sheet and a
[35:16.140 –> 35:17.140] poster.
[35:17.140 –> 35:21.260] Do you think Mike is going to get it?
[35:21.260 –> 35:27.140] Is he going to pay twice for the free game he didn’t know about?
[35:27.140 –> 35:31.980] I just, it’s bizarre, but what I would do is the interesting thing is they’ve given
[35:31.980 –> 35:34.580] a release date for this and that is the 27th of October.
[35:34.580 –> 35:42.820] Now they haven’t said this, but I suspect that’s the date it comes out of early access,
[35:42.820 –> 35:48.420] because why would they be doing this at that specific time, which they said that it would
[35:48.420 –> 35:54.980] come out of early access this year, October 27th, I think that’s the date it’s coming
[35:54.980 –> 35:58.540] out of early access.
[35:58.540 –> 36:02.660] This is dumb, because early access again, yes I agree with you, but I don’t think they’re
[36:02.660 –> 36:08.820] ever going to say that, it’s such a weird dumb thing, because the game doesn’t feel,
[36:08.820 –> 36:15.200] well I mean, when you think of early access you think of unfinished games, beta, whatever,
[36:15.200 –> 36:20.660] the game feels like a game right now, so it’s all wild, it’s all dumb.
[36:20.660 –> 36:25.760] Well it’s interesting because never have I seen a game before that’s paid in the early
[36:25.760 –> 36:28.620] access and free after the early access.
[36:28.620 –> 36:32.220] Yeah, that makes it extra dumb right, oh my gosh.
[36:32.220 –> 36:34.080] Wild, wild case.
[36:34.080 –> 36:36.960] So I guess maybe let’s not talk about it as being the date that it comes out of early
[36:36.960 –> 36:40.700] access, because that’s meaningless, but let’s talk about it being the date that it goes
[36:40.700 –> 36:42.820] free to play.
[36:42.820 –> 36:49.740] But what if though, what if it’s not, what if that’s later?
[36:49.740 –> 36:57.660] I mean it could be later, but I don’t think it would be, I mean there is a possibility
[36:57.660 –> 37:01.620] that they go back on the free to play thing and it never becomes free to play, that’s
[37:01.620 –> 37:08.180] a possibility, but I think that the fact that they’re going, hey here’s this limited
[37:08.180 –> 37:13.180] edition version of the game called the cozy edition, which is different from the founder’s
[37:13.180 –> 37:17.300] edition that they were previously talking about, which by the way the founder’s edition
[37:17.300 –> 37:21.680] is actually three different editions, the standard edition, the deluxe edition and the
[37:21.680 –> 37:26.340] ultimate edition, this is the first time they’re doing some physical merch and they’re doing
[37:26.340 –> 37:34.340] the physical cartridges, well not cartridges, the physical cartridge cases, without a cartridge,
[37:34.340 –> 37:48.780] and it’s coming out near the end of the year that they said it was going to go free to
[37:48.780 –> 37:50.580] play.
[37:50.580 –> 37:56.460] So I think I would be very surprised if October 27th is not the day that Dreamlight Valley
[37:56.460 –> 37:59.340] comes out of early access and goes free to play.
[37:59.340 –> 38:07.700] Yeah, like by all reasonable rational thinking, like yes absolutely agree with you, but marketing,
[38:07.700 –> 38:12.220] like I’m telling all these dumb marketing stunts and stories because that’s just how
[38:12.220 –> 38:18.220] it is and so I wouldn’t be surprised if they say nah, nah it’s still early access and they
[38:18.220 –> 38:19.660] just keep holding that off.
[38:19.740 –> 38:23.380] It would just be weird, anyway, anyway, anyway, anyway.
[38:23.380 –> 38:29.300] The other thing is it’s alright, the roadmap that they’ve given us, so there’s one update
[38:29.300 –> 38:34.740] coming out this month in September, that’s the bell update which will be on for a while
[38:34.740 –> 38:40.260] and then there’s one more update on that roadmap which is called late 2023, which includes
[38:40.260 –> 38:51.260] new characters, new frontiers, and multiplayer, and late 2023, end of October, 27th of October,
[38:51.260 –> 38:56.420] that feels like they sync up, right, so the update comes out around that time, the update
[38:56.420 –> 39:03.900] brings multiplayer, it’s the last one that’s currently on the roadmap, I think it all just
[39:03.900 –> 39:05.220] aligns two perfectly.
[39:05.620 –> 39:13.540] Yeah I mean, yes I agree with you, but I just think they’re gonna, marketers, they like
[39:13.540 –> 39:18.460] to be slimy and sneaky and to not hold themselves to things.
[39:18.460 –> 39:22.980] Sure, that’s why they’ve not said it, I just, I can’t, I would be very surprised if it did.
[39:22.980 –> 39:26.500] Do you know what happened to Multiverses?
[39:26.500 –> 39:28.660] Did it just die or something?
[39:28.660 –> 39:34.180] So okay, if Multiverses came out, that was the Warner Brothers smash like or whatever
[39:34.180 –> 39:36.580] Was it in early access or was it just a release?
[39:36.580 –> 39:42.260] It just came out, and people were playing it, you could buy, like there was battle passes,
[39:42.260 –> 39:50.180] season passes, whatever, cosmetics, and then, oh I forget how long, it happened a couple
[39:50.180 –> 39:54.900] months ago, they said, okay, thanks for playing the beta, we’re closing up shop and we’ll
[39:54.900 –> 39:56.980] come back when the game’s ready.
[39:56.980 –> 39:57.980] What?
[39:57.980 –> 39:58.980] What?
[39:58.980 –> 40:06.820] That’s what, there was, I could not find any indication of anywhere that they had said
[40:06.820 –> 40:14.460] that had been a beta, and of course no one else expected that it was a beta, and again,
[40:14.460 –> 40:22.260] you could put actual money into this to buy cosmetics and stuff, and I’m not talking like,
[40:22.260 –> 40:25.340] it’s not like a demo where you could keep playing it, like it’s an online, it was an
[40:25.340 –> 40:30.260] online game, so I don’t know if it came back, I’m following it up, but as far as I know,
[40:30.260 –> 40:31.260] it’s gone right now.
[40:31.260 –> 40:32.780] And you had to pay for it, wasn’t it?
[40:32.780 –> 40:34.740] It wasn’t free to play either.
[40:34.740 –> 40:35.740] I think it was.
[40:35.740 –> 40:38.580] I think that one was free to play, yeah.
[40:38.580 –> 40:40.820] But you could pay for stuff inside it?
[40:40.820 –> 40:41.820] Yes, you could buy cosmetics.
[40:41.820 –> 40:52.180] It says returning in early 2024, and it came out in July 2022, and then they closed it
[40:52.180 –> 40:54.180] in April 2023?
[40:54.180 –> 40:55.180] Yeah.
[40:55.180 –> 40:58.900] Oh my word, that’s wild.
[40:58.900 –> 40:59.900] Right?
[40:59.900 –> 41:00.900] Right?
[41:00.900 –> 41:06.060] I mean, people liked the game, didn’t they?
[41:06.060 –> 41:07.500] It wasn’t like it was bad.
[41:07.500 –> 41:08.900] No, it was weird.
[41:08.900 –> 41:14.880] It was well loved, and it was different, but people enjoyed it, I didn’t hear any issues
[41:14.880 –> 41:15.880] with it.
[41:15.880 –> 41:16.880] Why would you do that?
[41:16.880 –> 41:23.700] I don’t know, who knows, but like, I think about that when we’re talking about this,
[41:23.740 –> 41:26.060] there’s no way Disney would do that.
[41:26.060 –> 41:29.180] I know they won’t, but…
[41:29.180 –> 41:31.140] I know they would do some weird stuff.
[41:31.140 –> 41:37.220] I could see them reneging on the free to play, I could see them still being early access
[41:37.220 –> 41:43.060] into next year, I could see all these things, I could not see them going, oh, you can’t
[41:43.060 –> 41:44.900] play the game for a year now?
[41:44.900 –> 41:45.900] Yeah, no.
[41:45.900 –> 41:49.820] I don’t see that, but I’m just saying, when you look at something like that, how that
[41:49.820 –> 41:54.180] happened with multiverses, I would not be surprised if any of that happened with Disney,
[41:54.180 –> 41:58.660] that they don’t do free to play anymore, or they call it early access until two years
[41:58.660 –> 42:00.260] from now, whatever.
[42:00.260 –> 42:02.300] It’s wild, it’s all nonsense.
[42:02.300 –> 42:11.160] Alright, two more things that are confirmation that they are releasing this year, but no
[42:11.160 –> 42:13.620] actual dates.
[42:13.620 –> 42:17.840] So that’s Spirittee have said that they are definitely coming this year, and they’re planning
[42:17.840 –> 42:23.680] to release in November, which probably means they’ll release in December, and Roots of
[42:23.680 –> 42:29.100] Pacha have said that their console release is still coming this year, and it will release
[42:29.100 –> 42:36.320] at the same time as the 1.1 update, which will come out on PC at the same time, which
[42:36.320 –> 42:37.320] is nice.
[42:37.320 –> 42:40.880] It’s nice that they’re going, okay, we’ll time those things so that console and PC will
[42:40.880 –> 42:46.000] be at the same state, that’s really nice, because it’s not uncommon for console games
[42:46.000 –> 42:48.160] to be an update or two behind everything.
[42:48.160 –> 42:52.640] Yep, that is nice, I appreciate that, and also looking forward to that, because I enjoy
[42:52.640 –> 42:57.440] Roots of Pacha, and I’ll gladly accept the reason to go back into the game.
[42:57.440 –> 42:58.440] Awesome.
[42:58.440 –> 43:04.000] It looks like there’s a new, I don’t know what Voda, is Voda a person?
[43:04.000 –> 43:07.440] Yes, Voda is a person.
[43:07.440 –> 43:14.440] Some friendship cutscenes with non-remancible characters, NPC gifts given by smoke signals,
[43:14.440 –> 43:18.440] and a bunch of other stuff.
[43:18.440 –> 43:25.520] So if you want to know the details, you can go get the details, and then there’s a little
[43:25.520 –> 43:26.520] bit of information.
[43:26.520 –> 43:29.960] Voda was one of the ones I was interested in, but like all the other hot ones, I couldn’t
[43:29.960 –> 43:30.960] actually date.
[43:30.960 –> 43:37.160] Ah, well, it’s good that they’re making them romanceable.
[43:37.160 –> 43:44.400] And then they’ve got a little bit of a teaser on what’s coming after 1.1, which is cool
[43:45.360 –> 43:49.360] Yep, alright, new savannah animal, what’s that mean?
[43:49.360 –> 43:55.360] We’ll find out soon, I’m sure you’ll let us know, because I’ve still not played Roots
[43:55.360 –> 43:56.360] of Pacha.
[43:56.360 –> 43:58.680] Probably, it’s a good game.
[43:58.680 –> 44:04.320] The Wondering Village have released an update, it’s their birthday update to celebrate, oh
[44:04.320 –> 44:08.360] and it’s not out yet, it’s coming out this 14th of September, sorry, this is to celebrate
[44:08.360 –> 44:13.920] the one year anniversary of the release of the game, and this update introduces the ability
[44:14.440 –> 44:18.520] to name your Onbu, that’s the creature that you’re building a village on, and choose from
[44:18.520 –> 44:24.720] one of two Onbu skins at the start of the game, so you can have a second design of the
[44:24.720 –> 44:27.720] Onbu.
[44:27.720 –> 44:32.000] I’m really surprised you couldn’t name it before, that’s kind of crazy.
[44:32.000 –> 44:39.000] Well, it’s just a creature, it’s Onbu, the name was Onbu.
[44:39.000 –> 44:44.320] I guess, but okay, alright, I don’t know.
[44:44.320 –> 44:49.400] And our last piece of non-Harvest Moon related news is that apparently the Stardew Valley
[44:49.400 –> 44:56.200] Cookbook wasn’t official, but it is now official, so there we go.
[44:56.200 –> 45:03.760] We also have the cover, if you want to go look at that, ConcernedApe posted the cover.
[45:03.760 –> 45:11.560] I will say, I think a cookbook’s cute and fun idea, I wish other games would do that,
[45:11.560 –> 45:16.440] where’s my cook, Breath of the Wild Cookbook, DARN IT!
[45:16.440 –> 45:21.280] Yeah that would just be like, throw a bunch of apples in the pan, and oh you got an apple
[45:21.280 –> 45:25.080] pie!
[45:25.080 –> 45:31.920] It teaches you the notes for the little toons that Link whistles.
[45:31.920 –> 45:38.760] Alright cool, so as I mentioned before, there’s a bunch of news about Harvest Moon, the ones
[45:38.760 –> 45:45.960] of Anthos, which, because, so first of all, a bunch of content creators got like an hour
[45:45.960 –> 45:53.480] long look at gameplay, and then, apparently not, right, I was especially annoyed when
[45:53.480 –> 45:57.600] one of them was like, this is my first Harvest Moon game, and I’m like, why are you getting
[45:57.600 –> 45:58.600] this then?
[45:58.600 –> 45:59.600] What’s this about?
[45:59.600 –> 46:06.040] See, that’s a thing, they’re sending it to the people who can’t judge them badly, because
[46:06.040 –> 46:09.320] they don’t know, that’s what they’re scared of.
[46:09.320 –> 46:16.640] Well what they have also done is they’ve sent a copy of the actual game to Cher, who runs
[46:16.640 –> 46:27.600] the, I can never know how to say, the Fogu Ushinotani website, whatever, it’s the Harvest
[46:27.600 –> 46:33.880] Moon Story of Seasons website, which has all like, kind of, strategy stuff and information
[46:33.880 –> 46:38.040] about, like if you Google, or what is this person’s favourite stuff?
