Raschelle just wants to be a Gingerbread Farmer

We talk about all of the news of the past month, and talk about the Ooblets Epic exclusivity controversity

Also, Summer in Mara is delayed, Doraemon Story of Seasons has a release date, Snacko devs are going full time, and we have a bunch of new information on upcoming games.


[00:30] Intro
[03:07] Feedback
[08:21] What are we playing?
[11:28] News
[31:46] Ooblets Controversy
[01:09:57] Outro

Summer in Mara delay
Doraemon Story of Seasons release date
Snacko devs going full time
Forager new enemies
Rune Factory 5 teaser
Littlewood Updates
Pumpkin Days

Ooblets Epic Exclusivity



Raschelle: https://twitter.com/MissDellaney
Al: https://twitter.com/TheScotBot
Email Us: https://harvestseason.club/contact/