[46:38.040 –> 46:42.840] It’s their Serebii, it’s the Harvest Moon Serebii.
[46:42.840 –> 46:46.920] So she got a copy of the game, and she’s been playing through it, she’s like 25 hours into
[46:46.920 –> 46:54.280] the game, so we got a lot of details from her, which is great, and I’ve noted down a
[46:54.280 –> 46:56.960] bunch of stuff, did you go through any of this information beforehand, Kevin?
[46:57.000 –> 47:03.240] A little bit, it was a lot, so I’m looking at Fogu right now, I’m trying to judge which
[47:03.240 –> 47:07.680] one has a better web design, this one or Serebii, and I think Fogu’s winning.
[47:07.680 –> 47:08.680] Definitely.
[47:08.680 –> 47:20.600] But yeah, I want to redesign both our websites, but anyway, I’ve noted down 15 bullet points
[47:20.600 –> 47:25.160] of things that I think are interesting to talk about.
[47:25.160 –> 47:28.960] So first off, there’s a bunch of character customisation.
[47:28.960 –> 47:29.960] That’s cool.
[47:29.960 –> 47:39.560] Which is good, I mean, for 2023 standards, it’s not special or interesting, but I think
[47:39.560 –> 47:43.360] it’s good to point out that they do have a bunch of skin tones, they do have a bunch
[47:43.360 –> 47:49.280] of hair colours, I don’t think they have hairstyles.
[47:49.280 –> 47:50.280] Which is odd.
[47:50.280 –> 47:56.200] Okay, what’s the first farming game that’s going to go, because you know, there’s always
[47:56.200 –> 47:57.200] options, right?
[47:57.200 –> 48:01.560] Option 1 through 30, when are we going to get the sliders?
[48:01.560 –> 48:04.280] When are we going to get the Street Fighter 6 monster?
[48:04.280 –> 48:05.280] The cyberpunk.
[48:05.280 –> 48:06.280] Yeah.
[48:06.280 –> 48:16.760] I’m sorry, this is a small tangy, but one of the South Park games, I can’t remember
[48:16.760 –> 48:24.480] which one it was, I think it was the Stick of Truth or whatever, because they had a custom
[48:24.480 –> 48:35.280] character or whatever too, and on the character creator, they had a difficulty, they had an
[48:35.280 –> 48:38.880] option called difficulty, and it was a slider, right?
[48:38.880 –> 48:43.960] And it did nothing in the game other than change your skin tone.
[48:43.960 –> 48:46.960] It’s so good!
[48:46.960 –> 49:07.280] I’ll be taking that on this Harvest Moon, that’d be great.
[49:07.280 –> 49:15.000] Anyway, so yeah, it’s good that they’ve got a decent amount, but yeah, they probably could
[49:15.000 –> 49:18.120] be doing better, but it’s better than nothing, so that’s good.
[49:18.120 –> 49:21.080] Okay, that is good.
[49:21.080 –> 49:26.640] As I’ve mentioned before, it’s kind of confirmation around the plot, so basically it’s built around
[49:26.640 –> 49:32.400] a bunch of different communities that were split up by a volcanic eruption in the past,
[49:32.400 –> 49:35.800] and your job is to basically go around and there’s a bunch of different things you need
[49:35.800 –> 49:40.360] to do to get to the different areas, but you’re basically building these communities up and
[49:40.360 –> 49:45.720] breaking down walls and building bridges to get them all to be able to communicate with
[49:45.720 –> 49:46.720] each other again.
[49:46.720 –> 49:52.520] I didn’t know that was the premise, that’s a pretty fun premise.
[49:52.520 –> 49:59.880] So it’s very definitely not an open world game, because it starts off quite small and
[49:59.880 –> 50:06.200] you’re slowly expanding and slowly expanding, but people love to use the term open world
[50:06.200 –> 50:09.520] without actually thinking about what that means.
[50:09.520 –> 50:13.120] What they mean is like the way it looks and the way you control your character, that’s
[50:13.120 –> 50:17.000] what they think of when they think open world, but anyway.
[50:17.000 –> 50:22.760] It looks like it’s got some really nice travel aspects, so obviously you’re standard walking,
[50:22.760 –> 50:30.040] but then there’s a whole bunch of different animals you can go on.
[50:30.040 –> 50:37.160] So yeah, there’s like horses and bears and camels and dinosaurs for some reason.
[50:37.160 –> 50:43.720] But then once you have, oh and the different amounts that you go on work well on different
[50:43.720 –> 50:50.400] areas, so presumably like your camel works well in the desert areas and stuff like that,
[50:50.400 –> 50:56.400] but once you’ve got to each area, there’s a little kind of teleporting thing, a little
[50:56.400 –> 51:01.160] shrine thing that once you interact with, you can teleport to that from anywhere on
[51:01.160 –> 51:02.160] the map.
[51:02.160 –> 51:04.820] You just go onto your map and click on it and teleport to that.
[51:04.820 –> 51:11.200] So that is not, I really like how that’s not locked behind progression in other areas.
[51:11.200 –> 51:15.880] It’s literally just you get to this new community, you find their teleporting thing and you can
[51:15.880 –> 51:16.880] now teleport to that.
[51:16.880 –> 51:17.880] I like that.
[51:17.880 –> 51:19.760] That’s nice.
[51:19.760 –> 51:22.160] Probably pretty necessary for such a large game as well.
[51:22.160 –> 51:28.200] I was about to say it’d be wild if you didn’t, right?
[51:28.200 –> 51:34.680] The expando farm is back, so that was in the previous game, which was called Harv’s Moon
[51:34.680 –> 51:41.320] One World, so you can take your farm with you and put it in different places, which
[51:41.320 –> 51:45.560] I just thought is a fun concept, so it was definitely the best thing about the previous
[51:45.560 –> 51:49.520] game, so I’m glad they’re bringing that along with it.
[51:49.520 –> 51:57.560] The map seems quite a lot bigger than the previous game, which is something, it’s either
[51:57.560 –> 52:01.900] good or bad, depending on your opinion of those things.
[52:01.900 –> 52:03.040] This is where it gets interesting.
[52:03.040 –> 52:08.640] So the map in One World, you could see on the map where you’d got found like harvest
[52:08.640 –> 52:14.760] sprites who give you seeds, where you’d find animals and crops and stuff like that.
[52:14.760 –> 52:20.360] It does the same thing in this game but it’s also got a searching thing, so once you find
[52:20.360 –> 52:24.040] a harvest sprite that gives you a specific seed, you can then go into the map and search
[52:24.040 –> 52:29.600] for that seed and you can see everywhere on the map that harvest sprite exists.
[52:29.600 –> 52:40.240] Same for animals and for fish and all those items and everything as well, so that’s fun.
[52:40.240 –> 52:41.240] I like that.
[52:41.720 –> 52:47.560] Yeah, it’s good, like the the zelba, the the the sensor thing, you know, don’t you?
[52:47.560 –> 52:48.560] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[52:48.560 –> 52:49.560] You can find it again.
[52:49.560 –> 52:50.560] Yeah, yeah.
[52:50.560 –> 52:51.560] Yeah, yeah, definitely.
[52:51.560 –> 52:59.000] Now, what I really like is instead of buying animals, you can tame them in the wild, so
[52:59.000 –> 53:05.960] you can just happen across a sheep or a chicken or a cow or a dinosaur and you can tame them
[53:05.960 –> 53:10.200] in the wild, which I think is really fun because it means that you can get a whole bunch of
[53:10.200 –> 53:15.800] animals early on if you’re willing to do the work, whereas what I’ve never liked about
[53:15.800 –> 53:22.440] farming games is like, oh, it takes you days and days to get enough money to get your first
[53:22.440 –> 53:23.440] animal.
[53:23.440 –> 53:25.160] Like real life days, not in game days.
[53:25.160 –> 53:29.680] Yeah, yeah, yeah, to get your first animal and then it’s like trying to get another one
[53:29.680 –> 53:36.160] and another one and it just takes so long, whereas this way, you can put in the effort
[53:36.160 –> 53:38.640] and get stuff really quickly if you want to.
[53:38.640 –> 53:39.640] Yeah.
[53:39.640 –> 53:42.440] You know what other game does that?
[53:42.440 –> 53:45.560] Road to Pacha.
[53:45.560 –> 53:51.760] Yeah, but that is cool to see that as an option.
[53:51.760 –> 53:55.000] Is it still possible to buy if you don’t want to do the work?
[53:55.000 –> 53:57.840] I don’t actually know that.
[53:57.840 –> 54:06.880] So what Cher said was instead of spending 2000G on a lamb, you can tame wild sheep.
[54:06.880 –> 54:14.160] That makes it sound like you can buy them as well.
[54:14.160 –> 54:18.760] Because it’s like, she didn’t say like, instead of buying, you have to tame.
[54:18.760 –> 54:25.880] It was instead of spending 2000G, you can tame them.
[54:25.880 –> 54:31.480] If that is the case, that both are an option, I think it would be fun to have exclusives,
[54:31.480 –> 54:35.840] like exclusive wild ones and exclusive buy from the store ones.
[54:35.840 –> 54:38.840] As possible, yeah, I’m not sure.
[54:38.840 –> 54:45.440] But anyways, either way, it’s nice to have that as an option or you don’t have to spend
[54:45.440 –> 54:46.440] money, you can do it.
[54:46.440 –> 54:51.120] Like you said, you can get it right away, like you normally would.
[54:51.120 –> 54:52.400] What’s next on my list?
[54:52.400 –> 54:57.680] Oh yes, so like the previous game, you can stay up all night, you don’t fall asleep like
[54:57.680 –> 55:04.140] in most farming games, but if you do stay up all night, you’re in-game exhausted, which
[55:04.140 –> 55:08.500] means that everything takes like twice as much effort to do, you can’t run and that
[55:08.500 –> 55:09.500] sort of stuff.
[55:09.500 –> 55:12.540] So I really like that because it makes it much more realistic because it’s like, no
[55:12.540 –> 55:15.980] one ever just falls asleep at 2am, right?
[55:15.980 –> 55:22.060] That’s not a thing that happens, but you get a massive disadvantage if you do that for
[55:22.060 –> 55:27.780] the next day, you’re more tired, even if you do eventually go to sleep, your day is ruined.
[55:27.780 –> 55:31.780] I really like how that is and there have been times where I’ve just got like just a little
[55:31.780 –> 55:36.820] bit longer in one world just to finish something off and sure, I may have kind of regretted
[55:36.820 –> 55:41.260] it the next day, but realistically, I still would have done what I did.
[55:41.260 –> 55:42.540] I really like that.
[55:42.540 –> 55:45.980] Yeah, and you can stay up to see the sunrise.
[55:45.980 –> 55:46.980] That’s cool.
[55:46.980 –> 55:49.780] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[55:49.780 –> 55:51.900] Let’s see.
[55:51.900 –> 55:52.980] Crop mutations are back.
[55:52.980 –> 55:55.780] So they weren’t in one world, but they were in previous games.
[55:55.780 –> 56:01.220] They are back, so you can mutate your crops.
[56:01.220 –> 56:02.460] I don’t know what to say about that.
[56:02.460 –> 56:09.740] I don’t know the specifics about how it works in this game, but I think in the Skytree village,
[56:09.740 –> 56:16.380] I think was the last game that had it and you basically get new crops based on putting
[56:16.380 –> 56:19.380] crops next to each other, I think is how it worked in that game.
[56:19.380 –> 56:20.380] Yeah.
[56:20.380 –> 56:21.380] Okay.
[56:21.380 –> 56:22.380] Okay.
[56:22.380 –> 56:23.380] Yeah.
[56:23.380 –> 56:24.380] Yeah.
[56:24.380 –> 56:25.380] I remember this.
[56:25.380 –> 56:26.380] Yeah.
[56:26.380 –> 56:27.380] But anyway, well, we’ll see.
[56:27.380 –> 56:36.700] Later on, and the fishing looks way too complicated for me.
[56:36.700 –> 56:43.220] We discussed a whole episode on fishing minigame mechanics and it looks like, what if we take
[56:43.220 –> 56:45.180] all of them and just put them together?
[56:45.180 –> 56:46.180] Yeah.
[56:46.180 –> 56:47.180] Yeah.
[56:47.180 –> 56:50.900] So you like, you have to like aim towards the fish you want.
[56:50.900 –> 56:56.480] And then when you’re catching it, you have to like drag it in one against the direction
[56:56.480 –> 56:57.480] that it’s moving.
[56:57.480 –> 57:02.560] Which is a thing that some fishing games do, but then you have the bar, but you have, it’s
[57:02.560 –> 57:03.560] a lot.
[57:03.560 –> 57:07.680] It’s just like, I’m not playing a game that I want to be super realistic.
[57:07.680 –> 57:09.960] Like it just feels like too much, but I don’t know.
[57:09.960 –> 57:11.480] Maybe it’ll actually be fun to play.
[57:11.480 –> 57:15.560] I’ll have to wait and see, but I mean, when I’m looking at that, I’m just going, I do
[57:15.560 –> 57:21.240] not want to do that, you know, but we’ll see, we’ll see.
[57:21.240 –> 57:25.880] And confirmation that there are 10 marriage candidates in the base game, which I have
[57:25.920 –> 57:32.680] a little thought about this, Kevin, that feels really low to me, um, because well, 10 in
[57:32.680 –> 57:33.680] total.
[57:33.680 –> 57:34.680] Yeah.
[57:34.680 –> 57:38.240] That feels standard to me, but it’s a big game.
[57:38.240 –> 57:40.240] Like it’s a really big game.
[57:40.240 –> 57:43.920] Like everybody’s saying this is a big game and I’m thinking if there are 10 marriage
[57:43.920 –> 57:49.080] candidates, is that because there’s just not very many people who you can marry out of
[57:49.080 –> 57:50.520] the total number of people?
[57:50.520 –> 57:53.840] Or is it just that it’s really empty and there’s not very many people in the game?
[57:53.840 –> 57:56.600] Like it’s, it’s not like there are, sure.
[57:56.600 –> 57:57.600] There are like 10 marriage candidates.
[57:57.600 –> 58:00.520] The thing was actually more than 10 marriage candidates in stardew, but stardew is a really
[58:00.520 –> 58:01.520] small map.
[58:01.520 –> 58:02.520] It is.
[58:02.520 –> 58:03.520] You’re right.
[58:03.520 –> 58:06.080] Um, yeah, no, that’s a good point.
[58:06.080 –> 58:12.480] Um, again, comparison point with roots of Pacha, um, 12, there are 12 marriage candidates
[58:12.480 –> 58:13.480] in stardew.
[58:13.480 –> 58:17.200] So there are more managed candidates in stardew, which is a really small map.
[58:17.200 –> 58:18.200] Yeah.
[58:18.200 –> 58:19.200] Yeah.
[58:19.200 –> 58:20.200] No.
[58:20.200 –> 58:21.200] Okay.
[58:21.200 –> 58:22.200] Yeah.
[58:22.200 –> 58:23.200] You’re right.
[58:23.560 –> 58:26.720] Cause either they’re all like in your starting town or they’re all spread out and there’s
[58:26.720 –> 58:30.160] not many per villager community or whatever.
[58:30.160 –> 58:31.160] Exactly.
[58:31.160 –> 58:32.160] Um, yeah.
[58:32.160 –> 58:39.680] I was going to say roots of Pacha has, I think a similar issue in, in the fact that it’s
[58:39.680 –> 58:44.280] a, it’s not as big as, as this one’s puzzle as winds of anthos, but, um, there’s like
[58:44.280 –> 58:48.760] two other villages with these whole other casts of characters that you mean you can’t
[58:48.760 –> 58:49.760] romance them.
[58:49.760 –> 58:51.000] And it feels weird that you can’t do that.
[58:51.000 –> 58:52.200] Um, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[58:52.200 –> 58:53.200] So yeah.
[58:53.200 –> 58:54.200] No, you’re right.
[58:54.200 –> 58:55.200] That’s a good point.
[58:55.200 –> 58:58.300] So Cher said there were about 50 different areas that you have to bring back together.
[58:58.300 –> 59:02.720] That’s one marriage candidate for every five areas.
[59:02.720 –> 59:05.520] Well, that’s wild.
[59:05.520 –> 59:06.900] But they say area, right?
[59:06.900 –> 59:11.800] So that can’t all be like, she said communities, real oh, communities.
[59:11.800 –> 59:12.800] Oh goodness.
[59:12.800 –> 59:13.800] Oh goodness.
[59:13.800 –> 59:16.400] Let me, let me get the exact wording that she said.
[59:16.400 –> 59:19.760] Uh, where’s, let me see, where is, oh gosh.
[59:19.760 –> 59:20.760] Okay.
[59:20.760 –> 59:21.760] No, it does say, okay.
[59:21.760 –> 59:25.800] So on the, the land map is quite large with over 50 sectioned areas.
[59:25.800 –> 59:30.920] So it does say areas, uh, some areas are blocked by harvest sprite walls until you complete
[59:30.920 –> 59:32.020] that portion of the story.
[59:32.020 –> 59:36.260] Other areas require you to repair a bridge to access while some have environmental hazards
[59:36.260 –> 59:38.240] such as eating something cold to withstand hot.
[59:38.240 –> 59:42.960] But it was, I mean, it would feel weird to me if it was like the vast majority, like
[59:42.960 –> 59:46.760] 40 of them have no people at all.
[59:46.760 –> 59:52.320] Well, I guess you then get ready for disappointment because it’s probably exactly what’s going
[59:52.320 –> 59:53.320] to happen.
[59:53.320 –> 59:59.160] I just, this whole, it just, it feels like it’s a really big but empty map and maybe,
[59:59.160 –> 01:00:03.080] maybe that’s not how it feels when you’re playing, but that’s my, my little worry of
[01:00:03.080 –> 01:00:04.080] that.
[01:00:04.080 –> 01:00:05.080] Yeah.
[01:00:05.080 –> 01:00:09.840] I, uh, I see what you’re saying.
[01:00:09.840 –> 01:00:10.840] Anyway.
[01:00:10.840 –> 01:00:15.380] I just, 10 seems low is all I’m thinking, you know, I think that’s lower than most farming
[01:00:15.380 –> 01:00:17.980] games and it feels bigger than most farming games.
[01:00:17.980 –> 01:00:23.900] So that feels like an odd imbalance, but yeah, so that’s most of the stuff that I saw and
[01:00:23.900 –> 01:00:24.900] I found interesting.
[01:00:24.900 –> 01:00:30.500] I don’t know if there’s anything you saw, um, I think there’s a big ask.
[01:00:30.500 –> 01:00:31.500] We’re getting DLC.
[01:00:31.500 –> 01:00:32.500] Like there’s already confirmed DLC.
[01:00:32.500 –> 01:00:33.500] Yeah.
[01:00:33.500 –> 01:00:35.860] I’m going to chat about that in a minute, but I was wondering before that, if there
[01:00:35.860 –> 01:00:39.780] was anything else that you saw that you thought was worth chatting about?
[01:00:39.780 –> 01:00:40.780] Nothing.
[01:00:40.780 –> 01:00:45.820] I mean, just like, I’m skeptical.
[01:00:45.820 –> 01:00:46.820] Like it’s weird.
[01:00:46.820 –> 01:00:51.580] I can’t believe a harvest moon, like this kind of harvest movie is get it is, might
[01:00:51.580 –> 01:00:52.580] be good.
[01:00:52.580 –> 01:00:54.580] I don’t believe it until it happens.
[01:00:54.580 –> 01:01:02.500] Like it’s, Oh, like they’ve been, they just banking off the name for so long, um, to like,
[01:01:02.500 –> 01:01:05.060] is it, are they actually making a game here?
[01:01:05.060 –> 01:01:06.060] That’s competent.
[01:01:06.060 –> 01:01:07.980] That’s, that’s wild to me.
[01:01:07.980 –> 01:01:08.980] But we’ve been wanting this.
[01:01:08.980 –> 01:01:12.500] We’ve been asking this the entire time we’ve been running this podcast four and a half
[01:01:12.500 –> 01:01:13.500] years.
[01:01:13.500 –> 01:01:16.820] We’ve been asking, please make a good harvest moon game.
[01:01:16.820 –> 01:01:21.540] And in one world I saw a lot of things that were really promising and a lot of things
[01:01:21.540 –> 01:01:23.380] that were really weird and bad.
[01:01:23.380 –> 01:01:25.600] And I was like, this could be a really good game.
[01:01:25.600 –> 01:01:30.420] And it feels like they’ve taken that and they’ve taken the good things and it feels like they’ve
[01:01:30.420 –> 01:01:32.020] maybe made it good.
[01:01:32.020 –> 01:01:33.300] You know what this is?
[01:01:33.300 –> 01:01:38.740] This is, this is the people who played the original Harvard, you know, the actual like
[01:01:38.740 –> 01:01:43.300] story of seasons games back on the GameCube are now old enough that they’ve been hired
[01:01:43.300 –> 01:01:44.300] by Natsume.
[01:01:44.300 –> 01:01:46.140] And they said, no, we’re going to save this name.
[01:01:46.140 –> 01:01:48.180] It’s going to be a real game now.
[01:01:48.180 –> 01:01:49.180] Um,
[01:01:49.180 –> 01:01:56.100] yeah, it’ll be interesting to see how it goes, but I totally understand people going, I don’t
[01:01:56.100 –> 01:01:57.100] trust it.
[01:01:57.100 –> 01:02:00.060] And that’s why me and Micah will be doing an episode on this.
[01:02:00.060 –> 01:02:02.380] It won’t be like straight away.
[01:02:02.380 –> 01:02:07.000] We’ll take a, uh, I feel like it’s going to be about a month, but we want to take our
[01:02:07.000 –> 01:02:09.280] time to make sure that we know what we’re doing.
[01:02:09.280 –> 01:02:13.080] But I totally understand that people would want to wait to hear actual feelings.
[01:02:13.080 –> 01:02:23.440] I will probably be the, it’s so, not even, even without the name thing of the Harvest
[01:02:23.440 –> 01:02:27.200] Moon brand and all the baggage that’s carried.
[01:02:27.200 –> 01:02:29.760] Like it sounds like an ambitious game.
[01:02:29.760 –> 01:02:32.340] Like yeah, it’s wild.
[01:02:32.340 –> 01:02:33.340] It’s wild.
[01:02:33.340 –> 01:02:34.960] The different mounts in different areas.
[01:02:34.960 –> 01:02:42.600] If there was a, if this was a random unknown developer talking about this game, we’d be
[01:02:42.600 –> 01:02:45.440] like, this sounds too ambitious, right?
[01:02:45.440 –> 01:02:47.720] It feels like there’s too much in this game.
[01:02:47.720 –> 01:02:54.480] And that is not even taken by the fact that they haven’t made a good game yet, you know?
[01:02:54.480 –> 01:03:02.960] So I don’t know, but like, based on like, this is Cher actually playing the game, right?
[01:03:02.960 –> 01:03:06.840] And we’re getting actual clips and actual information, and I’m still not seeing anything
[01:03:06.840 –> 01:03:11.600] that makes me go, this looks horrific or this looks like this will be really bad, or I’m
[01:03:11.600 –> 01:03:13.680] really worried about this massive flaw.
[01:03:13.680 –> 01:03:19.440] Like there is my point about the lack of marriage candidates, but you know, other than that,
[01:03:19.440 –> 01:03:20.780] that’s a really small thing.
[01:03:20.780 –> 01:03:25.680] Like there’s still going to be like 10 marriage candidates, still a decent amount in general.
[01:03:25.680 –> 01:03:32.880] It’s just my worry about whether it might feel in like an empty world, but we’ll see.
[01:03:33.200 –> 01:03:35.280] It’s wild, and look at it.
[01:03:35.280 –> 01:03:38.160] This game looks too good to be a horror-smooth game.
[01:03:38.160 –> 01:03:40.160] I like it.
[01:03:40.160 –> 01:03:43.720] Well don’t worry, our episode will definitely be out enough time for people to say that
[01:03:43.720 –> 01:03:49.200] they want the game for Christmas, so you’ll all be happy in that way.
[01:03:49.200 –> 01:03:56.920] Alright, so last thing about this is we have detailed the DLC for the game, and oh boy,
[01:03:56.920 –> 01:03:58.280] I have some thoughts.
[01:03:58.280 –> 01:04:05.520] Alright, so there’s a bunch of packs, four different packs I think, let me just get my
[01:04:05.520 –> 01:04:07.980] list up so I get it all right.
[01:04:07.980 –> 01:04:10.000] There are four packs of DLC.
[01:04:10.000 –> 01:04:16.280] So the first one is the Animal Avalanche pack, and this unlocks extra wild animals wandering
[01:04:16.280 –> 01:04:17.520] around the world.
[01:04:17.520 –> 01:04:22.520] It costs $2.99, and it releases the day the game releases.
[01:04:22.520 –> 01:04:24.520] Okay, fine.
[01:04:25.480 –> 01:04:32.480] Yeah, from what I can see, they’re more or less just gonna be skins of other animals.
[01:04:32.480 –> 01:04:36.480] There’s a panda instead of a bear, a unicorn instead of a horse, whatever.
[01:04:36.480 –> 01:04:38.480] I can’t get that.
[01:04:38.480 –> 01:04:41.000] Yeah, it’s just a cosmetic one.
[01:04:41.000 –> 01:04:43.160] It’s a bit weird, but whatever, that’s fine.
[01:04:43.160 –> 01:04:45.840] I don’t complain about cosmetic stuff being weird.
[01:04:45.840 –> 01:04:46.840] It’s fine.
[01:04:46.840 –> 01:04:47.840] Do what you want.
[01:04:47.840 –> 01:04:50.920] The next one is Visitors from Afar.
[01:04:50.920 –> 01:04:54.200] So this includes two extra marriage candidates.
[01:04:54.200 –> 01:05:00.640] There’s an extra story chapter about a trading company establishing a business in Anthos,
[01:05:00.640 –> 01:05:06.640] and the CEO and her assistant will both be romanceable.
[01:05:06.640 –> 01:05:10.480] This costs $12.99.
[01:05:10.480 –> 01:05:12.480] That sounds like a lot.
[01:05:12.480 –> 01:05:15.680] Yep, and it releases October 17th.
[01:05:15.680 –> 01:05:19.680] Now, don’t worry, let’s just keep going until we have too many discussions.
[01:05:19.680 –> 01:05:20.680] Are they worth it?
[01:05:20.680 –> 01:05:21.680] Are they hot?
[01:05:21.680 –> 01:05:22.680] Let me see.
[01:05:22.680 –> 01:05:23.680] I need to know.
[01:05:24.160 –> 01:05:26.160] I don’t have the information about them yet.
[01:05:26.160 –> 01:05:27.160] Darn it.
[01:05:27.160 –> 01:05:31.640] The next one is the Tool Upgrades and New Interior Designs.
[01:05:31.640 –> 01:05:34.840] The names are getting less catchy.
[01:05:34.840 –> 01:05:38.700] Upgrade your tools to the ultimate level beyond what’s available in-game.
[01:05:38.700 –> 01:05:41.360] Also includes three more interior designs for the farmhouse.
[01:05:41.360 –> 01:05:46.280] You’ll be crafting sprinklers to automatically water your crops.
[01:05:46.280 –> 01:05:52.920] Oh, yeah, so that’s just saying that sprinklers do exist in the game.
[01:05:52.920 –> 01:05:58.140] So an upgrade in Watercran wouldn’t be useful, but the other upgrades might be useful.
[01:05:58.140 –> 01:05:59.480] So two things about this.
[01:05:59.480 –> 01:06:01.600] One, the interior design, fine, whatever.
[01:06:01.600 –> 01:06:03.520] That’s again, more cosmetic, whatever.
[01:06:03.520 –> 01:06:05.120] I don’t care about that.
[01:06:05.120 –> 01:06:06.760] I’m fine with that.
[01:06:06.760 –> 01:06:08.600] People pay for cosmetics, that’s fine.
[01:06:08.600 –> 01:06:10.160] I don’t know how I feel.
[01:06:10.160 –> 01:06:12.000] Well, I do know how I feel, actually.
[01:06:12.000 –> 01:06:18.200] I’m not a huge fan of gating tool upgrades behind a DLC.
[01:06:18.200 –> 01:06:20.760] That feels bad.
[01:06:20.760 –> 01:06:26.960] I mean, how good are the upgrades versus the ones in the base game?
[01:06:26.960 –> 01:06:27.960] We don’t know yet.
[01:06:27.960 –> 01:06:28.960] Right.
[01:06:28.960 –> 01:06:29.960] Well, right.
[01:06:29.960 –> 01:06:30.960] I know we don’t know.
[01:06:30.960 –> 01:06:33.560] I’m just like, that’s the question, right?
[01:06:33.560 –> 01:06:35.520] I feel either way I don’t like it.
[01:06:35.520 –> 01:06:39.080] Well, I mean, yes, but you really like automation.
[01:06:39.080 –> 01:06:43.440] I probably live without it.
[01:06:43.440 –> 01:06:44.600] I’m not a huge fan of that.
[01:06:44.600 –> 01:06:47.840] That feels a little bit scammy to me.
[01:06:47.840 –> 01:06:48.840] It does.
[01:06:48.840 –> 01:06:49.840] You’re right.
[01:06:49.920 –> 01:06:50.920] Yeah, you’re right.
[01:06:50.920 –> 01:06:55.960] Story stuff I understand and like cosmetic stuff I’m fine with, but like upgrading your
[01:06:55.960 –> 01:06:56.960] tools.
[01:06:56.960 –> 01:06:57.960] Yeah, you’re right.
[01:06:57.960 –> 01:07:00.400] In any other game, it’d be a free update.
[01:07:00.400 –> 01:07:03.640] Yeah, you’re right.
[01:07:03.640 –> 01:07:07.840] That pack is $2.99 and is releasing on the 7th of November.
[01:07:07.840 –> 01:07:15.040] And the final one is new crops, fish recipes pack, which will unlock extra crops, fish
[01:07:15.040 –> 01:07:16.220] and recipes.
[01:07:16.220 –> 01:07:23.260] So four crops, eight flowers, six fish and 15 cooking recipes and that is $2.99 and releases
[01:07:23.260 –> 01:07:25.460] on the 28th of November.
[01:07:25.460 –> 01:07:31.820] See, this is weird because like, you’re right, gaining just doesn’t feel great.
[01:07:31.820 –> 01:07:36.660] But what if they just had all this together in one big update for like 15 bucks?
[01:07:36.660 –> 01:07:38.940] I don’t think we’d be complaining.
[01:07:38.940 –> 01:07:41.300] So what they are doing is they are doing that.
[01:07:41.300 –> 01:07:43.860] Oh yeah, there we go.
[01:07:43.860 –> 01:07:46.860] If you bought them all individually, that would be $22.
[01:07:46.860 –> 01:07:54.980] But they are releasing a pack, which will give you all four for 15 quid.
[01:07:54.980 –> 01:07:57.700] So they are doing that.
[01:07:57.700 –> 01:08:03.260] And so I’ll be honest, if I enjoy the game, I will probably do that, right.
[01:08:03.260 –> 01:08:07.500] And I’m willing to pay for more story if the story is good.
[01:08:07.500 –> 01:08:12.340] And you know, I’m fine with people buying cosmetics.
[01:08:12.340 –> 01:08:17.140] It’s just that tools one that’s making me go, I don’t like that.
[01:08:17.140 –> 01:08:20.620] Yeah, I guess.
[01:08:20.620 –> 01:08:28.900] You know, it’s like this is a $60 game, and you’re charging me $2.99 to buy an upgrade
[01:08:28.900 –> 01:08:31.260] to my tools.
[01:08:31.260 –> 01:08:33.480] That’s weird, right?
[01:08:33.480 –> 01:08:38.540] It is right like, yeah, okay, fine.
[01:08:38.540 –> 01:08:41.900] Anyway, we’ll see if the game’s good, I’ll buy it.
[01:08:41.900 –> 01:08:46.100] If the game’s not, I was about to say, is it weird that I’m willing to forgive the scamminess
[01:08:46.100 –> 01:08:49.860] if the game is actually good?
[01:08:49.860 –> 01:08:50.860] It’s not weird.
[01:08:50.860 –> 01:08:59.060] I could argue whether it’s good or bad, but it’s not weird.
[01:08:59.060 –> 01:09:02.740] I still don’t trust this game, and I don’t like it.
[01:09:02.740 –> 01:09:04.940] The Wild Animals pack includes unicorns.
[01:09:04.940 –> 01:09:07.500] Yeah, yeah, it does.
[01:09:07.500 –> 01:09:08.980] Sasquatch too.
[01:09:08.980 –> 01:09:09.980] Right.
[01:09:09.980 –> 01:09:10.980] Fine.
[01:09:10.980 –> 01:09:13.140] I think that’s everything.
[01:09:13.140 –> 01:09:15.860] There’s a bunch of Anthos stuff.
[01:09:15.860 –> 01:09:19.860] If you’ve got any questions, listeners about this, let us know if you have any thoughts
[01:09:19.860 –> 01:09:20.860] about this.
[01:09:20.860 –> 01:09:22.020] Let us know.
[01:09:22.020 –> 01:09:25.800] Because I feel like we’re all a bit confused about this game.
[01:09:25.800 –> 01:09:26.900] We can be confused together.
[01:09:26.900 –> 01:09:30.540] Em, so you know what else we could be confused about?
[01:09:30.540 –> 01:09:36.540] We’re going to talk about the interesting game, which is the original Harvest Moon.
[01:09:36.580 –> 01:09:44.020] The grand pappy of this, everything we’re doing, this genre, this show.
[01:09:44.020 –> 01:09:47.540] It all goes back to this, folks.
[01:09:47.540 –> 01:09:52.500] So I’m going to start off and say, don’t play this game.
[01:09:52.500 –> 01:10:00.700] Well, I mean, unless you care, unless you care so much about seeing where it’s come
[01:10:00.700 –> 01:10:03.540] from, don’t play this game.
[01:10:03.540 –> 01:10:05.300] You won’t have the patience for it.
[01:10:05.300 –> 01:10:12.740] Like, yeah, I, I don’t think there was any doubt about that.
[01:10:12.740 –> 01:10:13.740] Right.
[01:10:13.740 –> 01:10:14.740] Like this.
[01:10:14.740 –> 01:10:16.900] I think there was.
[01:10:16.900 –> 01:10:23.100] Because some games age really well, and some games let you hold a maximum of two tools
[01:10:23.100 –> 01:10:24.100] at a time.
[01:10:24.100 –> 01:10:25.100] Sorry.
[01:10:25.100 –> 01:10:26.100] Wait.
[01:10:26.100 –> 01:10:27.100] No, no, sorry.
[01:10:27.100 –> 01:10:28.100] Not two tools.
[01:10:28.100 –> 01:10:29.100] Two items.
[01:10:29.100 –> 01:10:30.100] Yeah.
[01:10:30.100 –> 01:10:31.100] There you go.
[01:10:31.100 –> 01:10:32.100] This, this is a wild game.
[01:10:32.100 –> 01:10:33.100] Okay.
[01:10:33.100 –> 01:10:36.140] So we’re not going to, we’re not going to go into like a deep, detailed dive of this
[01:10:36.140 –> 01:10:37.140] game, right?
[01:10:37.140 –> 01:10:39.100] We are not going to spend the next hour talking about this game.
[01:10:39.100 –> 01:10:42.420] I really hope we don’t spend the next hour talking about this game.
[01:10:42.420 –> 01:10:44.900] Well, I’m here.
[01:10:44.900 –> 01:10:45.900] So you know.
[01:10:45.900 –> 01:10:49.300] I just thought it would be interesting for us to play around a bit and talk about how
[01:10:49.300 –> 01:10:50.300] we felt about it.
[01:10:50.300 –> 01:10:51.300] Okay.
[01:10:51.300 –> 01:10:53.340] First of all, how far did you make it?
[01:10:53.340 –> 01:10:56.700] Not very far at all, because this is not a fun game to play.
[01:10:56.700 –> 01:10:57.700] Did you?
[01:10:57.700 –> 01:11:00.380] I mean, did you make it past the season?
[01:11:00.380 –> 01:11:01.380] I did not.
[01:11:01.660 –> 01:11:02.660] Okay.
[01:11:02.660 –> 01:11:07.340] For reference, the season is like an actual, like 30 in game days for people, but, uh,
[01:11:07.340 –> 01:11:12.700] but the days are also like the half a minute long they go by so fast.
[01:11:12.700 –> 01:11:13.980] I, yeah, no.
[01:11:13.980 –> 01:11:16.300] So I, I just, I just really struggled to keep playing it.
[01:11:16.300 –> 01:11:17.300] Right.
[01:11:17.300 –> 01:11:19.100] And I spent ages in the very first bit.
[01:11:19.100 –> 01:11:24.260] So see, so you start out the game and they’re like, Oh, here’s a farm and I’ll take you
[01:11:24.260 –> 01:11:26.660] to the town and show you the town.
[01:11:26.660 –> 01:11:31.300] And then they go talk to everyone and you’re like, okay, I’ll go talk to everyone.
[01:11:31.300 –> 01:11:33.940] And then you go back to them and like, you’ve not talked to everyone.
[01:11:33.940 –> 01:11:37.740] And I’m like, yeah, the people that I’ve missed.
[01:11:37.740 –> 01:11:42.500] So I’d end up, end up Googling to figure out where the hidden people are is like, Oh, that’s
[01:11:42.500 –> 01:11:43.500] where they are.
[01:11:43.500 –> 01:11:45.380] And then you go find them and then you talk to them.
[01:11:45.380 –> 01:11:51.540] And then my time with this game, Kevin was constantly just Googling what I don’t, I don’t
[01:11:51.540 –> 01:11:52.540] understand.
[01:11:52.540 –> 01:11:54.580] Like you’re like, Oh, where are my tools?
[01:11:54.580 –> 01:11:55.580] Which one is the shade?
[01:11:55.580 –> 01:11:57.020] Cause they’re like, Oh, your tools are in the shed.
[01:11:57.020 –> 01:11:58.420] I’m like, well, where’s the shade?
[01:11:58.420 –> 01:12:02.140] Cause you have four different buildings and all of them look the same and it’s like, which
[01:12:02.140 –> 01:12:04.660] shop is, which I cannot remember.
[01:12:04.660 –> 01:12:06.860] And then you’re like, okay, well I’ve got my, I’ve picked up my tools.
[01:12:06.860 –> 01:12:08.860] Oh wait, I can only have two tools at once.
[01:12:08.860 –> 01:12:09.860] Okay, fine.
[01:12:09.860 –> 01:12:10.860] Whatever.
[01:12:10.860 –> 01:12:14.480] And then you go in like chop down a tree and then it’s like, where’s my wood?
[01:12:14.480 –> 01:12:16.220] I don’t know where my wood is.
[01:12:16.220 –> 01:12:17.220] Right.
[01:12:17.220 –> 01:12:19.460] The wood just magically goes to the wood pile.
[01:12:19.460 –> 01:12:21.780] You have to go and find the wood pile.
[01:12:21.780 –> 01:12:26.500] Like I just spent the entire time just being confused about this game.
[01:12:26.500 –> 01:12:33.260] So I want to put, absolutely right, like this, I mean, this is what year did this come
[01:12:33.260 –> 01:12:34.260] out?
[01:12:34.260 –> 01:12:35.260] SNES?
[01:12:35.260 –> 01:12:36.260] I don’t know.
[01:12:36.260 –> 01:12:37.260] 90 something.
[01:12:37.260 –> 01:12:38.260] 92?
[01:12:38.260 –> 01:12:39.260] Okay.
[01:12:39.260 –> 01:12:45.700] Um, I think, oh sorry, 96.
[01:12:45.700 –> 01:12:51.500] Like you’re like, yes, this, this game is very, I think you can tell limited by the
[01:12:51.500 –> 01:12:56.340] hardware I’m going to guess, um, because some of it is that, and some of it is just, I
[01:12:56.340 –> 01:13:00.740] think, I think some of it is just like bad game design.
[01:13:00.740 –> 01:13:06.880] There are games released around this time that had, that had less limitations than this
[01:13:06.880 –> 01:13:08.540] on the same platform.
[01:13:08.540 –> 01:13:10.460] Like I don’t think you can blame that entirely.
[01:13:10.460 –> 01:13:14.340] Alright, look, I don’t have played enough SNES games.
[01:13:14.340 –> 01:13:18.900] I, I’m, I, I, so maybe I’m missing context.
[01:13:18.900 –> 01:13:20.000] That’s what I’m trying to think of.
[01:13:20.000 –> 01:13:21.700] Is there a comparison point?
[01:13:21.700 –> 01:13:25.580] Is there a game you can point out like, this came out in the same year on the SNES and
[01:13:25.580 –> 01:13:28.740] look how good it did everything else?
[01:13:28.740 –> 01:13:29.740] Like what?
[01:13:29.740 –> 01:13:31.500] We had some Final Fantasy games?
[01:13:31.500 –> 01:13:37.740] Well, so like, okay, so let’s, let’s take a link to the past Zelda, that was five years
[01:13:37.740 –> 01:13:38.740] earlier.
[01:13:38.740 –> 01:13:39.740] Okay.
[01:13:39.740 –> 01:13:41.740] On the same console.
[01:13:41.740 –> 01:13:42.820] Okay.
[01:13:42.820 –> 01:13:46.180] A link to…
[01:13:46.180 –> 01:13:52.540] And like, imagine having only two items that you could have in that game.
[01:13:52.540 –> 01:13:53.540] Yes.
[01:13:53.540 –> 01:13:54.540] Okay, no, you’re right.
[01:13:54.540 –> 01:13:55.540] You’re right.
[01:13:55.540 –> 01:14:00.580] Everything is probably the worst and that you’re absolutely, absolutely addressed by
[01:14:00.580 –> 01:14:02.980] other games of its contemporaries.
[01:14:02.980 –> 01:14:03.980] You’re right.
[01:14:03.980 –> 01:14:04.980] Like Final Fantasy exists.
[01:14:04.980 –> 01:14:05.980] Yes.
[01:14:05.980 –> 01:14:06.980] Like, why don’t you have an inventory menu?
[01:14:06.980 –> 01:14:09.260] It’s, it’s wild.
[01:14:09.260 –> 01:14:18.500] That’s probably the biggest flaw I’ll say that it definitely was bad game design.
[01:14:18.500 –> 01:14:23.260] But I want to point out, so in regards to your confusion, because yes, that’s one of
[01:14:23.260 –> 01:14:30.980] the big issues, like nothing is properly explained, but there’s an asterisk because
[01:14:30.980 –> 01:14:37.380] when I booted this game up, there’s three options on the menu, start new game or whatever,
[01:14:37.380 –> 01:14:40.380] new game, continue and how to play.
[01:14:40.380 –> 01:14:41.740] Did you watch the how to play?
[01:14:41.740 –> 01:14:44.340] Yes, but it was so bad, right?
[01:14:44.340 –> 01:14:47.780] Because it’s just like watching somebody else play the game.
[01:14:47.780 –> 01:14:49.980] It’s not really explaining it.
[01:14:49.980 –> 01:14:50.980] Right.
[01:14:50.980 –> 01:14:55.980] It’s not a tutorial, like here’s how to do everything.
[01:14:55.980 –> 01:14:56.980] It’s recording.
[01:14:56.980 –> 01:15:04.660] You know what actually I found better was actually Googling the manual that came with
[01:15:04.660 –> 01:15:05.660] the game originally.
[01:15:05.660 –> 01:15:06.660] Ooh.
[01:15:06.660 –> 01:15:08.260] The manual is good.
[01:15:08.260 –> 01:15:11.860] Wait, just are the manuals not included on these SNES games?
[01:15:11.860 –> 01:15:12.860] The virtual console games?
[01:15:12.860 –> 01:15:13.860] I don’t, I couldn’t figure out how to do it.
[01:15:13.860 –> 01:15:16.160] I felt like they were, but I could never figure out how to do it.
[01:15:16.160 –> 01:15:17.160] So I just Googled it.
[01:15:17.160 –> 01:15:18.160] It doesn’t matter.
[01:15:18.160 –> 01:15:19.160] Right.
[01:15:19.160 –> 01:15:20.160] Okay.
[01:15:20.160 –> 01:15:21.160] We don’t need to talk about that.
[01:15:21.160 –> 01:15:22.160] Right.
[01:15:22.160 –> 01:15:23.160] The manual.
[01:15:23.160 –> 01:15:24.160] Did you look at the manual?
[01:15:24.160 –> 01:15:25.160] That’s fine.
[01:15:25.160 –> 01:15:26.160] Okay.
[01:15:26.160 –> 01:15:27.160] Yes.
[01:15:27.160 –> 01:15:28.160] Yes.
[01:15:28.160 –> 01:15:29.160] Yes.
[01:15:29.160 –> 01:15:30.160] You’re right.
[01:15:30.160 –> 01:15:31.160] But no, that’s, that’s a good one.
[01:15:31.160 –> 01:15:32.160] Yes.
[01:15:32.160 –> 01:15:33.160] Cause this is the nineties.
[01:15:33.160 –> 01:15:34.160] Yes.
[01:15:34.160 –> 01:15:35.160] The manual had good information back then.
[01:15:35.160 –> 01:15:36.160] But this is the thing, right?
[01:15:36.160 –> 01:15:37.160] We’re going, Oh yeah, sure.
[01:15:37.160 –> 01:15:38.160] Right.
[01:15:38.160 –> 01:15:39.160] Will you just look at the manual?
[01:15:39.160 –> 01:15:40.160] I’m like, sure.
[01:15:40.160 –> 01:15:41.160] But that’s not how people think anymore.
[01:15:41.160 –> 01:15:42.160] Right.
[01:15:42.160 –> 01:15:43.160] You can’t expect people to just do.
[01:15:43.160 –> 01:15:44.160] And I’m not saying, right.
[01:15:44.160 –> 01:15:45.160] Okay.
[01:15:45.160 –> 01:15:46.160] Right.
[01:15:46.160 –> 01:15:47.160] Right.
[01:15:47.160 –> 01:15:48.160] Before we get complaints.
[01:15:48.160 –> 01:15:49.160] Yes.
[01:15:49.160 –> 01:16:07.960] I think it’s interesting to look at, and I have spent maybe 15 hours playing this game
[01:16:07.960 –> 01:16:08.960] very badly.
[01:16:08.960 –> 01:16:18.040] And I, I’m so glad that there are newer games, you know, it’s wild to me how people played
[01:16:18.040 –> 01:16:21.120] this game so much that they played, made a second game.
[01:16:21.120 –> 01:16:25.600] Well, like, I don’t know how anybody found this fun at the time.
[01:16:25.600 –> 01:16:29.600] This is, this is all, in my opinion, this is about context, right?
[01:16:29.600 –> 01:16:35.000] Because I, I was asking again, like, what is the comparison point?
[01:16:35.000 –> 01:16:39.440] Because I, I mean, yes, there are certain things like item inventory stuff that yes,
[01:16:39.440 –> 01:16:44.720] you can actually look at, but as a whole, this was the first farming game, right?
[01:16:44.720 –> 01:16:45.720] Like that I know of.
[01:16:45.720 –> 01:16:46.720] Sure.
[01:16:46.720 –> 01:16:47.720] Sure.
[01:16:48.400 –> 01:16:49.800] Well, the first, the first proper farming game.
[01:16:49.800 –> 01:16:50.800] Sure.
[01:16:50.800 –> 01:16:51.800] Yes.
[01:16:51.800 –> 01:16:55.800] We’re still, we still need to make sure not to compare it to stuff that came out 10 years
[01:16:55.800 –> 01:16:56.800] earlier.
[01:16:56.800 –> 01:16:57.800] Right.
[01:16:57.800 –> 01:17:02.120] Is it is other games, most other games that came out in the SNES were better than this
[01:17:02.120 –> 01:17:03.120] in general.
[01:17:03.120 –> 01:17:04.400] I mean, yes.
[01:17:04.400 –> 01:17:10.680] But the point I’m trying to get at is it was accomplishing things no other game was maybe
[01:17:10.680 –> 01:17:15.600] not like mechanically or gameplay wise per se.
[01:17:15.600 –> 01:17:22.920] But like there was romance, this game had romance options back then you had your farm
[01:17:22.920 –> 01:17:25.360] with cycles and stuff like that.
[01:17:25.360 –> 01:17:32.520] There was no other game that was, it’s, it, I’m actually shocked by how many staples were
[01:17:32.520 –> 01:17:40.760] are already in this game, poorly done, poorly executed, but the ideas are all there.
[01:17:40.760 –> 01:17:47.360] I will accept all the, the rhythms and, and core concepts of what make a farming game
[01:17:47.360 –> 01:17:49.760] enjoyable are all there.
[01:17:49.760 –> 01:17:54.480] And so I’m not surprised that, Oh, people really like this because when I think of other
[01:17:54.480 –> 01:18:00.720] or I scrolled down the list of the stuff available on the SNES, like you’re looking at stuff
[01:18:00.720 –> 01:18:04.820] that was well polished and well done, but very different, right?
[01:18:04.820 –> 01:18:10.900] It was stuff like Mario or fighting games or whatever stuff that had a very start end
[01:18:10.900 –> 01:18:11.900] point sort of thing.
[01:18:11.900 –> 01:18:14.420] Like here’s the start of the level, there’s the end of the level.
[01:18:14.420 –> 01:18:16.420] And so, you know, very linear.
[01:18:16.420 –> 01:18:20.020] That’s that’s the word I’m thinking of here.
[01:18:20.020 –> 01:18:21.020] So like, yeah.
[01:18:21.020 –> 01:18:22.020] Yeah.
[01:18:22.020 –> 01:18:25.680] I mean, of course, like I, I, I totally agree that nobody’s going to enjoy this because
[01:18:25.680 –> 01:18:32.160] we’re in the year 2023 and the most basic things are just so much better on, on anything
[01:18:32.160 –> 01:18:39.600] else on any other modern game, the worst, the worst 2023 farming game, you know, they’re
[01:18:39.600 –> 01:18:40.600] better.
[01:18:40.600 –> 01:18:41.600] That would be better than this.
[01:18:41.600 –> 01:18:49.640] Well, my, my point is like, it’s interesting to Harvard twins of Anthos comes out and then
[01:18:49.640 –> 01:18:51.760] we’ll revisit this stuff.
[01:18:51.760 –> 01:18:53.300] I think you’re totally fair though.
[01:18:53.300 –> 01:19:00.520] Like there’s so much in this game that is like concepts that are still a thing now.
[01:19:00.520 –> 01:19:01.520] Yes.
[01:19:01.880 –> 01:19:09.760] You can’t have a farming game without them, but everything was just slightly worse than
[01:19:09.760 –> 01:19:10.760] you.
[01:19:10.760 –> 01:19:11.760] Yes.
[01:19:11.760 –> 01:19:12.760] I mean, absolutely.
[01:19:12.760 –> 01:19:13.760] Right.
[01:19:13.760 –> 01:19:18.920] And this is even to this day, farming games are still a game that very much improve with
[01:19:18.920 –> 01:19:20.200] each iteration.
[01:19:20.200 –> 01:19:21.200] Yeah.
[01:19:21.200 –> 01:19:26.080] Like games are still getting better building off even just Stardew Valley or pretty modern
[01:19:26.080 –> 01:19:27.080] one.
[01:19:27.080 –> 01:19:28.080] Right.
[01:19:28.080 –> 01:19:29.080] Yeah.
[01:19:29.080 –> 01:19:31.400] Like, and even in their own series, like, I mean, we’re, we’ve spent how much time
[01:19:32.280 –> 01:19:36.160] talking about winds of Anthos, like, Holy mackerel, like, look, look how much it’s progressed
[01:19:36.160 –> 01:19:40.840] from the other, you know, not story of season harvest moon games.
[01:19:40.840 –> 01:19:42.000] Yeah.
[01:19:42.000 –> 01:19:50.240] So like, it’s, I am a person, like I didn’t play this game originally, but I am a person
[01:19:50.240 –> 01:19:54.080] who very much thinks about context of these sorts of things.
[01:19:54.080 –> 01:20:01.480] And I always give big props to, uh, two games that, that were the first of their kind or
[01:20:01.480 –> 01:20:04.000] started a franchise or series or whatever.
[01:20:04.000 –> 01:20:05.000] Right.
[01:20:05.000 –> 01:20:06.640] Like, look at Pokemon.
[01:20:06.640 –> 01:20:12.680] I was going to make that comparison, but I think that, I think that, yeah, poke Pokemon.
[01:20:12.680 –> 01:20:19.160] I think that there’s a lot about those original games, which is terrible, but I think that’s
[01:20:19.160 –> 01:20:23.640] an interesting comparison because it came out the same year, the first version of Pokemon.
[01:20:23.640 –> 01:20:24.640] Really?
[01:20:24.640 –> 01:20:25.640] Yeah.
[01:20:25.640 –> 01:20:29.040] 1996 first version came out in 1996.
[01:20:29.040 –> 01:20:34.840] Um, and I think there are many things about Pokemon that are better than this.
[01:20:34.840 –> 01:20:35.840] Right.
[01:20:35.840 –> 01:20:40.120] And they both brought up, they brought, they both came out in the same year with the, with
[01:20:40.120 –> 01:20:47.080] a brand new concept that no one had ever done before and started a phenomenon that is still
[01:20:47.080 –> 01:20:48.800] going now.
[01:20:48.800 –> 01:20:54.320] I think that although Pokemon is definitely flawed and it’s not necessarily fun to play
[01:20:54.320 –> 01:20:55.320] anymore.
[01:20:55.320 –> 01:20:56.320] I think they did it better.
[01:20:56.320 –> 01:21:03.040] Well, well, I’m going to, I’m, you know, a lot of ways you’re right, but I poke, I think
[01:21:03.040 –> 01:21:07.280] harvest moon is more, more of a new concept than Pokemon was at that time.
[01:21:07.280 –> 01:21:08.280] Right.
[01:21:08.280 –> 01:21:10.240] What was, what, what, what had done Pokemon before Pokemon?
[01:21:10.240 –> 01:21:16.200] Well, the thing is, okay, the monster collecting, no, but what you do actually do gameplay wise
[01:21:16.200 –> 01:21:17.800] in Pokemon is battle stuff.
[01:21:17.800 –> 01:21:19.780] And that’s been well established by that point.
[01:21:19.780 –> 01:21:24.080] Final fantasy turn based battles, inventory stuff, that all existed plenty.
[01:21:24.080 –> 01:21:29.840] Like, I mean, the inventory stuff is the stuff that this game does worse, right?
[01:21:29.840 –> 01:21:31.120] This is the interesting thing.
[01:21:31.120 –> 01:21:35.000] What this game does badly is things that other games had done better.
[01:21:35.000 –> 01:21:36.520] And that’s what I think is really interesting.
[01:21:36.520 –> 01:21:38.640] So inventory management is terrible.
[01:21:38.640 –> 01:21:40.160] Time management is terrible.
[01:21:40.160 –> 01:21:41.400] Do you know what the time is in game?
[01:21:41.400 –> 01:21:43.600] No, of course you don’t know what the time is in game.
[01:21:43.600 –> 01:21:48.160] There is like, I think you can actually get a clock, but it’s wild that you have to get
[01:21:48.160 –> 01:21:49.160] it.
[01:21:49.160 –> 01:21:50.160] It’s wild.
[01:21:50.160 –> 01:21:52.160] There’s no menu.
[01:21:52.160 –> 01:21:54.320] There’s no actual menu in game.
[01:21:54.320 –> 01:22:00.560] There’s there’s no, um, like there’s so much information you just get, you know, all of
[01:22:00.560 –> 01:22:03.320] these things were done better in other games.
[01:22:03.320 –> 01:22:07.760] And ironically, the things that they did new are the better bits that they did.
[01:22:07.760 –> 01:22:08.760] Yeah, you’re right.
[01:22:08.760 –> 01:22:09.760] You’re right.
[01:22:09.760 –> 01:22:10.760] You’re right.
[01:22:10.760 –> 01:22:15.320] Like, I didn’t realize it cannot seem to be a Pokemon that doesn’t have a menu of any
[01:22:15.320 –> 01:22:16.320] kind.
[01:22:16.320 –> 01:22:17.320] That is wild.
[01:22:17.320 –> 01:22:18.320] Wild.
[01:22:18.320 –> 01:22:19.320] That’s nuts.
[01:22:19.320 –> 01:22:20.320] Oh, no.
[01:22:20.320 –> 01:22:21.320] Okay.
[01:22:21.320 –> 01:22:22.320] You’re right.
[01:22:22.320 –> 01:22:24.320] When you put it like that.
[01:22:24.320 –> 01:22:25.320] Yeah.
[01:22:25.320 –> 01:22:30.840] But, um, yeah, there was a lot more they could have learned from other games for sure.
[01:22:30.840 –> 01:22:32.800] Inventory menus, basic, basic things like that.
[01:22:32.800 –> 01:22:35.280] Which they obviously did learn in future games.
[01:22:35.280 –> 01:22:39.680] And I don’t know if we have any information, like there’s a lot of information we have
[01:22:39.680 –> 01:22:45.080] about the development of the first Pokemon games and how close it was to financial ruin
[01:22:45.080 –> 01:22:46.080] and collapse.
[01:22:46.080 –> 01:22:47.080] Right.
[01:22:47.080 –> 01:22:52.560] And I wonder if there was a similar thing here with a lot of games, the first in a franchise
[01:22:52.560 –> 01:22:56.840] or the first in a, there’s a lot of cases where you have that where they’re just like,
[01:22:56.840 –> 01:22:59.480] just teetering on the edge of never happening.
[01:22:59.480 –> 01:23:02.760] Honestly, this feels like even a level below.
[01:23:02.760 –> 01:23:06.760] It feels like this was somebody’s garage project.
[01:23:07.560 –> 01:23:11.560] I suspect what they did was like spend so much time building up the unique aspects of
[01:23:11.560 –> 01:23:16.120] the game and then going, Oh no, we need to release this because we need money.
[01:23:16.120 –> 01:23:18.380] And so they went, Oh, well, it’s good enough.
[01:23:18.380 –> 01:23:22.400] We don’t need those other aspects of the game, right?
[01:23:22.400 –> 01:23:23.400] You know what?
[01:23:23.400 –> 01:23:24.400] I wouldn’t be surprised.
[01:23:24.400 –> 01:23:28.280] Like that sounds super plausible because I feel like a lot of game development back then
[01:23:28.280 –> 01:23:32.800] was kind of like that where that’s the thing because game development now is so much easier
[01:23:32.800 –> 01:23:37.440] because there are so many like developed tools that I can go onto the internet and
[01:23:37.440 –> 01:23:38.440] use.
[01:23:38.440 –> 01:23:39.440] Well, sure, sure.
[01:23:39.440 –> 01:23:40.440] Right.
[01:23:40.440 –> 01:23:41.440] Okay.
[01:23:41.440 –> 01:23:45.560] Making a game in this style is so much easier because you have so many tools, you have frameworks
[01:23:45.560 –> 01:23:49.280] and tools that people have been developing for decades.
[01:23:49.280 –> 01:23:54.400] These games were built in assembly code.
[01:23:54.400 –> 01:24:00.520] And so like they weren’t, you just, you just didn’t have that much, you had to build everything
[01:24:00.520 –> 01:24:01.520] yourself.
[01:24:01.520 –> 01:24:04.800] The good thing about it is if you’re building a game just now, you can just go copy paste
[01:24:04.800 –> 01:24:08.240] that library and Hey, I’ve got dialogue now, right?
[01:24:08.240 –> 01:24:11.660] Like I can, I can, I then have to tune it and I, you know, do all these things, but
[01:24:11.660 –> 01:24:16.160] like that exists and it’s like inventory management, include that library, now I’ve got inventory
[01:24:16.160 –> 01:24:17.160] management.
[01:24:17.160 –> 01:24:20.620] And the good thing about that is that allows you to focus on the unique aspects of your
[01:24:20.620 –> 01:24:23.760] game rather than just trying to reinvent the wheel.
[01:24:23.760 –> 01:24:27.800] And Harvest Moon took that to the core and they didn’t reinvent the wheel at all.
[01:24:27.800 –> 01:24:31.440] They didn’t invent it at all.
[01:24:31.440 –> 01:24:33.160] No wheels in this game.
[01:24:33.160 –> 01:24:34.720] Yeah, exactly.
[01:24:34.720 –> 01:24:35.720] Exactly.
[01:24:35.720 –> 01:24:38.700] Um, yeah, no, you’re super right.
[01:24:38.700 –> 01:24:41.520] And this is fascinating to think about.
[01:24:41.520 –> 01:24:42.520] I would love, you’re right.
[01:24:42.520 –> 01:24:48.200] I’d love to learn more about the development to see, answer a lot of these questions and
[01:24:48.200 –> 01:24:54.160] probably it would shed a light, a lot of light on the game itself, like how we ended up this
[01:24:54.160 –> 01:24:55.160] way.
[01:24:55.160 –> 01:25:01.360] But, um, but yes, like I, I I’m with you like, yeah, I can’t recommend this to anyone to
[01:25:01.360 –> 01:25:06.040] actually play it cause it’s, it’s, it’s just wild the stuff that is missing, like I said,
[01:25:06.040 –> 01:25:07.040] no wheels.
[01:25:07.040 –> 01:25:15.520] Um, but at the, on the same, at the same time, like I said, it blows my mind how Harvest
[01:25:15.520 –> 01:25:17.280] Moon it was at the beginning.
[01:25:17.280 –> 01:25:21.020] Like the identity is there very, very primitive fashion at times.
[01:25:21.020 –> 01:25:24.880] The number of things like the hot springs was in the first game.
[01:25:24.880 –> 01:25:25.880] Yes.
[01:25:25.880 –> 01:25:26.880] Why?
[01:25:26.880 –> 01:25:31.920] No, that is wild to me that they included that in, that was it all the way back in 1996.
[01:25:31.920 –> 01:25:32.920] They had the hot springs.
[01:25:32.920 –> 01:25:36.920] I totally expected that would have been a newer thing.
[01:25:36.920 –> 01:25:37.920] Yes.
[01:25:37.920 –> 01:25:38.920] Right.
[01:25:38.920 –> 01:25:46.640] You there’s gifts, there’s romanceable characters, different tastes kind of, um, the festivals,
[01:25:46.640 –> 01:25:48.240] the festivals that are there.
[01:25:48.240 –> 01:25:49.240] It’s Oh my gosh.
[01:25:49.240 –> 01:25:51.240] It’s in it.
[01:25:51.240 –> 01:25:56.360] Fishing is, yeah, I, I didn’t, there’s no, there’s not mining, but there is a cave that
[01:25:56.360 –> 01:26:00.040] you can find things in, which is, it feels like it’s the start of mine.
[01:26:00.040 –> 01:26:01.040] Absolutely.
[01:26:01.040 –> 01:26:02.040] Yeah, absolutely.
[01:26:02.040 –> 01:26:05.200] Um, and like the, the, the town is the pretty standard town.
[01:26:05.200 –> 01:26:10.000] I mean, I guess not a very visually distinct and interesting town, but it has everything
[01:26:10.000 –> 01:26:13.240] that you expect a farming came to have.
[01:26:13.240 –> 01:26:17.560] The crops, the livestock, the bar, the bars there.
[01:26:17.560 –> 01:26:21.160] Good luck figuring out which one is which.
[01:26:21.160 –> 01:26:23.560] I can’t, Oh my gosh.
[01:26:23.560 –> 01:26:24.560] There were two sides.
[01:26:24.560 –> 01:26:26.040] I kept forgetting that was a cow.
[01:26:26.040 –> 01:26:28.640] I can’t remember what I kept thinking it was.
[01:26:28.640 –> 01:26:29.640] But I think it was the beer.
[01:26:29.640 –> 01:26:34.560] I think I kept getting the beer and the cow signs confused.
[01:26:34.560 –> 01:26:38.080] You definitely, I think I will say if you do want to play this game, which if you, I
[01:26:38.080 –> 01:26:43.160] think the only reason to play this game is either because you have so much nostalgia
[01:26:43.160 –> 01:26:45.080] for it, which I don’t think very many people have.
[01:26:45.080 –> 01:26:49.740] Cause as we’ve discussed before, I think the vast majority of people who had, who played
[01:26:49.740 –> 01:26:54.320] farming games when they were young, when they were, you know, a child or whatever, or a
[01:26:54.320 –> 01:26:56.680] young adult, it was a wonderful life.
[01:26:56.680 –> 01:26:58.680] That was their first one.
[01:26:58.680 –> 01:27:04.800] But, which by the way, if you want to play, if you want to go play that game, the remake
[01:27:04.800 –> 01:27:06.760] is so much better than this.
[01:27:06.760 –> 01:27:07.760] Definitely go do that.
[01:27:07.760 –> 01:27:08.760] Oh, absolutely.
[01:27:08.760 –> 01:27:11.060] I have been playing it at the same time actually.
[01:27:11.060 –> 01:27:15.160] And so it’s, it’s quite the comparison to see the two.
[01:27:15.160 –> 01:27:16.160] Yeah.
[01:27:16.160 –> 01:27:17.160] Cause when was that?
[01:27:17.160 –> 01:27:18.160] Was that 2002?
[01:27:18.160 –> 01:27:19.160] Was it?
[01:27:19.160 –> 01:27:20.160] Two or three, something like that.
[01:27:20.160 –> 01:27:21.160] Yeah.
[01:27:21.160 –> 01:27:24.080] So it’s less, it’s less than a decade between these two games.
[01:27:24.080 –> 01:27:26.280] Again, that jump we were talking about, right?
[01:27:26.280 –> 01:27:30.540] Between Mario 64 and uh, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:27:30.540 –> 01:27:32.280] And sunshine is the same thing here.
[01:27:32.280 –> 01:27:33.280] Yeah.
[01:27:33.280 –> 01:27:34.280] Yeah.
[01:27:34.280 –> 01:27:35.280] It’s crazy.
[01:27:35.280 –> 01:27:36.280] Um, what was my thought?
[01:27:36.280 –> 01:27:37.280] Oh yeah.
[01:27:37.280 –> 01:27:39.680] So if you, the only reason other than the nostalgia, if you really have the nostalgia
[01:27:39.680 –> 01:27:44.800] for this game, if the only other reason to play this is as a history lesson to be like,
[01:27:44.800 –> 01:27:46.720] yeah, this is what it was.
[01:27:46.720 –> 01:27:52.960] If you’re going to do it, please, please play with the manual in front of you.
[01:27:52.960 –> 01:27:53.960] Just do it.
[01:27:54.040 –> 01:27:56.320] Cause that is how they would have played back then.
[01:27:56.320 –> 01:27:57.320] Yup.
[01:27:57.320 –> 01:27:58.320] That was intended.
[01:27:58.320 –> 01:28:00.600] The game, the manual came with the game and you would have used it.
[01:28:00.600 –> 01:28:02.760] That’s how people would have played the game.
[01:28:02.760 –> 01:28:08.440] So please don’t be like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that’s
[01:28:08.440 –> 01:28:09.440] not what I’m saying.
[01:28:09.440 –> 01:28:10.440] Don’t you dare.
[01:28:10.440 –> 01:28:11.440] That’s not what I’m saying.
[01:28:11.440 –> 01:28:12.440] That’s not what I’m saying.
[01:28:12.440 –> 01:28:13.440] I’m saying don’t do, don’t do nothing.
[01:28:13.440 –> 01:28:14.440] That’s what I’m saying.
[01:28:14.440 –> 01:28:20.280] Sit there with the manual because it is actually a very good manual and it’s like your, so,
[01:28:20.280 –> 01:28:26.120] so the, the big thing is like, as I say, the town design is terrible, but the, you
[01:28:26.120 –> 01:28:29.000] have a map and it tells you everything on the map in the manual.
[01:28:29.000 –> 01:28:30.000] Oh, that’s nice.
[01:28:30.000 –> 01:28:33.240] Like it’s just an, it’s like, oh, which of these things is the one I want to go to?
[01:28:33.240 –> 01:28:34.760] Oh, I want to go to the pub, right?
[01:28:34.760 –> 01:28:35.760] That, well, that’s, that’s that one.
[01:28:35.760 –> 01:28:36.760] Let me go to it.
[01:28:36.760 –> 01:28:37.760] Right.
[01:28:37.760 –> 01:28:38.760] So much better.
[01:28:38.760 –> 01:28:39.760] Yeah.
[01:28:39.760 –> 01:28:46.720] I will say, I think someone who, I don’t actually know this, but it sure feels like it.
[01:28:46.720 –> 01:28:52.920] I bet, I’m concerned Nate played this game at some point in his life because when I heard
[01:28:52.920 –> 01:28:56.640] Stardew is inspired by Harvest Moon, like I just said, okay, sure.
[01:28:56.640 –> 01:28:58.920] There’s the, the farming and all that stuff.
[01:28:58.920 –> 01:29:04.800] But when I look at this game, it’s like, oh, this is what he was inspired by.
[01:29:04.800 –> 01:29:07.520] I mean, well, that’s, that’s the interesting thing.
[01:29:07.520 –> 01:29:10.120] Stardew is basically the modern version of this game.
[01:29:10.120 –> 01:29:11.120] It really is.
[01:29:11.120 –> 01:29:18.040] Like, even just visually, aesthetically, you can see the line, how we looked that game
[01:29:18.040 –> 01:29:22.640] and you turn your head, okay, that’s, that’s how we got to Stardew.
[01:29:22.640 –> 01:29:28.440] It is absolutely fascinating in that sense, like seeing where all of this came from.
[01:29:28.440 –> 01:29:32.040] And I can totally understand playing this game and being like, this would be great as
[01:29:32.040 –> 01:29:35.160] a modern game and looking at all the other ones and going, they’re just not quite the
[01:29:35.160 –> 01:29:36.160] same.
[01:29:36.160 –> 01:29:39.120] And that’s why you would end up in that situation of going, you know what, I’m going to do that.
[01:29:39.120 –> 01:29:46.160] I’m going to make this game nice and good to play and fun, which is the thing is missing.
[01:29:46.160 –> 01:29:50.480] Yeah, you’re not wrong.
[01:29:50.480 –> 01:29:54.400] It’s very, it was certainly has been very interesting to play.
[01:29:54.400 –> 01:29:55.400] But I don’t know about you.
[01:29:55.400 –> 01:29:56.400] I’m not playing.
[01:29:56.400 –> 01:29:57.600] I’m not opening that game again.
[01:29:57.600 –> 01:30:05.520] Oh, yeah, no, no, I like stopped like, like Monday, I played like two or three days.
[01:30:05.520 –> 01:30:07.640] We only agreed a week ago to do this.
[01:30:07.640 –> 01:30:12.120] I was trying to get through a season, I got pretty far like day 20, something like that.
[01:30:12.120 –> 01:30:18.640] But I just there’s other stuff to story of seasons, my the remakes right there, the wonderful
[01:30:18.640 –> 01:30:19.640] one.
[01:30:19.640 –> 01:30:20.640] Yeah.
[01:30:20.640 –> 01:30:28.000] Um, but man, yeah, for anyone that it’s weird, I’ve never recommended a game for purely like
[01:30:28.000 –> 01:30:30.680] academic or curiosity reason.
[01:30:30.680 –> 01:30:36.680] But that’s what this is you can and and as I said, the pace is actually like lightning
[01:30:36.720 –> 01:30:37.720] fast.
[01:30:37.720 –> 01:30:43.320] The fastest farming game I think I’ve ever seen you a day is done in like, less than
[01:30:43.320 –> 01:30:44.320] five minutes.
[01:30:44.320 –> 01:30:45.320] It’s it’s nuts.
[01:30:45.320 –> 01:30:46.320] Yeah.
[01:30:46.320 –> 01:30:47.320] Good luck trying to do anything.
[01:30:47.320 –> 01:30:48.320] Yeah, yeah.
[01:30:48.320 –> 01:30:49.320] You got to pick one thing.
[01:30:49.320 –> 01:30:51.200] And that’s all you get for that one day.
[01:30:51.200 –> 01:30:55.760] One interesting thing is because I did Google because I was curious how like the day night
[01:30:55.760 –> 01:31:00.800] system work because one thing I noticed you don’t actually like conk out anytime on night
[01:31:00.800 –> 01:31:04.320] when it hits night, which I think is like 6pm in game or whatever it just stops you
[01:31:04.320 –> 01:31:05.320] have the rest.
[01:31:05.320 –> 01:31:08.020] You can do whatever you want forever.
[01:31:08.020 –> 01:31:09.480] Which is an interesting mechanic.
[01:31:09.480 –> 01:31:11.200] Yeah, that’s interesting.
[01:31:11.200 –> 01:31:15.120] So you can actually just save all your watering and stuff towards the for the end of the day,
[01:31:15.120 –> 01:31:20.440] if you want to do others, but anyways, the point I was trying to make it is quick to
[01:31:20.440 –> 01:31:24.020] spend 20 minutes in this game and say, okay, that’s what it is.
[01:31:24.020 –> 01:31:27.160] That’s really cool to see and just never ever touch it again.
[01:31:27.160 –> 01:31:28.160] Yeah.
[01:31:28.160 –> 01:31:29.160] Yeah.
[01:31:29.160 –> 01:31:32.160] But that’s the reason to play it is the only.
[01:31:32.160 –> 01:31:38.320] I don’t regret spending the time because it is I feel enlightened for sure.
[01:31:38.320 –> 01:31:41.120] And again, huge, huge problems.
[01:31:41.120 –> 01:31:48.480] But the Harvest Moon charm is there primitive in some spots, but it is clearly Harvest Moon.
[01:31:48.480 –> 01:31:49.480] Yeah.
[01:31:49.480 –> 01:31:50.480] Um, yeah.
[01:31:50.480 –> 01:31:52.080] And so that’s, that’s great.
[01:31:52.080 –> 01:31:56.280] I like like I said, I like context for things in general, right.
[01:31:56.280 –> 01:32:02.840] And this provides so much context for like Stardew and just all these other farming game
[01:32:02.840 –> 01:32:03.840] things.
[01:32:03.840 –> 01:32:04.840] Um, it’s great.
[01:32:04.840 –> 01:32:09.480] I’m I really feel satisfied in that sense.
[01:32:09.480 –> 01:32:10.940] Why?
[01:32:10.940 –> 01:32:14.840] Why is the mayor’s house bigger than all of the other buildings put together?
[01:32:14.840 –> 01:32:15.840] What are you talking about?
[01:32:15.840 –> 01:32:20.880] I mean, you can ask that in this day in 2023 in certain places.
[01:32:20.880 –> 01:32:24.080] Absolutely massive.
[01:32:24.080 –> 01:32:25.080] It’s pretty big.
[01:32:25.080 –> 01:32:29.440] Like four or five rooms, which is like the rest of the town.
[01:32:29.440 –> 01:32:31.440] Wings of it.
[01:32:31.440 –> 01:32:34.360] You walk up and it’s a courtyard you’re walking into to get into.
[01:32:34.360 –> 01:32:35.360] It is wild.
[01:32:35.360 –> 01:32:38.960] The funny thing is, it’s like right next to the church.
[01:32:38.960 –> 01:32:44.520] The church could fit inside this house.
[01:32:44.520 –> 01:32:46.520] It really could.
[01:32:46.520 –> 01:32:50.240] One thing about the church, like, it’s wild to me.
[01:32:50.240 –> 01:32:54.080] It’s the first time a game has ever asked me, do you believe in God?
[01:32:54.080 –> 01:32:58.880] Like, whoa, whoa, we’re getting, we’re getting in there high harvest moon.
[01:32:58.880 –> 01:32:59.880] All right.
[01:32:59.880 –> 01:33:00.880] All right.
[01:33:00.880 –> 01:33:01.880] Deep here.
[01:33:01.880 –> 01:33:13.200] Oh, there wasn’t an option to start a discussion on what is God that’s anything else you want
[01:33:13.200 –> 01:33:14.200] to cover about this game.
[01:33:14.200 –> 01:33:16.720] No, that, I mean, that’s, I didn’t get a cow.
[01:33:16.720 –> 01:33:21.320] I will say that like even back then that trope was there where you got to build up to get
[01:33:21.320 –> 01:33:22.320] an animal.
[01:33:22.560 –> 01:33:25.840] Well, they also, interestingly, even if you have the money, they sometimes won’t sell
[01:33:25.840 –> 01:33:28.040] you the cow if you’re not ready for it.
[01:33:28.040 –> 01:33:29.040] Yeah.
[01:33:29.040 –> 01:33:32.000] I actually had enough money to buy a chicken and I wanted to, but they said I didn’t have
[01:33:32.000 –> 01:33:33.640] enough grass growing for my chicken.
[01:33:33.640 –> 01:33:34.640] Yeah.
[01:33:34.640 –> 01:33:37.800] I guess you’re and they won’t sell to you on a rainy day either.
[01:33:37.800 –> 01:33:42.040] It’s like, no, today’s not a good day to have moved animals or whatever.
[01:33:42.040 –> 01:33:43.040] Like, oh, okay.
[01:33:43.040 –> 01:33:44.040] I guess you guys care about your livestock.
[01:33:44.040 –> 01:33:45.040] That’s cool.
[01:33:45.040 –> 01:33:46.040] It’s interesting.
[01:33:46.040 –> 01:33:48.440] I mean, I don’t think, I don’t think it adds fun to the game.
[01:33:48.560 –> 01:33:49.560] No, of course not.
[01:33:49.560 –> 01:33:53.320] This is definitely one of the balance of like realistic versus fun.
[01:33:53.320 –> 01:33:57.160] I don’t think that’s a fun aspect, but it’s an interesting one.
[01:33:57.160 –> 01:33:59.000] Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
[01:33:59.000 –> 01:34:00.000] For sure.
[01:34:00.000 –> 01:34:06.000] Like I’m, you know, again, considering you only have a two item inventory, like I’m just
[01:34:06.000 –> 01:34:08.640] rolling along with anything they give me at that point.
[01:34:08.640 –> 01:34:09.640] Oh my word.
[01:34:09.640 –> 01:34:14.040] I just, I like that is the thing that drives me the most insane about this game.
[01:34:14.040 –> 01:34:17.480] It’s like, oh, you got to go and get your watering can and water them and then you have
[01:34:17.520 –> 01:34:18.520] to go get your difference.
[01:34:18.520 –> 01:34:19.520] It’s like, oh my word.
[01:34:19.520 –> 01:34:22.600] I can’t even with this.
[01:34:22.600 –> 01:34:27.080] The one thing that drives me insane, that drives me bonkers.
[01:34:27.080 –> 01:34:32.360] So surprisingly, when you get a bag of seeds, you can, it’s actually nine seeds and you
[01:34:32.360 –> 01:34:34.360] spread it in three by three square.
[01:34:34.360 –> 01:34:35.360] Right.
[01:34:35.360 –> 01:34:38.040] Um, would you ensure, okay, whatever.
[01:34:38.040 –> 01:34:43.520] What kills me, what kills me is that when the plants start growing, you can’t reach
[01:34:43.520 –> 01:34:45.040] the middle one.
[01:34:45.080 –> 01:34:50.120] You can’t water the middle one until you pluck the other ones.
[01:34:50.120 –> 01:34:53.120] Oh, it hurts.
[01:34:53.120 –> 01:34:58.520] Oh, okay.
[01:34:58.520 –> 01:34:59.520] That’s Harvest Moon.
[01:34:59.520 –> 01:35:00.520] Ladies and gentlemen.
[01:35:00.520 –> 01:35:03.600] That is Harvest Moon, the original on SNES.
[01:35:03.600 –> 01:35:12.720] OG hats off to you for kickstarting our careers here among many, many other things.
[01:35:12.720 –> 01:35:19.800] What would we be without you, but I’m so glad I never have to play you again.
[01:35:19.800 –> 01:35:20.800] It’s very interesting.
[01:35:20.800 –> 01:35:21.800] Yep.
[01:35:21.800 –> 01:35:22.800] Um, awesome.
[01:35:22.800 –> 01:35:23.800] All right.
[01:35:23.800 –> 01:35:25.760] Thank you, Kevin, for joining me.
[01:35:25.760 –> 01:35:28.080] Thank you, Al, for having me.
[01:35:28.080 –> 01:35:30.200] Where can people find you on the internet?
[01:35:30.200 –> 01:35:40.160] People can find me at Koopa Prez on my personal account if you want to see retweets and other
[01:35:40.160 –> 01:35:41.160] things.
[01:35:41.160 –> 01:35:45.880] Hey, I actually did the PR for the last week’s episode, the Ray Chase interview on there.
[01:35:45.880 –> 01:35:46.880] So there you go.
[01:35:46.880 –> 01:35:47.880] There’s something.
[01:35:47.880 –> 01:35:51.840] Um, yeah, you can, uh, a good fun episode.
[01:35:51.840 –> 01:35:52.840] I enjoyed, I enjoyed it.
[01:35:52.840 –> 01:35:58.300] I hadn’t edited the, the, the interview before we recorded last week’s, but it was good to,
[01:35:58.300 –> 01:35:59.300] to listen to the interview.
[01:35:59.300 –> 01:36:00.920] If you haven’t listened to that yet, go back and listen to it.
[01:36:00.920 –> 01:36:02.360] I actually might go back and listen.
[01:36:02.360 –> 01:36:03.360] I don’t remember.
[01:36:03.360 –> 01:36:05.480] It was months ago when we recorded that.
[01:36:05.480 –> 01:36:09.920] So he’s a, he seems like a really good guy and Ray’s fantastic.
[01:36:09.920 –> 01:36:11.400] It was really interesting.
[01:36:11.400 –> 01:36:12.400] Yeah.
[01:36:12.400 –> 01:36:13.400] Yeah.
[01:36:13.400 –> 01:36:16.280] Go back and if you haven’t checked that last week, except to go back and listen, um, Ray’s
[01:36:16.280 –> 01:36:18.360] Ray’s fantastic fella.
[01:36:18.360 –> 01:36:22.160] Um, you can find me at SpriterSquared if you want to see art.
[01:36:22.160 –> 01:36:24.760] Um, I’ve actually been dabbling in non sprite art.
[01:36:24.760 –> 01:36:28.960] I haven’t posted much of it, but, um, you can see art stuff there.
[01:36:28.960 –> 01:36:33.960] Um, you can also find me at Rainbow Mario pod.
[01:36:33.960 –> 01:36:39.200] That’s the correct handle, Rainbow Mario pod, which is the Twitter account for a Rainbow
[01:36:39.200 –> 01:36:40.200] road radio.
[01:36:40.200 –> 01:36:46.320] The Mario podcast I do with our mutual friend Alex, um, as, as discussed earlier, we we’ve
[01:36:46.320 –> 01:36:48.640] done too many episodes in a row.
[01:36:48.640 –> 01:36:53.780] Um, sunshine was last week and actually I just saw, he’s just dropped it literally just
[01:36:53.780 –> 01:36:58.920] this, this, you know, within the last hour as we’re recording it’s yeah.
[01:36:58.920 –> 01:37:05.440] During recording the episode dropped of, uh, our discussion of the super Mario wonder direct,
[01:37:05.440 –> 01:37:07.960] um, plenty of good stuff to talk about in there.
[01:37:07.960 –> 01:37:12.720] Of course, hopefully that episode doesn’t leak something about this podcast I’ve been
[01:37:12.720 –> 01:37:13.720] thinking about.
[01:37:13.720 –> 01:37:18.980] It’s weird that I’m leaking things that are recorded, didn’t record, but they release
[01:37:18.980 –> 01:37:20.020] in different order.
[01:37:20.020 –> 01:37:21.520] It’s wild.
[01:37:21.520 –> 01:37:28.240] Um, anyways, um, so, uh, actually this time I didn’t link, but I hinted, I didn’t say
[01:37:28.240 –> 01:37:34.480] the game this time, but I just said, uh, why booted up the SNES for the first time.
[01:37:34.480 –> 01:37:36.520] It’s not problems, not problem.
[01:37:36.520 –> 01:37:43.000] The, the, the Ray chase, it was just funny how like the episode came out like 12 hours
[01:37:43.000 –> 01:37:46.920] before the podcast was meant to come out and I was listening to it and they were like,
[01:37:46.920 –> 01:37:47.920] Oh yeah.
[01:37:47.920 –> 01:37:48.920] We’re into Ray chase.
[01:37:48.920 –> 01:37:49.920] I’m like, Whoa.
[01:37:49.920 –> 01:37:50.920] Okay.
[01:37:50.920 –> 01:37:51.920] Right.
[01:37:51.920 –> 01:37:52.920] Wow.
[01:37:52.920 –> 01:37:53.920] You know what?
[01:37:53.920 –> 01:37:54.920] I’ll just release the episode now.
[01:37:54.920 –> 01:37:55.920] So I released a few hours early.
[01:37:55.920 –> 01:37:56.920] Um, yeah.
[01:37:56.920 –> 01:37:57.920] Good times.
[01:37:57.920 –> 01:38:02.240] Um, but yeah, so yeah, again, you can find me at Cooper press ride personal at spread
[01:38:02.240 –> 01:38:06.480] squared for art or at rainbow Mario pod for the, uh, Mario podcast.
[01:38:06.480 –> 01:38:07.480] Okay.
[01:38:07.480 –> 01:38:08.480] Uh, where do people find you?
[01:38:08.480 –> 01:38:09.480] Oh, sorry.
[01:38:09.480 –> 01:38:10.480] You, I was yawning.
[01:38:10.480 –> 01:38:11.480] Well, that’s fine.
[01:38:11.480 –> 01:38:12.480] That’s fine.
[01:38:12.480 –> 01:38:14.720] I thought I would get the young finished before you know.
[01:38:14.720 –> 01:38:19.000] Oh, I should also add, well, you’re going to hear in the episode, but, uh, I’m, I’m,
[01:38:19.000 –> 01:38:23.900] you know, we just started, uh, uh, pushing this, the PR, the marketing for rainbow road,
[01:38:23.900 –> 01:38:27.520] but we’re actually gonna, uh, Alex is going on a vacation for a month.
[01:38:27.520 –> 01:38:30.080] So it’s, it’s the downtime, but that’s okay.
[01:38:30.080 –> 01:38:31.080] We’re gonna come back.
[01:38:31.080 –> 01:38:32.080] It’s going to be rainbow road.
[01:38:32.080 –> 01:38:37.160] She put in the, the 2.0 or one point I’ll update some would call this the early access
[01:38:37.160 –> 01:38:38.160] season zero.
[01:38:38.160 –> 01:38:39.160] Who knows?
[01:38:39.160 –> 01:38:40.160] No, it’s all not.
[01:38:40.160 –> 01:38:49.200] Uh, well, what do you think Disney is this, um, cool.
[01:38:49.200 –> 01:38:57.800] You can find me on various social media, including mastadon.scott as the Scott, the Scott, but
[01:38:57.800 –> 01:39:04.000] sorry, I, I hiccuped during the first time saying that, um, you can follow the podcast
[01:39:04.000 –> 01:39:11.880] at THS pod on tumblr and on whatever we call that other social media, you can find links
[01:39:11.880 –> 01:39:17.200] to everything to do with the podcast on our website, harvest, including a
[01:39:17.200 –> 01:39:24.140] link to our Patrion slash THS pod, uh, where you can support the podcast,
[01:39:24.140 –> 01:39:30.940] get access to additional episodes, including one we just released about some movie recommendations
[01:39:30.940 –> 01:39:34.820] we’ve done wild episodes lately.
[01:39:34.820 –> 01:39:37.580] And that one was wild, even by those standards.
[01:39:37.580 –> 01:39:43.340] Um, I also like that, uh, we, uh, last week we said, we don’t know when the next one would
[01:39:43.340 –> 01:39:44.340] be.
[01:39:44.340 –> 01:39:46.660] And then like two, five minutes later, we said, Oh, you want to record on the house?
[01:39:46.660 –> 01:39:47.660] Do it.
[01:39:47.660 –> 01:39:48.880] We were not lying.
[01:39:48.880 –> 01:39:50.820] We did not know when it would be.
[01:39:50.820 –> 01:39:51.820] Nope.
[01:39:51.820 –> 01:39:55.420] Um, you get two extra episodes of those a month, roughly.
[01:39:55.420 –> 01:39:59.140] I mean, on average, it’s been the case, but I think we went like three months without
[01:39:59.140 –> 01:40:00.140] getting one.
[01:40:00.140 –> 01:40:01.980] And then we got eight weeks in a row of getting one.
[01:40:01.980 –> 01:40:06.960] So, um, but on average, you get two a month, um, of that.
[01:40:06.960 –> 01:40:12.780] And I also access to the slack, which has a whole bunch of weird people who, for some
[01:40:12.780 –> 01:40:13.780] reason, give me money.
[01:40:13.780 –> 01:40:16.780] Most of them are the hosts, so you know how weird they are.
[01:40:16.780 –> 01:40:19.060] I don’t think it’s most of them.
[01:40:19.060 –> 01:40:20.060] Well, no.
[01:40:20.060 –> 01:40:21.060] Okay.
[01:40:21.300 –> 01:40:27.940] A significant portion, a significant portion of the, uh, uh, shall we say the, uh, most
[01:40:27.940 –> 01:40:29.980] people who chat, they’re the most active people.
[01:40:29.980 –> 01:40:30.980] Thank you.
[01:40:30.980 –> 01:40:31.980] That’s the word.
[01:40:31.980 –> 01:40:32.980] Yes.
[01:40:32.980 –> 01:40:33.980] So yeah.
[01:40:33.980 –> 01:40:34.980] Come chat to us.
[01:40:34.980 –> 01:40:41.420] Tell us what you are looking forward to in this, the end of the year of madness, as we
[01:40:41.420 –> 01:40:43.980] have so many games coming out, especially September.
[01:40:43.980 –> 01:40:49.300] What should we give the name September, September, something September.
[01:40:49.340 –> 01:40:58.740] This, I don’t know, that’s all that matters because all that matters September, I’m opening
[01:40:58.740 –> 01:41:02.380] up a thesaurus sub September.
[01:41:02.380 –> 01:41:04.640] No, no, I know.
[01:41:04.640 –> 01:41:06.540] I’m just thinking, I’m trying to roll off that.
[01:41:06.540 –> 01:41:13.060] Um, he would just, I want a word that begins with S I’m not the harvest September, September.
[01:41:13.060 –> 01:41:14.060] Sure.
[01:41:15.060 –> 01:41:20.060] Oh, screwball September.
[01:41:20.060 –> 01:41:25.780] Oh, screwball every week here, what are you talking about?
[01:41:25.780 –> 01:41:26.780] Silly September.
[01:41:26.780 –> 01:41:29.140] I still stand by that.
[01:41:29.140 –> 01:41:33.860] I’m going with silly September because I’ve already said somewhere that September is looking
[01:41:33.860 –> 01:41:34.860] silly.
[01:41:34.860 –> 01:41:36.580] How did I not realize I did not already.
[01:41:36.580 –> 01:41:37.580] Let’s go for it.
[01:41:37.580 –> 01:41:42.060] September 2023 is silly September because there are too many games releasing.
[01:41:42.060 –> 01:41:45.580] Let us know which game you’re going to play from silly September.
[01:41:45.580 –> 01:41:46.580] Do let us know.
[01:41:46.580 –> 01:41:50.340] Please tell us why it’s not Manenko, if it’s not.
[01:41:50.340 –> 01:41:54.940] And you’re wrong, but do let us know, you know, we always ask for feedback and stuff.
[01:41:54.940 –> 01:41:56.260] I don’t think we get enough.
[01:41:56.260 –> 01:41:57.340] I like feedback.
[01:41:57.340 –> 01:42:02.620] I want to see people’s thoughts, the questions here get us wrong.
[01:42:02.620 –> 01:42:10.060] So I really push you dear listeners to give some thoughts on any of those social medias
[01:42:10.060 –> 01:42:12.300] so we can respond to them.
[01:42:12.300 –> 01:42:18.820] It’s fun to interact with people outside the host, you know, so do that, get your name
[01:42:18.820 –> 01:42:20.820] said on air live.
[01:42:20.820 –> 01:42:21.820] Yeah.
[01:42:21.820 –> 01:42:25.420] All right, I think that’s everything.
[01:42:25.420 –> 01:42:27.440] Thank you Kevin for joining me.
[01:42:27.440 –> 01:42:28.900] Thank you Al for having me.
[01:42:28.900 –> 01:42:30.620] Thank you listeners for listening.
[01:42:30.620 –> 01:42:35.540] It’s been a pleasure and until next time, have a good harvest.
[01:42:41.060 –> 01:42:45.820] The Harvest Season is created by Al McKinley with support from our patrons, including our
[01:42:45.820 –> 01:42:49.660] pro farmers, Kevin, Stuart and Alisa.
[01:42:49.660 –> 01:42:54.260] Our art is done by Micah the Brave and our music is done by Nick Burgess.
[01:42:54.260 –> 01:42:59.980] Feel free to visit our website for show notes and links to things we discussed
[01:42:59.980 –> 01:43:02.380] in this episode.
[01:43:02.380 –> 01:43:13.260] I feel like in the future we should just take Ray saying it and just put it back in for
[01:43:13.260 –> 01:43:14.260] every episode.
[01:43:14.260 –> 01:43:15.260] He did.
[01:43:15.260 –> 01:43:18.620] I mean, he did the sexy Wesley voice, you know, you know, I don’t blame you.